Private DESMOND ADAMS 14422299, Dorsetshire Regiment and No. 6, Commando who died age 19 on 06 June 1944 Son of Stanley and Daisy Adams, of...
Good morning, through this marvellous forum, I've managed to not only find out a lot about my father in law’s unit but also contact some relatives...
Would any members have any information about exercise SAVVY. I believe that this was a Canadian amphibious artillery exercise held in preparation...
Hi everyone - I've got my dad's service records from '43-'45 in the RASC then when he served in the MEF in Palestine from '45-'47, and although I...
I recently found the date when my Dad was wounded on 6th July 1944. Would anyone know exactly where the 2nd Battalion KLR were serving on that...
Gentlemen, I am looking for data on an incident that took place in Hechtel Belgium on September 8th 1944. It concerns the action in which...
Any information please on Private 14670114 Gerald Arthur Bristow The Hallamshire Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment. Killed in Action near...
I am new to the forum and I am trying to find out more about my grandfather's movements in 1944. I have a copy of his service record but the...
Hi, I’m doing a bit of research on my grandfather who when demobbed in 46 was part of 257 battery of the 65th Antitank regiment, part of 7th...
I know the Wiltshires of the 43rd Wessex Division received reinforcements from the Green Howards in early 1944 (see Barron's "From the city, from...
I recently obtained the records of my late uncle. He served in both Africa and Italy and has been awarded the Africa Star (1st Army) and Italy...
Joe Fennah in the People news paper, September 11th 1988 edition. Might have claimed that british paratroopers were murdered and there bodies were...
Hello - would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? I am trying to locate details of the initial assembly areas in Normandy to which...
Any information please, or of the action he was killed in; Lance Corporal, 5343310 Sydney Bowler 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Killed...
Fri 21 June 2024 @ 0830 REHS webinar – 80th Anniversary of the Italian Campaign, Sappers in Italy 1943 – 1945 & Contemporary Challenges...
Hi everyone, I'm Kirsty, I'm attempting to research my cousin three times removed (I've already started to search for his records) as we are...
Hi all, putting on a small exhibition in my home village to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. One royal naval vessel adopted by the town...
Hello folks, for my private research I am looking for some information about the 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade and the Regiment Les Fusiliers...
Separate names with a comma.