BEF 1940. War Establishment Tables.

Discussion in '1940' started by Trux, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Following on from Aixman's epic work on War Establishment tables, and the comments posted recently about the non availability, and high cost of second hand copies, of Alan Philson's trilogy on BEF War Establishments I have looked out my old works on the subject. These contain all the information contained in the War Establishment tables plus such other information as I could find. The format is the same as for the Trux 21 Army Group section on this forum.

    Originally published as booklets the information was later posted on the old Trux website. When this website closed some 15 years ago the Administrator of WW2 Talk offered to host all the Trux War Establishment work for 21 Army Group but the BEF work could not be recovered.


    Post 5. Infantry Battalion.
    Post 6. Infantry Brigade and Infantry Brigade Anti Tank Company.
    Post 7. Motor Battalion.
    Post 9. Motorcycle Battalion.
    Post 11. Machine Gun Battalion.
    Post 12. Infantry Garrison Battalion.
    Post 13. Cavalry Regiment.

    Royal Artillery.
    Post 15. Field Regiment RA.
    Post 16. Ditto.
    Post 17. Royal Horse Artillery Regiment.
    Post 18. Medium Artillery RA
    Post 20. Ditto.
    Post 22. Ditto.
    Post 23. Heavy Artillery RA.
    Post 24. Ditto.
    Post 26. Super Heavy Artillery RA.
    Post 27. Survey Regiment RA.
    Post 28. Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    Post 29. Anti Aircraft Regiment RA.

    Royal Armoured Corps.
    Post 30. Armoured Car Regiment.
    Post 31 Headquarters Army Tank Brigade.
    Post 32. Army Tank Brigade RASC, RAMC and RAOC.
    Post 33. Army Tank Battalion.
    Post 34. Headquarters Armoured Reconnaissance Brigade.
    Post 35. Cavalry Light Tank Regiment.
    Post 37. Armoured Regiment.
    Post 38. Light Tank Regiment.
    Post 39. Reorganisation of Armoured Regiments.

    Royal Engineers.
    Post 40. Royal Engineers in an Infantry Division. Headquarters and Field Company.
    Post 41. Field Park Company.
    Post 42. Royal Engineers in an Armoured Division. Headquarters and Field Squadron.
    Post 43. Field Park Troop.
    Post 44. Royal Engineers in a Corps.

    Royal Signals.
    Post 46. Infantry Division Signals.
    Post 47. Motor Division Signals.
    Post 48. Corps Signals. Wireless sets.

    Royal Army Service Corps.
    Post 49. Infantry Division RASC. Headquarters and Supply Company.
    Post 50. Infantry Division Ammunition Company.
    Post 51. Infantry Division Petrol Company.
    Post 52. Motor Division RASC. Headquarters and Supply Company.
    Post 53. Motor Division Ammunition Company.
    Post 54. Motor Division Ammunition Sub Park.
    Post 55. Motor Division Petrol Company.
    Post 56. Troop Carrying Company.
    Post 57. Corps Troops Supply Column.
    Post 58. Corps Troops Ammunition Column.
    Post 59. Corps Troops Petrol Park.
    Post 60. Bridge Company.
    Post 62. Bridges.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
  2. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    I have a file containing a copy of the old Trux site, including the BEF parts. It's been more than useful over the years.
    Aixman likes this.
  3. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    I know that two others were sensible enough to download a copy.

    I think there is already sufficient interest so I will begin. It is very wet and unpleasant here and I have nothing better to do.

    Aixman likes this.
  4. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    Mike, someone helped me by sharing downloaded details (and I'm embarrassed to say that I can't recall who). I'm not clever enough to have done it myself. It all works and opens up as per the old website, but heaven knows how !
  5. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Infantry Battalion.
    Infantry Brigade and Anti Tank Company.
    Motor Battalion.
    Motor Cycle Battalion.
    Machine Gun Battalion.


    War Establishment II/1931/12F/1 is for an infantry battalion on the Higher Establishment.

    The infantry battalion of 1939 had gone through a series of re organisations, as had the rest of the army, but it was still a unit which was expected to march on its feet. Long movements would be by rail as they had been for a century. Shorter moves might be made by RASC lorries if they were available, but tactical moves depended on marching. The battalions own transport was often hard pushed to transport the necessary equipment, stores and rations. All the battalion transport was mechanised. There was no horsed transport in the BEF.

    Battalions were still largely independent units, although formed into brigades in the BEF. The battalion was still organised so that it could help garrison and police the Empire. The system gave each peace time regiment two battalions so that at any one time there would be a battalion serving overseas and a battalion at home. The home battalion was to provide drafts for the overseas battalion. Every so often the battalions changed over. Thus some of the support weapons and administrative services normally provided by a higher formation in Continental armies were given to each battalion in the British Army to make a fairly self contained unit.

    The tactics and philosophy of the infantry battalion were little different to those of WWI. A great deal of time was still spent on digging extensive trench works while mobility, mixed arm tactics or independent section tactics were largely neglected.

    In 1939 the infantry battalion consisted of a headquarters, headquarters’ company and four rifle companies.

    Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer
    Major, Second in Command
    5 X Major (could be Captain if insufficient Majors)
    4 X Captain
    Captain, Adjutant
    8 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    5 X Company Serjeant Major
    11 X Platoon Serjeant Major (Warrant Officer Class III). By May 1940 there was generally sufficient officers to replace these.
    5 X company quartermaster serjeant
    intelligence serjeant
    serjeant clerk
    provost serjeant
    medical serjeant
    transport serjeant
    2 X serjeant cook
    serjeant technical storeman
    18 X serjeant
    53 X corporal
    650 rank and file
    Total 800

    equipment repairer
    6 X carpenter
    2 X motor mechanic
    14 X driver mechanic
    2 X technical storeman

    Non tradesmen
    23 X batman
    10 X cook
    8 X clerk
    55 X driver IC
    4 X sanitary duties
    2 X water duties
    2 X rangetaker
    2 X officers mess cook
    2 X serjeants mess cook
    6 X storeman
    26 X signaller
    33 X orderlies
    20 X stretcher bearers
    3 X regimental police
    6 X intelligence duties
    medical officers orderly
    34 X mortar detachment
    10 X pioneer
    425 X gun numbers and rifleman

    Medical Officer RAMC
    serjeant armourer RAOC
    shoemaker RAOC
    3 X fitter, motor vehicle RAOC
    Chaplain RAChD
    batman driver
    Total, excluding RAChD

    Detail left at base
    orderly room serjeant

    First reinforcements
    4 X Officer
    Warrant Officer Class II
    3 X Warrant Officer Class III
    staff serjeant
    5 X serjeant
    140 X rank and file including 6 X corporal and 9 X lance corporal

    Of the 53 corporals 10 may be lance serjeants
    40 privates may be lance corporals
    Scottish and Irish battalions, except the Royal Ulster Rifles are allowed a serjeant piper and five pipers in addition.
    Foot Guard battalions are allowed two drill serjeants, Warrant Officer Class II, in addition.
    Eleven platoons are commanded by Warrant Officers Class III who are equipped as officers.
    Note: The unit strengths show that by May 1940 there were sufficient commissioned officers to replace the Warrant Officers Class III.

    35 X bicycle
    14 X motorcycle
    2 X 4 seater car
    9 X 8cwt truck, utility
    29 X 15cwt truck GS
    1 X 15cwt truck Office
    2 X 15cwt truck water
    13 X 30cwt lorry GS
    10 X carrier

    45 X pistol
    734 X rifle
    22 X anti tank rifle
    50 X bren gun
    24 X signal pistol
    12 X 2” mortar
    2 X 3” mortar

    12 rounds on man, 270 rounds in reserve, total 810 rounds
    Signal pistol
    20 rounds with each gun, total 480 rounds
    50 rounds on man, 68,000 rounds in reserve, total 104,550 rounds
    Anti tank rifle
    200 rounds with gun, 880 rounds in reserve, total 5,280 rounds
    Bren lmg
    1000 rounds with gun, 25,000 in reserve, total 75,000 rounds
    180 in reserve
    3” mortar
    75 HE rounds and 45 smoke rounds with gun, 45 HE rounds and 27 smoke rounds in reserve,
    total 195 HE rounds and 117 smoke rounds
    2” mortar
    9 HE rounds and 27 smoke rounds with gun, 180 HE rounds and 540 smoke rounds in reserve,
    total 288 HE rounds and 864 smoke rounds.

    A limit of 60 boxes of small ammunition to be carried in vehicles allotted for ammunition reserve.
    Grenades are carried as a box of 12 per platoon and 3 boxes in battalion reserve.
    Certain personnel carry less than 50 rounds of rifle ammunition.
    Signal bombs for 2” mortar may be carried as required.

    Battalion Headquarters

    The battalion headquarters was small. It contained only those personnel required to plan and command. The Commanding Officer was a Lieutenant Colonel and he was provided with a four seater car. This was usually a Humber Snipe or Ford WOTC but others were also used.

    The Commanding Officer was assisted by his three operational officers, the adjutant, the signal officer and orderly officer. These did not normally have their own transport, but it was laid down that all junior officers should be able to ride a motorcycle. The signal officer would normally ride in the signals 8cwt for long moves. The Orderly Officer would travel with the Commanding Officer and the Adjutant travel with the office truck.

    The adjutant was the battalion staff officer. His operational functions were
    1. To record the Commanding officers verbal orders and to confirm them to those to whom they had been issued.
    2. To implement the Commanding Officers orders, plans and policies.
    3. To organise the battalion office.

    The orderly officer would eventually become the intelligence officer. His role was to assist the Commanding officer by
    1. Collating all available information, including that from the battalions forward units and patrols and from Brigade Headquarters.
    2. Maintaining situation maps, monitoring messages and reports.
    3. Briefing the Commanding Officer on the position and intentions of friendly and enemy units.

    The Signal Officer was responsible for arranging communications from the battalion headquarters to the companies and to the battalion rear headquarters. Although shown on organisation tables as being in the headquarters company with the signals platoon he was very much a part of the battalion headquarters. Signals were dispersed throughout the battalion.

    These three officers shared the manning of the battalion command post. Although each also had their own responsibility they had to be sufficiently aware of each others duties to be able to operate flexibly and interchangeably. At least one of them was always on duty.

    The Second in Command was a Major. His responsibility was the administration of the battalion. He would oversee all non tactical matters, leaving the Commanding Officer and his staff free to plan and implement tactical matters. The Second in Command had an 8 cwt truck and was based at the rear headquarters or echelon of the battalion.

    Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer
    Major, second in command
    Orderly Officer

    44 men including
    Regimental Serjeant major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    orderly room serjeant
    serjeant clerk
    2 X clerk
    intelligence serjeant
    5 X intelligence private
    provost serjeant
    3 X regimental policeman
    7 X batman
    16 X stretcher bearer
    4 X driver (from No6 Platoon)

    - Motorcycle 1
    intelligence private
    - Motorcycle 2
    intelligence private
    - Motorcycle 3
    intelligence private
    - Motorcycle 4
    intelligence serjeant
    - Motorcycle 5
    provost serjeant
    -Motorcycle 6
    regimental policeman
    - Motorcycle 7
    regimental policeman
    - Motorcycle 8
    regimental policeman
    - 8cwt truck
    Major second in command, Intelligence Officer, 2 X intelligence private, driver IC
    - Car 4 seater 4 X 2
    Lieutenant Colonel (Commanding Officer), Adjutant, serjeant clerk, driver IC
    - 15cwt GS truck
    Regimental Serjeant Major, 2 X clerk, intelligence private, driver IC
    - 30 cwt GS lorry
    Medical Officer, medical officers orderly, batman, driver
    There were 3 X bicycle for the use of intelligence

    26 personnel had no permanent place in the battalion transport and normally marched.
    serjeant stretcher bearer
    20 X stretcher bearer
    5 X batman
    Personnel includes four drivers from No 6 Platoon

    Headquarters Company
    Major, Officer Commanding
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    driver IC

    - 8cwt truck GS
    Captain, Company Serjeant Major, range taker, clerk, driver IC
    The company quartermaster serjeant and storeman travelled in the transport of the administrative platoon.
    The captain’s batman had no permanent place in the battalion transport and normally marched.
    Personnel includes one driver from No 6 Platoon.

    No 1, Signals, Platoon
    Signal Officer
    33 men
    signal serjeant
    corporal signaller
    26 X signaller
    5 X orderly
    2 X driver (from No6 Platoon)

    - Bicycle 1
    - Bicycle 2
    - Bicycle 3
    - Bicycle 4
    - Bicycle 5
    - Bicycle 6
    - Bicycle 7
    - Bicycle 8
    - Motorcycle 1
    signal serjeant
    - Motorcycle 2
    - Motorcycle 3
    - 8cwt truck GS
    Subaltern, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal signaller, driver IC
    Carries signal stores
    Carries an anti tank rifle
    19 X signallers do not have a permanent place on unit transport and normally march.
    Personnel includes two drivers from No 6 Platoon.

    No2, AA, Platoon
    WOIII and 15 men
    2 X corporal
    13 X private
    4 X driver from No6 Platoon

    - Motorcycle 1
    Platoon Serjeant Major
    - Motorcycle 2
    - 15cwt truck GS 1
    corporal, 3 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - 15cwt truck GS 2
    3 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - 15cwt truck GS 3
    corporal, 3 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - 15cwt truck GS 4
    3 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    Personnel includes four drivers from No 6 Platoon

    No 3, Mortar, Platoon
    WOIII and 14 men

    - Bicycle 1
    - Bicycle 2
    - Motorcycle 1
    Platoon Serjeant Major
    - Motorcycle 2
    - 15cwt truck GS 1
    serjeant, driver IC
    Carries a 3” mortar and an anti tank rifle
    - 15cwt truck GS 2
    range taker, driver IC
    Carries a 3” mortar
    11 other ranks have no permanent place in battalion transport and normally march.
    Personnel includes two drivers from No 6 Platoon.

    No 4, Carrier, Platoon
    1 officer and 29men

    - Carrier
    Subaltern, batman, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg
    - 15cwt truck GS
    fitter RAOC, driver IC
    Personnel includes one driver from No 6 Platoon

    Section 1
    - Carrier 1
    serjeant, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - Carrier 2
    corporal, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg
    - Carrier 3
    corporal, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg

    Section 2
    - Carrier 1
    serjeant, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - Carrier 2
    corporal, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg
    - Carrier 3
    corporal, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg

    Section 3
    - Carrier 1
    serjeant, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - Carrier 2
    corporal, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg
    - Carrier 3
    corporal, private, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg

    No 5, Pioneer, Platoon
    WOIII and 19 men
    6 X carpenter
    10 X pioneer

    - Bicycle 1
    - Bicycle 2
    - Motorcycle
    Platoon Serjeant Major
    - 15cwt truck GS
    private, driver IC
    Sixteen other ranks have no place in the battalion transport and normally march.
    Personnel includes one driver from No 6 Platoon.

    No 6, Administrative, Platoon.
    Subaltern, Transport Officer
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant technical storeman
    2 X clerk
    equipment repairer
    2 X motor mechanic
    2 X technical storeman
    2 X batman
    2 X serjeant cook
    10 X cook
    2 X officers mess cook
    2 X serjeants mess cook
    55 X driver
    4 X sanitary dutyman
    2 X water dutyman
    armourer RAOC
    shoemaker RAOC
    2 X fitter MT RAOC

    - Motorcycle
    transport serjeant
    - 8cwt truck 1
    Quartermaster, 2 X clerk, batman, driver IC
    - 8cwt truck 2
    Transport Officer, postman, armourer RAOC, fitter RAOC, driver IC
    - 15cwt GS truck 1
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries reserve ammunition
    - 15cwt GS truck 2
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries reserve ammunition
    - 15cwt GS truck 3
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries reserve ammunition
    - 15cwt GS truck 4
    motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries reserve mortar ammunition
    Carries an anti tank rifle
    - 15cwt water truck 1
    water dutyman, driver IC
    - 15cwt water truck 2
    water dutyman, driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS 1
    serjeant cook, officers mess cook, officers mess servant, batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear and rations
    - 30cwt lorry GS 2
    serjeant technical storeman, technical storeman, fitter RAOC, motor mechanic,
    driver IC
    Carries MT stores and tools
    - 30cwt lorry GS 3
    serjeant cook, 3 X cook, butcher, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations
    - 30cwt lorry GS 4
    cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations for A Company
    Carries company quartermaster serjeant from A Company
    - 30cwt lorry GS 5
    cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations for B Company
    Carries company quartermaster serjeant from B Company
    - 30cwt lorry GS 6
    cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations for C Company
    Carries company quartermaster serjeant from C Company
    - 30cwt lorry GS 7
    cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations for D Company
    Carries company quartermaster serjeant from D Company
    - 30cwt lorry GS 8
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, 2 X serjeants mess servants, 3 X cook,
    driver IC
    Carries baggage
    - 30cwt lorry GS 9
    company quartermaster serjeant, technical storeman, driver IC
    Carries baggage
    - 30cwt lorry GS 10
    storeman, driver IC
    Carries anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    - 30cwt lorry GS 11
    equipment repairer, sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    - 30cwt lorry GS 12
    storeman, driver IC
    Carries petrol
    Lorries 10 and 11 carry anti gas capes for the entire battalion plus 25% spare clothing.
    No 6 Platoon provides 35 drivers IC for the sub units of the battalion.

    4 X Rifle Company
    Captain, commanding officer
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    15 men including
    transport corporal
    3 X orderly
    2 X cook
    4 X stretcher bearer
    2 X batman

    - Bicycle
    - Bicycle
    - 8cwt truck
    Major, orderly, clerk, driver IC
    - 15cwt GS truck
    storeman, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries stores and tools

    1 officer and 5 other ranks do not have places on the battalion transport and usually march.
    Personnel includes two drivers IC from No 6 Platoon.

