Report: Operation HOUNDSWORTH

Discussion in 'Special Forces' started by dbf, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Report on attack on Attack by 6-pounder Anti-Tank gun with Maquis Column 5th August 1944 by No. 889974 Corporal BURGESS, H

    (All Map Reference refer to SEMUR Sheet 12J FRANCE 1:100,000.
    Sketch Map accompanies report).

    Gun Crew:-
    Lance-Corporal BURGESS in charge
    No. ? Lance-Corporal GIBB, leader
    No. ? Trooper MADDICKS, gun layer
    No. ? Lance-Corporal ROBINSON, ammo number
    No. ? Trooper YOUNG on Bren Gun and spare ammo number

    On 4th August 1944 Maquis Commander desired gun to take up position G (MR 191606). Gun was hauled into position by 6 oxen.

    On 5th August 1944 at about 0900 hours I observed a column marching up the Black Road. Gun crew took up post and I sent Trooper THORNTON to Maquis H.Q. to warn the Commanding Officer. It had been agree upon previously that all Maquis troops would march down the roads with two men 50 yards in advance carrying a flag or else a hat on the end of rifle. This column was displaying no such signal. At K they deployed off the road and came on, which aroused my suspicions still further. At L they came on to the road again presenting a perfect target. The gun fired three rounds causing three casualties. They then gave a recognition signal and a Maquis officer from H.Q. went down to meet them. The Maquis Commander, congratulating us on our promptness and alertness, and laying all blame on the column Commander, for not displaying the recognition signal.

    This report is also made by No. 889974 Corporal BURGESS, H
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  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Operations of WELLSTED's Troop in area BEAUNE 29th August/2nd September 1944

    1. Jeep
    Captain WELLSTED
    Sergeant DuVIVIAN [DuVIVIER?]
    Lance-Corporal WELLER
    Trooper MARSHALL

    2. Jeep
    S.S.M. FEEBERY with
    Trooper FRANCIS
    trailer 2 other Troopers

    3. Citroen
    Lieutenant 'GEORGES' DUBREY
    Corporal Mc
    2 other Troopers

    4. Ford
    Lieutenant BALL with
    Trooper TURNER
    2" Mortar 2 other Troopers

    5. Pegent
    Lance-Corporal ROBINSON
    Trooper THORNTON

    To interrupt German communications between AUTUN and DIJON.

    28 August 1944
    Preparation for expedition. Captain WELLSTED went to MOUX 12J 3743 to arrange an Agent de Liaison to report SAULIEU clear 12J 4355 and obtain contacts in the COTE D'OR.

    29 August 1944
    Force set out from camp in area CHALAUX 12J 1961 and moved to Maquis ROBERT in the BOIS DE VILLARGOIX 12J 4556. Having given trouble all morning the three civilian cars had to be given an overhaul. The Citroen being taken to SAULIEU. Here it was learnt that the enemy had given up using the Route Nationale through SAULIEU and was moving further East. Captain WELLSTED went to SOUSSEY 6762 escorting a Maquis arms truck and contacting the Commandant of the COTE D'OR, who gave him letters of introduction to Maquis in the BEAUNE area.

    S.S.M. FEEBERY took out his party to destroy a broken-down tank in the area VITTEAUX 12J 6763. He missed it by one hour; Captain WELLSTED telephone the camp at CHALAUX reporting his probable movement and requesting to be allowed longer in the BEAUNE area.

    30 August 1944
    Moved off at 0900 hours to the mill at VERNUSSE 13K 6730 and wee taken from there to Maquis ERIQUE in the BOIS DE LA CHAUME 13K 8028, narrowing avoiding a German patrol in MOLINOT 13K 7125. The Maquis proved to be small and ill-armed but very keen, efficient, and pugnacious. They erected huts for the party, and fed them very well throughout their stay. During the afternoon Captain WELLSTED made contact with a Maquis agent in PERNAND and learnt that 95 Poles had deserted and were hiding in the woods. That night with Captain ERIQUE he accepted the surrender of a further 20 Poles at ST. ROMAIN. Captain WISEMAN had been in this area previously and with his incendiary bullets they had bagged an aircraft.

