Gestapa or Gestapo

Discussion in 'The Third Reich' started by ResearchingResearching, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. ltdan

    ltdan banana counter

    Typical German "Aküfi" Abrzungsfimmel (abbreviation mania)

    The Gestapa emerged from the "Preußische Politische Polizei"/“Prussian Political Police”
    On April 26, 1933, Göring established the Prussian "Geheime Staatspolizeiamt" (Gestapa) with its headquarters at Prinz-Albrecht-Straße 8 with the first Gestapa Act in Berlin. Paragraph one literally states:
    “The Secret State Police Office with its headquarters in Berlin is established to perform political police duties in addition to or instead of the ordinary police authorities.”

    From now on, the Political Police operated as an independent special police authority, but still as part of the administration and remained subordinate to the Prussian Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick. This assignment changed with the second law on the secret state police of November 30, 1933, which stipulated that
    “The Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) forms an independent branch of the internal administration. Its head is the Prime Minister”

    Göring was thus in charge of the political police to which the regular police were subordinate. But this was again followed by the usual Nazi jockeying for authority, in this case between Göring and Himmler. The latter finally took over the leadership of the Gestapo in April 1934 while Göring could now concentrate fully on developing the Luftwaffe into his private army

    Why keep it simple when you can make it complicated
    (unknown German philosopher)
    Juha and Lindele like this.

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