Hi I am trying to understand what the Glosters did after the Retreat from Burma in 1942. I understand that they were in the Kohima and Imphal area after they reached India and stayed there until mid-1943 when they were returned for a period of internal security duties to India. But does anyone know of detailed sources (apart from the War Diaries) on their activities in this period? I understand that 23rd Indian Division were on the 'front' in the Kabaw Valley and 17th Indian Division likewise in the Tiddim area. What OOB were the Gloucestershire Regiment part of? Any help much appreciated!
From the "Cap of Honour" ... and with reinforcements it was brought up to strength, re-equipped, and prepared for further action, and posted to the Seventeenth Indian Division. At Kohima and Imphal the Battlaion trained hard, and then served in reserve on the Assam-Burma frontier through the anxious months up to July 1943. Unfortunately not much info. And while I can't say where they were, I can say where they weren't ... kind of. First elements of 17th Indian Division, one company of 2/5th Royal Gurkha Rifles moved to the Tiddim area in late 1942, with the rest of the battalion joined them in February-May 1943 and the rest of the 48th Indian Brigade followed in May. 1st Gloucestershire Regiment was definitely not part of this brigade (I have war diaries for the 48th Indian Brigade for 1943 and Glosters were not mentioned in them). First elements of 63rd Indian Brigade arrived in June 1943, and the rest of the Division later in the year. So there is (almost) no chance that Glosters were in the Tiddim area, but might be placed around Bishnupur or somewhere along Tiddim road.
Here are the commands that the 1st Gloucestershire Regiment served under 1939-45: HQ Rangoon Brigade Area 3/9/39 - 1/3/41? HQ Rangoon Area 1/3/41? - 7/3/42 HQ Army in Burma 7/3/42 - 10/3/42 HQ 17th Indian Infantry Division 10/3/42 - 1/4/42 - Recce Battalion HQ 16th Indian Infantry Brigade 1/4/42 - 3/4/42 HQ 17th Indian Infantry Division 3/4/42 - 9/4/42 HQ LOC Troops, Burma 9/4/42 - 14/4/42 HQ 1st Burma Division 14/4/42 - 5/5/42 HQ 1st Burma Brigade 5/5/42 - 8/5/42 HQ Burcorps 8/5/42 - 10/5/42 HQ 1st Burma Division 10/5/42 - 10/5/42 HQ Army in Burma 10/5/42 - 12/5/42 HQ 1st Burma Division 12/5/42 - 1/6/42 HQ 63rd Indian Infantry Brigade 1/6/42 - 22/6/43 – Light Brigade from 1/9/42 HQ 256th LOC Sub-Area 22/6/43 - 1/7/43 HQ 251st LOC Sub-Area 1/7/43 - 17/7/43 HQ Eastern Army 17/7/43 - 20/7/43 HQ 352nd LOC Sub-Area 20/7/43 - 2/4/45 HQ 116th Indian Infantry Brigade 2/4/45 - 31/8/45 Also under the command of the 63rd Indian Brigade from 1/6/42 to 22/6/43 was the 1/10th Gurkha Rifles, the 1/11th Sikh Regiment (until 5/9/42) and the 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles from 9/9/42). The 1st Gloucestershire Regiment was replaced in the brigade by the 1/4th Gurkha Rifles on 4/7/43. 1/11th Sikh Regiment - Post Retreat from Burma under 63rd Indian Brigade Imphal was reached on May 22nd, where the 63rd Brigade had a brief rest. From there, it moved up the road to Kohima, which was reached on June 6th and the Battalion moved into a camp six miles from Kohima with the rest of the brigade in Kohima. The Battalion needed to send patrols along the tracks toward Ukhrul and the Chindwin during the monsoon but no enemy were seen. Training and rebuilding began as the size of the Battalion had dipped to about 300 all ranks. The rest of the summer was spent at Kohima in Assam. The 17th Indian Division began to reorganize as a Light Division in June 1942 and, on August 7th, a number of battalions were to change roles. This included the 1/11th Sikh Regiment, which would reform as a Brigade Reconnaissance Battalion for the 17th Indian Light Division. 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles -Post Retreat from Burma under 63rd Indian Brigade until June 1943 The 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles arrived at Kohima and joined the 63rd Indian Light Brigade before moving into the new camp at Thizema. In addition to the 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles, the brigade consisted of the 1st Gloucestershire Regiment and the 1/10th Gurkha Rifles. The Battalion began to convert to the new W.E. (war establishment) for a light division on a pack basis based of communication from September 1st, 1942. The Gurkhas remained training and assimilating drafts through the end of December at Thizema. On the 28th, orders arrived for a move to Imphal and the advance party left on December 31st, 1942. 63rd Indian Light Brigade left the Kohima area on January 1st, 1943 and began the march to Imphal, where it arrived on January 5th-6th at MS 2 on the Imphal-Palel road. Between January 20th and 24th, the 63rd took part in a brigade exercise on in the area of Shuganu-MS 45 on Imphal-Tiddim road and included its associated 29th Mountain Regiment IA and 228th Anti-Tank Battery RA. When the exercise was over the 63rd Brigade moved into a new area at MS 45 on the Imphal-Tiddim road. More equipment began to pour in in early February, which were employed in a brigade exercise during February 6th-7th. On February 17th, the units of the brigade first heard of Scheme NAVVY, which would employ about four hundred men from each battalion to finish the construction of the Tiddim Road while specialists and officers would do separate training. Scheme Crusher took place from February 21st-23rd with the 63rd Brigade holding a roadblock against the 48th Brigade. The warning order for Scheme NAVVY arrived on February 24th for four hundred men of the three battalions to proceed to MS 108 on the Imphal-Tiddim road for road work. On March 17th, the road work crews departed for NAVVY work camp at MS 115. The work on the Tiddim road was completed on April 26th as the brigade prepared to move to Shillong and brigade parties started moving to the new camp at MS 11 on the Gauhati-Nowong road. With the monsoon coming, the 17th Indian Light Division would rest at Shillong. The work party of 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles arrived at the Shillong camp on May 10th. No sooner than the 63rd Brigade arrived at Shillong, a new order arrived on June 1st for the brigade to move back to Imphal. The 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles left Shillong on June 3rd, 1943 and arrived two days later at Tuitum with the 63rd Brigade taking over positions in the Tuitum-Tiddim-Fort White area. One company was sent to MS 127 on the Imphal-Tiddim road on June 6th followed by Tactical HQ and one more company two days later. The rest of the Battalion left on the 9th for MS 109, where Divisional HQ was located. On the 22nd, the 1/3rd Gurkhas concentrated at Tuitum and relieved the 1/10th Gurkha Rifles, which moved forward. The 1/3rd Gurkhas returned to the forward area beyond Tiddim in early August 1943. Both the 1/3rd and 1/10th Gurkha Rifles took part in Operation Smasher, a raid against the areas of Basha East and Signal Piquet on August 6th-7th, 1943 with limited success before withdrawing. On September 9th, the 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles took over the1/4th Gurkha Rifles positions, two companies of the 1/10th Gurkha Rifles took over the1/3rd Gurkha Rifles positions and 1/4th Gurkha Rifles withdrew to Tiddim area for intensive training for one month. 1/10th Gurkha Rifles - Post Retreat from Burma under 63rd Indian Brigade until June 1943 (Excerpt from Regimental History) 1st Gloucestershire Regiment War Diary - May 1942 to December 1943 - Transcript 1/6/42 - The Battalion was transferred to 17th Indian Division and was posted to 63rd Indian Infantry Brigade at Kohima where it had a defence role, encamped in the hills about 5000 feet approximately 8 miles South of Kohima. It rained incessantly and the ground was infested with leeches. The local Nagas were very friendly and constructed bamboo beds for all the men within 24 hours. Lt. Hurford-Jones and his detachment rejoined from Burma Army HQ. 6/6/42 - Lt. Hurford-Jones evacuated to hospital. The Battalion was employed improving their camp and carrying out a training programme . Evacuation to hospital decreased and health began to improve again. 12/6/42 - The C.O. received an order to proceed to Calcutta with 3 officers and 20 ORs to meet with Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment, Lt.-Gen. H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, K.G, K.T, K.P, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.G. On 18 June Lt. (Q.M.) H.F. Grist, Lt. R.F. Kettle, Lt. J.A. Cummings were selected to accompany the C.O. Capt. Lea assumed command during the absence of Lt-Col. Bagot. 14/6/42 - The Battalion moved to Barracks in Kohima, During the following two months the Battalion proceeded on leave and was made up to full strength in officers and men, among them Major R.G.R Chilton, Major C.W.A. Bath, Major C.L.C. Roberts rejoined form staff employment. The work of the Battalion M.T. section during the campaign is worthy of record. The Battalion had no authorized scale of M.T. in Burma and made and kept mobile entirely by the perseverance and energy of the M.T. section in recovery and servicing of abandoned vehicles, many of which were handed over to Division and Army pools from time to time. The following officers and ORs were decorated for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty:- Lt. (A/Capt) R.V.G.N Johnson M.C. Letpadan 19 March Lt. (A/Capt.) J.F.G Smele M.C. Shwedaung 29 March Prome 1 April 5177617 C.Q.M.S. G. Biggs M.M. Yenangyaung 17/18/ March 5179689 Sgt. L. Smith D.C.M. Shwedaung 29 March Yenangyaung 17 March - Pte. V Philatoff M.M. Taunkyan 7 March - Pte. Smith M.M. Paungde 27 March 5182185 Pte. C. Cater M.M. Paungde 27 March 15/8/42 - Lt.