    3 X Rifle platoon.
    Platoon 1 was commanded by a subaltern but the others were commanded by WOIII. (By May 1940 these were almost certainly replaced by officers)

    Platoon I

    2 X 2” mortarman

    - Bicycle
    - 15cwt truck GS
    private, driver IC

    All other platoon personnel march.
    The 15 cwt truck is generally held at company headquarters
    Personnel includes one driver from No 6 Platoon

    3 X section each
    corporal and seven men
    2 X bren gunners
    5 X rifleman

    Platoon 2 and 3 each.
    2 X mortarman

    - Bicycle
    - 15cwt truck GS
    private, driver IC

    All other platoon personnel march.
    The 15 cwt truck is generally held at company headquarters
    Personnel includes one driver from No 6 Platoon

    3 X section each
    corporal and seven men
    2 X bren gunners
    5 X rifleman

    -15cwt truck GS
    private, driver IC

    All other platoon personnel march.
    The 15 cwt truck is generally held at company headquarters
    Personnel includes one driver from No 6 Platoon

    By May 1940 all platoons would be as for Platoon 1. The WO III was generally replaced by a Subaltern and a batman was added.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
  6. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Infantry Brigade Headquarters. War Establishment II/1931/2/4
    Infantry Brigade Anti Tank Company. War Establishment II/1931/12E/1

    The infantry brigade headquarters was essentially a tactical headquarters commanding three infantry battalions. The anti tank company was formed from the anti tank platoons of the infantry battalions. In action other units could be attached to the brigade, either under command or in support. In 1940 there would usually be a machine gun company and a field artillery regiment. There might also be an engineer company and a tank company.

    War Establishment. II/1931/2/4

    Brigade Major
    Staff Captain
    Intelligence Officer
    Transport Officer
    intelligence serjeant
    2 X intelligence dutyman
    serjeant clerk
    3 X clerk
    company quartermaster serjeant
    transport serjeant
    water dutyman
    9 X orderly (drivers)
    6 X orderly (signal section)
    sanitary dutyman
    5 X batman
    3 X batman driver for chaplains
    officers mess cook
    officers mess servant
    9 X driver
    Captain RASC
    clerk RASC
    driver RASC
    motorcyclist RASC
    batman RASC
    clerk RAOC
    3 X armourer RAOC
    fitter RAOC
    motor mechanic RAOC
    3 X Chaplain

    3 X motorcycle
    5 X car 4 seater
    3 X car 2 seater
    4 X 8cwt truck
    3 X 15cwt truck GS
    15cwt truck office
    15cwt truck water
    30cwt lorry for cooks and rations
    30cwt lorry for officers mess
    10 X pistol
    52 X rifle
    2 X Bren lmg
    2 X AT rifle

    War Establishment II/1931/12E/1
    3 X Subaltern
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    3 X serjeant
    transport corporal
    4 X batman
    3 X cook
    16 X driver
    45 X gun number
    4 X private
    4 X motorcycle
    4 X 8cwt truck
    9 X 15cwt truck
    3 X 30cwt lorry
    7 X pistol
    74 X rifle

    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    transport corporal
    3 X motorcycle
    1 X 8cwt truck
    4 X pistol
    2 X rifle

    3 X platoon each
    2 X driver
    1 X private
    1 X 8cwt truck
    1 X 30cwt lorry
    1 X pistol
    6 X rifle

    3 X section each
    4 X gun number
    1 X 15cwt truck
    1 X 25mm anti tank gun
    6 X rifle

    Company Headquarters
    - Motorcycle 1
    Company Serjeant Major
    - Motorcycle 2
    company quartermaster serjeant
    - Motorcycle 3
    transport corporal
    - Motorcycle 4
    - 8cwt truck
    Captain, batman, driver IC

    3 X Platoon each
    - 8cwt truck
    Subaltern, batman, driver IC
    - 15cwt GS truck 1
    corporal, 3 X gun number, driver IC
    carries 80 rounds of AT ammunition, tools and camouflage gear
    Tows 25mm AT gun
    - 15cwt GS truck 2
    corporal, 3 X gun number, driver IC
    carries 80 rounds of AT ammunition, tools and camouflage gear
    Tows 25mm AT gun
    - 15cwt GS truck 3
    corporal, 3 X gun number, driver IC
    carries 80 rounds of AT ammunition, tools and camouflage gear
    Tows 25mm AT gun
    - 30 cwt GS lorry
    serjeant, private, 3 X spare gun number, cook, driver IC
    Carries 240 rounds of AT ammunition, platoon stores and cooking set

    The 25mm anti tank gun was a Hotchkiss purchased from the French. Although the above organisation says that the guns were towed they were in fact somewhat delicate and unstable and were carried in the towing vehicle for all but very short moves.

    The 15 cwt trucks were either Morris CS8 or Bedford MW with modified GS bodies. Simple wooden ramps in the body well held the gun securely. It was not intended that the gun should be fired from the vehicle. Removable wooden ramps for loading and unloading the gun were carried on the body sides.

    No 3 Company, Divisional Signals provided a section for each of the battalions in the brigade. They were responsible for communications to and within the brigade.
    Sections J, K and L (Infantry Brigades)
    All three sections are identical except that one section is commanded by a Captain and the other two by Subalterns.

    - Motorcycle 1
    Warrant Officer III
    - Motorcycle 2
    - Motorcycle 3
    - Motorcycle 4
    despatch rider
    - Motorcycle 5
    despatch rider
    - Motorcycle 6
    despatch rider
    - 8cwt truck FFW 1
    Captain or Subaltern, batman, driver IC
    Can carry Wireless set
    - 8cwt truck FFW 2
    2 X operator
    Carries Wireless set No1
    - 8cwt truck FFW 3
    2 X operator
    Carries Wireless set No1
    - 8cwt truck FFW 4
    2 X operator
    Carries Wireless set No 1
    - 8cwt truck FFW 5
    2 X operator
    Carries Wireless set No1
    - 8cwt truck FFW 6
    2 X operator
    Carries Wireless set No1
    One corporal and three signalman operators are also carried.
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal lineman, 3 X lineman
    Carries a mechanical cable layer
    - 30cwt lorry GS 1
    corporal lineman, 3 X lineman, 4 X orderly, driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS 2
    signalman, electrician, cook, 2 X orderly, driver
    Carries a charging set

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
    Fatboy Coxy, James K, 4jonboy and 2 others like this.
  7. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    War Establishment 1/1931/8D/2.

    The War Establishment for a Motor Battalion was I/1931/8D/2 notified in ACIs for week ending 21 February 1940. This is part of a series of mechanised cavalry establishments. Originally it was intended that Motor Battalions would be found from the cavalry but it was eventually decided that they would be battalions of the rifle regiments, The Rifle Brigade and the Kings Royal Rifle Corp. Motor Battalions were intended to be a part of the armoured division and to be allotted on the scale of one per armoured brigade. They were responsible for close support and defence of the brigade, protecting it from enemy infantry in action and providing defence for the brigade area when not in action.

    Total personnel
    Lieutenant colonel
    Major, second in command
    4 X Major
    6 X Captain
    Captain Adjutant
    12 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    5 X Company Serjeant Major
    8 X WO III
    5 X company quartermaster serjeant
    pioneer serjeant
    provost serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant technical storeman
    serjeant cook
    24 X serjeant
    71 X corporal
    645 X rifleman
    Total 790

    Medical Officer RAMC
    3 X armourer RAOC
    5 X fitter (motor vehicle) RAOC
    electrician RAOC

    Trades included
    carpenter and joiner
    50 X driver mechanics
    12 X driver operator
    2 X equipment repairer
    5 X storeman (technical)
    6 X motor mechanics
    23 X batman
    butchery dutyman
    7 X clerk
    15 X cook
    119 X driver IC
    medical orderly
    2 X regimental policeman
    52 X motorcyclist
    4 X sanitary dutyman
    6 X storeman
    22 X signaller
    15 X stretcher bearer
    water dutyman
    officers mess cook
    officers mess servant
    40 X lmg and AT rifle detachments

    Total vehicles
    57 X motorcycle
    1 X car 4 seater
    16 X 8cwt
    67 X 15cwt GS
    1 X 15cwt office
    1 X 15cwt water
    1 X 15cwt cable layer
    15 X 30cwt GS
    44 X scout carrier
    14 X scout car

    A rifle regiment was generally a normal infantry regiment when it was not organised as a motor battalion. They were originally formed as light regiments which were capable of rapid movement and independent action. In that the wheel had come full circle. They were also originally armed with rifles when the rest of the army had smooth bore muskets so that their fire was much more accurate. The early rifleman was regarded as being superior to the line infantry since he was trained to operate independently, to select targets and to act as a picket, advance guard or rear guard.

    When rifle regiments became infantry regiments they retained many of their distinctions and traditions.
    - They were not regarded as line units but took position on the left of the line on parade etc. The right of the line was reserved for the senior unit, usually the Guards.
    - Even in battle dress the rifle units wore black buttons and badges.
    - Although it was strictly unofficial rifle units blackened their webbing instead of blancoing it. This was a relic of the days when they wore black leather equipment.
    - Rifle regiments did not carry colours.
    - Rifle regiments did not have drums but used bugles for signals. Later this lingered on in the fact that the rifles had bugle bands instead of fife and drum.

    Rifle regiments had a definite cachet and rifle officers regarded themselves as the social equal and tactical superior to the Guards.

    Battalion Headquarters.

    This was the tactical headquarters of the battalion in action. It was administered by the headquarters squadron

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Major, Second in Command
    Captain Adjutant
    Subaltern, Transport Officer
    Subaltern, Liaison Officer
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    provost serjeant
    serjeant clerk
    intelligence serjeant
    20 X rifleman
    armourer RAOC

    Trades included
    9 X driver IC
    medical orderly
    2 X motorcyclist
    2 X orderly
    2 X policeman
    3 X rifleman

    - Car 4 seater
    Lieutenant Colonel, Adjutant, orderly, driver IC
    - 8cwt truck 1
    Major, orderly, driver IC
    - 8cwt truck 2
    Technical Officer, armourer, driver IC.
    - 15cwt truck 1
    Regimental Serjeant Major, serjeant clerk, clerk, orderly, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck 2
    Liaison officer, corporal, 3 X rifleman, driver IC.
    - Scout car 1
    2 X driver IC
    - Scout car 2
    2 X driver IC
    - Motorcycle 1
    intelligence sergeant
    - Motorcycle 2
    provost serjeant
    - Motorcycle 3
    regimental policeman
    - Motorcycle 4
    regimental policeman
    - Motorcycle 5
    - Motorcycle 6

    Headquarters Company
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    driver IC

    - 8cwt truck
    Captain, Company Serjeant Major, company quartermaster serjeant, clerk, driver IC
    - Motorcycle

    Signal platoon
    Subaltern, Signal Officer
    corporal driver operator
    corporal signaller
    3 X driver operator
    5 X driver IC
    5 X motorcyclist
    9 X signaller

    - 8cwt truck 1
    Signal Officer, batman, driver operator, driver IC
    Carries wireless set.
    - 8cwt truck 2
    serjeant, driver operator, signaller, driver IC
    Carries wireless set.
    - 8cwt truck 3
    corporal signaller, 3 X signaller, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck cable laying
    corporal driver operator, 3 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a hand cable layer plus cable reels.
    - 15cwt truck GS
    driver operator, 3 x signaller, driver IC
    - Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    - Motorcycle 3
    - Motorcycle 4
    - Motorcycle 5

    Administrative platoon.
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    pioneer serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant technical storeman
    serjeant cook

    Medical Officer RAMC
    2 X armourer RAOC
    fitter (motor vehicle) RAOC
    electrician RAOC

    Trades included
    2 X carpenter and joiner
    2 X driver mechanics
    2 X equipment repairer
    corporal storeman (technical)
    2 X motor mechanics
    10 X batman
    butchery dutyman
    3 X cook
    officers mess cook
    officers mess servant
    16 X driver IC
    medical orderly
    4 X sanitary dutyman
    2 X storeman
    15 X stretcher bearer
    water dutyman
    2 X rifleman

    - 8cwt truck 1
    Quartermaster, Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, clerk, driver mechanic.
    - 8cwt truck 2
    Transport Officer, armourer, batman, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS 1
    serjeant, 4 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS 2
    corporal 4 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS 3
    corporal 4 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS 4
    2 X rifleman, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS 5
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC.
    - 15cwt water tank
    water dutyman, driver IC.
    - Motorcycle
    transport serjeant
    - 30cwt lorry GS 1
    Medical Officer, batman, medical orderly, 3 X stretcher bearers, driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS 2
    serjeant technical storeman, motor mechanic, MT storeman, fitter MV, driver IC.
    - 30cwt lorry GS 3
    corporal technical storeman, motor mechanic, storeman, armourer, electrician, corporal driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS 4
    2 X equipment repairers, blacksmith, bricklayer, mason, 2 X carpenter and joiner, driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS 5
    postman, sanitary dutyman, 6 X batman, driver IC.
    - 30cwt lorry GS 6
    2 X batman, officers mess cook, officers mess servant, driver mechanic.
    - 30cwt lorry GS 7
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS 8
    serjeant cook, butcher, 3 X cook, driver IC.
    - 30cwt lorry GS 9.
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC.
    - 30cwt lorry GS 10
    pioneer serjeant, driver IC.
    - 30cwt lorry GS 11
    driver IC

    3 X Company.
    Company Serjeant Major
    corporal storeman
    23 X rifleman

    Trades included
    driver mechanic
    driver operator
    storeman (technical)
    2 X batman
    3 X cook
    6 X driver IC
    3 X motorcyclist
    3 X orderly
    3 X signaller

    Fighting portion
    8cwt truck
    Major, Company Serjeant major, clerk, driver mechanic.
    - 8cwt truck
    Captain, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    - Scout car
    signaller, driver IC
    - Motorcycle 1
    - Motorcycle 2
    - Motorcycle 3

    Administrative portion
    - 15cwt truck GS 1
    motor mechanic, technical storeman, transport corporal, fitter MV, driver IC.
    - 15cwt truck GS 2
    company quartermaster serjeant, storeman, 2 X batman, driver IC.
    - 15cwt truck GS 3
    corporal, rifleman, driver IC
    - 30cwt lorry GS
    3 X cooks, driver IC.

    Scout platoon
    2 X serjeant
    5 X corporal
    34 X rifleman

    Trades included
    11 X driver mechanics
    2 X driver operator
    2 X equipment repairer
    5 X storeman (technical)
    6 X motor mechanics
    23 X batman
    butchery dutyman
    7 X clerk
    15 X cook
    4 X driver IC
    5 X motorcyclist

    - Scout Carrier 1
    Subaltern, driver operator, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 2
    corporal, driver operator, driver mechanic.
    - Scout Car 1
    2 X driver IC
    - Scout Car 2
    2 X driver IC
    - Motorcycle
    - Motorcycle

    Carrier section 1
    - Scout Carrier 1
    serjeant, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 2
    corporal, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 3
    lance corporal, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Motorcycle

    Carrier section 2
    - Scout Carrier 1
    serjeant, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 2
    corporal, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 3
    lance corporal, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Motorcycle

    Carrier section 3
    - Scout Carrier 1
    serjeant, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 2
    corporal, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Scout Carrier 3
    lance corporal, rifleman, driver mechanic
    - Motorcycle

    Motor platoon 1
    3 X corporal
    25 X rifleman

    4 X driver

    - 15cwt truck GS
    Subaltern, serjeant, batman, rifleman, driver IC
    - Motorcycle
    Motor section 1
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC
    Motor section 2
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC
    Motor section 3
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC

    Motor platoon 2
    Warrant Officer Class III
    3 X corporal
    25 X rifleman

    4 X driver

    - 15cwt truck GS
    WO III, serjeant, 2 X rifleman, driver IC
    - Motorcycle
    Motor section 1
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC
    Motor section 2
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC
    Motor section 3
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC

    Motor platoon 3
    Warrant Officer Class III
    3 X corporal
    25 X rifleman

    4 X driver

    - 15cwt truck GS
    WO III, serjeant, 2 X rifleman, driver IC
    - Motorcycle
    Motor section 1
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC
    Motor section 2
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC
    Motor section 3
    - 15cwt truck GS
    corporal, 6 X rifleman, driver IC

  8. James K

    James K Well-Known Member

    I didn't see any mention of bands which were an integral part of the infantry battalion in those days. Certainly each company would have had a bugler and the corps of drums would have made a rifle section whilst musicians worked at the RAP.
  9. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    War Establishment II/1931/12D/1

    The Motorcycle Battalion was introduced in 1938/39 as the reconnaissance unit for the new Motor Divisions. Several Territorial Divisions were earmarked for conversion to this new type of formation. Each division would have two fully motorised infantry brigades plus supporting arms and services. The Motor Division idea was abandoned but the motorcycle units were formed and used in France.

    The first three units converted to Motorcycle Battalions were TA infantry battalions
    1 Queen Victoria’s Rifles for 1st London Division
    4 Royal Northumberland Fusiliers for the 50th Northumbrian Division
    5 Loyal Regiment for 55th West Lancashire Division

    In 1939 each of the Territorial Army Divisions was to be duplicated. This was not fully achieved but 2 Queen Victoria’s Rifles was formed as the motorcycle battalion of 2 London Division.

    The first War Establishment table does not seem to have been issued until November 1939. This was WE II/1931/12D/1. However there was a Training Booklet issued in July 1939. There was also a peace establishment which differs in many small respects from the War Establishment
    - there were only eight scout cars instead of the later twenty two
    - there was an anti tank platoon with Boyes anti tank rifles. This was later dispersed to platoons.
    - Transport consisted of a total of seventeen 15cwt, one 30cwt and two 8cwt.
    This was all rather notional since the equipment did not exist anyway.

    There is an excellent series of photographs in the Imperial War Museum showing 4 Royal Northumberland Fusiliers parading with their vehicles

    In many ways the motorcycle battalion was nearer to the concept and organisation of the old cavalry reconnaissance units. The motorcycle combinations had a good cross country performance and could if necessary be manhandled over obstacles. They were capable of operating away from roads to a greater extent than the light tanks and armoured cars. They were also able to operate dismounted in the style of the cavalry. Two men would normally fight on foot while one man remained with the machine. However all the personnel of a platoon could leave the machines and fight as an infantry platoon.

    In an advance the motorcycles would lead the division. They would seize key points such as crossroads and bridges and hold them until heavier forces arrived. They would also protect the flanks from surprise attack. In defence the motorcycle unit would form a screen which would both give early warning of an enemy advance and delay that advance with roadblocks and ambushes.

    Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer
    Major. Second in Command
    3 X Major, Company Commanders
    Captain, Adjutant
    4 X Captain
    12 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    4 X Company Serjeant Major
    3 X Warrant Officer Class III
    4 X company quartermaster serjeants
    pioneer serjeant
    transport serjeant
    provost serjeant
    serjeant cook
    19 X serjeant
    41 X corporal
    468 X private

    Medical Officer RAMC
    Armourer RAOC
    5 X fitter, motor vehicle RAOC

    2 X carpenter and joiner
    corporal driver operator
    14 X driver operator
    17 X driver mechanic
    2 X equipment repairers
    5 X technical storeman
    5 X motor mechanic

    Non tradesmen
    19 X batman
    6 X batman driver
    6 X clerk
    12 X cook
    70 X driver IC
    medical orderly
    38 X motorcycle orderly
    officers mess cook
    3 X officers mess servant
    3 X orderly
    2 X regimental police
    4 X sanitary duties
    25 X signaller
    5 X storeman
    13 X stretcher bearer
    water dutyman

    40 X corporal
    211 X private

    Note that at this early period officers had a batman each. There are batmen for the Medical Officer and the Regimental Serjeant Major included in the figure given.

    Because of the shortage of officers one platoon in each company was commanded by a Warrant Officer Grade III. This was a rank introduced to enable serjeants to be promoted to command a platoon.

    43 X motorcycle
    99 X motor cycle combination
    1 X car 4 seater
    8 X 8cwt GS
    16 X 8cwt Wireless
    27 X 15cwt GS
    1 X 15cwt office
    1 X 15cwt water
    22 X scout car
    12 X 30cwt 6 X 4 lorry

    Weapons and ammunition
    176 X pistol 12 rounds of ammunition per man 1,056 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    399 X rifle 50 rounds of ammunition per man 41,000 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    23 X Anti tank rifle 200 rounds of ammunition per gun 920 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    48 X Bren gun including:
    5 for AA defence 100 rounds of ammunition per gun 2,500 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    27 with mc platoons 100 rounds of ammunition per gun 13,500 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    16 with scout cars 700 rounds of ammunition per gun 12,800 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    9 X 2” mortar with
    High Explosive 9 rounds of ammunition per gun
    Smoke 14 rounds of ammunition per gun 54 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    Signal 40 rounds of ammunition per gun 162 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    22 X signal pistol 12 rounds of ammunition per gun 132 rounds of ammunition in reserve
    144 X hand grenades 1 box of twelve per motorcycle platoon and 3 boxes of twelve in reserve

    Pistols were issued more widely than in most units. Officers, Regimental Serjeant Major, solo motorcyclists, drivers of motorcycle combinations and scout cars all carried pistols.
    Signal flares were in four colours, white, red, yellow and green. Equal numbers of each were carried.

    There was also an attached Signals Section Royal Signals. This was concerned mainly with the charging and delivery of batteries for the battalion’s wireless sets. Early sets used a lot of power and reconnaissance units were expected to be in static positions with the wireless sets in use, if only on listening watch. The early wireless trucks lacked the means to charge batteries. Signals personnel could also maintain wireless sets and carry out minor repairs.

    Signals section RS
    11 men
    1 X 15cwt GS for delivery of batteries
    1 X 3ton GS for charging and maintaining batteries.

    No Light Aid Detachment, Royal Army Ordnance Corp, is listed in the establishment tables but units in France did have one attached. Details are from War Diaries.

    Light Aid Detachment RAOC
    13 men
    1 X motorcycle
    1 X 2 seater car
    1 X 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown Gantry lorry
    1 X 3ton 6 X 4 Stores lorry
    The RASC provided two 3ton GS lorries for carrying stores. These did not normally travel with the battalion.

    Battalion Headquarters
    The battalion headquarters was small, only 25 men in all. It contained only those personnel required to plan and command. The Commanding Officer was a Lieutenant Colonel and he was provided with a four seater car. This was usually a Humber but others were also used.

    The Commanding Officer was assisted by his three operational officers, the adjutant, the technical officer and liaison officer. The signal officer would normally form part of the headquarters group as well although he is listed with the signals platoon. The Adjutant would travel with the Commanding Officer.

    The Adjutant was the battalion staff officer. His operational functions were
    1. To record the Commanding officers verbal orders and to confirm them to those to whom they had been issued.
    2. To implement the Commanding Officers orders, plans and policies.
    3. To organise the battalion office.

    The Liaison Officers role was to assist the Commanding Officer by
    1. Collating all available information, including that from the battalion’s forward units and patrols and from Brigade Headquarters.
    2. Maintaining situation maps, monitoring messages and reports.
    3. Briefing the Commanding Officer on the position and intentions of friendly and enemy units.
    The Liaison Officer would be required to visit forward position if required to verify or amplify information.

    The Signal Officer was responsible for arranging communications from the battalion headquaters to the companies and to the battalion rear headquarters. Although shown on organisation tables as being in the headquarters company with the signals platoon he was very much a part of the battalion headquarters. Signals were dispersed throughout the battalion.

    These three officers shared the manning of the battalion command post. Although each also had their own responsibility they had to be sufficiently aware of each others duties to be able to operate flexibly and interchangeably. At least one of them was always on duty.

    The Technical Officer was not usually a watch keeping officer. His responsibility was to maintain the battalion’s vehicles and to advise the Commanding Officer on the mechanical state of the battalion’s vehicles.

    The Second in Command was a Major. His responsibility was the administration of the battalion. He would oversee all non tactical matters, leaving the Commanding Officer and his staff free to plan and implement tactical matters. The Second in Command had an 8 cwt truck and was based at the rear headquarters or echelon of the battalion.

    The Regimental Serjeant Major was responsible for the control of the headquarters personnel and for the layout of the headquarters area. He arranged for the defence of the headquarters rea, posted sentries and was responsible for the distribution of reserve ammunition. He also assisted with the distribution of food to forward units. The Regimental Serjeant Major was also responsible for the regimental police.

    Lieutenant Colonel, Officer Commanding
    Major, Second in Command
    Captain, Adjutant
    Subaltern, Technical Officer
    Subaltern Liaison Officers
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    provost serjeant
    intelligence Serjeant
    serjeant fitter RAOC
    2 X clerk
    5 X driver IC
    5 X orderly
    2 X regimental police
    2 X rifleman/private

    - 4 seater car
    Commanding Officer, Adjutant, orderly, driver IC
    - 8cwt truck 1
    Major Second in Command, orderly, driver IC
    - 8cwt truck 2
    Technical Officer, clerk, serjeant fitter RAOC, driver IC
    - 15 cwt office truck
    Regimental Serjeant Major, serjeant clerk, clerk, orderly, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck
    Liaison Officer, 2 X rifleman, driver IC
    Carried Bren gun and Boyes AT rifle.
    - Motorcycle 1
    intelligence serjeant
    - Motorcycle 2
    - Motorcycle 3
    - Motorcycle 4
    provost serjeant
    - Motorcycle 5
    regimental policeman
    - Motorcycle 6
    regimental policeman

    Headquarters Company
    The Headquarters Company provided administrative and supply support for the battalion. It was also responsible for the administration of the signals platoon and scout platoons although these operated independently of the company.

    Company Headquarters
    A small headquarters of six men.
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    driver IC

    - 8cwt truck
    Captain, Company Serjeant Major, company quartermaster serjeant, clerk, driver IC
    - Motorcycle

    Administrative and transport platoon.
    Platoon headquarters

    Transport Officer
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    transport serjeant
    driver mechanic
    armourer RAOC

    - 8cwt truck 1
    Quartermaster, Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, clerk, driver mechanic
    - 8cwt truck 2
    Transport Officer, batman (for RSM), armourer RAOC, driver IC
    - Motorcycle
    transport serjeant

    Medical section
    Medical Officer RAMC
    medical officer’s orderly
    2 X driver IC
    corporal stretcher bearer
    8 X stretcher bearer

    - 15cwt truck GS 1
    Medical Officer, batman, medical orderly, 3 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck GS 2
    corporal stretcher bearer, 5 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    Carries medical stores
    - 15cwt truck GS 3
    corporal stretcher bearer, 5 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    Carries medical stores

    Administration and transport section
    - 15cwt truck 4
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries reserve petrol
    - 15cwt water truck
    water dutyman, driver IC
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 1
    motor mechanic, technical storeman, storeman, corporal driver IC
    Carries QM stores and baggage
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 2
    motor mechanic, technical storeman, MT storeman, fitter MV RAOC, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and tools
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 3
    2 X equipment repairers, blacksmith, bricklayer, mason, 2 X carpenter, driver IC
    Carries pioneer stores
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 4
    postman, 2 X rifleman, 6 X batman, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an anti tank rifle
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 5
    2 X batman, driver mechanic, officers mess cook, officers mess servant,
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 6
    serjeant cook, butcher, 3 X cook, driver IC
    Caries cooking gear
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 7
    sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries reserve ammunition
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 8
    pioneer serjeant, driver IC
    Carries blankets and anti gas reserves
    - lorry 30cwt 6 X 4 GS 9
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries blankets and anti gas reserves

    Signal platoon.
    27 men.
    Subaltern, Signals Officer
    Signal serjeant
    6 X driver operator
    3 X driver
    5 X motorcycle orderly
    9 X signaller

    - 8cwt truck 1
    Signal Officer, batman, driver operator, signaller
    Carried Wireless set No11.
    This vehicle acted as the Signal Officers vehicle and as Rear Link to the headquarters of division or whichever formation the battalion was reporting to. The vehicle was normally at Battalion headquarters.
    - 8cwt truck 2
    serjeant, driver operator, signaller, driver IC
    Carried Wireless set No 11
    This vehicle acted as Forward Link to companies. The vehicle was normally at battalion headquarters.
    - 8cwt truck 3
    driver operator, signaller
    Carried Wireless set No11.
    This vehicle was spare and could be deployed as required. When deployed to a forward platoon the platoon commander could use it as a command vehicle.
    - 8cwt truck 4
    driver operator, signaller
    Carried Wireless set No11
    This vehicle was spare and could be deployed as required. When deployed to a forward platoon the platoon commander could use it as a command vehicle.
    - 15cwt truck 1
    corporal driver operator, 3 X signaller, driver IC
    Carried hand cable layer and cable reels.
    - 15cwt truck 2
    driver operator, 3 X signaller, driver IC
    Carried signal stores
    - Motorcycle 1
    - Motorcycle 2
    - Motorcycle 3
    - Motorcycle 4
    - Motorcycle 5

    Motorcycle orderlies were for carrying messages etc.

    Cable would normally be laid only within the headquarters area, linking the tactical headquarters with the rear headquarters, or to flanking formations. Cable would not normally be suitable for forward communication.

    The Motorcycle Battalion had sixteen wireless sets on the establishment. This was a large number for the day. An infantry battalion did not have any. Apart from the four sets in the signal platoon there were four sets in each company. Note that this allotment does not allow a wireless set per motorcycle platoon and the scout platoons have none.

    There were two scout platoons each organised identically.
    Each 24 men.
    3 X serjeant
    4 X corporal
    12 X driver IC
    3 X private

    Scout Platoon 1
    - Scout car
    Subaltern, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver IC
    - 15cwt GS truck
    corporal, batman

    Section 1
    Scout car
    serjeant, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver mechanic
    - Scout car
    private, driver mechanic

    Section 2
    - Scout car
    serjeant, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver mechanic
    - Scout car
    private, driver mechanic

    Section 3
    Scout car
    serjeant, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver mechanic
    - Scout car
    private, driver mechanic

    Scout Platoon 2
    - Scout car
    Subaltern, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver IC
    - 15cwt GS truck
    corporal, batman

    Section 1
    - Scout car
    serjeant, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver mechanic
    - Scout car
    private, driver mechanic

    Section 2
    - Scout car
    serjeant, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver mechanic
    - Scout car
    private, driver mechanic

    Section 3
    Scout car
    serjeant, driver IC
    - Scout car
    corporal, driver mechanic
    - Scout car
    private, driver mechanic

    3 X Motorcycle Company
    There were three motorcycle companies, lettered X, Y and Z to distinguish them from the companies of normal infantry battalions with whom they may be working.

    Company Headquarters
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant
    2 X driver IC
    3 X driver operator
    5 X signaller
    4 X orderly
    4 X mechanic
    6 X private
    4 X cook

    - 8cwt truck
    Major, Company Serjeant Major, clerk, driver IC

    - 8cwt wireless truck
    - Captain, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carried Wireless set No11.
    This vehicle was for Rear Link to battalion headquarters.

    - 8cwt wireless truck
    driver operator, signaller
    Carried Wireless set No11.
    This vehicle was for Forward Link to platoons.

    - 8cwt wireless truck
    driver operator, signaller
    Carried Wireless set No11.
    This vehicle was for deployment to a platoon as required. It would then be used as a command vehicle and would accommodate the platoon subaltern or serjeant.

    - 8cwt wireless truck
    driver operator, signaller
    Carried Wireless set No11.
    This vehicle was for deployment to a platoon as required. It would then be used as a command vehicle and would accommodate the platoon subaltern or serjeant.

    - Motorcycle
    - Motorcycle
    - Motorcycle
    - Motorcycle
    The motorcycle orderlies are for carrying messages etc. They may be detached to platoons.

    - 15cwt truck
    motor mechanic, technical storeman, driver IC,
    - 15cwt truck
    company quartermaster serjeant, storeman, 2 X batman, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck
    corporal, rifleman, driver IC
    This vehicle was fitted with an AA Motley mount.
    - 30cwt 6 X 4 lorry
    3 X cook, driver IC

    3 X Motorcycle Platoon

    Platoon 1
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    Subaltern, batman
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    serjeant, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck
    private, driver IC

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    Platoon 2
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    Subaltern, batman
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    serjeant, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck
    private, driver IC

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    Platoon 3
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    WOIII, driver
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    serjeant, driver IC
    - 15cwt truck
    private, driver IC

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    - Motor Cycle Combination
    corporal, 2 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    3 X private
    - Motor Cycle Combination
    2 X private
    This vehicle carries a Bren gun

    Since one platoon had a WOIII instead of a subaltern there were differences in the establishment.

    Platoons 1 & 2 each
    3 X corporal
    2 X orderly
    2 X driver
    22 X private

    Platoon 3
    3 X corporal
    2 X orderly
    3 X driver
    22 X private
    In France the WOIII may have been replaced by a Subaltern in which case all three platoons would be identical.

    Wireless sets
    The Battalion had a total of sixteen wireless sets. This was a high number for the day but not over generous for a reconnaissance unit operating in advance of a division and being widely spread out.

    The allocation of sets was laid down as follows

    Battalion Headquarters

    Wireless set 1 Rear Link to Division although one would normally expect that this would be the responsibility of the Royal Signals.
    Wireless set 2 Forward Link to all companies
    Wireless set 3 Spare
    Wireless set 4 Spare

    Each Company
    Wireless set 1 Rear Link to Battalion
    Wireless set 2 Forward Link to Platoons
    Wireless set 3 For allocation to platoons as required
    Wireless set 4 For allocation to platoons as required

    The allocation of wireless frequencies would normally be straightforward.
    Frequency 1 For rear link to Division. This would be a divisional frequency.
    Frequency 2 For communication from battalion to companies and to scout platoons if they were allocated a spare set.
    Frequency 3 For communication within companies. Normally companies would be sufficiently
    dispersed to allow all to use the one frequency.

  10. James K

    James K Well-Known Member

    I hope that you do take the time to do further posts, they're great detail
  11. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    War Establishment III/1931/32E/1.

    Machine Gun Battalions had existed in WWI but were disbanded and the machine guns dispersed to the infantry battalions. This made sense for the peacetime role of policing the Empire but was not the most efficient organisation for wartime armies. The infantry battalion lost its machine guns in the late 1930’s and they were then concentrated in machine gun battalions. These were infantry battalions converted to the new role. In action it was usual for each division to have a machine gun battalion and to assign a company to each brigade. Brigade generally assigned a platoon to each battalion so that in fact each battalion once more had a machine gun platoon, although the responsibility for administration and maintenance rested with the machine gun battalion.

    Total personnel
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Major, second in command
    5 X Major
    4 X Captain
    Captain, Adjutant
    7 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    5 X Company Serjeant Major
    9 X Platoon Serjeant Major
    5 X company quartermaster serjeant
    armourer serjeant
    orderly room serjeant
    pioneer serjeant
    provost serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant cook
    serjeant clerk
    fitter serjeant
    stretcher bearer serjeant
    serjeant technical storeman
    26 X serjeant
    48 X corporal
    552 X rank and file
    Total 673

    Medical Officer RAMC
    2 X armourer RAOC
    5 X fitter (motor vehicle) RAOC
    electrician RAOC
    shoemaker RAOC

    Trades included
    3 X carpenter and joiner
    15 X driver mechanics
    equipment repairer
    6 X storeman (technical)
    4 X motor mechanics
    21 X batman
    14 X cook
    2 X officers mess cook
    2 X serjeants mess cook
    butchery dutyman
    8 X clerk
    106 X driver IC
    medical orderly
    medical officers batman
    228 machine gun detachments
    3 X regimental policeman
    51 X orderly
    24 X rangetaker
    4 X sanitary dutyman
    6 X storeman
    20 X signaller
    16 X stretcher bearer
    2 X water dutyman
    14 X AA lmg detachment
    228 X machine gun detachments
    24 X scout
    16 X ammunition number
    4 X transport corporal

    Total vehicles
    40 X motorcycle
    1 X Car 4 seater
    9 X 8cwt
    94 X 15cwt GS
    2 X 15cwt water
    16 X 30cwt GS


    Regimental Headquarters.
    This was the tactical headquarters of the regiment in action. It was administered by the headquarters squadron
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Major, second in command
    Captain, Adjutant
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    provost serjeant
    serjeant clerk
    stretcher bearer serjeant
    26 X rank and file

    Medical Officer RAMC

    Trades included
    6 X batman
    2 X clerk
    medical orderly
    3 X regimental policeman
    16 stretcher bearer

    -Car 4 seater
    Lieutenant Colonel, Adjutant, serjeant clerk, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, clerk, 2 X batman, driver IC
    -15cwt truck 1
    Regimental Serjeant Major, clerk, 3 X batman, driver IC
    This vehicle serves as office and may be an office truck.
    -Motorcycle 1
    Intelligence Officer
    -Motorcycle 2
    provost serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    regimental police
    -Motorcycle 4
    regimental police
    -Motorcycle 5
    regimental police
    -15cwt truck 2
    Medical Officer, medical orderly, 3 X stretcher bearer, 2 X batman, driver mechanic
    Carries medical equipment
    -15cwt truck 3
    serjeant, 6 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    Carries medical equipment
    -15cwt truck 4
    7 X stretcher bearer, driver IC
    Carries medical equipment
    Five drivers IC and one driver mechanic are from No 3 Platoon.

