This is one of a series of photographs of Wapiti J9743 that is in my D.C.L.I. album. Presumably salvageable but I would like to know the date and the location if possible. Probably near Razmak.
From J Series (Air Britain) (R Sturtivivant / J J Halley) PD Sealand 24.1.30, Dispatched for shipment 20.3.30, AD Drigh Road 25.3.30, 27 Sqdn - 6.30-1.32, 20 Sqdn 5.32, 60 Sqdn, 20 Sqdn 1935, later 5 Sqdn 5.38-6.38 even though noted as DBER 29.7.35 (The last 5 Sqdn info is added with an exclmation mark suggesting it doesnt jell with the DBER date) Says DBER - that I think is Deteriorated Beyond Economic Repair.. but outside of that no prang is recorded... Also someone was asking about the same bird years ago. Posted the excerpt
Many thanks for the information, it is appreciated. Please feel free to use the photograph on your website if you want to.
I have a photo of Wapiti J9746 as well J9746 Also J Serials says this. But i believe the photo above and in your collection likely shows an earlier accident.