Radio Free Europe

Discussion in 'The Lounge Bar' started by Lindele, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    This used to be a post war broadcasting unit operating from Munich.
    Supported by the US congress.

    Only recently RFE had a re-start operating now from Hungary, still broadcasting into countries like e.g. Hungary, Poland, Rumania.

    Supported by the US, I congress Iwonder?

    Interesting development, isn't it !

  2. RAFCommands

    RAFCommands Senior Member

    This US supported radio station in the 1980s was reputed to claim Luftwaffe Tornado - always meant to look to see if this had any substance. The story did the rounds of AirClues at the time.

    " German Tornado crashes Holzkirchen was the location of one of the main transmitting stations for Radio Free Europe. Transmissions started in 1951 and provided the people of Eastern Europe with news from Western Europe. The transmitters had a strength of up to 250 kiloWatts, and in the 1980s caused a Tornado aircraft to crash near Oberlaindern. Transmissions were reduced after the fall of the Communist block and the transmitters were dismantled in 2004. UK Tornados never suffered from such interference, despite being exactly the same design and build, because pilots were issued with maps showing areas of high field strength from such transmitters, to be avoided during flight. (From a presentation by Professor Nigel Carter, at the EMCIA meeting, held at the EEF in London on the 17 December 2008. Some of the information above is taken from "

    Lovely document it also records the ability of a Feltham Chip Shop to attract Tridents at Heathrow.

    "Fish fryer in Feltham A frying machine at a fish restaurant in Feltham, which is near the flight path for Heathrow Airport’s Runway 1, emitted RF interference. When they were testing the instrument landing systems on Trident aircraft, they tended to land earlier than they should have when the fryer was operating. (Sent in by Dave Imeson of Compliance Europe Ltd. Dave is also the Secretary of the EMC Test Labs Association,, whose website includes a large number of Technical Guidance Notes and other documents useful for test laboratories.Landing earlier can be a big safety problem, if the start of the runway has not yet been reached!) "

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
    Lindele likes this.

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