-Col. C.E.K. Bagot M.C relinquished command - medically unfit. Major F.W. Sharpe took over command. The 28th Foot embarked on a period of strenuous training for their next campaign. ============================================================================ 1st Glosters at Yenangyaung (Ref. 1/4” gridded map Sheet 84 L) (Note made from memory by Lt. Col. H.G. Croly, formerly GSO 2, 1st Burdiv, on 8 May 43) Burdiv spent the night 16/17 April on the road Magwe-Yenangyaung, a few miles South of Yenangyaung. Early on the morning of 17th April General Bruce Scott, with Advance Divisional HQ, arrived at the Stud Farm about one mile East of the road junction at map reference 1684. The divisional commander’s intention was to establish his HQ here and dispose of the division for defence of the town. Shortly after the HQ arrived, Brigadier Roughton arrived, accompanies but Lt.-Col. Sharpe, Commanding 1st Glosters. Brig. Roughton with a small staff had remained in Yenangyaung to supervise the demolitions, and the remnants of 1st Glosters were temporarily stationed in the town. Brig. Roughton and Lt. Col. Sharpe stated that the Japanese had established a road block North of the town, between the point where all the bypasses throughout the oilfields converge, and the crossing over the Pin Chaung. The Glosters were in contact with the enemy at this block, and were also patrolling the town itself into which small parties of the enemy had infiltrated. The divisional commander ordered the available divisional troops - the divisional protective platoon and sapper and miners to take up a position from the road junction, referred to above, through the stud farm. The Glosters who had taken over several oilfields lorries and trucks by providing as much transport as possible. NOTE. - I have the impression that the party of Glosters who were in contact the road block were withdrawn when Burdiv troops arrived in the area South of Yenangyaung. I am trying to get in touch with General Bruce Scott and Captain J.T.A Wilson, and will sent you more information if possible. Do not Burdiv operation orders for the attacks on the 18th and 19th give any clue as to which Brigade they were under? N.B. - Sketch map included of the area. ============================================================================ May 1942 War Diary 1/5/42 - 16 MS Road Shwebo - Ye-U - Battalion moved by Ferry service, Battalion M.T. to Kinu. Owing to the arrival of the reinforcements this could only be done in 2 1/2 trips. The Battalion R./V. was North of Kinu R.S. Owing to the distance and breakdown it took most of the morning and part of the afternoon to reach Kinu. Traffic was considerably held up by convoys of Chinese Troops. 1230 hours - At Kinu the R.S. was bombed by 27 planes, pattern bombing. Unluckily part of the Battalion was in the target area, although widely dispersed. 7 men of the draft reinforcement were killed and 14 injured. 1500 hours - The Battalion was then ferried on to Ye-U, where Col. Bagot had been al day getting in touch with Corps and Advance Army HQ. The Battalion was moving into a Defensive Position for Army HQ protection when the order was countermanded. 1900 hours - The Battalion then rendezvoused for the night in Ye-U. 1/5/42 - Ye-U - Col. Bagot received orders to form a force, which became designated Bagot Force. He proceeded that night to Budalin on recce, The Battalion remained for the night beside the road. 2/5/42 - Ye-U - The Battalion had orders to move to Budalin to cover the withdrawal of Burdiv from Monywa. All surplus klt was stacked by the road, including the completely unnecessary kit bags brought by train by the draft. This enabled the whole Battalion to move by M.T. with a few extra vehicles provided by Corps. The 1st jump was to Corps HQ a few miles South of Ye-U. The force consisted of 1st Glosters, one Battery Mountain Artillery, One Battery 77mm (Major Locke), F.F. 1 and F.F. 7. That evening on arrival at Budalin, Lt. Niblett re-joined the Battalion, having covered the road on his withdrawal from Monywa. 2-4/5/42 - Sketch Map in War Diary of Budalin area and Battalion location. 3/5/42 - Budalin - Burdiv continued to pas through the position all day. M.T and masses of Animal Transport, mule and bullock. No air activity all day. Battalion M.T. did ferry service for Burdiv all day taking them back to Ye-U. An officer of Burdiv passing through reported that while leaning against a haystack at 8 M.S. North of Monywa he pulled belts of Japanese M.G. Ammunition out of it. This had apparently been prepared as an ammunition dump well before the arrival of Japanese Forces 1930 hours - Major Hunter, 2nd in Command, went to Corps HQ South of Ye-U to get details of time of withdrawal and orders for the withdrawal of the 77mm guns, which, with wooden wheels, could only move very slowly. “Foie gras” was provided for supper, which had been salvaged at Chauk. 2330 hours - Major Hunter returned from Corps, who had been unable to supply any definite information as the ‘G’ Staff had disappeared. ‘G’ Staff were finally located in Budalin village. Co. Bagot had already given orders for the 77mm guns to withdraw. 3 Tanks were to be attached to Bagot Force. 4/5/42 - 0400 hours - ‘B’ Company carried out hourly patrols East of Budalin Village. Last patrol reported to ‘B’ Company HQ. 0430 hours - Enemy opened fire from captured tank of 7th Armoured Brigade from point X on attached Sketch. ‘A’ Company Commanded by Capt. Smele and Draft Company commanded by Lt. Viale remained in position until withdrawn under orders of Col. Bagot at 0630 hours, covered by ‘B’ Company Commanded by Lt. Niblett. Battalion withdrew into Area 17th Division HQ South Ye-U. Withdrew evening to Canal Area North Ye-U. Dispositions as per Attached Sketch. 4/5/42 - Sketch Map in War Diary of Battalion location on Ye-U canal. 5/5/42 - Enemy dive-bombed Battalion Area. (Lieut. Radice evacuated.) ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies Commanded Capt. Smele marched across country to Ledi. Arriving approximately 1900 hours. Remainder of Battalion proceeded by M.T. less 1 Platoon Commanded Capt. Lee which remained behind as Protection Platoon on Ammunition Dump and Bridges prepared for Demolition. 6/5/42 - Capt. Lee and Platoon rejoined Battalion approximately 0830 hours. Battalion proceeded by M.T. and "Lifts" to Pyingaing arriving approximately 1830 hours. 7/5/42 - Col. Bagot proceeded to Divisional HQ for orders. 1500 hours - Battalion less 'A' Company and Draft proceeded by M.T. as Corps Protection to Shwegyin arriving approximately 1000 hours. 'A' Company and Draft Company Major Hunter proceeded by march route. 8/5/42 - Lt. (QM) Grist proceeded to East Bank Chindwin R. to arrange Ferry Transport to Kalewa. Battalion proceeded by march route to Chindwin R. arriving by Companies between 1800-2200 hours. Night 8/9/5/42 - Battalion ferried to Kalewa. Bivouacked 4 miles North Kalewa. Role Protection Corps HQ. 9/5/42 - Advance Party - Major Hunter, Lt. Waters, Lt (QM) Grist, Capt. Wood, Lt. Niblett and Cooke proceeded by M.T. to Army HQ at Htinsin. 1700 hours - Remainder of Battalion proceeded by March Route for 10 miles,Ferried to Htinsin by M.T. 10/5/42 - Battalion moved to point 3 miles south Tamu by M.T. 11/5/42 - ‘A’ Company (50 men) Commanded Lt. Hurford-Jones proceeded as protection force to Army HQ. (Capt. J. Smele evacuated) 1800 hours - Battalion proceeded by march route to Tamu (Burdiv HQ). (Result of Motor Cycle accident Major A.D. Hunter evacuated sick) 12/5/42 - Battalion proceeded by march route 12 miles accompanied by 50th Field Ambulance. Force Commanded Col. Bagot designated “Bagot Force” halt for dinner and supper, continued march approximately 12 miles. Bivouacked for night on road side. 13/5/42 - 0630 hours - Continued march, approximately 15 miles. Halted remainder of day. Sick forward by impressed transport. 1830 hours - Lt. (QM) Grist and cooks proceeded by M.T. to Palel Rest Camp. 2000 hours - Battalion proceeded by march route en-route for Palel. 14/5/42 - 0630 hours - Battalion arrived Palel at about 0630 hours having halted for several hours during the night. 1000 hours - S.T.O. Palel provided transport to carry while Battalion to 1330 hours - Kanglatongbi (Rest Camp) arriving approximately 1330 hours. Battalion proceeded to feed under own arrangements Corps arrangements being inadequate.. 