    Headquarters Company
    Company Serjeant Major
    company quartermaster serjeant

    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, Company Serjeant Major, clerk, batman, driver IC
    One driver IC is from No 3 Platoon
    Company quartermaster serjeant and storeman are carried in the transport of No 3 Platoon.

    Signals platoon
    signal serjeant
    corporal signalman
    19 X signaller
    6 X orderly

    -Motorcycle 1
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 2
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Motorcycle 8
    -8cwt truck
    Signal Officer, batman, driver mechanic
    -15cwt truck 1
    7 X signallers, driver IC
    Carries signal gear
    -15cwt truck 2
    6 X signallers, driver IC
    Carries signal gear
    -15cwt truck 3
    6 X signallers, driver IC
    Carries signal gear
    Three drivers and one driver mechanic are from No 3 Platoon.

    AA platoon
    Platoon Serjeant Major, Warrant Officer Class III
    2 X corporal
    12 X machine gun detachment

    Platoon Serjeant Major
    -15cwt truck 1
    corporal, 3 X gun numbers, driver mechanic
    Carries a Bren lmg and an AT rifle
    -15cwt truck 2
    3 X gun numbers, batman, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an AT rifle
    -15cwt truck 3
    corporal, 3 X gun numbers, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an AT rifle
    -15cwt truck 4
    3 X gun numbers, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and an AT rifle
    Three drivers IC and a driver mechanic are from No 3 Platoon

    Administrative platoon
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant cook
    serjeant technical storeman
    3 X corporal
    48 X rank and file

    2 X clerk
    equipment repairer
    3 X driver mechanic (for signal platoon, AA platoon and medical section)
    2 X technical storeman
    2 X batman
    2 X cook
    26 X driver IC
    4 X sanitary dutyman
    2 X water dutyman
    2 X officers mess cook
    2 X serjeants mess cook
    fitter RAOC

    ‘A’ Echelon
    transport serjeant
    -8cwt truck 1
    Transport Officer, serjeant technical storeman, clerk, fitter RAOC, driver IC
    -15cwt truck 1
    4 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    -15cwt water truck 2
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -15cwt water truck 3
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry 1
    technical storeman, driver IC
    Carries reserve petrol
    -30cwt lorry 2
    fitter serjeant RAOC, 3 X fitter, electrician, technical storeman, driver IC
    Carries MT stores
    -30cwt lorry 3
    armourer serjeant RAOC, driver IC
    Carries reserve small arms ammunition
    -30cwt lorry 4
    armourer serjeant RAOC, driver IC
    Carries reserve small arms ammunition
    -30cwt lorry 5
    pioneer serjeant, pioneer corporal, 4 X pioneers, driver IC

    ‘B’ Echelon
    -8cwt truck
    Quartermaster, clerk, batman, driver IC
    -15cwt truck 4
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, equipment repairer, postman, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg
    -15cwt truck 5
    company quartermaster serjeant, storeman, serjeants mess cook, serjeants mess servant, driver IC
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry 6
    serjeant cook, 3 X cook, butcher, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets
    -30cwt lorry 7
    officers mess cook, officers mess servant, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry 8
    storeman, shoemaker RAOC, driver IC
    Carries reserve clothing

    4 X Machine Gun Company
    Company Serjeant Major
    transport corporal
    motor mechanic
    technical storeman
    2 X batman
    3 X cook
    5 X driver IC
    2 X orderly
    4 X ammunition number

    transport corporal
    -8cwt truck
    Major, batman, driver IC
    -15cwt truck
    Captain, mechanic, batman, 2 X ammunition numbers, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg
    -15cwt truck
    Company Serjeant Major, 2 X ammunition numbers, clerk, driver IC
    Carries a bren lmg
    -30cwt lorry GS
    company quartermaster serjeant, 3 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS
    technical storeman, storeman, driver IC
    Carries company stores and baggage

    Platoon 1
    -15cwt truck
    Lieutenant, 2 X rangetaker, 2 X orderly, driver IC
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 2 X scout, batman, driver IC
    Carries an AT rifle

    section 1
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools
    -15cwt truck
    corporal, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools

    section 2
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools
    -15cwt truck
    corporal, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools

    Platoon 2
    -15cwt truck
    Warrant Officer Class III, 2 X rangetaker, 2 X orderly, driver IC
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 2 X scout, driver IC
    Carries an AT rifle

    section 1
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools
    -15cwt truck
    corporal, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools

    section 2
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools
    -15cwt truck
    corporal, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools

    Platoon 3
    -15cwt truck
    Warrant Officer Class III, 2 X rangetaker, 2 X orderly, driver IC
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 2 X scout, driver IC
    Carries an AT rifle

    section 1
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools
    -15cwt truck
    corporal, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools

    section 2
    -15cwt truck
    serjeant, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools
    -15cwt truck
    corporal, 4 X gun number, driver IC
    Carries a Vickers MMG and tools

  12. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    War Establishment III/1931/32F/1

    Garrison Battalions are on a lower establishment and lack much of the heavy weaponry and transport of a battalion on higher establishment. There are also far fewer officers. Much of the personnel is over 35 years old or of a lower medical category than required for general service in front line units.

    Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer
    Major, Second in Command
    4 X Major (could be Captain if insufficient Majors)
    Captain, Adjutant
    4 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    5 X Company Serjeant Major
    10 X Platoon Serjeant Major (Warrant Officer Class III)
    5 X company quartermaster serjeant
    serjeant clerk
    provost serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant cook
    13 X serjeant
    52 X corporal
    577 rank and file
    Total 681

    6 X carpenter
    2 X motor mechanic

    Non tradesmen
    12 X batman
    19 X cook
    8 X clerk
    17 X driver IC
    6 X sanitary duties
    water duties
    2 X rangetaker
    officers mess cook
    serjeants mess cook
    6 X storeman
    31 X orderlies
    3 X regimental police
    10 X medical officers orderly
    34 X mortar detachment
    10 X pioneer
    490 X gun numbers and rifleman

    Medical Officer RAMC
    serjeant armourer RAOC
    shoemaker RAOC
    Chaplain RAChD
    Total 686

    Detail left at base
    orderly room serjeant

    First reinforcements
    Warrant Officer Class II
    30 X rank and file
    Ten platoons are commanded by Warrant Officers Class III who are equipped as officers.

    19 X bicycle
    8 X motorcycle
    9 X car 2 seater
    1 X 4 seater car
    6 X 8cwt truck, utility
    1 X 30cwt lorry GS

    31 X pistol
    640 X rifle
    4 X anti tank rifle
    16 X bren gun

    Battalion Headquarters
    Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Officer
    Major, Second in Command
    Captain, Adjutant
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    serjeant clerk
    provost serjeant
    2 X corporal
    16 rank and file

    2 X bicycle
    1 X car 4 seater

    Headquarters Company
    Company Headquarters
    Company Serjeant Major
    9 X rank and file

    No1 Platoon AA
    Platoon Serjeant Major
    2 X corporal
    13 X rank and file

    No2 Platoon Pioneer
    Platoon Serjeant Major
    2 X corporal
    17 X rank and file

    No3 Platoon Administrative
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    transport serjeant
    serjeant cook
    3 X corporal
    30 X rank and file

    4 X Rifle Company, each of three platoons.
    Major or Captain
    Subaltern. Commands one platoon.
    Company Serjeant Major. WO III.
    2 X Platoon Serjeant Major.
    Company Quartermaster Serjeant.
    11 X corporal
    123 rank and file.
    Total 143.

    Company Headquarters.
    2 X batman
    2 X cook
    Sanitary dutyman
    3 X orderly
    2 X rifleman with antitank rifle (if available)

    3 X bicycle
    2 X 2 seater car
    8cwt truck.

    Platoon 1.
    39 X rifleman
    Bren gun.

    Platoon 2.
    Platoon serjeant major. WO III.
    39 X rifleman
    Bren gun.

    Platoon 3.
    Platoon serjeant major. WO III
    39 X rifleman
    Bren gun.

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  13. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    Horsed cavalry did not in fact go to France with the BEF. However it was part of the mobilisation plan. The Cavalry Division was a part of the regular pre war army and it was planned that it should join the BEF in the first six months of the war. It was not required immediately since its role was exploitation and pursuit. Once the British and French armies had completed their mobilisation they would attack Germany and when the front line crumbled the cavalry would lead the advance to the Rhine and beyond. This did not seem in the least a strange notion at the time. France had substantial horsed cavalry units, as did Germany. The United States, not yet at war, had horsed cavalry.

    The exploitation role was taken over by the armoured division, which was due to go to France to complete its training just about the time that the Germans attacked. The Cavalry Division did go to the Middle East however, where there were already horsed cavalry being employed in peace keeping. Eventually the cavalry regiments did mechanise and became armoured or armoured car regiments.

    The story of the cavalry between the wars is a complex one, as different plans were made for their mechanisation. The plans were generally put to the test in the annual manoeuvres and then changed as they proved unworkable.

    In the early 1920s the cavalry on Home Establishment consisted of
    1 Cavalry Division
    - No 1 Cavalry Brigade
    - No 2 Cavalry Brigade
    - Five divisional cavalry regiments.

    All the cavalry regiments were organised identically and could rotate their roles. Motor transport was limited to a small number of administrative trucks, cars and motorcycles.

    There were also Yeomanry units which would, on mobilisation, form divisional cavalry for the Territorial Army divisions and for 2 Cavalry Division.

    In 1926 the cavalry regiments in the cavalry brigades were to be re organised. Their role had now become one of mounted infantry and the new organisation gave them more firepower to enable them to carry out the new role. Instead of the usual three sabre squadrons the third squadron was to be a fully motorised machine gun squadron. This would have
    8 X Vickers MMG
    4 X 30cwt 6 X 4 lorries for the MMG
    2 X 30cwt 6 X 4 lorries for command and ammunition.
    2 X motorcycle with sidecar
    1 X motorcycle
    Officers were allowed to keep their chargers.

    At the same time regimental headquarters was motorised with
    8 X 30cwt 6 X 4
    2 X motorcycle with sidecar
    2 X motorcycle
    Officers, orderlies and trumpeters remained mounted.

    In 1930 Austin 7 tourers were added for reconnaissance and liaison and Carden Loyd Machine Gun Carriers were issued to the MMG squadron.

    By 1932 it was realised that horses and motor vehicles were incompatible and the cavalry brigades were to now each have
    2 X Cavalry Motor Regiment with men carried in light trucks
    1 X Cavalry Light Tank Regiment.

    Before this could be implemented the proportions were reversed to give
    1 X Cavalry Motor Regiment with men carried in light trucks
    2 X Cavalry Light Tank Regiment.

    Again before the changes could be implemented it was announced that the brigades should have a mechanised infantry battalion instead of the motorised cavalry, which now disappeared from the scene.

    By the beginning of 1939 almost all the cavalry regiments had become armoured regiments, either in the armoured division or divisional reconnaissance regiments. There remained only four regular horsed regiments plus eight horsed Yeomanry regiments.

    In 1940 the following horsed cavalry regiments remained.
    The Life Guards
    The Royal Horse Guards
    1st the Royal Dragoons
    The Scots Greys
    The Life Guards and The Royal Horse Guards being the most senior regiments were spared until last. It was also the tradition that they did not serve overseas in peacetime.

    The 1st the Royal Dragoons and the Scots Greys were spared partly because they were senior regiments, but also because they were serving in Palestine where their horses were very useful in policing roles. The Scots Greys did retain their grey horses to the last.

    The following Yeomanry units were also horsed in 1940.
    The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry
    The Warwickshire Yeomanry
    The Nottinghamshire Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
    The Staffordshire Yeomanry
    The Cheshire Yeomanry
    The Yorkshire Dragoons
    The Yorkshire Hussars
    The North Somerset Yeomanry.
    By the end of 1941 all had been converted to other arms.

    The Cavalry Division never went to France. In February 1940 it was sent to Palestine to join the Royals and Greys. At that time it contained the Composite Regiment of the Household Cavalry and the eight Yeomanry regiments.

    The Royal Dragoons became an armoured car regiment of the RAC in November 1940
    The Composite Regiment of the Household Cavalry became the Household Cavalry Motor Battalion before becoming 1 Household Cavalry Armoured Car Regiment.
    The Scots Greys became an armoured regiment.

    The following Yeomanry regiments became armoured regiments.
    The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry
    The Warwickshire Yeomanry
    The Nottinghamshire Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
    The Staffordshire Yeomanry
    Other Yeomanry regiments were converted to other arms.

    Total personnel
    Lieutenant colonel
    Major, second in command
    3 X Major
    4 X Captain
    Captain Adjutant
    16 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    4 X Squadron Serjeant Major
    4 X squadron quartermaster serjeant
    armourer serjeant
    farrier quartermaster serjeant
    3 X farrier serjeant
    2 X orderly room serjeant
    provost serjeant
    serjeant trumpeter
    serjeant saddler
    signal serjeant
    serjeant cook
    transport serjeant
    19 X serjeant
    48 X corporal
    568 X rifleman
    Total 693

    Medical Officer RAMC
    Veterinary Officer RAVC

    -Machine gun troop
    Troop headquarters
    troop serjeant
    7 X riding horse

    Section 1
    range taker
    2 X pack leader
    7 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    sub section
    lance corporal
    machine gunner
    2 X trooper
    2 X pack leader
    6 X riding horse
    2 X pack horse

    sub section
    lance corporal
    machine gunner
    2 X trooper
    2 X pack leader
    6 X riding horse
    2 X pack horse

    Section 2
    range taker
    2 X pack leader
    7 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    sub section
    lance corporal
    machine gunner
    2 X trooper
    2 X pack leader
    6 X riding horse
    2 X pack horse

    sub section
    lance corporal
    machine gunner
    2 X trooper
    2 X pack leader
    6 X riding horse
    2 X pack horse

    -Anti tank troop
    Troop headquarters
    troop serjeant
    5 X riding horse

    Section 1
    lance corporal
    3 X trooper
    2 X pack leader
    6 X riding horse
    2 X pack horse

    Section 2
    lance corporal
    3 X trooper
    2 X pack leader
    6 X riding horse
    2 X pack horse

    -Signal troop
    serjeant signaller
    8 X signaller, visual
    12 X signallers
    7 X mounted orderly
    6 X motorcyclist
    6 X driver IC
    17 X riding horse
    4 X pack horse
    7 X motorcycle
    6 X 15cwt truck

    -Administrative group
    Captain Quartermaster
    Medical Officer
    Veterinary Officer
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    provost serjeant
    serjeant saddler
    serjeant cook
    serjeant armourer

    Squadron Headquarters
    Squadron Serjeant Major
    squadron quartermaster serjeant
    farrier serjeant
    corporal saddler
    corporal cook
    2 X rangetaker
    2 X trumpeter
    2 X batman
    2 X groom
    2 X motorcyclist
    2 X cook
    2 X motorcycles
    16 X riding horses

    Troop 1
    troop serjeant
    2 X trooper AT rifle numbers
    pack leader for AT rifle
    8 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Light machine gun section
    light machine gunner
    4 X trooper
    6 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Troop 2
    troop serjeant
    2 X trooper AT rifle numbers
    pack leader for AT rifle
    8 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Light machine gun section
    light machine gunner
    4 X trooper
    6 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Troop 3
    troop serjeant
    2 X trooper AT rifle numbers
    pack leader for AT rifle
    8 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Light machine gun section
    light machine gunner
    4 X trooper
    6 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Troop 4
    troop serjeant
    2 X trooper AT rifle numbers
    pack leader for AT rifle
    8 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Sabre section
    7 X trooper
    8 X riding horse

    Light machine gun section
    light machine gunner
    4 X trooper
    6 X riding horse
    1 X pack horse


    There will now be a short break while we wait for the artillery to catch up.
  14. James K

    James K Well-Known Member

    Given the limited reconnaissance available to the BEF, that infantry was largely confined to operating on or near roads and how skittish the Germans were about their own flanks, a cavalry division operating as a reconnaissance force and as mounted infantry might have been quite useful.

    Providing of course that some idiot didn't, in desperation, use them for massed cavalry charges.

  15. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron



    War Establishment II/1931/7A/2

    The Royal Artillery had come out of WWI as a very large and influential arm. In static warfare the guns had become the dominant weapons and bigger and better equipment was always being introduced. To control the large fire plans the Royal Artillery needed an excellent communications system, and was an early user of wireless. Observation aircraft were another WWI innovation which, together with observation balloons, had allowed the artillery to locate targets. The Royal Artillery had introduced motor traction for heavy guns although horses remained the motive power for field artillery.

    The 1930s saw great changes in the artillery arm. In common with the rest of the army it had been possible to buy and test only small batches of vehicles and equipment since funding was very limited. New guns seemed an extravagance when there were depots full of WWI guns, many of which were unused since they had been built at the end of the war, or even in the early days of peace. As war approached again the Royal Artillery was committed to replacing all horses with motor tractors and to develop means of integrating artillery into the all arms battle. The first was achieved, just. The second would take some time to develop.

    The Field Artillery regiments which went to France in 1939 should on paper have been equipped with 25pdr MkI guns drawn by Quad tractors. The 25pdr guns were in fact 18pdr guns relined to fire 25pdr ammunition. A variety of 18pdr guns were converted but all were of fairly recent manufacture, or had been rebuilt and modified. The programme of relining the guns was far from complete and some divisional units used a mix of 18pdr guns and 4.5” howitzers. GHQ and corps units were either all 25pdr or all 18pdr. Similarly the Quad tractors were not available in sufficient numbers and many older tractors were still in service. When the artillery units of the four regular divisions (1 Division, 2 Division, 3 Division and 4 Division) went to France in September 1939 they all had 18/25 pdr guns (25pdr MkI) and most had Morris CDSW 6 X 4 tractors.

