This is the transcription of the "Landing Table 3 British Infantry Division Group" for the First Tide, dated 19 March 1944, including Amendments No. 2 (undated), from The National Archives file WO 219/3075.
It is an updated and corrected version of the previous one(s) as posted here:
Landing Table First Tide British 3rd Infantry Division
The usual word of caution applies here too: this is probably one of the first versions of the Landing Table, and represents what was being planned as of 19 Mar 44. Amendments were allowed - and were issued - until 20 May, and additional last-minute changes did happen between 20 May and D Day. However, it does give a fair image of the First Tide loading plan, and changes that did take place were mostly minor ones.
File format is Excel 97/2003 for broader compatibility. Please read sheet "Guide" first. Sheet "Filter" is especially useful for extracting specific data by whatever combination of criteria you choose.
Comments, corrections, suggestions & additions welcome, especially new LTIN/Hull numbers matches.

Updated Resource Landing Table - 3 British Infantry Division Group (First Tide) 3.0
SWORD Landing Table First Tide - March 1944