Personal Number: 135959 Rank: Captain Name: E G WILLIAMS, MiD Unit: Welsh Guards London Gazette : 19 July 1945 The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy:- W.G. Capt. (temp.) E. G. WILLIAMS (135959). London Gazette : 8 April 1949 W. G'ds. The undermentioned Lts. (War Subs. Caps.) from Emerg. Commns. to be Capt., 1st Jan. 1949: E. G. WILLIAMS (135959), and is granted the hon. rank of Maj. London Gazette : 21 October 1955 W. G. REGULAR ARMY RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Capt. (Hon. Maj.) E. G. WILLIAMS (135959) having attained the age limit of liability to recall relinquishes his commn., 20th Oct. 1955 retaining the hon. rank of Maj.
London Gazette : 19 July 1945