Wapiti J9743 on the North West Frontier.

Discussion in 'The War In The Air' started by High Wood, Sep 19, 2024.

  1. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    This is one of a series of photographs of Wapiti J9743 that is in my D.C.L.I. album. Presumably salvageable but I would like to know the date and the location if possible. Probably near Razmak.

    JimHerriot likes this.
  2. Jagan

    Jagan Junior Member

    From J Series (Air Britain) (R Sturtivivant / J J Halley)

    PD Sealand 24.1.30, Dispatched for shipment 20.3.30, AD Drigh Road 25.3.30, 27 Sqdn - 6.30-1.32, 20 Sqdn 5.32, 60 Sqdn, 20 Sqdn 1935, later 5 Sqdn 5.38-6.38 even though noted as DBER 29.7.35 (The last 5 Sqdn info is added with an exclmation mark suggesting it doesnt jell with the DBER date) Says DBER - that I think is Deteriorated Beyond Economic Repair.. but outside of that no prang is recorded...

    https://forum.rafcommands.com/forum/pre-world-war-ii-forum/13006-wapiti-unit?p=135535#post135535 Also someone was asking about the same bird years ago. Posted the excerpt

    Attached Files:

    JimHerriot likes this.
  3. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    Many thanks for the information, it is appreciated. Please feel free to use the photograph on your website if you want to.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2024
    JimHerriot and Jagan like this.
  4. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    Another photograph from a different angle. It possibly overshot the runway on landing.

    Jagan and JimHerriot like this.
  5. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    J-9746 seems to have had a similar problem.


    Jagan, Dave55 and JimHerriot like this.
  6. Jagan

    Jagan Junior Member

    I have a photo of Wapiti J9746 as well

    Also J Serials says this. But i believe the photo above and in your collection likely shows an earlier accident.

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