    In the late 1930’s the field regiments had a major re organisation. The traditionally independent batteries were formed into permanent regiments where they had previously been formed into brigades as and when it was necessary. The battery was also increased in size but reduced in number so that there were now two batteries each with three troops instead of three batteries of two troops. This was not a success.

    The sources for the organisation of the Field Regiments are the relevant War Establishment tables and the Army Training Pamphlet 2A of March 1940.

    The War Establishment and Organisation for Manoeuvre assume a regiment equipped with 18/25pdr (25pdr MkI) guns drawn by Quads. There does not seem to have been any significant differences in those regiments using other equipment.

    The Royal Horse Artillery had been gradually mechanised since the early 1930’s. By 1939 only the ceremonial battery at St Johns Wood was still equipped with horses and even this was mechanised by 1940. The organisation of the Royal Horse Artillery was as for a field regiment except that it had two batteries of two troops each.

    There are not sufficient drivers IC for all the vehicles so the unit trained some drivers for smaller vehicles. Wireless sets could be allotted as seemed most suitable.

    The following Field Regiments RA served with the BEF
    2 Regiment with 1 Division 24 X 25pdr
    7 Regiment with 3 Division 24 X 25pdr
    9 Regiment with 5 Division 24 X 25pdr
    10 Regiment with 2 Division 24 X 25pdr
    16 Regiment with 2 Division 24 X 25pdr
    17 Regiment with 4 Division and 51 Division 24 X 25pdr
    18 Regiment with 2 Division and 48 Division 24 X 25pdr
    19 Regiment with 1 Division 24 X 25pdr
    22 Regiment with 4 Division 24 X 25pdr
    23 Regiment with 3 Division and 51 Division 24 X 25pdr
    24 Regiment with 1 Division and 48 Division 24 X 25pdr
    27 Regiment with 1 Corp 24 X 25pdr
    30 Regiment with 4 Division 24 X 25pdr
    32 Regiment with GHQ 24 X 25pdr
    33 Regiment with 3 Division 24 X 25pdr
    52 Regiment TA with 42 Division 24 X 25pdr
    53 Regiment TA with 42 Division 24 X 25pdr
    57 Regiment TA with 44 Division 24 X 25pdr
    58 Regiment TA with 44 Division 24 X 25pdr
    60 Regiment TA with 2 Corp 24 X 18pdr
    65 Regiment TA with 44 Division 24 X 25pdr
    67 Regiment TA with 1 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    68 Regiment TA with 48 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    70 Regiment TA with 52 Division
    71 Regiment TA with 52 Division
    72 Regiment TA with 50 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    74 Regiment TA with 50 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    75 Regiment with 51 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    76 Regiment with 51 Division and 3 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    77 Regiment with 51 Division and 4 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    78 Regiment with 52 Division
    88 Regiment with 2 Corp 24 X 25pdr
    91 Regiment with 5 Division 24 X 25pdr
    92 Regiment with 5 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    97 Regiment with 2 Corp 24 X 25pdr
    98 Regiment with GHQ 24 X 25pdr
    99 Regiment with 2 Division 12 X 18pdr and 12 X 4.5” howitzer
    115 Regiment with GHQ 24 X 18pdr
    139 Regiment with GHQ 24 X 18pdr
    140 Regiment with 1 Corp 24 X 18pdr

    The equipment of the three regiments of 52 Division is not known.

    There was a steady build up of field regiments in the BEF. Most of the available regiments went to France in September 1939. This amounted to twenty regiments. By May 1940 there were forty regiments which included:
    Six regiments in GHQ reserve.
    Each of the three corps had two regiments to give a total six.
    Eight infantry divisions each had three regiments to give a total of twenty four.
    Two motor divisions each had two regiments to give a total of four. Each of these divisions received an extra regiment from GHQ reserve.
    A further two regiments arrived during May and June.

    Some regiments changed from one division to another for various reasons. When divisions were detached to serve on the Maginot Line it was important that only one type of ammunition was required. Thus the type of artillery used in the division was standardised. Conversely regiments could also be moved to obtain the best mix of equipment in divisions when older equipment was issued.

    Usually a division had three field regiments. By May 1940 most divisions had either three regiments of 18/25pdr or two regiments of 18/25pdr plus a regiment with a battery of 18pdr and a battery of 4.5” howitzer. Some GHQ regiments, including those assigned to corps and divisions, had regiments completely equipped with 18pdr.


    Lieutenant Colonel
    3 X Major
    Captain, Adjutant
    8 X Captain
    13 X Subaltern
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    8 X Battery Serjeant Major
    6 X Warrant Officer Class III
    2 X battery quartermaster serjeant
    serjeant, technical store
    2 X signal serjeant
    serjeant cook
    24 X serjeant No1 of guns
    62 X bombardier
    438 X gunner
    9 X trumpeter
    Medical Officer RAMC
    4 X radio operator RAF

    8 X artificer RA
    26 X driver mechanics
    2 X equipment repairers
    9 X motor mechanic
    4 X battery surveyor
    3 X technical storeman
    8 X battery commanders assistant and rangetaker
    4 X battery surveyors assistant
    29 X batman
    7 X clerk
    9 X cook
    128 X driver IC
    6 X GPOs assistant
    120 X gun detachments
    12 X ammunition number
    24 X lmg detachment
    medical officers orderly
    19 X orderly
    68 X signaller
    5 X sanitary duties
    3 X storeman
    3 X water duties
    butchery dutyman
    9 X trumpeter

    29 X motorcycle
    1 X car 4 seater
    2 X scout carrier
    21 X 8cwt truck
    23 X 15cwt truck
    1 X 15cwt office
    3 X 15cwt water
    19 X 30cwt lorry GS
    6 X 3ton lorry GS
    36 X gun tractor
    48 X artillery trailer

    65 X pistol
    149 X rifle
    12 X Bren lmg
    11 X AT rifle
    8 X signal pistol
    24 X 25pdr gun

    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    -Motorcycle 3
    motor mechanic
    -Car 4 seater
    Lieutenant Colonel, Orderly Officer, trumpeter, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, 2 X RAF radio operator, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Adjutant, clerk, orderly, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    Quartermaster, serjeant technical stores, clerk, driver IC
    -15cwt truck 1
    Regimental Serjeant Major, clerk, batman, driver IC
    Carries office gear
    -15cwt truck 2
    Medical Officer, medical orderly, batman, sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries medical equipment
    -15cwt truck 3
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, batman, clerk, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -15cwt truck 4
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess equipment
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    serjeant cook, butcher, cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    storeman, bombardier, gunner, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes, reserve clothing and QM stores
    Carries a Bren lmg
    Fitted with a Motley AA mount at the front of the body.
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    technical storeman, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and petrol

    2 X Battery

    Battery Headquarters
    -Motorcycle 1
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 2
    Signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Scout Carrier
    Subaltern FOO, bombardier signaller, driver mechanic
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Captain, clerk, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    Signal Subaltern, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    Survey Subaltern, batman, bombardier surveyor,3 x surveyor, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, medical orderly, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    2 X gunner, 2 X signaller, 2 X RAF radio operator, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    Carries hand cable layer and battery office gear
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    3 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    battery quartermaster serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    Carries QM stores and baggage
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 5
    artificer, motor mechanic, technical storeman, equipment repairer, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and tools
    -30cwt lorry GS 6
    bombardier, driver IC
    Carries reserve petrol
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry GS 7
    3 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries camouflage stores, 80 rounds of 25 pdr ammunition
    Carries Bren lmg
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -30cwt lorry GS 8
    gunner, driver IC
    Carries 88 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 1
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 184 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 2
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 184 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 3
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 184 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    Two batmen are also carried in the 3ton lorries.

    3 X Troop
    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    Warrant Office Class III
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Subaltern, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    battery serjeant major, artificer, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the rear of the body
    15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, medical orderly, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    bombardier signaller, 2 X signaller, trumpeter, motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer

    -Field Artillery Tractor 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds plus 12 rounds AP
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds plus 12 rounds AP
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 32 rounds each

    -Field Artillery Tractor 4
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds plus 12 rounds AP
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 5
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds plus 12 rounds AP
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 6
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 32 rounds each

    4.5” Howitzer Battery

    The Field Artillery Tractors were not fitted to carry 4.5” ammunition so that the following vehicles were added tocarry ammunition

    1 X 30 cwt lorry GS
    2 X 3ton lorry GS
    3 X ammunition number
    5 X driver

    Battery Headquarters
    -Motorcycle 1
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 2
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Scout Carrier
    Subaltern FOO, bombardier signaller, driver mechanic
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Captain, clerk, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    Signal Subaltern, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    15cwt truck 1
    Survey Subaltern, batman, bombardier surveyor,3 x surveyor, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, medical orderly, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    2 X gunner, 2 X signaller, 2 X RAF radio operator, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    Carries hand cable layer and battery office gear
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    3 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    battery quartermaster serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    Carries QM stores and baggage
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 5
    artificer, motor mechanic, technical storeman, equipment repairer, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and tools
    -30cwt lorry GS 6
    bombardier, driver IC
    Carries reserve petrol
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry GS 7
    3 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries camouflage stores, 48 rounds of 4.5” ammunition
    Carries Bren lmg
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -30cwt lorry GS 8
    gunner, driver IC
    Carries 68 rounds of 4.5” ammunition
    -30cwt lorry GS 8
    gunner, driver IC
    Carries 68 rounds of 4.5” ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 1
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 136 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 2
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 136 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 3
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 136 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 4
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 136 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 5
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 136 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    Two batmen are also carried in the 3ton lorries.

    3 X Troop
    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    Warrant Office Class III
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Subaltern, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    battery serjeant major, artificer, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the rear of the body
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, medical orderly, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    bombardier signaller, 2 X signaller, trumpeter, motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer

    -Field Artillery Tractor 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 28 rounds
    Tows 4.5” howitzer
    -Field Artillery Tractor 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 28 rounds
    Tows 4.5” howitzer
    -Field Artillery Tractor 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 28 rounds each

    -Field Artillery Tractor 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 28 rounds
    Tows 4.5” howitzer
    -Field Artillery Tractor 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 28 rounds
    Tows 4.5” howitzer
    -Field Artillery Tractor 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 28 rounds each

    18 pdr Battery
    Battery Headquarters
    -Motorcycle 1
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 2
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Scout Carrier
    Subaltern FOO, bombardier signaller, driver mechanic
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Captain, clerk, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    Signal Subaltern, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    Survey Subaltern, batman, bombardier surveyor,3 x surveyor, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, medical orderly, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    2 X gunner, 2 X signaller, 2 X RAF radio operator, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    Carries hand cable layer and battery office gear
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    3 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    battery quartermaster serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    Carries QM stores and baggage
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 5
    artificer, motor mechanic, technical storeman, equipment repairer, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and tools
    -30cwt lorry GS

    bombardier, driver IC
    Carries reserve petrol
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry GS 7
    3 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries camouflage stores, 96 rounds of 18 pdr ammunition
    Carries Bren lmg
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -30cwt lorry GS 8
    gunner, driver IC
    Carries 120 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 1
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 240 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 2
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 240 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 3
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 240 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    Two batmen are also carried in the 3ton lorries.

    3 X Troop
    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    Warrant Office Class III
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Subaltern, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    battery serjeant major, artificer, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the rear of the body
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, medical orderly, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    bombardier signaller, 2 X signaller, trumpeter, motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer

    -Field Artillery Tractor 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 30 rounds of 18pdr ammunition
    Tows 18pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 30 rounds 0f 18pdr ammunition
    Tows 18pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 32 rounds each

    -Field Artillery Tractor 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 30 rounds of 18pdr ammunition
    Tows 18pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows artillery trailer with 30 rounds 0f 18pdr ammunition
    Tows 18pdr gun
    -Field Artillery Tractor 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 24 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 32 rounds each

  16. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    Organisation for Manoeuvre and Deployment
    For tactical purposes the field regiment formed a number of groups which could move separately.

    Regimental Headquarters Party.
    The regimental headquarters party contained those personnel and vehicles essential to the tactical planning and operation of the unit. If the regiment was under the orders of an infantry brigade then the Commanding officer would take his group to Brigade Headquarters to receive his orders. He would then select a regimental headquarter site close to brigade headquarters. The Second in Command would then go to supervise the establishing of gun positions while the Commanding Officer would establish observation posts. The Signal Officer would establish communications from observation posts to gun positions and to battery headquarters, and from battery headquarters to regimental headquarters. Royal Signals were fully integrated with the headquarters and where Royal Artillery personnel travelled in Royal Signals vehicles these are shown. The Royal Signals detachment had a separate War Establishment. The letter/number code is that officially given to the vehicles and was usually displayed on the arm of service sign.

    4 seater car
    Commanding Officer, trumpeter, driver IC
    commanding officer’s orderly
    8cwt truck
    Second in Command, Signal Officer, NCO linesman, driver IC
    despatch rider. Royal Signals
    8cwt truck
    Adjutant, clerk, orderly, driver IC
    second in command’s orderly
    8cwt FFW. Royal Signals

    The trumpeter stayed with the Commanding Officer and could give orders by bugle.
    Orderlies are messengers performing the same duties as runners in the infantry.
    Drivers Internal Combustion (IC) were so named to avoid confusion with the horse drivers who were so numerous before mechanisation.

    Reconnaissance Group.
    This group selected and established the site for regimental headquarters. The Orderly Officer led this group and commanded the headquarters until the adjutant arrived. When the Signal Officer had received his orders he returned to regimental headquarters and used vehicle S1. Until the Signal Officer arrived the signal serjeant commanded the Royal Signals personnel. The signals wireless vehicles enabled communications to be maintained until telephone lines could be laid.

    8cwt FFW Royal Signals
    Orderly Officer and Royal Signals personnel
    Carries Wireless No11 set on the regimental net
    8cwt FFW Royal Signals
    Royal Signals personnel
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to batteries
    8cwt FFW Royal Signals
    Signal Officer and Royal Signals personnel
    Carries Wireless No11 set
    -Motorcycle Royal Signals
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle Royal Signals
    despatch rider
    -Motorcycle Royal Signals
    signal linesman

    Regimental Headquarters Group:
    The Regimental Headquarters Group was responsible for the administration of the regiment. It would normally be separate from the regimental headquarters itself and the various elements could operate separately on arrival as required.

    15cwt GS truck
    Regimental Serjeant Major, clerks, batman, driver IC
    15cwt GS truck
    2 X AA Bren gunners, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    Carries 2 X AA Bren guns on an AA mounting and an RAF Wireless set.
    15cwt GS truck
    Medical Officer, medical officer’s orderly, sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries medical stores.
    15cwt truck Royal Signals
    Carries cable layer and cable reels.
    30cwt lorry Royal Signals
    30cwt lorry Royal Signals
    Motorcycle Royal Signals

    Regimental Headquarters Maintenance Group.
    30cwt GS lorry
    Regimental Quarter Master Serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    30cwt GS lorry
    serjeant (technical stores), technical storeman, driver IC
    motor mechanic.

    Regimental B echelon
    The B echelon contained those vehicles and personnel not immediately required by the various regimental headquarters groups. Batteries had their own B echelon vehicles and personnel which might travel under the command of regimental headquarters. Regimental headquarters would normally hold half of each batteries ammunition lorries under the control of B echelon. The Quartermaster commanded this group.

    8cwt truck
    Quartermaster, clerk, batman, driver IC
    15cwt GS truck
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess equipment and baggage.
    15cwt water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    serjeant cook, cook, butcher, 2 X AA bren gunners, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations plus 2 X AA bren guns.

    Note that the RAF signallers used an RAF wireless set which could receive messages from Army Co operation aircraft. The RAF personnel did not have a vehicle of their own. The 15cwt truck that they used was not fitted for wireless and the set would be removed and set up as a ground station, in a tent or dug out at regimental headquarters. RAF personnel wore their RAF blue uniforms.

    Vehicle A3 carried a defence team for the Headquarters area and vehicleQ6 carried a defence team for the B echelon area. Both teams had Bren guns which could be mounted on the vehicle for AA defence on the move, set up on a tripod for AA defence when static or be used for ground defence. Each team should also have had an anti tank rifle.

    The Batteries.
    Each of the two batteries was identical and was organised as follows.

    Battery Reconnaissance Group.
    The Battery Reconnaissance Group was the small tacical headquarters of the battery. Led by the Battery Commander the group would attend the Regimental ommanding Officers Order Group and Reconnaissance Group. Having received his orders the Battery Commnder would establish his observation post near to the headquarters of the infantry battalion being supported.

    8cwt FFW
    Major (Battery Commander), 2 X signalman (wireless), observation post assistant
    No driver was provided for this vehicle. It was driven by the OPA.
    Carries a Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    battery commander’s orderly
    8cwt FFW
    Captain, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries a Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.

    Command Post Group
    In accordance with Royal Artillery doctrine the battery second in command was the Command Post Officer while the commanding officer manned the observation post. These roles could be reversed although this was usually only when a battery was in support of, rather than under the command of, an infantry unit. The Command Post Group established the Battery Command Post, carried out a survey and established a centre line which used as the reference for all bearings. Gun position officers assistants were gunners trained in command post duties.

    15cwt truck
    Command Post Officer (Captain), Assistant Command Post Officer (Subaltern),
    3 X surveyor, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC.
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net, plus survey equipment.
    8cwt truck
    surveyor (rangetaker), 3 X gun position officers assistants, driver IC.
    Carries rangefinder No13.
    command post officer’s orderly
    NCO signalman
    Wagon Line Officer
    A troop Battery Serjeant Major

    The Wagon Line Officer was responsible for all the battery vehicles when in the gun area. The gun tractors were parked in the Wagon Lines when the guns had been emplaced. The movement of ammunition to the gun positions was controlled by the Wagon Line Officer who arranged circular routes to avoid congestion and delays. He needed the mobility of a motorcycle but could travel in vehicle H for longer journeys. He was assisted in setting up the Wagon lines by the Battery Serjeant Major from A troop. At this time batteries had a Battery Serjeant Major (WOII) for each battery plus one for each troop. Thus the troop confusingly had a Troop Battery Serjeant Major.

