121241 Major Niall Campbell MacDIARMID, MiD*, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Discussion in 'British Army Units - Others' started by dbf, Dec 22, 2022.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Personal Number: 121241
    Rank: Major
    Name: Niall Campbell MacDIARMID, MiD*
    Unit: Rifle Brigade ; Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

    London Gazette : 1 March 1940
    The undermentioned Cadets (Offr. Cadet Trng. Unit, Sandhurst), to be 2nd Lts. 25th Feb. 1940:—
    A. & S.H.
    Niall Campbell MACDIARMID (121241), from Rifle Bde.

    London Gazette : 23 March 1944
    The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned in recognition ol gallant and distinguished services in Sicily: —
    A. & S.H.
    Capt. (temp. Maj.) N. C. MacDiarmid (121241).

    London Gazette : 24 August 1944
    The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy : —
    A. & S.H.
    Lt. (temp. Capt.) N. C. MacDiarmid (121241).

    London Gazette : 18 July 1952
    A. & S.H.
    Lt. (War Subs. Capt.) Niall Campbell MACDIARMID (121241) from Emerg. Commn., to be Capt., 6th Apr. 1952, with seniority 18th July 1948, is granted the actg. rank of Maj., 6th Apr. 1952, and seconded for service on the Staff.

    London Gazette : 24 September 1965
    The Minister of Power, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by the Gas Act, 1948, and the Regulations made thereunder, has re-appointed the following to be part-time members of Area Gas Boards constituted under the said A ct:
    N. C. Macdiarmid, Esq.—East Midlands Gas Board.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

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