Who was the most Evil person in the Third Reich

Discussion in 'The Third Reich' started by Gerard, Mar 28, 2006.


Who was the most evil personality in the Third Reich

  1. Heinrich Himmler

    0 vote(s)
  2. Reinhard Heydrich

    22 vote(s)
  3. Oskar Dirlewanger

    19 vote(s)
  4. Adolf Eichmann

    3 vote(s)
  5. Rudolf Hoess

    6 vote(s)
  6. Irma Griese

    4 vote(s)
  7. Julius Streicher

    2 vote(s)
  8. Hans Mueller

    1 vote(s)
  9. Josef Kaminski

    0 vote(s)
  10. Other Please specify:

    4 vote(s)
  1. Hi Robert, and you my old friend. Hope you are well mate.
    Best Wishes

    Cheers, Brian!
  2. septima

    septima Junior Member

    Hi in my humble opinion
    Josef Mengele was far worse because he was a doctor, some how it seems to me that he should have known better ("Hippocratic Oath")
  3. BulgarianSoldier

    BulgarianSoldier Senior Member

    Hi in my humble opinion
    Josef Mengele was far worse because he was a doctor, some how it seems to me that he should have known better ("Hippocratic Oath")
    By the way, thanks to his sick experiments todays medicine knows a lot..
  4. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran


    You say "By the way, thanks to his sick experiments todays medicine knows a lot."

    Not according to "Everything2" (see below)

    As for Mengele's medical "discoveries," they died with him. His copious notes and records of his experiments, as well as those of the other doctors at Auschwitz, have never been found, and were apparently destroyed by Dr. Von Verschuer of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology in Berlin, whom records show received two truckloads of Auschwitz medical documents at the end of the War. Not as if they had any real scientific value to begin with.

  5. BulgarianSoldier

    BulgarianSoldier Senior Member


    You say "By the way, thanks to his sick experiments todays medicine knows a lot."

    Not according to "Everything2" (see below)

    As for Mengele's medical "discoveries," they died with him. His copious notes and records of his experiments, as well as those of the other doctors at Auschwitz, have never been found, and were apparently destroyed by Dr. Von Verschuer of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology in Berlin, whom records show received two truckloads of Auschwitz medical documents at the end of the War. Not as if they had any real scientific value to begin with.

    Yeah i heard about Mengele's experiments being able to help a little to the medicine after the war, maybe i got i wrong:huh:

  6. Red Jim

    Red Jim Well-Known Member

    Yet another fascinating old thread. I know that Hitler was deliberately omitted from the original list, but to me he has to be No1. He was the ultimate authority in the criminal, gangster state that was Nazi Germany. All the other evil, depravity and barbarity derived from him. He set the tone, he set the direction of travel. In the words of Ian Kershaw, the rest of the Nazi officials, low , middle or high ranking, were " Working towards the Fuhrer".
    Little Friend and Owen like this.

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