    Observation Group.
    When the Battery commander had received his orders and made his plan he would call forward the observation party and supervise the establishment of observation posts. It was not intended that the two troop observation posts should remain together only that they should travel together in the deployment phase.

    8cwt FFW
    Captain (A troop commander), observation post assistant, 2 X signalman.
    No driver is supplied for this vehicle. The OPA drives.
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    A troop signals NCO.
    8cwt FFW
    Captain (B troop commander), observation post assistant, 2 X signalman.
    No driver is supplied for this vehicle. The OPA drives.
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to a separate frequency.
    B troop signals NCO.

    At this stage the communications were still being established. The Wireless No11 in RA (A troop commanders truck) was tuned to the battery net so as to communicate with the battery commander and the battery command post. The Wireless No11 in RB (B troop commanders truck) could be tuned to a different net at this time, usually to communicate with the gun group which was still in transit. As soon as possible line communication was established and the observation post end of the line manned by the OPA.

    RC (C troop commander) is not included here but acted as battery leader in the absence of the battery commander and is to be found listed with the gun group.

    G Party
    The G party was called up by the Command Post Office when the gun positions had been selected. This party was responsible for reconnoitring the gun positions and establishing command and communications.
    8cwt FFW
    A troop Gun Position Officer, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    8cwt FFW
    B troop Gun Position Officer, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the same frequency as RB.
    15cwt truck
    C troop Gun Position Officer, signalman, 2 X RAF operators, 2 X AA bren gunners, driver IC
    Carries 2 X bren guns plus a Boys anti tank rifle (unlikely to be available)
    15cwt truck
    5 X signaller, artificer, driver IC
    8cwt truck
    2 X signalman (wireless), ckerk, driver IC
    B troop Battery Serjeant Major
    C troop Battery Serjeant Major.

    Vehicle GC (C troop Gun Position Officer) was a 15cwt instead of an 8cwt in order to accommodate the AA gunners and RAF operators, who did not have a vehicle of their own.

    The allocation of wireless sets to this group is unclear. There were not sufficient sets in the regiment to supply sets to all who might be expected to have them. It is assumed that GC carries an RAF set but that it is dismountable. Vehicle H carries two signalmen but there is no mention of a wireless so they are probably relief operators.

    Gun Group.
    The gun group was centred on the guns and their tractors. The guns were not sent for until everything was ready. They were supposed to be capable of opening fire immediately on arrival. The guns were positioned as decided by the G Party, the tractors withdrawn to the Wagon lines and communications either by telephone wire or by wireless with observation posts and command posts enabled targets to be engaged without delay. C troop commander acted as battery leader and brought up the guns of all three troops before reverting to his normal duties.
    8cwt FFW
    Captain (C troop commander), observation post assistant, 2 X signalman.
    No driver is supplied for this vehicle. The OPA drives.
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.

    A troop
    15cwt truck
    A Troop Leader (WOIII), signalman, artificer, motor mechanic, 2 X AA bren gunner
    No driver is provided. The motor mechanic drives.
    Carries 2 X bren guns and a Boys anti tank rifle (unlikely to be available)
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    The signaller manned the gun position end of the telephone link from the observation post. The orderly was trained in telephone line maintenance.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing 2 X ammunition limber
    gun numbers 5 and 6, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing 2 X ammunition limber
    gun numbers 5 and 6, driver mechanic, driver IC.

    B troop
    15cwt truck
    B Troop Leader (WOIII), signalman, artificer, motor mechanic, 2 X AA bren gunner
    No driver is provided. The motor mechanic drives.
    Carries 2 X bren guns and a Boyes anti tank rifle (unlikely to be available)
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    The signaller manned the gun position end of the telephone link from the observation post. The orderly was trained in telephone line maintenance.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing 2 X ammunition limber
    gun numbers 5 and 6, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tractor Field Artillery towing 2 X ammunition limber
    gun numbers 5 and 6, driver mechanic, driver IC.

    C troop
    C troop leader (WOIII)
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing ammunition limber and 25pdr gun.
    gun numbers 1 – 4, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing 2 X ammunition limber
    gun numbers 5 and 6, driver mechanic, driver IC.
    Tractor Field Artillery towing 2 X ammunition limber
    gun numbers 5 and 6, driver mechanic, driver IC.

    Scout Carrier
    driver mechanic.
    When required an officer, 2 X signallers and a Wireless No11 set can be transferred to this vehicle for use as an armoured observation post. It would normally be used by the battery commander but any observation officer may also be allotted it for specific tasks.

    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), signalman maintenance, 2 X AA bren gunner, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    Also carries 2 X Bren AA gun plus a Boys anti tank rifle (unlikely to be available)
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signaller maintenance, motor mechanic (from C troop), orderly (trained in line maintenance), driver IC.
    Carries mechanical cable layer, cable reels and ten line switchboard.
    30cwt GS lorry
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC.
    Carries anti gas stores and reserve clothing.
    Battery Serjeant Major
    artificer RA

    Ammunition Group
    The battery ammunition group travelled with the guns and carried a first reserve of ammunition. The ammunition lorries went to the wagon park and set up an ammunition point. Gun tractors towed loaded limbers up to the guns and returned with empty ones. At the ammunition point shells and charges were unpacked and loaded into the trays on the limbers so as to be ready for immediate use. In a sense the real weapon of the artillery is not the gun but the shell. Without a dependable supply of ammunition the guns are impotent.

    Amn 1
    30cwt GS lorry
    driver IC plus spare personnel as allotted
    Carries ammunition
    Amn 2
    30cwt GS lorry
    driver IC plus spare personnel as allotted.
    Carries ammunition
    Amn 3
    3ton GS lorry
    driver IC plus spare personnel as allotted.
    Carries ammunition
    Amn 4
    3ton GS lorry
    driver IC plus spare personnel as allotted
    Carries ammunition
    Amn 5
    3ton GS lorry
    driver IC plus spare personnel as allotted.
    Carries petrol.

    Amn 1 and Amn 2 may travel with the gun group
    Amn 3 and Amn 4 may travel with the regimental B echelon
    There are a number of personnel who are not assigned specific places on vehicles. These would be carried on the ammunition lorries in accordance to standing orders from the adjutant or battery commander.

    Battery B echelon
    The battery B echelon contained those vehicles required for the administration and supply of the battery. It was normally kept under the control of regimental headquarters and vehicles sent forward as required.

    30cwt GS lorry
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess and officers baggage
    30cwt GS lorry
    2 X AA bren gunners, 4 X batman, clerk, equipment repairer, motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 2 X bren guns plus battery stores
    30cwt GS lorry
    battery quartermaster serjeant, storeman, motor mechanic, 2 X driver IC
    Carries battery stores
    30 cwt GS lorry
    technical storeman, motor mechanic, 2 X fitter RAOC, 2 X driver IC
    Carries technical stores
    15cwt truck
    cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking equipment and rations
    15cwt water
    water dutyman, driver IC.

    Field Artillery Tractors
    By September 1939 the mechanisation of the field artillery was complete in that no horse drawn units remained. In fact many units had handed in their horses but not yet received their full complement of motor vehicles. On the eve of war field artillery regiments still had an allowance of horses. There were fourteen on the establishment in addition to field officers chargers which meant that there were still mounted trumpeters and orderlies. No horses were to be used in action however.

    All field regiments were similarly organised but they did differ in the guns and tractors that were used.-
    18 regiments were equipped with Morris CDSW 6 X 4 tractors.
    2 regiments were equipped with Light Dragon MkIII tractors.
    20 regiments were equipped with Quad 4 X 4 tractors, either Morris or Guy.

    Light Dragon MkIII
    This was the last of a series of Light Dragons. It was intended to fill several roles and to be cheaper, simpler and quicker to produce than the previous versions. It used many commercial components including Ford engine, gearbox and drive axle. Suspension units were Vickers as used on other carriers and light tanks. The MkIII was light, fast, had a good cross country performance and could carry a gun crew of six men plus a driver. The driver plus one man sat in front, three men sat along the offside and two men along the nearside. Including the prototype 120 Light Dragon MkIII were produced in 1936 and a further 48 in 1937. It was intended that units equipped with Light Dragon MkIII tractors would also use them as battery staff vehicles.

    Morris Commercial CDSW.
    Morris Commercial produced a number of variants of their 6 X 4 30cwt range of vehicles. The War Office introduced a subsidy scheme and the Morris commercial D type was designed to meet the specification. Early trials with this as an artillery tractor were not promising as the tracked vehicles offered a better performance. In 1934 a number of factors made the wheeled tractor more acceptable. Wide section low pressure tyres with a cross country tread gave a performance almost as good as a tracked vehicle. The wheeled tractor was more suitable on roads, especially when the guns were also fitted with pneumatic tyres. The wheeled vehicle could also be manufactured more quickly and cheaply and this would be important in case of war. The only disadvantage of the wheeled tractor was on very soft ground when it tended to bog down. This could be overcome by fitting overall chains round the rear wheels which in effect made the tractor into a half track, and a winch was fitted for self recovery.

    The Morris Commercial CDSW the CD 6 X 4 truck chassis fitted with a winch, a low profile front end and a field artillery tractor body. This was ordered in 1936 and since mainly commercial parts were used production was rapid for the times. 306 were produced by the end of 1937. Presumably more were built in 1938 since eighteen regiments would require more than 600 tractors.

    Guy Quad Ant.
    By 1937 technology and official thinking had progressed further and it was decided to issue a specification for a 4 X 4 tractor. There was nothing new about 4 X 4 traction but up till this time it had been felt that it was too unreliable for military use. It was also considered that while the 6 X 4 tractor was quicker to build than a tracked tractor it was still far too slow to keep pace with the demands of re armament.

    The Guy Quad Ant was the first 4 X 4 tractor into production. 396 were ordered and they were delivered in 1938 and 1939. Production vehicles were fitted with the characteristic beetle shaped bodywork which was all metal and fully enclosed. This design was to make the vehicle easier to wash down after a gas attack, a very real fear at the time. The crew compartment carried 6 men, driver plus one in front and four in a row behind. The rear of the body had compartments and lockers for vehicle tools, gun equipment, crew kit and some ammunition.

    Morris Commercial QW.
    Morris commercial designed a technically advanced 4 X 4 tractor. This had a chassis consisting of a single tubular backbone which carried the drive shaft to a central gearbox. From the gearbox individual halfshafts went to each wheel. Each wheel hub contained a final drive. The tractor also had independent suspension on all wheels and had four wheel steering. All of this proved too advanced to be reliable and there were problems with the steering and transmission. The QE was not accepted for full production but ten were built for trials. These had two different types of body, one with a canvas top and one with a metal top. These vehicles were issued for service and went to France in 1939. At least one was captured by the Germans and used as a breakdown tractor.

    Morris Commercial C8.
    Morris Commercial used their proven 15cwt CS8 as a starting point for a new design and this became the famous C8 Quad. The development was slow and it was not ordered into production until mid 1939. The first 200 were MkI but then minor changes including the facility to disengage the front wheel drive were introduced to produce the MkII. By the time the fighting in France started 2000 C8 had been ordered but production was slow starting. The contracts called for 35 in February, 210 in March and then 75 per week. It is not known how many Morris Quads were delivered in time to serve in France but some 300 would have been required to make up the numbers.

    The Guns.
    18/25pdr. (25pdr MkI)

    A completely new 25pdr field gun was planned and had been under development for many years, but it was not ready for service in time to fight in France. In the interim existing 18pdr guns were fitted with a new loose liner which could be fitted with the 18pdr breech mechanism and which could fire 25pdr ammunition. These modifications were made from 1936 onwards and eventually about a thousand were produced. By that time all the suitable 18pdr guns, Mk4 guns on Carriage Mk3, Mk4 or Mk5 had been converted. Correctly this equipment was the 25pdr MkI but it was generally referred to as the 18/25pdr. It is in fact difficult to tell a 25pdr MkI from an 18pdr Mk4 as the only visible difference was the internal diameter of the muzzle. The best means of identification is the limber which differed between 18pdr and 25pdr.

    In September 1939 there were already sufficient 18/25pdr guns available to equip all the regular field regiments which went to France in the first wave. Further regiments were equipped with them as they became available. A grand total of 704 18/25pdrs were captured by the Germans in France and many were taken into Wehrmacht service as 8.76cm Felkanone 281(e) for the Carriage Mk4 and 8.76cm Feldkanone 282(e) for the Carriage Mk5.

    18/25pdr guns in service in 1940 included those on the following carriages
    Carriage Mk3TP – a Carriage Mk3 brought up to Mk4 standard and fitted with pneumatic tyres
    Carriage Mk4P – an improved version of the Carriage Mk3 built in the 1930’s. Fitted with pneumatic tyres.
    Carriage Mk5P – a split trail carriage with a new gun shield. Fitted with pneumatic tyres.

    Range was 11,100 yards with the standard shell.
    Elevation was from -5 degrees to + 37.5 degrees.
    Traverse on the Carriage Mk5 only was 25 degrees either side. Mk4 could use a traversing platform.

    The following ammunition was available in 1940
    HE Mk1D D = streamlined shell
    Smoke Mk1A A = blunt nosed shell
    Armour Piercing Mk1T T = fitted with tracer

    Propelling charges were separate and the amount of propellant could be varied to give the desired range. Charges were placed in a brass case as required.

    Normal Charge consisted of three colour coded bags which came in the brass case with a removable leather board cap at the top.
    For charge 3 all the bags were required
    For charge 2 the blue bag was removed
    For charge 1 the blue and white bags were removed. This left the red bag which could not be removed.
    Super Charge came in a permanently sealed brass case.

    18pdr Mk4
    The 18pdr had been the standard British field gun since 1904 but had gone through several marks and many improvements since then. The basic design of most of the guns which saw action in 1940 dated from 1918 when it was introduced as 18pdr Mk4 on Carriage Mk3. Those guns remaining in service in 1935 were improved and relined to become Mk4A. Guns which were manufactured in 1935 to Mk4A standard were Mk4B

    Carriage Mk3 was designed for the Mk4 gun and had a box trail which allowed greater elevation. The carriage was given improved traversing gear, shock absorbers and greater elevation to become Carriage Mk4, at which time existing Mk3 carriages were brought to near Mk4 standard as mk3T.

    Many of the new Mk4B guns were mounted on a carriage which was similar to the mk4 but had split trails and a different shield to allow 25 degrees of traverse either side. This was carriage Mk5.

    As motor vehicles were introduced to tow the guns the carriages were fitted with new wheels and tyre to allow running at higher speeds. At first they were fitted with solid rubber tyres to become Carriage Mk4R or Mk5R. Later they were fitted with steel disc wheels similar to the tractors and fitted with with pneumatic tyres to become Carriage Mk4P and Mk5P. Thus by 1939 all 18pdr guns in frontline service had been updated and fitted with pneumatic tyres.

    18pdr Mk2
    Even when all the available Mk4 guns on carriage Mk3, Mk4 and Mk5 were converted there was still a requirement for more field guns. The shortfall was made up with older 18pdrs and 4.5” howitzers. It is not clear how many older 18pdr guns went to France but it is recorded that 216 were captured by the Germans and taken into service as 8.38cm Feldkanone 271(e). These older guns were 18pdr MkII mounted on Carriage MkII. This had a pole trail which restricted the elevation. All of those sent to France had been fitted with a Martin Perry conversion which made them Mk2PA. The conversion consisted of new stub axles below the existing axle. These allowed pressed steel wheels with pneumatic tyres to be fitted. New sights were also fitted. Since these guns had a limited elevation they were used in conjunction with the 4.5” howitzer.

    Ammunition was fixed thus the gun was classed as Quick Firing. The various shells were attached to a brass cartridge case containing a 1lb 7oz charge.

    Complete rounds (shell and charge) included:
    HE Mk46 which fired shell HE Mk7
    HE S/L Mk13C which fired shell streamlined Mk2C
    HE reduced charge Mk14 which was as for Mk46 but with the charge reduced to 5.5oz. This was used in order to save barrel wear when firing at short ranges.
    Smoke Mk11C
    Shrapnel Mk63
    Armour Piercing Mk3T
    HE S/L Mk13C was the most commonly used.

    4.5” howitzer.
    Unlike the 18pdr the 4.5” howitzer was little changed from its original 1908 design. A MkII was introduced in WWI with improvements to help production. None were made after 1918 and the gun itself was not modified.

    The carriage was little modified either. As a howitzer it had a box trail to give a good elevation. In the 1930s the Carriage MkI was given rubber tyres to become Mk1R and later it was fitted with steel disc wheels and pneumatic tyres to become Mk1P. A final variant was Mk1PA with improvements to the sights and recoil system.

    Range was 7,000 yards.
    Elevation was from -5 degrees to +45 degrees.
    As a howitzer it used separate shells and charges, which could be varied to achieve the desired range.

    Shells included
    HE Mk12 to Mk16 which were all no streamlined shells weighing 35lb
    Smoke Mk1
    Star Mk3

    A brass cartridge case could contain any of the following charges
    Charge 1 giving a range of 2,000 yards
    Charge 2 giving a range of 3,200 yards
    Charge 3 giving a range of 3,800 yards
    Charge 4 giving a range of 4,900 yards
    Charge 5 giving a range of 7,000 yards

    The limbers.
    Correctly called ammunition trailers these were used by all armies in the days of horse drawn artillery but they gradually disappeared with the introduction of motor tractors. The British continued to use them throughout WWII.

    The 18pdr gun was issued with a new limber in the late 1930s. This was an all steel trailer designed for high speed towing and fitted with pneumatic tyres. This was Trailer No26.

    The 25pdr also had a new limber which carried 32 rounds of ammunition in trays each containing two shells and two charges. This was Trailer No27.

