I wonder if Claus von Stauffenberg plotted vs Hitler only because war was being lost, or did he truly oppose Nazi regime? If so, I cant find reliable sources about this. Im currently reading "Hitler" by Kershaw, but havent gotten to the plot part yet.
There many threads here where his name appears, id'd by using the simple site search option: https://ww2talk.com/index.php?search/60919999/&q=Stauffenberg&o=relevance You could have a look at them, some are duplicates at a glance.
I see in other threads you read a book in german about him. What I don't know and can't find a lot of info, is if Claus would have plotted vs Hitler notwithstanding if they were winning or losing the war. If Stalingrad was a motive, then I would believe his main motive was seeing Germany was losing the war. Was Claus outraged on how Nazis behaved vs civilians and POWs? or that is something that was not in his mind? I don't know, can't seem to find a lot of info.
What motives really drove Stauffenberg will remain his secret. But there are indications that it was at least partly rooted in this: George-Kreis - Wikipedia
Alfred, I think Claus also did not agree with how Paulus was treated. But eventually I agree with Itdan, iz will remain his secret. Stefan.