15/5/42 - Tentage drawn. Two Companies provided fatigues for R.A.O.C. Dump. Clothing and necessaries were obtained at this dump. (Lt. Niblett, Lt Veal, Lt. Godfrey and Lt. Boutflour evacuated sick) 16/5/42 - Lt, Waters, Lt Davis and 30 B.O.Rs proceeded to Palel on provost duty. 17/5/42 - 51 Staging Camp - Kanglatongbi - The Battalion, 7 officers and 233 ORs left No. 51 Staging Camp for 1st Burdiv Camp at M.S. 109. The advance party under Lt. Col. C.E.K. Bagot M.C. left by truck at 1130 hours. The remainder under A/Capt. B. Lea followed by march route and arrived at 1630 hours. The Camp site was good and clean, well dispersed. Tentage was limited, only 6 begin allotted to the Battalion. (Officers: Lt. Col. C.E.K. Bagot M.C., A/Capt. W.A. Wood, A/Capt. B. Lea, Lt and QM R. Grist, A/Capt. S.M. Evans, A/Capt. P.H. Davis, A/Capt. C.R.A. Jones) 18/5/42 - Burdiv Camp M.S. 109 - Shelter were constructed, but luckily there was not rain. The u/c B.O.Rs reported to the Battalion. Sgt. Prince, L/C Spratt, Ptes. Porter, Brain, Button, Townsend, Chiven, Packlam, Wardle, Gwilliam, Powell, Beteridge, Hathom, Foote, Jackson, Horlick, Skewring. 19/5/42 - MS 109 Burdiv Camp - Rain fell during the day, but cleared later. Cpl. Parry and Pte. Bassett rejoined the Battalion having marched from Katha, where walking wounded form the Hospital Ship ‘Java’ were told to make their way to India. 20/5/42 - MS 109 Burdiv Camp - Heavy rain in morning, Beer was issued, the first issue since Taungwingyi on 7 April. A canter was started at 51 Staging Camp. Lt. and QM Grist and Capt. Lea made a visit, but obtained nothing as bulk issues were being made to Burdiv. C.S.Ms made out nominal rolle of the companies at Rangoon, as all rolls were lost. This will help in making casualty lists. 21/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - Rained early morning until 1500 hours. A special order of the day received from General Alexander. A/Capt. Evans made a list to Kanglatongbi for supplies, but only a small quantity allotted to 17th Division remained. (Order not available) 22/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - Rained heavily all day. A working party of 75 B.O.Rs was provided to make roads. This was stopped during the morning owing to lack of drying arrangements. 23/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - 2/Lt. Cumming and 2/Lt. Carr with 32 ORs arrived from No. 51 Staging Camp. They had marched 200 miles in approximately 17 days. The greater part of the march was across country. There were reinforcements sent by air to Burma who were too large to contact the Battalion. Since arriving in this camp 54 B.O.Rs have been detained in Hospital and evacuated. The Corps Command, Lt. Gen. N.M.S. Irwin visited the Battalion. A letter had been received from him the previous day explaining the position of the Battalion. (Not available) 5000 packets of cigarettes were received from the staging camp. 24/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - The visit by General Wavell was postponed owing to a landslide on the Dimapur road. The order to stand down wa given at 1815 hours as the C-in-C had not arrived. 10 B.O.Rs of the reinforcements arrived from No. 51 Staging Camp. 25/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - A fine day except for a shower at 1200 hours. General Wavell inspected the Battalion at 1415 hours. He then addressed the officers of Burdiv. 2/Lt. Davis and 16 B.O.Rs returned from Provost duty at Palel camp. 2/Lt. waters remained behind with 14 B.O.Rs. A single plane flew over in the morning, but owing to low cloud cover could not be seen. 26/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - Two ‘Tomahawks’ flew over at 0700 hours heading South. Reorganization parade at 1500 hours. Lt. Hurford-Jones rejoined the Battalion with 37 B.O.Rs from attachment at Army HQ. 27/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - C.Os parade at 0900 hours, and inspection by Maj-Gen. Bruce Scott. Burdiv HQ moves to M.S. 105. Battalion has been under 17th Indian Division HQ at Imphal. Lt. E.A. Maskell joined 1300 hours. 28/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - NIL 29/5/42 - - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - Lt. and QM Grist and 2/Lt. S.M. Evans left for Kohima by M.T. to locate new Battalion Camp site. 30-31/5/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - NIL (Note A.F.W. 3308 and 3009 not kept. Forms not available.) June 1942 War Diary 1/6/42 - M.S. 109 Burdiv Camp - NIL 2/6/42 - Kohima Area (L of C Area Z) - Battalion moved to Kohima by M.T. starting at 0500 hours. Arrived Camp Site 1700 hours Situation 6 miles South of Kohima. 3 I.O.Rs reported with a W/T communication with Brigade HQ situated at Kohima. 3/6/42 - Sky overcast, day spent in disposing teen-age into Company areas. Col. Bagot reported to Brigade HQ. Capt. Maskell. C.S.M. Jones, 2 NCOs, 9 Cooks and 2 sweepers proceeded to Mao 13 miles South to run a Staging Camp. 4/6/42 - Heavy rain all day. Lt. (QM) Grist and Capt. Lea proceeded 13th A.O.D. Dimapur to collect ordnance stores and such amenities as were available. Sick parade 57. 11 evacuations. 6/6/42 - Sky overcast. Battalion employed in improving surroundings of tents, making patine? Very high percentage of sick mostly fever and dysentery. Accurate figures not available. (Lt. Hurford-Jones evacuated sick) 7/6/42 - Heavy rain all day. (Lt. E.A. Marshall evacuated from Staging Camp sick) 8&9/6/42 - Nothing to report. 10/6/42 - Lt. Lee proceeded by M.T. to Dimapur to buy Canteen Stores. Message received by W/T in cipher for 4 B.Os and 20 B.O.Rs to proceed to Calcutta to meet H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester, Colonel in Chief of the Regiment. Capt. Wopopd, Capt. Lea, Lt. Kettle and Lt. (QM) Grist were the officers detailed. 12/6/42 - Party for Calcutta left by M.T. at 1430 hours. As Capt. Lea had not returned from Dimapur and Col. Bagot was detailed to accompany the party, Capt. Wood did not accompany the party. Capt. Lea arrived later in the day with 7000 cigarettes. 13/6/42 - All available officers and men sent to a lecture at the 3rd Assam Rifles Drill Shed. One officer, Capt. Wood, remained in Camp. During the morning orders were received to move the Battalion into the vacated living quarters of the 3rd Assam Rifles. Battalion moved in the afternoon. Rear Party consisted of 2/Lt. Evans 14/6/42 - Battalion carried out interior cleaning. 15&16/6/42 - NIL. 17/6/42 - Lave was granted up to 25%. A medical inspection was held to assess the “Fighting Fit” State of the Battalion. Result - 11 officers 133 B.O.Rs presumed fit for immediate action. 18/6/42 - NIL. 19/6/42 - Major Carr 50th Field Ambuland assumed duties of Unit M.O. A soccer match Battalion v. Royal Corps Signals detachment was played. Result Signals 0 - 28th 4 20/6/42 - 2/Lt. Waters and 12 B.O.Rs returned from Palel. Soccer versus 3rd Assam Rifles. Result Assam Rifles 6 - 28th nil. 21/6/42 - Voluntary church service held in 3rd Assam Rifles shed. 22/6/42 - Nil. 23/6/42 - Battalion provided a working party of 99 B.O.Rs at the landslide on the Manipur Road. Battalion received rum issue. 24/6/42 - Working party provided for duty at landslide 96 B.O.Rs. Capt. Pattison (Padre) assumed duty with Battalion. Battalion received a rum issue. Issue at the scale 2 ops. per man twice weekly sanctioned by IV Corps. 25/6/42 - Nil. 26/6/42 - 3 B.O.Rs proceeded to Imphal to attend Jungle Lore course. 27/6/42 - Lt. S. W. Evans attached 63rd Brigade to understudy Staff Capt. duties. 28/6/42 - 1500 hours - General Cowan Divisional Commander inspected Battalion, remained for 1 hour talked to many of the men. A.D.M.S accompanied the Divisional Commander. Percentage allowed leave now unlimited. 29/6/42 - 63rd Brigade HQ distribution amenities, which included a wireless and writing materials. Leave postponed owing to landslide on the Dimapur Road caused through heavy rainfall. (2/Lt. Jones proceeded to Imphal to attend Sniper’s course) 30/6/41 - Nil. (Note: AIW 3008 and 3009 not kept. Forms not available) July 1942 War Diary 1/7/42 - Kohima - 2/Lt. Davis returned from Mao Staging Camp owing to illness. 2/Lt. Carr took his place. CSM Jones returned from Mao. Lieut. Hurford-Jones left on 31 days sick leave. 2/7/42 - An adjacent? block of quarters was taken over in anticipation of the return of the party which went to Calcutta. Orderly Room moved into this new block. Armouries inspection by I.A.O.C. Personnel commenced at 0830 hours. Heavy rain fell at midday. Visibility poor. 3/7/42 - Weather fine and sunny. Nothing to report. 4/7/42 - Adjutants parade cancelled owing to rain. Major F.W. Sharpe rejoined unit from sick leave. Battalion played Corps Signal at soccer losing to them by one goal to two. 5/7/42 - Church parade was held in the Assam Rifles Drill Shed. A party of 25 B.O.Rs arrived with 2/Lt. Kettle from Calcutta. Some of them were of last party which went to meet the Duke of Gloucester. 6/7/42 - Heavy rain for the greater part of the day. The water supply in barracks was cut off owing to damaged mains. 7/7/42 - Lieut. Cummings and 25 ORs returned from Calcutta. 2/Lieut. Collister rejoined this Battalion from sick leave. Weather fine with a few showers. Instructions received that leave is to commence on or about 12 July. 8/7/42 - Training in Jungle Warfare commenced. 9/7/42 - Leave postponed owing to rain and effect on communications. Lt. Col. C.E.K. Bagot M.C. returned and left again to attend a Court Martial. 10/7/42 - Nothing to report. 11/7/42 - Played Assam Rifles at hockey and beat them 2-0/ 12/7/42 - Bishop of Assam took Church Parade and dined in the mess. 13-17/7/42 - Nothing to report. 18/742 - Leave postponed again owing to the weather and communications. Major General Cowan, Divisional Commander, visited the Battalion. He commented on the change in physical fitness of this Battalion since his last visit 3 weeks previously. There is considerable improvement. 