Analysis of Third Reich Institutions

Discussion in 'Research Material' started by Adrian_12, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. Adrian_12

    Adrian_12 New Member

    I am writing a term paper on the analysis of Institutions (socio-cultural and economic) of the Third Reich. Having a problem with the sources due to the low possibility of access to documents / memoirs / articles from periodicals of that time. There is a good book called "Confessions Of The Old Wizard" by the main financier of 3rd Reich Hjalmar Schacht, but that's not enough for my research). Are there any available materials (not just literature, but real sources) about the economy, consumption, leisure, mass media of the Third Reich? Materials, database, memoirs not in English language on this topic are also welcome
  2. ltdan

    ltdan Nietenzähler

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