OPERATION AMHERST: French SAS in Holland, April 1945

Discussion in 'NW Europe' started by stolpi, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Richard Borst

    Richard Borst Member

    Indeed the stick Picard lost 4 more men. They probably fell behind and went straight where Picard turned left.
    This happened when they left the forest in great haste, after Blaauw's dead, and crossed the open field towards De Fledders in the still dark morning twilight.
    They ended up near a very small forest opposite the Lubbers family home. It's there that they were seen. They ended up in the Lubbers family home that morning, celebrating the liberation.
    There were probably only 2 paratroopers left on that location. Hauser and Courcier were found on April 9 in the Blauwe Bos, near Haule.
    They may have gone looking for Picard and lost their way.
    It is also possible that they already lost the other two when moving to De Fledders.

    Attached Files:

  2. Richard Borst

    Richard Borst Member

    The attack on the Annie Hoeve didn't take place in the morning following the landing. It took place on april 9th!
    Extensive research made this clear.
    In 2015 Chris Erkelens, who was there when the French arrived also made this clear in an interview: it was the next morning.
  3. Richard Borst

    Richard Borst Member

    (2) Oral info Albert Eleveld. Note that Flamand gives a different version: according to him, Corroy arrived on Sunday morning, April 8th, shortly after the body of Lt. De Sablet had been discovered: this is not entirely correct. The original French version of Flamand's book (1998) does not have the chapter in which this is described. This chapter only appears in the Dutch version (2002), and is based on a newspaper article.
    JimHerriot, frankeleveld and stolpi like this.
  4. Richard Borst

    Richard Borst Member

    There were indeed prisoners, 10 to be precies.
    8 arrived with Slofstra, Valayer and Azem at the barn. Doal arrived one night later, he was alone during the day (so he wrote himself in 1946).
    2 prisoners stayed with Raillard and were handed over to the Canadians on april 13.
    Slofstra remembered (1970) that, when he left, there were 6 or 7 French and about 8 Germans in the barn.
    It was six, because Doal wasn't there yet.
  5. frankeleveld

    frankeleveld Member

    We have been working on a podcast about Operation Amherst and a good week before the operation's 79th anniversary, we have the first part out. Episode 1 outlines the preparation and organization.
    It is available now through Apple podcasts and Podbean.com (search for 'Operatie Amherst'). For now, it is in Dutch only. I am considering an English version as well, but the priority is getting a few episodes out in Dutch first. I will upload future episodes as time permits.
    Richard Borst, davidbfpo and stolpi like this.
  6. stolpi

    stolpi Well-Known Member

    Bump ... tonight it will be 79 years ago that 'Operation Amherst' started in NE Holland
  7. stolpi

    stolpi Well-Known Member

    A new addition to my collection of Op Amherst publications arrived today. The booklet of Rinze Oenema (76 pp.), which was published in April 2017, tells the story of the demi-stick Vidoni at Haulerwijk. An action that is also covered in this thread: OPERATION AMHERST: French SAS in Holland, April 1945

    Haulerwijk boekje.jpg

    20240410_184833.jpg 20240410_184917.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2024
  8. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    I hope it is a great book stolpi, a good source of accurate information.

    A pity they've not used a wartime photo for the cover though :-( (post war modern chute, blanked gores for steering and perforated periphery to minimise oscillation - not a '45 thing by many many years unfortunately).

    Still, happy reading!

    Kind regards, always,

    stolpi likes this.
  9. frankeleveld

    frankeleveld Member

    The third episode of our podcast on Operation Amherst has been released today. Like the previous two episodes, it’s in Dutch. For those interested, the podcast is available on Apple podcasts and Podbean (Operatie Amherst - E3 - Appelscha | Operatie Amherst).

    We are working on making it available on more podcasts services.
    Richard Borst, stolpi and JimHerriot like this.
  10. Richard Borst

    Richard Borst Member

    Born on 26-12-1920, De Sablet turned out to be 24 years old when he died. It's unknown why his gravestone mentions 26.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  11. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Always remember, never forget,


    Louis Gabriel Mort pour la France 1.jpg

    Louis Gabriel Mort pour la France 2.jpg
  12. Richard Borst

    Richard Borst Member

    His mother visited the Netherlands in july 1947. She might have mentioned that he would have been 26 (that year). Most likely somthing went wrong with the translation.

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