19-21/7/42 - Nothing to report. 22/7/42 - F.G.C.M. (Note: Field General Court Martial) on two ORs held. 23/7/42 - Leave again postponed on account of communications. 24/7/42 - Lieut. (A/MAjor) A.D. Hunter rejoined unit and took over duties of 2-in-c. 25/7/42 - Nothing to report. 26/7/42 - Lieut. (A/Capt.) S.M. Evans proceeded on War Leave. 27/7/42 - One N.C.O. was sent to Imphal to collect amenities. 28/7/42 - Training on the “Blitz Course”. Leave postponed until 30 July owing to road conditions. 29/7/42 - A/Major Hunder took over his duties as A/Adjutant from Capt. Wood. Capt. Wood proceeded on War Leave. 30/7/42 - First leave party including 3 officers and 158 B.O.Rs left to Dimapur. Brigadier 63rd Indian Brigade visited the Battalion and talked to all officers. (Lt. (A/Capt.) Lea, Lieut. Jones, and Capt Paterson (Chaplain)) 31/7/42 - Lt. (QM) Girst returned from Dimapur. (Note: AFW 3008 and 3009 not kept. Forms not available) August 1942 War Diary 1/8/42 - Kohima - Captain Waters left for GHQ, New Delhi on duty in connection with intelligence reports on Burma. 2/8/42 - Captain Smele returned from sick leave and took command of ‘A’ Company. 3-4/8/42 - Nothing to report. 5/8/42 - Draft of 7 officers and 149 ORs arrived from Gauhati. (Lieut. E.A. Cory, Lieut. K.G. Lazenby, 2/Lieut. R.H. Fryer, 2/Lieut. G.G. Taylor, 2/Lieut J.F. Miller, 2/Lieut. M.R.O. Butler) 6/8/42 - Nothing to report. 7/8/42 - 2/Lieut. P.M. Carr proceeded on leave prior to attending a course at Saugor. 8/8/42 - Lieut. E.A. Cory was attached to HQ 63rd Infantry Brigade. 9/8/42 - Captain Morris proceeded on leave. Lieut. (QM) Grist went to Dimapur to collect medical equipment and amenities. 10/8/42 - Beer and spirit convoy arrived to Division. This was shared out on a ratio of 4 bottles of beer per man. 11/8/42 - Capt. (T/Major) C.L.C. Roberts and Lieut. H.L.T. Radick reported for duty. 12/8/42 - Nothing to report. 13/8/42 - 2/Lieuts. P. Collister and R.M. Fryer proceeded to Imphal on a course in military law. 14/8/42 - Nothing to report. 15/8/42 - Operation Order No. 1 issued in connection with Mobile Column. (Appendix 4) 16/8/42 - Nothing to report. 17/8/42 - A break occurred on the Dimapur Road and stopped all convoys. 18/8/42 - Nothing to report. 19/8/42 - Lieut. Molony reported back from leave. 20/8/42 - One Japanese recce plane flew over. Aircraft reported as Mitsubishi T97. 21/8/42 - 2/Lieuts. Collister and Fryer rejoined from course at Imphal. 2/Lieut. M.R.O. Butler was discharged Hospital and remains sick in quarters. Capt. (T/Major) A.D. Hunter handed over A/Adjutant to 2/Lieut Radice and proceeded to Gaya for duty in connection with line transport and mules for the Division and return of leave parties. 22/8/42 - Capt. (T/Major) R.G.R. Chilton reported for duty as O.C. HQ Company and assumed his duties of A/Adjutant vice 2/Lt. Radice. Lieut. K.C. Lazenby detailed to Spigott Mortar Course at Shillong. 2/Lieut. T.E. Miller went on traffic control duty with 6 B.O.Rs at the road block on Dimapur Road. 23/8/42 - Nothing to report. 24/8/42 - Lieut. (T/Capt.) R.F. Kettle, 2/Lieut. R.H. Wilkins and three ORs left on an officer patrol in accordance with 63rd Infantry Brigade letter No. 201/141/G dates 20 August 1942. 25/8/42 - Dimapur Road was opened to through traffic. RQMS Gleed and CQMS Bourne arrived from Gauhati. 26/8/42 - Information received that Lt. Colonel C.E.K. Bagot M.C. was granted one months sick leave w.e.f. 15.8.42. Major F.W. Sharpe assumed acting rank of Lt. Colonel from that date. Orders received from HQ 63rd Infantry Brigade that all guards will be mounted as tactical guards and will turn out on tactically sited alarm posts. L/Cpt. Atherton ‘D’ Company sustained injury to thumb and finger right hand by a .303 bullet while on training. 27/8/42 - Lieut. H.P. Rogers and 2/Lieut. B.T. Atkinson reported for duty. 28/8/42 - Nothing to report. 29/8/42 - 1100 hours - One aircraft flew over Kohima. Approached from North and turned away East flying a approximately 7000 feet. Believed to be Jap recce plane of the same type as that which flew over on 20 August. Captain Kettle, 2/Lieut. Wilkins and party returned from Officer Patrol. 30/8/42 - Nothing to report. 31/8/42 - Lieut. (QM) Grist proceeded to Dimapur and back to collect stores and amenities for the Division. (Appendix 2: AFW 3008 and 3009 for August) Appendices Attached (Not transcribed) Letter No. 201/141/G - HQ 63rd Infantry Brigade - 20 August 1942 - Officers Patrol No. 1 A.F.W. 3008 September 1942 War Diary 1/9/42 - Kohima - Trails o floating mules with 3” mortars and without pack mortar saddling carried out. Mortar one one side, tripod on his other and base pedal on top. Four straps supporting bomb box used with surcingle over the whole. 2/9/42 - Nothing to report/ 3/9/42 - Area P.A.D. practice warning, 1130 hours - A/Lieut. Col. FW. Sharpe proceeded to Imphal on Court Martial Duty. A party of officers and ORs witnessed a demonstration of husking rice given by 1/10th Gurkha Rifles. They were also shown edible plants which grow in the jungle. Heavy showers during the day. Landslide reported at Mile 17 on Dimapur Road. 4/9/42 - As a result of yesterday’s demonstration, fired bamboo shoots were served with officers’ breakfast. They were quite tender and palatable without any distinctive taste. Eight inscribed silver match box cases were received from H.e. Sir Reginald Dorman Smith, Governor of Burma for presentation to the men who formed his bodyguard. 5/9/42 - Rain fell. Nothing ???? to report. 6/9/42 - T/Capt. R.F. Kettle and J.A. Cummings proceeded on war leave. 7/9/42 - 1100 hours - Verbal orders received from 63rd Infantry Brigade that one officer and six BORs will stand by at 15 minutes notice. Attempted sabotage of Dimapur-Imphal Road anticipated. 2/Lieut H.L.T. Radice and six B.O.Rs of ‘A’ Company detailed. 8/9/42 - Road to Dimapur was re-opened for through traffic. Three officers and 28 BORs arrived from leave and duty. A/Lt. Col. F.W. Sharpe returned from duty at Imphal. 9/9/42 - A/Capt. S.M. Evans left for H.Q. 63rd Infantry Brigade on war posting as Birgade Transport Officer. Large quantity of ordnance stores received. 10/9/42 - Lieut. E.A. Cory rejoined from attachement to 63rd Brigade as Staff Captain. 2/Lieut. P. Collister and six BORs ‘D’ Company detailed to stand by vice 2/Lieut. H.L.C. Radice and BORs of ‘A’ Company. 11/9/42 - Two aircraft over flying North. Flying high in cloud and could not be identified. Probably since-engined. 12/9/42 - 0840 - One aircraft overflying North and high. Bomber-type. No warning sounded. Lieut. K.C. Lazenby reported back from course. Lieut. B. Lea reported back from War Leave. 13/9/42 - 0900 - Twin-engined bomber passed over flying North. Lieut. Colonel F.W. Sharpe proceeded on 15 days War Leave. Major C.L.C. Roberts left on posted as DAQMG (M) No. 8 M.C. and M.F. Section. 14/9/42 - Nothing to report. 15/9/42 - High rate of malaria sickness. 40 case of malaria out of total of 57 sick. Strength of Battalion present begin 254. Malaria cases included many relapses. All possible anti-malarial measure being taken within unit. It is hoped to get expert anti-malarial advice shortly. Capt. C.W. Bath reported from sick leave. 16/9/42 - Aircraft over on four occasions between 1200 hours and 1700 hours. Weather cloudy identification difficult. Aircraft at 1200 hours believed bearing British markings. Remainder uncertain. 17/9/42 - 2/Lieut R.W. Wilkins admitted 50th Field Ambulance with malaria. Lieut. (T/Capt.) J. Morris reported for duty. 18/9/42 - Lieut. E.J.F. Rockett reported for duty and posted to ‘D’ Company. the officer was wounded and evacuated from the road block at Taukkyan in Burma on 7 March 1942. 29 B.O.Rs and 3 followers returned to unit from leave. 19/9/42 - Nothing to report. 20/9/42 - 2/Lieut. R.H. Wilkins discharged from hospital. 21/9/42 - 93 B.O.Rs from leave and 25 from hospital rejoined unit. 2/Lieut. P.G. Waters rejoined unit from duty at G.H.Q. (I) and war leave. 22/9/42 - Cap. Varwell, 2/Lieuts. Atkinson and Butler left unit lines for 2nd 63rd Brigade Officers’ Patrol for 4 or 5 days, accompanies by 3 unit men, 1 ???? and 3 coolies. Lieut. R. Niblett rejoined unit and posted to HQ Company, He is applying for a Q.Ms commission British Service but will take a second choice commission in Special List of Q.Ms Indian Army. 23/9/42 - Advised by ???? Muree that Lieut. Col. C.E.K. Bagot M.C. was placed medically in Category ‘B’ for 6 months from 11 September 1942. 25/9/42 - Lieut. J.H. Christensen reported as being placed in Category ‘C’ for 3 months as from. 26/9/42 - Patrol led by Capt. Varwell returned. Lieut. T.A.K. Dillon, attached 17th Division Movement Control, reported on conducting a draft from Gaya to 17th Division and stayed the night. 27/9/42 - Lieut. Dillon left for Gaya for duty. 0930 hours - Aircraft heard. Bad visibility but reported by ‘B’ Company to be 2 British Bombers flying at 3000 feet. Direction of flight East South East/ 2/Lieuts. Taylor and Hillier proceeded to Imphal on Animal Management Course run by 17th Division from 28 September to 3 October. These officers returned being unable to proceed owing to break in road. 28/9/42 - 2/Lieuts. Taylor and Hillier able to proceed to Imphal for above cours. R.S.M. Car, D.L.I.. later of Special Service Department (Commanders) reported for duty as R.S.M. of battalion and transferred to this battalion. 