    31 August 1944
    During the night a further 15 Poles had come in making a total of about 120. They had deserted from the 3rd Regiment of 30th Division at CHALON. Watches were put on the roads AUTUN - NOLAN, NOLAY - BEAUNE, NOLAY - CHAGNY, CHAGNY - BEAUNE - NUITS ST. GEORGE, BEAUNE - SEURRE. Captain WELLSTED recce'd all likely ambush sites in the area. The Maquis cut German Telephonic communications between NEVERS and DIJON in three places to the North-West of BEAUNE. Sergeant DuVIVIER strafed the road BEAUNE - NUITS ST. GEORGES and blew the main PARIS - MARSEILLE railway just North of BEAUNE. Lieutenant "GEORGES" requisitioned a further civilian car, a Hotchkiss. Received a wireless message ordering the force to return by 2nd September. Maquis had a parachute.

    1 September 1944
    Had considerable trouble with the civilian cars and it was afternoon before an ambush position was taken up on the NOLAY - BEAUNE road near BAUBIGNY. The site was ideal. With Maquis and the Polish deserters backing us up, we felt confident to annihilate the 12 vehicle convoys which had passed yesterday.

    We remained in position until it was almost dark. Nothing passed all day.

    2 September 1944
    It was determined to have an ambush on the BEAUNE - NUITS ST. GEORGES road during the morning, Lieutenant BALL to command it. Captain WELLSTED arranging all details for the return march that afternoon. Civilian transport, however, proved more recalcitrant that usual, and not one car would start. At last in desperation S.S.M. FEEBERY's and Sergeant DuVIVIER's Jeeps were despatched to do a quick road strafe and return. They found a road running parallel to the Route Nationale and strafed the German columns 3 times. Estimated damage inflicted on enemy - 3 heavy trucks, 2 3-ton lorries, 1 PU, 1 Staff car and 35 men.

    Meanwhlie Lieutenant "GEORGES" carried out a recce in MEURSAULT where 25 bottles of wine were presented to the Troop. Lieutenant "GEORGE" was collecting this wine in the cellar, while the Germans were setting up an Ack-Ack position in the garden. By 1430 hours the force was ready to set off but before we had gone five miles the Hotchkiss had broken down and had to be abandoned. They had further trouble with the Citroen at a ford, but got it going again without difficulty. They had a dinner at the Hotel MORVANDELLE on the LAC DES SETTONS where they met Colonel MAYNE and Major MELOT and arrived back at CHALAUX just as it got dark. They were so short of petrol that the Citroen coasted down the last hill with a dry tank.

    The Main party were somewhat surprised to see the force safe and sound as a Maquis message had come in stating that they had been ambushed and the Commander killed.

    Damage inflicted on the Enemy:
    Telephonic communications cut in three places.
    Railway line blown.
    120 deserters incorporated with the Maquis.
    Maquis instructed in the use of weapons and explosives which dropped in the parachute.
    Three heavy trucks, 2 three ton lorries, 1 P.U. and 35 men Killed or Wounded.

    Own Casualties:

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  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Operations on road NEVERS - CHATEAU CHINON, NEVERS - LUZY dated 29th August to 3rd September 1944 by Major FRASER, M.C.

    One Jeep with Major FRASER, S.Q.M.S. MacLENNAN and Trooper BABBINGTON left camp on 29th August to recce NEVERS - CHATEAU CHINON area. Simultaneously one jeep with S.S.M. SEEKINGS, Sergeant McGINN and Trooper McKENZIE and a car with the Revered J. FRASER-McLUSKY and Trooper WILSON proceeded to the same area. The two parties met by the road NEVERS - CHATEAU CHINON near ST. BRISSON. While talking two German cars came past but there was no notice, and one Officer only wounded, the cars going on. The party now returned to camp and brought bak Lieutenant GRAYSON with S.S.M. SEEKINGS. Bren teams and a Maquis contingent returned to road NEVERS - CHATEAU CHINON next day to lay an ambush. (See Report J (a) attached).

    Major FRASER's jeep, the 3" Mortar Jeep, a French Maquis officer, 3 cars with Lance-Corporal DRAY, Lance-Corporal CAVE and Trooper ANCONA in charge of two Bren teams each, proceeded to the road NEVERS - LUZY with a Maquis contingent following. ANCONA's and Lance-Corporal CAVE's car broke down en route and some of the men were taken on the other vehicles, the remainder being told to carry out repairs and return to ST. SAULGE.

    The road was reached unexpectedly as a troop carrying convoy was passing. Fire was opened and several casualties noted. Lance-Corporal DRAY's Bren were put in position, and fired for half an hour before forced to withdraw because of the Maquis withdrawal. No position could be found for the 3" Mortar which was sent back to ST. SAULGE.

    Major FRASER's Jeep and Lance-Corporal DRAY's car now went by side roads towards CHATEAU CHINON. It was almost dark now, but while running along a side road parallel to the main road, fire was opened on another convoy. Casualties unknown. The Jeep now drew into a forest path 200 yards from the main road and the party had supper. A convoy was heard approaching so the French guide and Major FRASER went to the side of the main road with a Bren and from the ditch fired at 50 yards range. Immediately the enemy replied with Machine Guns, Mortars, and a gun not towards the Bren but towards the part from which we had fired the previous time.

    Returned to the jeep and withdrew two miles to sleep. Heard the battle going on for an hour and a half. (The Germans pulled 24 civilians out of bed and shot them later).

    Early next morning returned to scene of first action previous day. While talking to civilians two cars with 7 German Officers came round a corner 15 yards ahead and were killed and the cars destroyed.

    Returned to ST. SAULGE, picked up S.S.M. SEEKINGS' party and returned to camp.

    Lance-Corporal DRAY and his party returned 4 days later. Lance-Corporal CAVE and ANCONA and their parties returned the same day having laid mines several times on various roads. The locals and two German Prisoners of War reported that a General was blown up and died in NEVERS (General DEINHARDT?).
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  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Ambush at BILLY by Major FRASER, M.C.

    At approximately 2.50 arrived at BILLY leaving private cars 1 mile off Route Nationale. Whilst recce'ing road with two jeeps heard convoy approaching from NEVERS. Slid behind church wall and opened upon first Staff car from both jeeps. Stopped same. Maquis Bren teams immediately got into position and effectively knocked out 5 cars. 5 Prisoners taken. At 5.20 Germans returned in strength and burnt several of the houses nearby, loosed off thousands of rounds into woods.
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  5. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Found this photograph of Arthur 'Chippy' Wood in the September 1986 SAS Journal Mars & Minerva it shows some of the SAS troopers of Operation Houndsworth at Fairford airfield.

    (left to right) Ken Ralli, Babbington, ?, Lt. Tom Moore, Jeff Brinton, Cpl. "Chippy" Wood, George Harris, Sgt. Thompson (RAF Despatcher), ?, ?, Major Fraser and Lt-Col. Hastings (SOE).

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
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  6. Cee

    Cee Senior Member Patron


    If you check above in Post 5 it says

    "10 June 1944
    Main Recce Party of Major FRASER, Lieutenant COOPER, S.S.M. SEEKINGS, S.Q.M.S. MacLENNAN with men, and Lieutenant MOOR Phantoms attached, with men take off."

    Also in a Telegraph obituary for Captain Charles Moore a June 10th date is given for the departure Major Fraser and parties. Could the date for the photo in the SAS journal be off?

    Regards ...
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