employment record for War effort factory available?

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by hendrix17, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. hendrix17

    hendrix17 Active Member

    I'm wondering if anyone has been able to locate any records of employment at any ammunition factory's in London area? My nan worked in one during war but not exactly sure what the factory made. I think it was ammunition and I'm presuming it was in London, possibly St Pancras/Camden area as that's where she lived.
    I also believe she was evacuated or maybe just her younger siblings to Salisbury.
  2. Noreen

    Noreen Member

    My mother-in-law lived in the East End and worked as a tailoress. She was deployed into munitions but was evacuated to a munitions factory in Nottingham for her war-work. I have never tried to find any records about it but I saw this on Ancestry which may help you if you haven't seen it already. http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/topics.Military.wwii.factory/5.1/mb.ashx
  3. hendrix17

    hendrix17 Active Member

    Oh thanks. X

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