29/9/42 - 2/Lieut. Wilkins reported fit for duty. 30/9/42 - 2/Lieut. Wilkins proceeded to 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles for attachment for all duties for one month. Capt. J.F.G. Smele proceeded to Imphal to receive instructions from 17th Division. He is going to Calcutta on duty to collect amenities etc. for 17th Division. 2/Lieut. Radice has taken over command of ‘A’ Company and Capt. B. Lea duties of P.M.C. vice Capt. Smele. 2/Lieut. C.R.A. Jones and 55 B.O.Rs rejoined the battalion from leave. October 1942 War Diary 1/10/42 - Kohima - Single aircraft flying North seen believed RAF. Height about 4000’ Officers patrol consisting of Lieuts. Corn and Lazenby together with one composite platoon ‘D’ Company under command 2/Lieut. Collister left barracks. (Orders of Patrol. GR10/34 dated 29 Sept. att. Appendix A) 2/10/42 - 2/Lieut. R.H. Foyer left unit for Golaghat to attend IV Corps D.M. and Carrier Course 5th to 15th October. Capt. J.F.G Smele arrived from 17th Division en route for Calcutta. He is collecting equipment (mess etc.) from Calcutta for the division. 3/10/42 - Kohima - Tests have been carried out by Signal Platoon with the 108 R/T set over the past week. Using slung aerial speech was received R7 at half volume at a range of 3 miles. Using telescopic aerial speech received R5 at range of 2 1/2 miles although through same part of the country R5 was not obtained after 1 1/2 miles and R1 received at 3 miles range. The tests are satisfactory and from the results, the 108 should be more than adequate for Battalion signalers. Lieut. Col. F.W. Sharpe rejoined unit from leave and re-assumed command vice Major R.G.R. Chilton. Capt. J.F.G. Smele left for Calcutta. (See October 2) 4/10/42 - Considerable air activity form 0925 hours to 1030 hours. Sky clear but place was difficult to identify as it was flying about 10-12,000 feet. Only appeared to be one aircraft and may have been of the Blenheim type. If plane was enemy and photographing, it certainly couldn’t have missed any detail of Kohima as the time spent over this area was for one hour. 2/Lieuts. G.G. Taylor and T.E. Hillier rejoined unit from 17th Division Animal Management Course, Imphal. 2/Lieut. M.R.D. Butler proceed to Dhubri for supervision of mule conducting for 17th Division. 5/10/42 - Nothing to report. 6/10/42 - Kohima - 2/Lieut. G.G. Taylor transferred from ‘C’ Company to HQ and undergoing instruction under Signal Serjeant. Patrol which left 1 October returned about midday. C.O. addressed all W.Os and N.C.Os on their responsibility in reforming this unit. 7/10/42 - Lieut. Col. F.W. Sharpe. O.C. proceeded to Imphal to see Commander 17th Division at the latter’s order. 2/Lieut. C.R.A. Jones and 4 B.O.Rs proceed to Haflong (due South of Lumding) to attend a course in Jungle Lore by Mr. A.C. Tunstall, a jungle expert. The course will last 4 weeks. This officer and 4 B.O.Rs are earmarked for the Battalion Commando Platoon. 2/Lieut. B.T. Atkinson commenced instruction on a four day unit “Aircraft Recognition Cadre” to 1 officer and 2 NCOs per company. 8/10/42 - Kohima - Reinforcement consisting of 12 officers and 181 ORs arrived fro Reinforcement Camp Lucknow. 4 additional blocks of Assam Rifles married quarters were handed over to this unit by 254th Sub Area. There’s was not warning of the arrival of the reinforcements until they actually arrived in the lines. Lt. Col. F.W. Sharpe, the O.C., returned from Imphal after seeing our Divisional Commander. The Divisional Commander saw the C.O. about certain letter in green envelopes which had been sent by men of this unit and intercepted at the Base. The battery has been cleared up. The C.O. brought back 5 base plates for the 3” Mortars. 9/10/42 - Medical inspection of the reinforcements produced at least 2 officers and 35 men not A1 and unfit for service. Also inadequately equipped. This matter is being taken up with higher authorities in no uncertain matter. The unit is now 10 over establishment in officers and up to establishment in men. 10/10/42 - Nothing to report. 11/10/42 - Kohima - Lieut. F.J. Williams indefinitely attached to 1/10th Gurkha Rifles awaiting result of application to transfer to Indian Army. 2/Lieut. S.C. Gurney attached to 254th Sub Area and under command D.A.P.M. Mao awaiting result of application for transfer to Corps of Military Police, India. Major C.W.A. Bath with Brigade Major went on recce for a camp site for the battalion. The present quarters are to be taken over very soon for a General Hospital. 12/10/42 - Kohima - Lieuts. (A/Capts.) R.F. Kettle and J.A. Cummings reported back form leave and have been appointed 2 i/c ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies respectively. Lieut. H.P. Rogers with 1 G.O. and some G.O.Rs of 1/10th Gurkha Rifles left for a fortnight patrol to Somra. He is working under Brigade instruction and is to do a recce for a company outpost in the Somra. 3” Mortar cadre for 24 NCOs, men. Lieut. B.T. Atkinson commenced under supervision of Capt. B. Lea. Lieut. K.C. Lazenby, Battalion I.O. commenced training the Intelligence Section. Lieut. J.R. Veal, Signal Officer, commenced a cadre in Signaling. 13/10/42 - Lieut. G.H. Boutflour and 13 BORs attending a 10 day course in “Demolitions” under a Capt. Glover and a ‘Commando’ NCO. Lieut. E.J.F. Rockett proceeded on Staff attachment for 2 months to IV Corps. 1015 hours - Bomber over Kohima heading East along road. Believed British-Wellington type. 14/10/42 - P.T. Cadre commenced to last a fortnight. 12 selected NCOs and men attending under instruction Lieut. V.S. Imrie. 15/10/42 - R.S.M. Clarke commenced a Junior Leaders Course to last a fortnight. 16/10/42 - Inoculations started in a big way. The Battalion being started with Vaccination for Cholera. 3rd Assam Rifles holding a Nauch tonight, tomorrow night and limited number of officers and men have been invited and are attending. 17/10/42 - Aircraft activity. 3 visits throughout the day - low clouds prevented identification. 18/1042 - Kohima - Lieut. T.S. Godfrey reported for duty. He is shown as surplus to establishment and is applying for transfer to RAF. 1030 hours - Lt. General Scoones, Commander IV Corps, and Major General Cowan, Commander 17th Division, paid a visit to the battalion, inspected men on training and met all officers. 1400 hours - Lt. General Scoones addressed the battalion. 19/10/42 - Major-General Cowan, Commander 17th Division, interviewed all officers separately at Brigade HQ. Owing to yesterday’s visit today, Monday was observed as a Sunday routine. Lieut. T.E. Hiller ‘D’ Company transferred to HQ Company at A/T subaltern and is holding a weeks Animal Management Cours for 40 men at 52nd Mule Company’s lines. A lecture by Lt. Col. Woods, CRIASC 17th Division, on “Supply in the Field” was given to all officers. 20/10/42 - Major General Cowan paid an informal visit to the battalion and afterwards addressed all officers. 21/10/42 - Lieut. Lazenby, I.O., and 2/Lieut. Davis and 10 men are on an intelligence cadre proceeded as a Brigade 5 day composite patrol which included G.Os, G.O.Rs from 1/3rd and 1/10th Gurkha Rifles. 22/10/42 - Kohima - Lieut. T.S. Godfrey left for Kirkee, Poona to attend a Camouflage Course. 24/10/42 - Capt. J.F.G. Smele returned from Calcutta where he had been on duty purchasing articles for 17th Division. He bought up some useful articles for the battalion. 26/10/42 - Brigade course in Pioneer training and Anti-Tank and Anti-Personnel Mines commenced. The following officers reported for duty and have been posted as under: Lieut. D.C Bradley - ‘B’ Company Lieut. E. Dennis - ‘B’ Company Lieut. R.J. Fletcher - ‘A’ Company 2/Lieut G. Pike - ‘D’ Company Lieut. A.J. Chaffer - ‘A’ Company Lieut. A.D. Dodd and 2/Lieut. R. Murray also reported but were evacuated sick and X listed. 1 Officer, Lieut. J.W. Jenkins and 35 BORs all medical categories, who joined with last draft from G.H.Q. Reinforcement Camp Lucknow were sent to IV Corps for duties on the L of C. ‘B’ Company as advance party moved to new camp. 27/10/42 - Kohima - 17th Division Concert Party gave a show to the troops in Assam Rifles Drill Shed. The battalion provided several items. 28/10/42 - Preparation made by battalion for tomorrow vulnerable day. 29/10/42 - ‘Vulnerable Day’. All battalions in Brigade liable to attack from a force from on of the battalions - force not to exceed a company. ‘D’ Company attacks 1/3rd Gurkha camp at 0515 hours with success. Commando Platoon of 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles attacked over perimeter at 2030 hours but were frustrated. 30/10/42 - Vulnerable day did not terminate until 0500 hours and little training was done on this day. 31/10/42 - Major R.C.H. Chilton proceeded to Dimapur on Court Martial Duty. Lieut.-Gen. Irwin, Commander Eastern Army, to visit tomorrow. Appendices Attached (Not transcribed) Appendix ‘A’ GR/10/34 - Officer Patrol - 29/9/42 GR 10/38 - Recce of Routes East of Kohima-Imphal road - 5 Oct. 42 GR 10/29 - Training Instruction No. 1 - 7/10/42 GR 10/38b - Amendment - 8/10/42 November 1942 War Diary 1/11/42 - Kohima - Lieut. General Irwin, Eastern Army Commander, visited the battalion. He was accompanied by Major General Cowan, Commander 17th Division. HQ Company and ‘A’ Company moved to new camp at M.S. 2 at Cheswema Road. Lieut. V.S. Irmie proceeded to Imphal to be attached to 17th Division Provost Unit pending posting. Lieut. D.C. Bradley proceeded to Imphal to be attached 17th Division pending posting as Staff Captain A/Q. Lieuts. Nibl;ett, Fletcher, 2/Lieuts. Mayell, Butler attached 17th Division. Lieuts. Rockettt attached IV Corps, Godfrey posted as 1st Reinforcements and held at 21st Reinforcement Camp Gauhati. Lieut. Lazenby proceeded to Poona for course at Junior Tactical School. 2/11/42 - Kohima - Remained of Battalion - i.e. Battalion HQ, ‘C’ and ‘D’ Companies moved to new camp. Although there had been no rain for several weeks, nature decided to christen us with rain for the past day at camp. 12 men have been ordered to proceed to Bomby for repatriation on account of long service abroad. 3/11/42 - Continuous rain since yesterday. Camp site is a sea of mud. Some of the tentage consists of inner flies only. Everyone wet but extremely cheerful. All ranks employed in improving to make the battalion as comfortable as possible. 4/11/42 - Still more rain and still continuous. Condition, if possible, muddier than yesterday. Some half dozen case of dysentery evacuated. Water is chlorinated at source. 3000 free Xmas left cards which should be delivered to U.K. at Xmas Day were distributed to troops and have to be posted tomorrow. Estimated that average letter sent off to U.K. in this scheme i.e. 2 per man. 5/11/42 - Kohima - Rain still pouring down. The monsoon in this area should have finished last month and this continuous raid is most unusual. Nagas say it will last for 10 days. Rum is being issued each night and goes down with swirl. Major C.W.A. Bath, Commander ‘D’ Company. had taken over command of HQ Company and Capt. J.A. Collins taken over command of ‘D’ Company. 6/11/42 - 89 mules and 9 ponies have arrived at Kohima for the battalion. Rain has stopped today and the stores have quite composted. 7/11/42 - Brigade HQ moved out from Kohima to a camp next to us. 8/11/42 - One Jap single seater plane flew over camp at 0942 hours. Height about 2000 feet Lieut. P.M. Carr rejoined unit from course (company weapons) at Saugor and posted to ‘A’ Company/ 9/11/42 - Kohima - Brigade Officer Week commenced. All E.C.Os that did NOT serve in Burma and in addition officers and Sgts. nominated by the C.O. are attending a series of TEWTS, demonstrations and lectures given by Brigade Staff and C.Os of the battalions. The course lasts 1 eek. Capt. W.A. Wood rejoined from Junior Leaders Course at Poona and is posted as 2 i/c ‘D’ Company. 10/11/42 - Nothing to report. 12/11/42 - Capt. Jamieson, our M.O., and Lieut. Collister proceeded to Calcutta on a week’s leave. 13/11/42 - One unidentified aircraft flew over from North to South at 1000 hours. 14/11/42 - Reinforcement of 80 BORs arrived for the unit. 15/11/42 - Major Chilton returned from Court Martial duties at Dimapur. 16/11/42 - Kohima - Preparations being made for the vulnerable day to be held tomorrow. 17/11/42 - Vulnerable Day - O.O. attached. Rainded intermittently from 0400 hours. 18/11/42 - Burmese lessons by Padre commenced for officers and NCOs. Staff duties course at Brigade for 3 days. Adjutant and Signal Officer attending. 19/11/42 - Concealment week started 16 November 1942 and camouflage of battalion given particular attention. Major D. Hunter reported back from A/T duties. 20/11/42 - Nothing to report. 21/11/42 - Lieuts. C.R.A. Jones and G. Pike returned from hospital. 22/11/42 - Kohima - Lieut. (QM) R. Grist returned from Administrative Course last one day at Imphal. The while Brigade is to receive “blanketting” which will put all on light duties for 3 weeks. This should eliminate all malarial germs. The course will commence tomorrow with 50% of the battalion and the second 50% will commence 5 days later. Commander 63rd Brigade, Brigadier W. Lentaign, D.S.O., inspected lines for camouflage. 23/11/42 - Blanketting of 50% of battalion begins. 24/11/42 - Letter received fro GHQ ordering the unit to despatch 25 “undesirables. 12 to 1st Devons in Cylone, 12 to 1st Somersets in Campbellpore. 25/11/42 - 48 B.O.Rs proceeding on war leave today. 26/11/42 - Kohima - Orders have been received that 63rd Brigade may move to Imphal by march route any time after 10 December. A small wave of drunkenness and resulting incidents has broken out. There is no double that the native spirit is on sale in Kohima village. A brigade provost section had been formed and patrol the bazaar and village. 27/11/42 - G (R) Platoons from Bedford and Herts and York and Lancaster are attached to this battalion for training in hill and jungle training. They each consist of 1 officer and 12 men. 28/11/42 - B.E.S.A. concert party arrived in Kohima to give 2 shows are today and are tomorrow. The party include the female element and has brightened up the troops. 29/11/42 - Kohima - Capt. Jamieson, our M.O., has been admitted to hospital with dysentery while on leave in Calcutta. Undesirables despatched (see 24 November) 30/11/42 - Lieut. N. McKerrell reported for duty. Appendices Attached (Not transcribed) 1st Glosters Vulnerable Day Operation Order No. 1 - 14 November 1942 Amendment - 1st Glosters Vulnerable Day Operation Order No. 1 - 16 November 1942 December 1942 War Diary 1/12/42 - Kohima - D.F.C.M.A., Assam paid a visit and cleared up a few points about pay which are outstanding. The Regimental Paymaster, Meerut, who has taken over the pay of the troops is clearing up outstanding points rapidly. The F.C.M.A. has done absolutely nothing to help since we returned from Burma. 2/12/42 - Orders for the battalion to move to Imphal have been received. Advance party to move 10 December and main body on 15 December. All by M.T. 3/12/42 - A party of A/Tk gunners are attached to us to give demonstrations, training and lectures on the gun 2 pounder. 4/12/42 - A general reshuffle of officers in companies has been found necessary and carried out for the general efficiency of the battalion. 5/12/42 - War Office are pressing for statements of eyewitnesses for all unaccounted personnel ex. Burma. All men in the battalion have been questioned but still 16 remain where no statement can be taken. 6/12/42 - Kohima - Nothing to report. 7/12/42 - Padre - Capt. D.A. Patteson, is leaving for Jorhat today for a 3 days retreat. Afterwards he is going to Calcutta to line up Xmas fare and amenities to the battalion. 8/12/42 - Demonstration of firing of 2 pounder A/Tk gun was given to unit today. 9/12/42 - Lieut. J.I. Solloway and 6 men proceeded to Dimapur to collect 6 15cwt trucks to be used in conjunction with move of battalion to Imphal and afterwards to be delivered to 17th Division. 10/12/42 - Battalion had now completed ‘blanketting treatment’. Advance party under command Major Bath left for Imphal 0315 hours today. 11/12/42 - Kohima - 2 G (R) Platoons Black Watch and Borders arrived and attached to this unit. Lieut. Solloway arrived from Dimapur with 6 15cwt trucks to used in connection of the move to Imphal and afterwards handed over to 17th Division. 12/12/42 - Preparation being made for move which commences tomorrow. On leaving Kohima we leave 63rd Brigade temporarily and become 17th Division troops. 13/12/42 - Battalion left camp site for Kohl rest camp. Stores taken by A/T. Unit animals started off for Imphal by road - they travel by night and should arrived Imphal by 21 December. 14/12/42 - Out of 43 lorries for move of battalion only 27 arrived. 17th Division arranged transport and through non-starters and breakdowns 16 did not arrive. Instead of lifting the whole battalion, ‘C’ and ‘D’ Companies remained in Kohima under command Major P.G.R. Chilton, 2 i/c. 14/12/42 - Kohima - Rest of Battalion left Kohima 1030 hours by M/T and arrived Imphal 2230 hours. We are located in native huts recently occupied by 48th Indian Infantry Brigade, which are in a very dirty condition. 15/12/42 - Imphal - ‘C’ and ‘D’ Companies arrived in 12 lorries which had been sent down to Kohima by 17th Division. They arrived about 1930 hours. 16/12/42 - Orders sent to 2/Lieut. T.E. Hillier, Officer i/c Unit Animal Conducting Party to stop nite at Kanglatongbi to collect saddlery. He can stop 2 extra days there if necessary. Lieut. F. Thorpe rejoined the unit. 17/12/42 - We have heard unofficially that Capt. J.F.G. Smele has been awarded the M.C. for the Burma show. Major C.L.C. Roberts is rejoining unit - left Delhi 13 December. Capt. Kettle rejoined unit from hospital. 18/12/42 - Battalion left location for a scheme and to act as enemy to 48th Brigade. 18/12/42 - In the Field - 1st days march to Dinam about 13 1/2 miles. Bivouacked for night. 19/12/42 - 2nd days march to Morainng about 27 miles from Imphal down Tiddim road. 20/12/42 - Rest in Moraing 21/12/42 - 0600 hours - A’ Company and Commander sent forward to Bishenpur tp delay 48th Brigade. Rest of battalion moved to Ningthoukong. Exercise only 1800 hours - ‘C’ Company took up position south of Bishenpur and ‘A’ withdrawn to harbour. Night attack on enemy by ‘B’ and ‘D’ Companies surprised 48th Brigade and was withdrawn. Exercise only 22/12/42 - 0300 hours - ‘C’ Company withdrawn to harbour. Exercise only 1300 hours - 48th Brigade put in a 3 battalion attack on Ningthoukong, one on each flank and one up the road. Attack very slow. Exercise only 1600 hours - Battalion withdrew to 24 MS. Exercise only 23/12/42 - 0600 hours - We laid a flank ambush for 48th Brigade and gained necessary surprise. Exercise only 23/12/42 - In the Field 0900 hours - Scheme ended. 