2nd Bn King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1941/42

Discussion in 'Burma & India' started by High Wood, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    The name Joby was taken from the roll compiled by Corporal John Heald which appears in the Tanner book. I assumed that it was his nick name rather than a typo.

    4689819. Barton. Pte. (Rotherham) Joby Batman to Capt Baxter. "B" Coy.
  2. Steve1234

    Steve1234 New Member

    Should this read Joby Barton to capture Baxter ?
    4689819 A Coy Pte Barton Joby? Thought the question mark was querying his name.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Granddad went Missing in burma for around a year any ideas where he went. ? Grandma thought he was dead when he turned up a year later. She said she fainted when she saw him. Gran was Burmese.
    Any guidance where I can find what he got up to would be much appreciated.
  3. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    The Heald list is notoriously inaccurate and I spent a lot of time researching and correcting the names. The question mark was questioning his name but I assumed that it was his nickname. The list gives a few nicknames, e.g. Abbott. J. (Bud), Ashcroft "Joey" Pte. PoW. (Real name John), Birch A.T. (Atty) Sgt signal section, Arundel "Darky" L/Cpl. (Real name Leslie), and so on.

    The reference to his role states that he was Captain Baxter's batman.
  4. Steve1234

    Steve1234 New Member

    Wow thank you so much for that .
  5. DeeDee!

    DeeDee! Member

    Hi there
    I'm desperately trying to trace my grandfather George Hewitt's war history, but we have no real information other then what my Aunty has told my mum who is 19 years her junior. My aunt believes he was in the York and Lancaster as was his father before him. We have a photo of him in uniform with my nan, but can't really see much of the insignia if any. We do know that he was stationed at Ebrington barracks in Derry Northern Ireland, as it is his given address on his wedding certificate when he married my Gran in Ireland in 1932. My Aunt said that he had served in Tobruk and El Alamein, and had also been a prisoner of war in Italy. does anyone know how we can find his numbers with so little info?
  6. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce

    DeeDee! likes this.
  7. Debra pagdin

    Debra pagdin New Member

    Hi All,
    I have noted your list of service personnel. My great grandad Samuel WHITFIELD 4533292 is on your list and we are desperately trying to find more information about his military career. Ive requested his records be unsealed but I’m just wondering how you know he was the tallest man and where your information as come from so I can see if I can get anything further.
  8. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    Hello Debra,

    I have very little information on Samuel Whitfield. The details that I have come from a list of names compiled by Corporal John Heald that formed appendix D in the book, Burma 1942. Memories of a retreat. The Diary of Ralph Tanner, KOYLI. The information in the list is inaccurate and I was unable to add any further information regarding your great grandfather from official sources currently open to the public.

    The full entry against his name on the list reads: 4533292. Whitfield. S. "Shofti". Tallest man in band. Big bass drum. Died 1988.

    He does not appeared to have been wounded as his name does not appear in the casualty lists. Presumably he made it out of Burma and continued to serve in India from 1942 onwards. You will need to apply for his service papers to get more details.
  9. DeeDee!

    DeeDee! Member

    Ok I didn't realise asking in a forum about the 2nd battalion was the same as asking about my grandfather in general...But I am new. I thought that I was asking the person stating he may be able to help.....does this mean he won't be able? I have my grandads army number now.

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