Personal Number: 156094 Rank: Second Lieutenant RAFVR Numbers: 171805 (1398669) Rank: Pilot Officer (Sergeant) Name: Arthur William Mesham BIRCHENOUGH Unit: Welsh Guards & Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve London Gazette : 19 November 1940 The undermentioned Cadets, from 161st, 162nd, 164th, 165th and 167th Officer Cadet Training Units, to be 2nd Lts. 2nd Nov. 1940:— FOOT GUARDS W. G'ds. Arthur William Mesham BIRCHENOUGH (156094). London Gazette : 21 March 1944 ROYAL AIR FORCE VOLUNTEER RESERVE. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. As Plt. Offs. on prob. (emergency): Sgts. 2nd Feb. 1944. 1398669 Arthur William Mesham BIRCHENOUGH (171805).