    The advantages of using limbers with removable trays had the following advantages.
    There was ammunition ready for use as soon as the guns were in position. The limber was unhitched and the rear doors opened and the shells and charges were immediately available. Other systems required the shells and charges to be unpacked from their boxes and cases.
    Ammunition did not have to be repacked before the guns could move on. Any unfired rounds were simply replaced in the trays and the trays returned to the limber. In other systems the ammunition had either to be repacked into boxes and cases or abandoned as salvage to be repacked by ordnance personnel.
    Ammunition need not be dumped on the ground. This often led to dirty ammunition which had to be cleaned before firing to avoid barrel wear.

    Ammunition supply (25pdr)
    Each Quad tractor carried 24 rounds. Only eight were in trays and the rest in boxes. Each gun tractor also towed a limber with 32 rounds in trays. In addition each gun had a second limber with 32 rounds. These limbers were towed in pairs by tractors and parked in the Wagon Lines. Full limbers were towed up to the guns as required and the empty one towed away for reloading.

    Each battery had two 30cwt ammunition lorries plus ammunition handlers. These were parked in the Wagon Lines. They carried ammunition in cases which were opened and the ammunition placed into the trays of empty limbers as they returned. Each battery also had two 3ton lorries which replenished the 30 cwt lorries. The 3ton lorries were normally held at Regimental Headquarters. The 3ton lorries were replenished by RASC 3 ton lorries which operated under divisional headquarters but were permanently assigned to ammunition supply.

    Within the gun area the movement of ammunition vehicles was controlled by the Wagon Line Officer who laid out circular routes to avoid congestion and delay. Routes might be marked by signs, shaded lights or orderlies, or motor cycle orderlies might lead convoys.

    Small arms
    The War Establishment and Organisation tables list the Bren guns and Boys anti tank rifles. The Bren guns came with anti aircraft mounts which could be mounted on the vehicle which carried them. This gave anti aircraft protection on the move. The Bren gun could also be used on a ground mounted tripod for anti aircraft defence when stationary or on a bipod for local ground defence.

    The Boys anti tank rifle is listed for most units but there were not enough to go round and it seems unlikely that artillery regiments would get any.

    The gunners did not have personal weapons but there was a pool of 300 rifles which could be issued for local defence. Officers, Warrant Officers and motor cyclists had revolvers. Sub machine guns are listed but would not have been available to artillery units at this time. Thomson sub machine guns had been ordered from the USA. It was traditionally thought that an artillery unit could keep its front clear of enemy by firing canister or shrapnel. Small arms were only for guard duties and protection on the move. The war of movement would change this view as even rear area troops were liable to attack and all were eventually armed.

    Battery Command and Observation vehicles.
    It was usual for headquarters of all kinds to have headquarters equipped with 8cwt PU trucks. The Morris PU was the most numerous but there were also considerable numbers of Humber and Ford 8cwts. These latter two used the chassis and front ends from Humber and Ford heavy motor cars fitted with the standard 8cwt body. There were two versions of the body. One was Fitted for Wireless which carried a Wireless set No11 and three men. The other was Personnel and also carried three men but was intended as an office and command vehicle. The FFW version also carried a charging engine and the wireless set could be removed and used as a ground station. The tilt and frame could also be removed from the body and set up on ground spikes to form a shelter.

    15cwt trucks were also used to carry wireless sets and other communication equipment but were not strictly Fitted for Wireless. They simply carried the wireless set and normally the set was removed and used as a ground station. The wireless set could not be used on the move in these vehicles.

    Many units were issued with the older Morris Commercial CD 6 X 4 as battery command vehicles. These were called battery chargers after the term for an officers horse rather than the fact that it charged batteries. The CD had six seats and numerous lockers for battery stores and equipment. It may have carried a wireless but was not Fitted for Wireless. Most of these vehicles went to France with the Regular Army and equipped batteries which had the compatible CDSW.

    The Observation Carrier was a Scout Carrier with minor modifications. There was an observation port in the front compartment and this could be covered with a steel shutter. The Observation Carrier could carry a Wireless set No11.

  17. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    War Establishment I/1931/6A/2

    The Royal horse Artillery started mechanising in the early 1930s. At that time it was issued with Light Dragon MkII tractors and 3.7” howitzers. By 1940 those sent to France had the same equipment and organisation as field artillery regiments except that they had only two troops per battery. The regimental headquarters was as for the field regiment. The troops were also identical to those of the field regiment. There were some minor differences in the personnel of the battery headquarters but the vehicles seem to have been the same.

    Royal Horse Artillery batteries retained their traditional battery letters which were A to M. This explains why the batteries in other units normally started at P.

    Originally the Royal Horse Artillery was intended to operate in support of cavalry divisions. One cavalry division was earmarked for the BEF but in the event it was never sent.

    The following regiments served with the BEF.
    1 RHA GHQ Reserve
    2 RHA GHQ Reserve
    5 RHA III Corps

    Lieutenant Colonel
    3 X Major
    Captain, Adjutant
    6 X Captain
    11 X Subaltern

    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    6 X Battery Serjeant Major
    4 X Warrant Officer Class III

    2 X battery quartermaster serjeant
    serjeant, technical stores
    2 X signal serjeant
    serjeant cook
    16 X serjeant No1 of guns

    46 X bombardier
    354 X gunner
    7 X trumpeter

    Medical Officer RAMC
    4 X radio operator RAF

    8 X artificer RA
    18 X driver mechanics
    2 X equipment repairers
    7 X motor mechanic
    4 X battery surveyor
    3 X technical storeman
    6 X battery commanders assistant and rangetaker
    4 X battery surveyors assistant
    25 X batman
    7 X clerk
    9 X cook
    106 X driver IC
    4 X GPOs assistant
    80 X gun detachments
    14 X ammunition number
    20 X lmg detachment
    medical officers orderly
    17 X orderly
    54 X signaller
    5 X sanitary duties
    3 X storeman
    3 X water duties
    butchery dutyman
    7 X trumpeter

    25 X motorcycle
    1 X car 4 seater
    2 X scout carrier
    17 X 8cwt truck
    19 X 15cwt truck
    1 X 15cwt office
    3 X 15cwt water
    21 X 30cwt lorry GS
    6 X 3ton lorry GS
    24 X light dragon
    32 X artillery trailer

    The allotment of wireless sets in the regiment is as follows
    Three at Regimental Headquarters (Royal Signals)
    Two to each battery (RA)
    Two to each troop (RA)

    All wireless sets an other signal resources in batteries are regarded as a pool for allotment as required by the battery signal officer.
    The following vehicles are fitted with Motley AA mounts.
    Three 15cwt trucks and two 30cwt lorries are fitted with a mount at the front of the body.
    Four 15cwt trucks and one 30cwt lorry are fitted with a mount at the rear of the body.

    65 X pistol. For officers, warrant officers and motorcyclists.
    149 X rifle
    10 X Bren lmg
    7 X AT rifle
    7 X signal pistol


    Lieutenant Colonel
    Captain, Adjutant
    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    serjeant, technical storeman
    serjeant cook
    2 X bombardier
    36 X gunner

    Medical Officer RAMC
    4 X radio operator RAF

    Trades included
    8 X artificer RA
    corporal clerk (may be a serjeant if qualified by service)
    motor mechanic
    3 X technical storeman

    7 X batman
    3 X clerk
    12 X driver IC
    4 X lmg detachment
    medical officers orderly
    3 X orderly
    sanitary duties
    water duties
    butchery dutyman

    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    -Motorcycle 3
    motor mechanic
    -Car 4 seater
    Lieutenant Colonel, Orderly Officer, trumpeter, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, 2 X RAF radio operator, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Adjutant, clerk, orderly, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    Quartermaster, serjeant technical stores, clerk, driver IC
    -15cwt truck 1
    Regimental Serjeant Major, clerk, batman, driver IC
    Carries office gear
    -15cwt truck 2
    Medical Officer, medical orderly, batman, sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries medical equipment
    -15cwt truck 3
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, batman, clerk, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -15cwt truck 4
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess equipment
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    serjeant cook, butcher, cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    storeman, bombardier, gunner, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes, reserve clothing and QM stores
    Carries a Bren lmg
    Fitted with a Motley AA mount at the front of the body.
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    technical storeman, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and petrol

    Two men will be trained in anti gas duties and decontamination work.
    One man will be trained in first aid

    2 X Battery
    Battery Headquarters
    3 X Subaltern

    Battery Serjeant Major
    battery quartermaster serjeant
    signal serjeant
    6 X bombardier
    71 X gunner

    artificer RA
    driver mechanic
    equipment repairer
    motor mechanic
    2 X battery surveyor
    technical storeman

    battery commanders assistant and rangetaker
    2 X battery surveyors assistant
    5 X batman
    2 X clerk
    4 X cook
    23 X driver IC
    7 X ammunition number
    4 X lmg detachment
    5 X orderly
    13 X signaller
    2 X sanitary duties
    water duties

    One officer and twelve men will be trained in anti gas duties and decontamination work
    One man at battery headquarters and one man in each troop will be trained in first aid.

    -Motorcycle 1
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 2
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Light Tank OP
    Subaltern FOO, bombardier signaller, driver mechanic
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Captain, clerk, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    Signal Subaltern, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    Survey Subaltern, batman, bombardier surveyor, 3 x surveyor, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, trumpeter, 3 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    2 X gunner, 2 X signaller, 2 X RAF radio operator, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    Carries hand cable layer and battery office gear
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -15cwt truck 4
    cook, driver IC
    For distribution of cooked food
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    3 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    battery quartermaster serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    Carries QM stores and baggage
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 5
    artificer, motor mechanic, technical storeman, equipment repairer, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and tools
    -30cwt lorry GS 6
    bombardier, driver IC
    Carries reserve petrol
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry GS 7
    3 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries camouflage stores, 40 rounds of 25 pdr ammunition
    Carries Bren lmg
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the front of the body
    -30cwt lorry GS 8
    gunner, driver IC
    Carries 88 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -30cwt lorry GS 9
    gunner, driver IC
    Carries 88 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 1
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 184 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 2
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 184 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 3
    gunner, 2 X driver
    Carries 184 rounds of 25pdr ammunition
    Two batmen are also carried in the 3ton lorries.

    2 X Troop
    Battery Serjeant Major
    Warrant Officer Class III
    4 X serjeant
    8 X bombardier
    44 X gunner

    Artificer RA
    4 X driver mechanic
    motor mechanic
    2 X batman
    12 X driver IC
    gun position officers assistant
    20 X gun detachment
    2 X lmg detachment
    7 X signaller

    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    Warrant Office Class III
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Subaltern, bombardier, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    battery serjeant major, artificer, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    Carries a Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at the rear of the body
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier signaller, 2 X signaller, trumpeter, motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer

    -Light Dragon 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Light Dragon 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Light Dragon 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 32 rounds each

    -Light Dragon 1
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, bombardier driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Light Dragon 2
    Gun numbers 1 to 4, driver mechanic, driver IC
    Tows artillery trailer with 32 rounds
    Tows 25pdr gun
    -Light Dragon 3
    2 X Gun numbers 5, 2 X gun numbers 6, 2 X driver IC
    Tows 2 X artillery trailer with 32 rounds each

  18. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    War Establishment WE III/1931/10A/1. 6” gun.
    War Establishment WE III/1931/10/2. 60pdr gun.

    Medium artillery had been much used in WWI and there had been a great deal of development at that time. The relatively large numbers of medium guns being manufactured at that time meant that improvements could be introduced fairly rapidly. At the same time the intensive use of artillery at the front meant that faults soon became apparent. Thus the medium artillery regiments ended WWI with a large number of guns which were as up to date as technology allowed.

    Between the wars there had been a good deal of experimental work but there were so many modern guns in store that no new construction could be justified. Indeed many of the guns in store had never been issued. So by and large the medium artillery regiments went into WWII with the same guns with which they had ended WWI twenty years earlier.

    The great majority of the medium artillery consisted of 6” howitzers. There were two regiments of longer range 60pdrs of which one had guns which had been relined to 4.5” calibre

    There had been considerable development in the means of moving the guns however. The large teams of heavy horses were all replaced by modern motor tractors. The majority of these new vehicles were the diesel engined, four wheel drive AEC Matador fitted with a winch.

    Organisation for Movement and Manoeuvre are from the contemporary handbook
    ‘Artillery Training Volume I, Pamphlet 2A – Battle Drill and Manoeuvre for the Reconnaissance and Occupation of Positions’ March 1940.

    This handbook gives the grouping of vehicles and personnel when moving into position as well as the organisation of the regiment when in position.

    In common with most artillery units the medium regiments had been re organised in the late 1930s. The independent batteries had been formed into regiments of two batteries each. Each battery had two troops of four guns. The medium artillery however retained its survey troop, unlike the field artillery which lost theirs. Medium Regiments were either corps units or GHQ units, which could be assigned to corps as required.

    The letter which prefix each vehicle are the identification signs/call signs allotted to vehicles in the official training pamphlet and would normally be displayed on the vehicle.

    MEDIUM REGIMENT with 6” Howitzers.
    Lieutenant Colonel
    3 X Major
    Captain, Adjutant
    6 X Captain
    12 X Subaltern

    Regimental Serjeant Major
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant
    3 X Battery Serjeant Major
    4 X Warrant Officer Class III
    3 X battery quartermaster serjeant
    serjeant, technical stores
    2 X signal serjeant
    serjeant cook
    serjeant surveyor
    20 X serjeant No1 of guns

    70 X bombardier
    508 X gunner
    7 X trumpeter

    Medical Officer RAMC
    batman driver for chaplain
    4 X fitter MV RAOC
    4 X radio operator RAF

    6 X artificer RA
    2 X equipment repairers
    4 X motor mechanic
    6 X battery surveyor
    3 X technical storeman

    6 X observation post assistant
    6 X battery surveyors assistant
    26 X batman
    7 X clerk
    11 X cook
    150 X driver IC
    4 X GPOs assistant
    224 X gun detachments
    16 X ammunition number
    20 X lmg detachment
    medical officers orderly
    15 X orderly
    58 X signaller
    5 X sanitary duties
    3 X storeman
    3 X water duties
    butchery dutyman
    7 X trumpeter
    Note: an unspecified number of drivers will in fact be driver mechanics.

    40 X motorcycle
    1 X car 4 seater
    1 X car 2 seater
    21 X 8cwt truck
    18 X 15cwt truck
    1 X 15cwt office
    3 X 15cwt water
    22 X 30cwt lorry GS
    4 X 3ton lorry GS
    20 X 3ton 6 X 4 GS
    18 X gun tractor
    2 X armoured observation post

    82 X pistol
    108 X rifle
    12 X Bren lmg
    11 X AT rifle
    8 X signal pistol

    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    -Motorcycle 3
    Survey Officer
    -Motorcycle 4
    survey serjeant
    -Motorcycle 5
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 6
    motor mechanic
    -Car 4 seater
    Lieutenant Colonel, trumpeter, driver IC
    -Car 2 seater
    Chaplain, batman driver
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, Signal Officer RS, NCO linesman, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Adjutant, bombardier clerk, orderly, driver IC
    Carries office gear
    -8cwt truck 3
    Quartermaster, clerk, batman, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 4
    2 X surveyor
    -8cwt truck 5
    2 X surveyor
    -15cwt truck 1
    Regimental Serjeant Major, clerk, 2 X batman, driver IC
    Carries office gear
    -15cwt truck 2
    bombardier, 2 X gunner, 2 X operator RAF, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -15cwt truck 3
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    Carries QM stores, anti gas capes, spare clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    battery quartermaster serjeant, technical stores serjeant, motor mechanic,
    technical storeman, driver IC
    Carries MT stores and petrol
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    serjeant cook, cook, butcher, 2 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    Carries a Bren lmg
    Fitted with a Morley AA mount at the ear of the body.
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    Medical Officer, medical orderly, batman, sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries medical equipment

    2 X Battery
    Battery Headquarters

    Command section
    -Motorcycle 1
    Wagon Line Officer
    -Motorcycle 2
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 3
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    Artificer RA
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Motorcycle 8
    -Motorcycle 9
    -Scout Carrier
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, bombardier, trumpeter, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Captain, batman, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    surveyor, 2 X Gun Position Officers(from troops), rangefinder, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 4
    2 X signaller, clerk, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    Command Post Subaltern, Assistant Command Post Subaltern, 3 X surveyor, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    -15cwt truck 2
    5 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    3 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer
    -15cwt truck 4
    3 X signaller, 2 X gunner, driver
    Carries hand cable layer
    -15cwt truck 5
    3 X signaller, driver
    Carries mechanical cable layer

    Administrative section
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -15cwt truck
    cook, driver IC
    for distribution of cooked food
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    4 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    bombardier, driver IC
    For petrol distribution
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry GS 5
    2 X gunner, 4 X batman, clerk, equipment repairer, motor mechanic, bombardier, driver IC
    Carries Bren lmg
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at front of body
    -3ton lorry GS 1
    battery quartermaster serjeant, storeman, 2 X driver IC
    Carries gun stores
    -3ton lorry GS 2
    technical storeman, 2 X fitter MV RAOC, 2 X driver IC
    Carries MT stores
    -3ton lorry GS 3
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 4
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 5
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 6
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 7
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 8
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 9
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 10
    2 X driver IC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 11
    2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 12
    2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    2 X driver IC
    -Reserve tractor

    3 X Troop
    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    troop leaders orderly
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, observation post assistant, trumpeter, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    bombardier, gun position officers assistant, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    troop serjeant major, artificer, 2 X signaller, 2 X operator RAF, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    2 X bombardier, 8 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at rear
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    2 X bombardier, 10 X gunner, driver IC

    -Tractor 1
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer
    -Tractor 2
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer

    -Tractor 1
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer
    -Tractor 2
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer

    Alternative Troop with Dragon tractors
    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    troop leaders orderly
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, observation post assistant, trumpeter, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    gun position officers assistant, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    troop serjeant major, artificer, 2 X signaller, 2 X operator RAF, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    2 X bombardier, 8 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at rear
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    2 X bombardier, 10 X gunner, driver IC
    -3ton lorry GS
    4 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition

    -Dragon 1
    serjeant, bombardier, 7 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer
    -Dragon 2
    serjeant, bombardier, 7 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer

    -Dragon 1
    serjeant, bombardier, 7 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer
    -Dragon 2
    serjeant, bombardier, 7 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6” Howitzer

