Why the Nazis lost the war

Discussion in 'The Third Reich' started by James Marsh, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. James Marsh

    James Marsh New Member

    in my opinion on why the Nazis lost the war, is because when Mussolini invaded southern europe, Adolf Hitler had to divert forces that he was going to use to in Operation Barbarossa to help Mussolini when his troops failed to take Southern Europe. This along with the poor weather conditions in the Soveit Union help caused te eventual downfall of the nazis. i know that the other reason they lost the war is because hermann goering failed in delivering supplies to the wehrmacht.

    Keep in mind that this is my opinion, but i would like to know what you think,

  2. jonheyworth

    jonheyworth Senior Member

    To be honest , the Third Reich lost WW2 for far too many reasons to elucidate. Basically , they were generally , pretty crap, with the benefit of 70 plus years of 20/20 hindsight
  3. James Marsh

    James Marsh New Member

    jonheyworth but thay were good at blitzkreig and hitler did some things right.
  4. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    James my take on it like a bull in a china shop approach

    Blitzkreig : Read the book to Loose a Battle (Alistair Horne)

    have a look here Psychopathography of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia.

    Hitler was a lunatic Berkeley Hunt who was the cause of many millions of deaths.He didnt listen to anyone ,he mostly did his own thing so whilst the germans scored some early goals they sat on their lead.

    Hitler did some things right ?
    The only thing he did right was kill himself and the rest of the nazi vermin did the same or had their necks stretched.
    Then the Allies had a huge determination to remove him and the other dictators plus their ideology.
    Oh course my main area of expertise is a generalist of nonsense so my views are my own and nothing to do with WW2talk
  5. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member

    Can you remind me where Mussolini lived ??

    timuk and Dave55 like this.
  6. jonheyworth

    jonheyworth Senior Member

    TBH James , even the few things they did “ right “ were proved to be very, very wrong in the long or sometimes short term. The Third Reich was a conundrum of laziness , incompetence , nepotism, dogma , bad ideology, blind wishful thinking, denial and the worst old boys club in the world .
    Red Jim, George_GR, CL1 and 2 others like this.
  7. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    TTH, alberk and jonheyworth like this.
  8. ltdan

    ltdan Nietenzähler

    this is the most serious answer I can think of.....
    George_GR, TTH, Shiny 9th and 8 others like this.
  9. Trackfrower

    Trackfrower Member

    James, start reading the Big Boys Books!
    lordgort likes this.
  10. Nick Beale

    Nick Beale Member

    It can be heavy going (e.g. when it talks about pre-war finances) but I'd recommend a read of Adam Tooze, "The Wages of Destruction" (Penguin, 2007) which is a revelation on the weakness of Germany's economy and its inability to support the war its leaders embarked on.
    minden1759 likes this.
  11. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    Even as the Germans prepared for Op BARBAROSSA on Hitler’s orders, the German High Command recognised that they did not have enough fuel for the task. Consumption rates in Russia, with its very poor infrastructure, were far higher than fuel consumption rates during the invasion of France.

    Do not be fooled by Blitzkrieg. Most of the German Army remained horse drawn throughout the war.

    Chris C likes this.
  12. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    Plus their weather forecasters were a bit Fishy
  13. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member

    Would that be MIchael Fishy?

    CL1 likes this.
  14. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    This argument has been presented persuasively at some length by Douglas Porch
  15. Marco

    Marco Senior Member

    Accoording to National Geographic:


    Am I doing someone's homework?
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
  16. Nick Beale

    Nick Beale Member

    Actually they were amphibians — Lutwaffe slang for a Met Officer was Wetterfrosch ("weather frog").
    Dave55 likes this.
  17. Red Jim

    Red Jim Active Member

    I prefer the argument made by Andrew Roberts in his book " The Storm of War", the Nazi's lost the war because they were Nazi's
  18. Peter Clare

    Peter Clare Very Senior Member

    Shoot me down if you like but wasn’t Nazism a political party?
    I do believe the majority were Germans, why not say so?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2024
  19. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    Swiftly after the November 1932 national elections when the Nazi party won 33.1% of the vote they gained political power. In March 1933 they still did not win a majority. Quickly Germany became a near-totalitarian state, even more so when Hindenburg died in August 1934. Then in a national referendum days later asked:
    89.93% voted in favour, was this a free vote? No. It was enough and Germany became a totalitarian nation-state led by Hitler. Yes, the Nazi party was a political party; not one that we would recognise with party and state power - with violence (threat or actual) - in action.

    I had studied this period a very long time ago and relied on Wiki for this.

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