1940 Dunkirk France Belgium Related Pictures

Discussion in '1940' started by Drew5233, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Hopefully I'm going to do another Dunkirk trip this year on my bike. It will probably be the same format as my last trip riding from Cassel to the Beaches.

    Whilst I'm there I want to do some 'Then and Now' pictures. Has anyone got any 'Then' pictures that would be easy ish to find (I'm only there for the day). I've got these two which I know where they are etc but wouldn't mind copies without the web address on them and I'm particulary interested in getting some from the Cassel area.

    Any pictures with locations gratefully received.

  2. AndyBaldEagle

    AndyBaldEagle Very Senior Member

    I dont think ATB have done that area yet! I remember some years ago, driving down to the beach for coffee with a friend. We got out for leg stretch etc and walked onto the sand, looked back and it was like being transported in time. we were on the beach where that most used photo was taken from one of the boats, with the long line of men stretched out back to the sanitorium i think it is was.

    I have got the pic somewhere, taken before digital days!:D

    Wish you luck


    CROONAERT Ipsissimus

    I dont think ATB have done that area yet!

    Issue number 3 from way back in 1973 pages 13 to 21 (about time they did a re-shoot I think) ...and yes, (Owen), I do have a copy of it!:p

    For Cassel - Blitzkrieg in the West p.438

    CROONAERT Ipsissimus

    Using backgrounds, these should be easyish to find (all Dunkirk)...

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    Drew5233 likes this.
  5. AndyBaldEagle

    AndyBaldEagle Very Senior Member

    Note to self, check records before typing! What I meant was a Then and Now book!:D
    And Ive got a copy too, in fcat all of them from 1 to whatever the latest number is (I must get round to reading the last 10 issues)!:mad:


    CROONAERT Ipsissimus

    Ths one might be a little more difficult, but may be possible...

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    CROONAERT Ipsissimus

    Note to self, check records before typing! What I meant was a Then and Now book!:D

    errr...Blitkrieg in the West - Then and Now by Pallud?:p:lol:#

  8. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Cheers Dave,

    Those pics are great especially the first three. I want to avoid beach shots as I'll be in my leathers and salt, sand etc don't go with leather :D

    By any chance has you got any from further in land ie the Cassel area etc.

    Cheers again.
  9. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    British soldier of the Royal Ulster Rifles getting some rest in his trench during rear guard duty while his outfit is preparing to evacuated the beach by boat to awaiting destroyers offshore.
    Strange he has one boot off and one on and has removed his webbing but still has his gas mask case on.

    British Sargent Jack Wadsworth of the Royal Ulster Rifles prepared to leave during the evacuation of the city; his eyewitness account of the battle action & retreat was cabled to LIFE magazine.
    No entry on CWGC.

    British soldier of the Royal Ulster Rifles getting some rest in his trench during rear guard duty while his outfit is preparing to evacuated the beach by boat to awaiting destroyers offshore.

    Members of Royal Ulster Rifles waiting on improvised pier of lorries to evacuate Dunkirk during low tide.

    Men of the British Royal Ulster Rifles trying to launch boats to take them out to the waiting destroyers as they evacuate the beach.
  10. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    British Capt. C. Merton, skipper of the hospital ship Worthing, which was bombed by Nazi planes 6 miles of the coast during allied troop evacuation.
    No entry on CWGC

    British hospital "The Worthing" clearly marked w. a Red Cross lying alongside the quay after being attacked by Nazi planes while returning to England.
  11. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Lighthouse looming above bombed-damaged docks incl. distant pier on fire after Nazi air attack during the evacuation of the British army.
  12. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Bombed-out church in the city after Nazi air attack during the Allied troop evacuation.
  13. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    Quite unusual to see that the photo of Wadsworth shows him with two-piece stitched webbing cross straps rather than the earlier woven variety. I must admit that I thought I'd spotted a fault but apparently it did appear prior to Dunkirk.
  14. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    French inhabitants & soldiers trying to escape with all their possessions on bicycles & a car after Nazi air attack on the city..

    Bombed- out houses on street where inhabitants & French soldiers trying to escape with all their possessions in horse-drawn wagons or bicycles after Nazi air attack.

    French soldiers walking down evacuated street after Nazi air attack on the city..
  15. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive



    Fr. soldiers' trench looking across farm field at the city w. smoke rising fr. bombed-out houses after Nazi air attack before the evacuation of allied troops fr. the area.

  16. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    British motor boats helping to withdraw soldiers fr. the beach to destroyers waiting to take them back to England.




    dbf likes this.
  17. britman

    britman Senior Member

    Some great photos here. Thanks for posting them.
  18. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    I bought some Dunkirk area photo's the other week which arrived today and thought I'd share them with you good folk of the forum - All comments/info welcome :D

    Fill free to take any you want. I'm sure they are probably all over the net already:)






    More later....
    von Poop likes this.
  19. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive




  20. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Good photos, Andy.

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