101 Coy REME?

Discussion in 'REME/RAOC' started by cyrus, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. cyrus

    cyrus Junior Member


    I'm currently going through the personal file of a REME-Sergeant to list up the units he served in, before ordering the war diaries.
    It seems that he was posted to 101 Coy REME on December 7 1942. A search on the NA-website gave no results. I did however find a RASC, RE and Provost unit but no RAOC or REME...

    Does anyone have anymore info regarding 101 Coy REME or can you point me in the right direction?

    Thank you.

  2. Trux

    Trux 21 AG


    As far as I know the only REME Company was the Recovery Company. These were numbered in the 1.. series.

  3. DannyM

    DannyM Member

    Is this the unit you are after ?

    WO 169/6147 Royal Army Ordnance Corps and Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers : 101 Army Tank Ordnance Workshop, later 101 Infantry Tank Workshop (RAOC REME Wksp) 1942 Apr.- Dec.


  4. cyrus

    cyrus Junior Member

    Thanks Mike and Danny.

    Postings in his file are as follows:

    103 Army Tank Workshop RAOC - May 12, 1942.
    103 Army Tank Workshop REME - October 1, 1942 (formation of REME as of this date).
    Posted to 101 Coy REME - December 7, 1942.
    Posted to 146 Infantry Brigade Workshop - March 18, 1943.

    101 Coy will probably have to be 101 Infantry Tank Workshop then I assume?
  5. Trux

    Trux 21 AG

    Danny is right of course. When the RAOC operated the workshops they did have Company in their title. Later this disappeared. I am fixated on 1944/45 and forgot this.

  6. cyrus

    cyrus Junior Member

    Hi Danny,

    I'm not quite sure this is the unit I'm after since it seems to be in the WO169-series (British Forces, Middle East).
    The Sergeant I'm researching never left England before June '44 so I assume his unit's diaries should be in the WO166-series (Home Forces)? That's where I found the other units he was posted to...


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