1100 hours - Conference by Divisional Commander who congratulated all ranks of their battalion on the first class show they had put up. 1300 hours - Imphal 0 Battalion returned back to Imphal. 24/12/42 - Preparations for Xmas. 25/12/42 - RIASC failed to produce Xmas dinner as such and only provided ‘billy’ - poor showing taken by all ranks. 26-27/12/42 - Xmas sports, converts, pantomimes, etc. 28/12/42 - Normal training recommenced. Major C.L.C .Roberts, MBE, returned with our M.O. Capt. Jamieson RAMC both having sustained slight injuries in a motor accident. 29/12/42 - Capt. Hunter now 2 i/c ‘C’ Company. 30/12/42 - Imphal - Lieut. B.T. Atkinson returned from 3” Mortar Course at Saugor and qualified Q1. 31/12/42 - Gun team under Lieut. Pryer proceeded to 82nd AA/A Tk Regiment for training in 2 pounder gun. January 1943 War Diary 1/1/43 - Imphal - New Year Day, observed as a holiday. 2/1/43 - Battalion out on a scheme. 2 company attack under command Major C.L.C. Roberts MBE. Enemy are company under command Capt. W.A. Wood. 3/1/43 - Lieut. H.P. Rogers left for Bombay under instruction for Beach Landing Operations. Visit by Major General Williams, War Office Welfare Officer. 4/1/43 - Lieut. J.J. Solloway left for position as transportation job Calcutta. Held a battalion signal exercise today. Visit of Lieut. General Irwin to Imphal. We supply a night guard over his residence. 5/1/43 - C.O. and Adjutant attended a A.Tk 2 pounder demonstration in which the guns are transported by armoured carriers (Bren). Experiments appeared successful. 6/1/43 - Imphal - No. 3911709 Pte. Gallagher J.J. was drowned during training in boating exercise. 7/1/43 - 63rd Brigade arrived in this area - We came under command again. 8/1/43 - Battalion gave an aerial reporting demonstration to the rest of the brigade. 9/1/43 - Brigade T.E.W.T. on village clearing. ‘B’ and ‘C’ Companies gave demonstration of village clearing to rest of brigade. 10/1/43 - Lieut. J.A. Cumming left for battle course at Saugor. 11/1/43 - 6 men being courtmartialed today. 5 for desertion from Burma. 1 for absent without leave. 12/1/43 - Imphal - BESA concert party at Imphal giving shows for troops. Dumps of kit being made at Imphal for our move forward. 13/1/43 - Advance party of 2 officers and sick personnel moved to new camp. Rain - orders for scheme “Flanker”. 63rd Brigade attacking “Jap” force of 1/7th Gurkha Rifles from a flank which was to commence 14 January postponed 24 hours. 14/1/43 - Scheme “Flanker” postponed until 20 January. Route which was to be followed is wet in the dry weather. Owing to rain it is impossible at present. 15/1/43 - Nothing to report. 16/1/43 - Battalion scheme with Scale C equipment carried. 17/1/43 - Nothing to report. 18/1/43 - Battalion village clearing scheme. 19/1/43 - C.S.M. Jones appointed to Indian Army Special List of QMs and reporting to 1st G.H. Lahore for duty. Lt. Col. Sharpe Commander admitted to hospital. 20/1/43 - Imphal - 3 days exercise 63rd Brigade begins today - known as scheme “Flanker”. 1/7th Gurkha Rifles of 48th Brigade act as enemy. Object: (1) Test out secret concentration of a brigade group against the flank of the Japs by means of ???? marches. (2) Switch over from 17th Div scale A to scale C transport for a limited operation where only a mountain track exists. (3) Intercommunication and control at night. 1st night - Brigade to march Imphal to Wabagai (RK 32) starting time 1900 hours. Distance 21 miles. 21/1/43 - Wabagai (RK 32) - Battalion arrived Wabagai 0430 hours and harboured for the day. Quite a lot of foot trouble - blisters etc. caused by the very stoney road. 1900 hours - 2nd night march - Wabagai to Shuganu (RK 30) distance 18 miles. Road both stone and consisting of loose sand. 22/1/43 - Shuganu (RK 30) - Battalion arrive Shuganu 0400 hours - more foot trouble. 1400 hours - Battalion crossed to west bank of Manipur River by assault boats. Animals crossed by matting bridge. Lay up in harbour preparation to crossing mountain at about Point R.K. 1703. Battalion to be brigade advance guard and to make good high ground RK 1703. 22/1/43 - Shuganu - Changed from scale A to scale C. Main dumps change of kit and carries 4 days stores and 1 blanket. Mules cut down from 115 to 55 and no M.T. 1800 hours - Ordered back to village East of river. Men crossed by matting bridge. Water logger and not safe for animals. Animals and heavy loads left West bank. 23/1/43 - 1200 hours - Ferried all loads over to East bank by assault boats. Animals left on West bank. Weather fine. 1800 hours - Orders to proceed by daylight to new camp M.S. 46 Tiddim Road by mountain track with scale C animals unloaded. Balance of animals by road to Imphal and down to camp (about 86 miles). M.T to ferry surplus kit via Imphal. 24/1/43 - 0700 hours - Battalion left Shuganu over mat bridge across Manipur River. Battalion in advance of brigade group. B.I.O. and 2 local guides directed. After fording many streams arrive M.S. 38 on Tiddim Road at 1430 hours. Arrived new camp M.S. 46 1730 hours. Only 2 men fell out on march - a distance of about 25 miles across a mountain and then bad road. 25/1/43 - M.S. 46 Tiddim Road - Settling in to camp. A deserted village on edge of perimeter suspected of plaque - reported 42 villagers died 3 weeks ago - villagers now moved. Village area put out of bounds and M.O. has asked for permission to burn it. 26/1/43 - Still settling in - camouflage. slit trenches, truck discipline etc. Lieut. Davis admitted to hospital. 27/1/43 - Nothing to report. 28/1/43 - Brigade T.E.W.T. for all officers. “Breaking of road blocks” 29/1/43 - Battalion exercise - “Breaking of road blocks” with 1 battery 29th Mountain Regiment under command. 30/1/43 - ‘A’ Company were enemy to 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles on “Breaking of road blocks” 31/1/43 - Raining. February 1943 War Diary 1/2/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Lt. Col. Sharpe Commander medically boarded D for 2 months. Major R.G.R. Chilton in temporary command. Lt. Col, Hopkinson, Rifle Brigade, now A/Q 70th Division has been selected to command this battalion, Reported he will join before 7 Jan. (Feb?) 2/2/43 - 63rd Brigade exercise set by Major Chilton. This battalion acted as enemy to remainder of brigade on breaking of road blocks. Lieut. Collister instructed to report to Ambala for animal management course. Rations are repeatedly short. Question taken up with 63rd Brigade. R.M.O. states that there are insufficient rations for the standard of training required. 5 men fell out on scheme “Flanker” through exhaustion. 3/2/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Nothing to report. 4/2/43 - Nothing to report. 5/2/43 - 63rd Brigade did a route march to check up on March Discipline. Brigade commander decided that marching in threes is the most practical method, where road allows as otherwise the tail is so long. 6/2/43 - 17th Division scheme “Alouetta” for 63rd Brigade took up harbour for day at M.S. 42 with this battalion on West of road. 7/2/43 - “Allouetta” - Left harbour 0130 hours to F.U.P. M.S. 38 0600 hours - Moved to start line and put in attack supported by live shell. It was generally thought in the battalion to be a ‘bad’ scheme. Having arrived at start line, battalion had to ‘about turn’ to allow for safety margins of 500 cars for ??ering and 250 yards for barrage, Thought that safety margins were too big and troops gained little value from scheme. 8/2/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Observed as holiday. 9/2/43 - Signal exercise set by Major Bath for battalion. 10/2/43 - Brigade signal exercise set by Major Roberts, MBE. Points brought out mainly show that message writing is bad in this unit. 11/2/43 - Lt. Col. H.S.P. Hopkinson arrived and assumed command of this battalion. 12/2/43 - Nothing to report. 13/2/43 - Divisional signal exercise which was to be held today was cancelled. 14/2/43 - Holiday. 15/2/43 - Company training. 16/2/43 - Brigade signal exercise set by Major Chilton. ‘A’ company are field? force? and states a large grass fire which threatened the camp. Battalion called out to put out the fire. It is apparent that unless controlled burning is carried out in the camp we shall be threatened with a fire in camp at any time. 17/2/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - C.O., Company commanders and Adjutant saw artillery and support battalion demonstration about M.S. 38/ 18/2/43 - Nothing to report. 19/2/43 - Lieut. H.LT. Radice returned from interview with board for registration for regular commissions and was registered. 20/2/43 - Lieut, J.A. Cumming attached to 17th Division as G Staff attached. 21/2/43 - Exercise “Cursher”. Battalion moved out to position M.S. 42 where 63rd Brigade established a road block against 48th Brigade - Peace night. 22/2/43 - Exercise “Crusher” commenced - little to report. 23/2/43 - Returned to camp from “Crusher”. Battalion had a peaceful time and “enemy” did not make contact. 