33 Americans Sail From Singapore 23/12/44 by Captain David Nelson

Discussion in 'Prisoners of War' started by papiermache, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. papiermache

    papiermache Well-Known Member

    A list prepared in Changi from information supplied by 38025825 Pte Saldana, HA - 131 Fd Arty.

    Transcription from WO361/2198. Note that "OVS" means "overseas". Captain David Nelson and the Bureau of Record and Enquiry were working in secret at Changi, about 15 miles away from the port at Singapore town, so had to rely on scraps of information.

    "U.S.A. Nationals OVS on 23 December 1944

    The following (33) arrived from Thailand at River Valley Road on 8 July 1944.

    With the exception of Slc Rushing ( sick at Changi as at 1 Jan 45 ) the remainder are believed to have left OVS 23 Dec 44, with a party as under:-

    A.I.F - 407 (? 408)

    U.S.A. - 32

    R.N.F. - 86

    The party were issued with warm clothing.
    Details reported by 38025825 Pte Saldana, HA - 131 Fd Arty

    20813581 Pvt Barnes DF 131 Fd
    38027517 Pvt Branum DD 131 Fd
    20813353 Pvt Derrick CL 131 Fd
    38036043 Pvt Dickenson WD 131 Fd
    20814102 Cpl Duckworth JH 131 Fd
    38026049 Pvt Garcia AG 131 Fd
    38038463 Pvt Hammons RH 131 Fd
    38036031 Pvt Harris DD 131 Fd
    20813608 Pvt Lawley GP 131 Fd
    20813673 Sgt Lewis MB 131 Fd
    38025825 Pvt Saldana RA 131 Fd
    38036263 Pvt Scroggins HW 131 Fd
    38050408 Pvt Wehring TB 131 Fd
    38065142 Pvt Wootan TC 131 Fd
    Cox Bevel BV US Navy
    3813776 Slc Castro M US Navy
    Flc Detre GE US Navy
    F2c Ferguson JA US Navy
    Slc Herman RJ US Navy
    2286303 RM3c Hurd MC US Navy
    Flc Krekan A US Navy
    3601782 Slc Rushing RC US Navy Changi 1/1/45
    3754805 Slc Starr MC US Navy
    Slc Vogt LW US Navy
    Flc Wampler CA US Navy
    S2c Warken AN US Navy
    MM2c Weeks RS US Navy
    FC3c Wilker MW US Navy
    Cpl Battles LF USMC
    Pte Bukowsky EG USMC
    Ptelc Gee JW USMC
    Pte McFarland TJ USMC
    Pte Quick FB USMC "

    WO361:2198-33 USA.jpg
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