Top 10 Reasons for a trip to the MDS.

Discussion in 'North Africa & the Med' started by gmyles, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. gmyles

    gmyles Senior Member

    Hi everyone

    I have found the table below in the 23rd Armd Bde REME Workshop War Diaries for 1944 showing the top 10 reasons for personell visiting the unit MDS between 1941 and 1944. It gives a interesting insight as to what were the most common reasons for a trip to the doc.

    Sorry tried to create a table but all my formatting gets stripped out.

    North Africa Malta Sicily Italy Total
    Dysentry 19 0 0 0 19
    Sores 16 0 0 9 25
    Boils 7 1 0 3 11
    Burns 4 0 0 0 4
    Wounded 8 0 0 0 8
    Inf. Hepatitis 8 0 1 14 23
    Fever NYD 3 3 12 24 52
    Malaria 0 0 12 6 18
    Diptheria 0 0 0 3 3
    VD 0 0 0 5 5
    Totals 65 4 25 74 168

    There were 5 Unit Deaths. 1 x Typhoid, 1 x Burns, 2 x Wounds and 1 x Pnemonia.

    Has anyone got anything similar but for the whole of the North African Campaign? My father was admitted into hospital twice and whilst I recognise that I'll probably never find out exactly what caused it, it would be nice to have a rough idea.



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