As mentioned in a previous post, I'm reading a fascinating account of life in wartime Germany by Princess Marie Vassiltchikov, Berlin Diaries: 1940-1945. The author, a White Russian whose family fled their homeland in 1919, grew up as a refugee in several countries, including Germany. She was born in 1917. At the time she wrote the following entry, she was employed by the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), an organization that included many anti-Nazis, several of whom were co-conspirators in the July 20th Plot. Dramatis Personae: Otto Bismarck - Prince Otto von Bismarck, eldest son of the Iron Chancellor. Paul Metternich - Prince Paul Alfons von Metternich-Winneburg, the famous chancellor's great-grandson. Princess Ann Mari von Bismarck - Otto's wife. The location is a weekend visit to Friedrichsruh, the Bismarck estate near Hamburg, the year 1944. Sunday, 2 July Otto Bismarck had arranged a little shooting party - for boar - but nobody hit anything. The only boar we saw, as big as a young calf, stalked straight past Paul Metternich's stand. When Paul, deep in conversation with Ann Mari Bismarck, heard our exclamations, he fired wildly but naturally it got away. Otto was visibly put off, as he had given Paul the best stand. After dinner we had a long discussion with a famous zoologist about the best way to get rid of Adolf. He said that in India the natives use tigers' whiskers chopped very fine and mixed with food. The victim dies a few days later and nobody can detect the cause. But where do we find tiger's whiskers? JT
I love history. flaw in plan - Hitler was a veggie. Kev A veggie who liked caviar and the odd slice of ham!! Hitlerveg.html Vegetarianism of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia