
Lt.Eric Miles,25th Dragoons with Henry and Charles RAC depot, Poona 1943

Inscribed on the back," RAC Depot Poona, self, Henry and Charles". I wonder who Henry and Charles were and their rank?

Lt.Eric Miles,25th Dragoons with Henry and Charles RAC depot, Poona 1943
richardmiles, Apr 27, 2014
    • Bernard85
      good day richardmiles.april eric miles 25th dragoons, with henry and charles rac depot poona 1943.great photo of mates,the shorts are still in style,you should be able to find out who your mates were .mind you its a long time ago,best of luck.regards bernard85
    • richardmiles
      Many thanks Bernard85. Somewhere I have my father's Troop book with the names of his men.
    • Bernard85
      good day you for your reply.nice to hear from you,regards bernard85
    • richardmiles
      "Charles" on the right was Lt.Charles Trevor Vesey Fitzherbert, an Anglo Argentine Officer like my father.Charles was in the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards),a cadre of which formed the 25th Dragoons, who died on the 13th April 1944 in the Battle of Nunshigum, leading No.4 Troop "B" Squadron,(its Officer commanding having been killed) in an attempt to take Nunshigum on the India Burma border.He is buried in the Imphal Cemetery, India.
    • richardmiles
      I think that "Henry" in the middle of the photo next to my father at left was the elder Brother of Lt. Charles Fitzherbert. He was Beresford Ivo Fitzherbert,He gained the rank of Captain in the service of the Probyn's Horse (Indian Armoured Corps) during WWII.They were all great friends.
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