Looking for a book recommendation

Discussion in 'Books, Films, TV, Radio' started by Chris C, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Hi all,

    I've realized I have a big hole in my knowledge of the Pacific theatre in regards to the fighting that went on in the Pacific between the Japanese and British(Indian)/Australian/Dutch forces. I know a little about the sea war, but not land. Can anyone suggest a good starter volume?

  2. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    Tricky Dicky likes this.
  3. Orwell1984

    Orwell1984 Senior Member

    Not a lot out there in English as Warlord mentioned but the Boer book is great.
    This website is probably one of the best English language resources on the NEI
    The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942

    Cheers a fellow Canadian ;)
  4. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    I couldn't say it better myself! Very comprehensive.
  5. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    wtid45 likes this.
  6. idler

    idler GeneralList

    Going to the other extreme, for a high-level overview, you could try The Pacific War Atlas 1941-1945 by David Smurthwaite which brings the whole saga down to about 140 pages.
    For a bit more detail, there's always the British official history The War Against Japan. Volume I takes you up to the loss of Java. Available as a reprint, you can sometimes pick up a first edition for less!
  7. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Thanks for the recommendations and the link to the big thread! For starters, The Pacific War Atlas sounds like just the thing to give me an overview before focusing on anything in particular :)

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