HMLCT 2002 November 1944

Discussion in 'The War at Sea' started by VicInIbstock, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. VicInIbstock

    VicInIbstock Member

    It doesn't take much to confuse me but this one has me scratching my head on a number of fronts.
    I'm trying to add some details around the death of Stoker 1st Class Arthur Povey (P/KX165270) on the 30th November 1944. The CWGC site lists him on HMLCT 2002.

    I know enough that LCT was a Landing Craft for Tanks.
    I have found a list of HMLCT lost at sea but can't find a mention of 2002.
    I can find a reference to HMMG 2002 but that went down in 1945.
    I appreciate his death could have been a result of prior wounds but were there still amphibious landings around Bolougne in November 1944?

    Arthur isn't the only Stoker as a casualty in the area but the other went down with the Hood which I understand would need many stokers but a landing craft?
    Or was it just one of the many ranks in the RN?

    Any assistance to clear my confusion would be very much appreciated.
  2. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    ADM 104/135 lists him as died on LCT2002 - see image below. He died at Boulogne but the craft was not lost.

    VicInIbstock and 51highland like this.
  3. VicInIbstock

    VicInIbstock Member

    Wow, that's a hell of a way to go but then his 20th birthday was the day before..
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
    Hugh MacLean likes this.

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