    MEDIUM REGIMENT with 60pdr guns
    This differed in that the ammunition was lighter and fewer 3 ton 6 X 4 lorries and drivers were required

    2 X Battery

    Battery Headquarters
    Command section
    -Motorcycle 1
    Wagon Line Officer
    -Motorcycle 2
    Battery Serjeant Major
    -Motorcycle 3
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    Artificer RA
    -Motorcycle 6
    -Motorcycle 7
    -Motorcycle 8
    -Motorcycle 9
    -Scout Carrier
    Driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 1
    Major, bombardier, trumpeter, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    Captain, batman, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 3
    surveyor, 2 X Gun Position Officers (from troops), rangefinder, driver IC
    -8cwt truck 4
    2 X signaller, clerk, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    Command Post Subaltern, Assistant Command Post Subaltern, 3 X surveyor, driver IC
    Carries survey equipment
    -15cwt truck 2
    5 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -15cwt truck 3
    3 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer
    -15cwt truck 4
    3 X signaller, 2 X gunner, driver
    Carries hand cable layer
    -15cwt truck 5
    3 X signaller, driver
    Carries mechanical cable layer

    Administrative section
    -15cwt truck water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    -15cwt truck
    cook, driver IC
    for distribution of cooked food
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    4 X cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking set and rations
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess gear
    -30cwt lorry GS 3
    2 X sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries spare anti gas capes and reserve clothing
    -30cwt lorry GS 4
    bombardier, driver IC
    For petrol distribution
    Carries AT rifle
    -30cwt lorry GS 5
    2 X gunner, 4 X batman, clerk, equipment repairer, motor mechanic, bombardier, driver IC
    Carries Bren lmg
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at front of body
    -3ton lorry GS 1
    battery quartermaster serjeant, storeman, 2 X driver IC
    Carries gun stores
    -3ton lorry GS 2
    technical storeman, 2 X fitter MV RAOC, 2 X driver IC
    Carries MT stores
    -3ton lorry GS 3
    2 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 4
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 5
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 6
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 7
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    -3ton lorry GS 8
    gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    2 X driver IC
    Reserve tractor

    3 X Troop
    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    signal serjeant
    -Motorcycle 3
    -Motorcycle 4
    troop leaders orderly
    -8cwt truck 1
    Captain, observation post assistant, trumpeter, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    gun position officers assistant, 2 X signaller, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    troop serjeant major, artificer, 2 X signaller, 2 X operator RAF, driver IC
    Carries RAF radio set
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    2 X bombardier, 8 X gunner, driver IC
    Carries Bren lmg and AT rifle
    Fitted with Motley AA mount at rear
    -30cwt lorry GS
    22 X bombardier, 10 X gunner, driver IC

    -Tractor 1
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 60pdr gun
    -Tractor 2
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 60pdr gun

    -Tractor 1
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 6opdr
    -Tractor 2
    serjeant, bombardier, 8 X gunner, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tows 60pdr gun

    Battery signallers.
    Signals were a vital part of the organisation of a battery and the following are identified.
    At battery headquarters
    1 X NCO in charge of battery signallers.
    2 X signaller (wireless) to man the battery headquarters Wireless set No11
    1 X signaller on motorcycle as messenger
    1 X signaller, battery headquarters exchange operator with 10 line exchange.
    1 X signaller, message operator
    1 X signaller, Command Post Officers operator
    2 X signaller (line maintenance) to lay and maintain lines to troops
    2 X signaller (wireless) spare

    In each troop
    1 X signal NCO
    1 X signaller (wireless) for observation post
    1 X signaller to man observation post line
    1 X signaller to man the line from battery command post
    2 X signaller (wireless) to man the gun position Wireless set No11.
    1 X signaller at gun position to man the observation post line
    2 X signaller line maintenance to lay and maintain lines

    The allotment of wireless sets was
    3 to regimental headquarters manned by Royal Signals
    2 to each battery headquarters manned by unit signallers
    2 to each troop manned by unit signallers
    All wireless sets were regarded as a unit pool to be assigned as required by the battery signal subaltern. There were not sufficient sets to equip all the vehicles listed as carrying them.

    2 X corporal
    19 X signalman
    6 X driver

    5 X motorcycle
    4 X 8cwt wireless truck
    1 X 15cwt wireless truck
    1 X 30cwt 6 X 4 lorry
    1 X 30cwt lorry

    10 X pistol ( for subaltern, serjeant, despatch riders, electricians and linesmen
    19 X rifle
    1 X AT rifle

    -Motorcycle 1
    -Motorcycle 2
    despatch rider
    -Motorcycle 3
    despatch rider
    -Motorcycle 4
    -Motorcycle 5
    -8cwt truck 1
    Subaltern, batman, spare driver, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 2
    2 X operator, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 3
    2 X operator, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -8cwt truck 4
    2 X operator, driver IC
    Carries a Wireless set
    -15cwt truck 1
    3 X lineman, driver IC
    Carries mechanical cable layer
    -30cwt lorry GS 1
    2 X corporal, 4 X operator, cook, driver IC
    -30cwt lorry GS 2
    electrician, driver IC
    Carries charging set and manual cable layer
    Carries AT rifle

    Captain or Subaltern (OME 3rd or 4th Class)
    Warrant Officer armament artificer
    lance corporal fitter
    3 X fitter MV
    driver mechanic
    batman driver
    2 X driver IC

    1 X motorcycle
    1 X car 2 seater
    1 X 3ton 6 X 4 breakdown lorry
    1 X 3ton stores lorry

    2 X pistol
    11 X rifle


    Medium Regiments RA were either Corp Artillery or GHQ Reserve units. Each Corp had two Medium Regiments. By May 1940 there were fourteen medium regiments serving with the BEF.
    Twelve regiments with 6” howitzers
    One regiment with 60pdr guns
    One regiment with 4.5”/60pdr guns

    Medium regiments carried 100 rounds of ammunition per gun
    40 rounds on the tractor
    60 rounds on ammunition lorries
    The one 6” howitzer regiment which used Dragon tractors carried
    30 rounds on the tractor
    70 rounds on ammunition lorries.

    The following Medium regiments were with BEF
    1 Medium Regiment GHQ 6” howitzer
    2 Medium Regiment GHQ 60pdr
    3 Medium Regiment 1 Corp 6” howitzer
    4 Medium Regiment GHQ 6” howitzer
    5 Medium Regiment 1 Corp 6” howitzer
    51 Medium Regiment TA 3 Corp 6” howitzer
    53 Medium Regiment TA 2 Corp 6” howitzer
    56 Medium Regiment TA 3 Corp 6” howitzer
    58 Medium Regiment TA GHQ 6” howitzer
    59 Medium Regiment TA 2 Corp 6” howitzer
    61 Medium Regiment TA GHQ 6” howitzer
    63 Medium Regiment TA GHQ 4.5”/60pdr
    65 Medium Regiment TA GHQ 6” howitzer
    69 Medium Regiment TA GHQ 6” howitzer

    Markings for Medium Artillery Regiments in Corps were as follows.
    All artillery vehicles carried the blue and red artillery rm of service square. For corps vehicles there was a white bar over the square. These were normally painted on a 9 square plate but some, especially on tracked or armoured vehicles, could be painted directly onto the bodywork.

    Corp Medium Artillery Regiments had white numbers painted on the arm of service square. In the BEF these numbers were
    Senior medium artillery regiment in a corps 12
    Junior medium artillery regiment in a corps 13
    Spare numbers 14 and 15

    Normally the arm of service square was carried on the offside front and rear and the divisional sign was carried on the offside.

    In addition artillery units carried battery markings consisting of a square one quarter the size of the arm of service square. These squares were blue with one quadrant in red to indicate the battery.
    Senior battery in a medium regiment had the upper right quadrant in red
    Junior battery in a field regiment had the lower right quadrant in red.

    This small square also carried white letters and numbers to indicate the individual vehicle in the battery. These are the numbers printed alongside the vehicles in the Organisation for Manoeuvre tables. The battery markings could be painted over the right hand upper corner of the arm of service marking or mounted on a separate small plate.

    To be continued:

  19. Derek Barton

    Derek Barton Senior Member

    I see you have 69 Medium as having 6" Howitzers. My site has them as 60 pdrs but in an oral history from Samuel Henry Alfred Lapidus he states they went to France with 4.5" guns. I think I will go with Samuels recollection and will alter my site.
  20. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    Organisation for Manoeuvre and Deployment

    For tactical purposes the medium regiment formed a number of groups which could move separately.

    Regimental Headquarters Party.
    The regimental headquarters party contained those personnel and vehicles essential to the tactical planning and operation of the unit. The Commanding officer would take his group to Corp Headquarters to receive his orders. He would then select a regimental headquarter site close to the corps headquarters. The Second in Command would then go to supervise the establishing of gun positions while the Commanding Officer would establish observation posts. The Signal Officer would establish communications from observation posts to gun positions and to battery headquarters, and from battery headquarters to regimental headquarters. Royal Signals were fully integrated with the headquarters and where Royal Artillery personnel travelled in Royal Signals vehicles these are shown. The Royal Signals detachment had a separate War Establishment. The letter/number code is that officially given to the vehicles and was usually displayed on the arm of service sign.

    4 seater car
    Commanding Officer, trumpeter, driver IC
    commanding officer’s orderly
    8cwt truck
    Second in Command, Signal Officer, NCO linesman, driver IC
    The signal officer rde in this truck when he was accompanying the CO or 2ic to Order Group. Otherwise he travels in signal section S1.
    despatch rider. Royal Signals.
    8cwt truck
    Adjutant, clerk, orderly, driver IC
    second in command’s orderly
    8cwt FFW. Royal Signals.
    Survey officer
    serjeant surveyor

    Reconnaissance Group.
    This group selected and established the site for regimental headquarters. The Orderly Officer led this group and commanded the headquarters until the adjutant arrived. When the Signal Officer had received his orders he returned to regimental headquarters and used vehicle S1. Until the Signal Officer arrived the signal serjeant commanded the Royal Signals personnel. The signals vehicles enabled communications to be maintained until telephone lines could be lid. A medium regiment also had a survey section which would survey the gun positions and establish a centre line.

    8cwt FFW. Royal Signals
    Orderly Officer and Royal Signals personnel
    Carries Wireless No11 set on the regimental net
    8cwt FFW. Royal Signals
    Royal Signals personnel
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to batteries
    8cwt truck
    2 X surveyor
    8cwt truck
    2 X surveyors assistants.
    8cwt FFW. Royal Signals
    Carries wireless No11 tuned to rear link net.
    8cwt FFW. Royal Signals
    Signal Officer and Royal Signals personnel
    Carries Wireless No11 set
    Motorcycle. Royal Signals
    signal serjeant
    Motorcycle. Royal Signals
    despatch rider
    Motorcycle. Royal Signals
    signal linesman

    Regimental Headquarters Group:
    The Regimental Headquarters Group was responsible for the administration of the regiment. It would normally be separate from the regimental headquarters itself and the various elements could operate separately on arrival as required.

    15cwt GS truck
    Regimental Serjeant Major, clerk, 2 X batman, driver IC
    15cwt GS truck
    2 X AA Bren gunners, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    Carries 2 X AA Bren guns on an AA mounting and an RAF Wireless set.
    15cwt GS truck
    Medical Officer, medical officers orderly, batman, sanitary dutyman, driver IC
    Carries medical stores.
    15cwt truck. Royal Signals
    Carries cable layer and cable reels.
    30cwt lorry. Royal Signals
    30cwt lorry. Royal Signals
    Motorcycle. Royal Signals
    signalman electrician

    Regimental Headquarters Maintenance Group.
    30cwt GS lorry
    Regimental Quarter Master Serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC
    30cwt GS lorry
    battery quartermaster serjeant, serjeant (technical stores), technical serjeant, driver IC
    motor mechanic.

    Regimental B echelon
    The B echelon contained those vehicles and personnel not immediately required by the various regimental headquarters groups. Batteries had their own B echelon vehicles and personnel which might travel under the command of regimental headquarters. The Quartermaster commanded this group.
    8cwt truck
    Quartermaster, clerk, batman, driver IC
    15cwt GS truck
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carries officers mess equipment and baggage.
    15cwt water
    water dutyman, driver IC
    serjeant cook, cook, butcher, 2 X AA bren gunners, driver IC
    Carries cooking sets and rations plus 2 X AA bren guns.

    Note that the RAF signallers used an RAF wireless set which could receive messages from Army Co operation aircraft. The RAF personnel did not have a vehicle of their own. The 15cwt truck that they used was not fitted for wireless and the set would be removed and set up as a ground station, in a tent or dug out at regimental headquarters. RAF personnel wore their RAF blue uniforms.

    Vehicle A3 carried a defence team for the Headquarters area and vehicle Q6 carried a defence team for the B echelon area. Both teams had Bren guns which could be mounted on the vehicle for AA defence on the move, set up on a tripod for AA defence when static or be used for ground defence. Each team should also have had an anti tank rifle.

    The Batteries.
    Each of the two batteries was identical and was organised as follows.

    Battery Reconnaissance Group.
    The Battery Reconnaissance Group was the small tactical headquarters of the battery. Led by the Battery Commander the group would attend the Regimental Commanding Officers Order Group and Reconnaissance Group. Having received his orders the Battery Commander would establish his observation post.

    8cwt FFW
    Major (Battery Commander), 2 X signalman(wireless), observation post assistant, driver IC.
    Carried a Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    battery commander’s orderly
    8cwt FFW
    Captain, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carried a Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    15cwt truck
    Command Post Officer (Captain), Assistant Command Post Officer, 3X surveyor, driver IC.
    Carried Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net, plus survey equipment.
    8cwt truck
    surveyor (rangetaker), 2 X gun position officers assistants, driver IC.
    Carries rangefinder No13.
    command post officer’s orderly
    NCO signalman
    Wagon Line Officer
    The Wagon Line Officer could travel in vehicle H for longer journeys.

    Observation Group.
    When the Battery commander had received his orders and ade his plan he would call forward the observation party and supervise the establishment of an observation post.
    8cwt FFW
    Captain (B troop commander), observation post assistant, signalman, driver IC.
    No driver is supplied for this vehicle. The OPA drives.
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    B troop signals NCO.

    G Party
    The G party was called up by the Command Post Office when the gun positions had been selected. This party was responsible for reconnoitring the gun positions and establishing command and communications.
    8cwt FFW
    A troop Gun Position Officer, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    A troop signal NCO
    8cwt FFW
    B troop Gun Position Officer, 2 X signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to a different frequency.
    15cwt truck
    5 X signaller, artificer, driver IC
    8cwt FFW
    2 X signalman (wireless), clerk, driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the battery net.
    B troop serjeant

    Gun Group.
    The gun group was centred around the guns and their tractors. The guns were not sent for until everything was ready. They were supposed to be capable of opening fire immediately on arrival. The guns were positioned as decided by the G Party, the tractors withdrawn to the Wagon lines and communications either by telephone wire or by wireless with observation posts and command posts enabled targets to be engaged without delay. C troop commander acted as battery leader and brought up the guns of all three troops before reverting to his normal duties.

    8cwt FFW
    Captain (A troop commander), observation post assistant, signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the same frequency as GB.

    A troop
    15cwt truck
    A Troop Leader, signalman, artificer, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    The signaller manned the gun position end of the telephone link from the observation post.. The orderly was trained in telephone line maintenance.
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition

    B troop
    15cwt truck
    B Troop Leader, signalman, artificer, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Battery Serjeant Major
    artificer RA

    Ammunition Group
    The battery ammunition group travelled with the guns and carried a first reserve of ammunition.
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    bombardier, driverIC
    Carries petrol

    Battery B echelon
    The battery B echelon contained those vehicles required for the administration and supply of the battery. It was normally kept under the control of regimental headquarters and vehicles sent forward as required.
    30cwt GS lorry
    4 X batman, driver IC
    Carried officers mess and officers baggage
    30cwt GS lorry
    2 X AA bren gunners, 4 X batman, clerk, equipment repairer, motor mechanic, driver IC
    Carries 2 X bren guns plus battery stores
    30cwt GS lorry
    battery quartermaster serjeant, storeman, motor mechanic, 2 X driver IC
    Carries battery stores
    30 cwt GS lorry
    technical storeman, motor mechanic, 2 X fitter RAOC, 2 X driver IC
    Carries technical stores
    15cwt truck
    cook, driver IC
    Carries cooking equipment and rations
    15cwt water
    water dutyman, driver IC.

    Gun Group 6” howitzer with Dragon tractors
    8cwt FFW
    Captain (A troop commander), observation post assistant, signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the same frequency as GB.

    A troop
    15cwt truck
    A Troop Leader, signalman, artificer, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition

    B troop
    15cwt truck
    B Troop Leader, signalman, artificer, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery (Dragon) towing 6” howitzer
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 30 rounds of ammunition
    Battery Serjeant Major
    artificer RA

    Ammunition Group
    The battery ammunition group travelled with the guns and carried a first reserve of ammunition.
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 50 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    30cwt lorry GS
    bombardier, driverIC
    Carries petrol

    Gun Group 60pdr guns.
    8cwt FFW
    Captain (A troop commander), observation post assistant, signalman (wireless), driver IC
    Carries Wireless No11 set tuned to the same frequency as GB.

    A troop
    15cwt truck
    A Troop Leader, signalman, artificer, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    The signaller mans the gun position end of the telephone link from the observation post. The orderly is trained in telephone line maintenance.
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition

    B troop
    15cwt truck
    B Troop Leader, signalman, artificer, 2 X RAF operators, driver IC
    15cwt truck
    signaller (observation post telephonist), 2 X signalman maintenance, orderly, driver IC
    Carries hand cable layer and cable reels.
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Tractor Medium Artillery towing 60pdr gun and limber
    serjeant, 9 X gun number, 2 X driver IC
    Carries 40 rounds of ammunition
    Battery Serjeant Major
    artificer RA

    Ammunition Group
    The battery ammunition group travelled with the guns and carried a first reserve of ammunition.
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    3ton lorry GS
    7 X gunner, 2 X driverIC
    Carries 80 rounds of ammunition
    30cwt lorry GS
    bombardier, driverIC
    Carries petrol


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