24/2/43 - The while division is to move down to M.S. 108 and work on road construction. This brigade has to do M.S. 108 to M.S. 100/ Details are awaited but date predicted for 4 March. 25/2/43 - Nothing to report. 26/2/43 - Digging operations on road postponed. 27/2/43 - Padre arrived back from Calcutta with amenities. 28/2/43 - BESA concert show for the battalion which went down with a thumbs up. March 1943 War Diary 1/3/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Officers Day. 2-5/3/43 - Field Firing carried out by all companies. 6/3/43 - ‘D’ Company for digging task at MS 100 postponed. 7/3/43 - Advance party under command Captain Varwell proceeded to M.S. 108 8/3/43 - Jap defensive positions have been prepared in near battalion area by the battalion.Main point brought out by Japs is ground concealment and no parapets built. 9/3/43 - 17th Division have reported that division will probably go to Shillong for the summer after the road to Tiddim has been completed and that this battalion will go into peacetime barracks. 10/3/43 - Battalion played rugged versus West Yorks and bean them 8 - nil. 11/3/43 - Concert by local talent at 17th Division. Transport provided by division for 250 men to go. 12/3/43 - Major A.E. Wilkinson, M.C. joined the battalion. He is taking over HQ Company from Major C.W.A. Bath, who is expoing to be posted to the staff. 13/3/43 - Gas lecture given by G III (CW) 17th Division. Small additional advance party proceeded to M.S. 82. 14/3/43 - Played rugged versus West Yorks and draw 3-3. 15/3/43 - Lieut. Gen. Cowan commander 17th Division visits Dusto and ???ed our “Jap” defensive positions. 16/3/43 - Preparations for road digging, called operation “Navvy”. 17/3/43 - Battalion less signals, mortar, and patrol cadre left for MS 108. Arrived MS 83 1600 hours and bivouacked. 18/3/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Major C.W.A. Bath left unit and is posted as D.A.A.G. 253rd Sub Area, Dimapur. Battalion moved from mile 83 to mile 100 and pack transport to work camp. 19/3/43 - 17th Division Field Punishment Centre opened and we were able to provide 7 men to undergo the punishment. Jungle fire threatened out camp area but was put under control before reaching the tents. Although the area occupied by G (R) Platoon of 1st Essex, who were out training was burnt out. Fire was caused by mortar fire of 1/10th Gurkha Rifles. Work Camp - Battalion settling in to new area - dug 100% slot trenches and built bashas etc. Recce of work, consisting of 2100 feet x 11 x 8 feet average. The unidentified aircraft flew over at about 2100 and later back again. 20/3/43 - M.S. 45.25 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Work Camp - MS 100 - Reveille 0530. Started digging by 0815 with 325 diggers. Made a 3 foout mule track through while length of task. Averge removed by diggers per man 45-50 cu. ft. 21/3/43 - Work Camp - Day of rest. ‘Back Badge day’. ‘C’ Company out on Shikar. Battalion Sing Song in the evening. Brigadier had dinner with the officers and then attended the sing song. At M.S. 45 - Supplies could not issued any rum and therefore it was impossible to celebrate the occasion properly. 22/3/43 - Work Camp - Digging continued. Men working very well. 23/3/43 - Work Camp - Digging continued. Lieut. M.L.T. Radice returned from a course and leave. 24/3/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Work Camp M.S. 100 - Work Camp - Battalion finished task. This represents 97000 cubic feet moved in 4 days by an average of 325 men. Average per man per day has been 74.6 cubic feet or 10 cubic feet per hour (working). The task was allotted to 375 men for 6 days. Nothing to report from M.S. 45. 25/3/43 - Work Camp - Day’s holiday owing to early finish. Suspected case of Surra in A.T. Platoon. Lieut Boutflour went up the road to work camp with about 70 men. 26/3/43 - Work Camp - New task started. Nothing to report from M.S. 45. 27/3/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Road - Work Camp M.S. 100 - Work Camp - Battalion continued on New Task. ‘C’ and ‘D’ Companies area contain a certain amount of rock strata. This task will probably take longer owing to crumbling road. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies task easy and going well. Rain started. M.S. 45 - Beer sent up road to the work camp. 28/3/43 - Day of rest, spent in drying clothes at the work camp. M.S. 45 - Brigadier Lentaigne came in for a farewell drink before leaving in the morning. 29/3/43 - Work Camp - ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies completed task and started digging catch drains. Unidentified planes passed over in early morning. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 30/3/43 - Work Camp - Work continued. C.O. sick admitted 23rd Field Ambulance. Capt. Hunter assumed command of Work Camp. Advance party left for new camp area. Lieut. Boutflour left for a law course. 31/3/43 - Work Camp - Digging continued. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. April 1943 War Diary 1/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Work Camp - Digging continued. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies finished catch drains. ‘C’ and ‘D’ Companies continuing the road. Pte. Rees ‘D’ Company injured by a falling tree. M.S. 45 - Major Chilton and Capt. Morris went up the road. 2/4/43 - Work Camp - ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies collecting stones for a bridge over the river at mile 108. ‘C’ and ‘D’ Companies completed task. Divisional Commander arrived at work camp. Major Chilton arrived and assumed command. Adjutant also arrived. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 3/4/43 - Work Camp - Battalion Holiday. Divisional Commander visited the Battalion. Orders for move 4 April. Practicing mule loading. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 4/4/43 - Work Camp - Company commanders left for course at Shillong. Work party went by march route from M.S. 108 to M.S. 117 for new task. The camp is on the side of a steep slope and about 700 feet above the track level. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 5/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Work Camp - Settling in to new camp. Recce of new task made by Major Chilton, Adjutant, and Q.M. task allotted. M.S. 45 - Company commanders arrived in early morning for course at Shillong. Capt. Lea, Lieuts. Atkinson and Williams left for work camp. C.O. arrived after lunch and seemed quite fit. Battalion purchasing agent arrived and an agreement was made with him. Lieut. Davis rejoined from hospital. 6/4/43 - Work Camp - H.E. the C in C was expected to visit the workers but he only went as far as M.S. 105. M.S. 45 - The C.O. wnet to 16th C.C.S. to be examined. Capts. Smele M.C. and Varwell left for Shillong. Lieut. Godfrey rejoined from 1st Reinforcements. 7/4/43 - Work Camp - Work still on first task. A mule was killed by a falling boulder. M.S. 45 - Despatched a party up the road with Lieuts. Godfrey and Davis. Capts. Collins and Hunter left for Shillong. 8/4/43 - Work Camp - Capt. Lea and Lts. Atkinson and Williams arrived. Lieut. Atkinson put on traffic control. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 9/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Recce of new task by Company Commanders M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 10/4/43 - Work Camp - Mule track along the length of the battalion task was dug completed by 1400 hours. M.S. 45 - C.O. returned from 16th C.C.S. 6 N.COs left for jungle warfare course. 11/4/43 - Work Camp - Holiday. Service held by Padre Moscon. Lieuts. Godfrey and Davis arrived. Lieuts. Grist (QM) and McKerrel left at 1330. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 12/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - BESA show at Divisional H.Q. Transport provided by the Division. The return was held up as the Army Commander was coming down the road from a visit to exercise ‘Navvy’. 13/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Lieuts. Grist (QM) and McKerrel arrived from the work camp. Lieut. McKerrel left for a course at Ranchi immediately. 13/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Brigadier Cumming V.C. M.C. as new brigade commander visited the area on assuming command. Lieut-Col Hopkinson relinquished the post of Brigade Commander. 14/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Major Wilkinson and the Padre left to go up the road to Work Camp. Lieut. Fryer returned from the Patrol Cadre and assumed command of HQ Company. 15/4/43 - Work Camp - Major Wilkinson took command of Work Camp from Major Chilton. M.S. 45 - Major Chilton and Lieut. Pike arrived from the work camp. Lieut. Williams arrived with the leave party at about midday. Lieut. Carr went up to the Work Camp with the beer issue. A copy of the Battalion war diary in Burma was sent to Col. C.E.K. Bagot. 16/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - The Divisional Commander visited the area, but did not visit the battalion. 17/3/43 - Work Camp - Capt. Morris left to take up duties of camp commander at the Rest Camp at M.S. 82/ M.S. 45 - Major Chilton left on leave until his repatriation to the U.K. Lieuts. Pike and Taylor left for courses. R.Q.M.S. Gleed left to become Lt. Q.M. of the I.G.H. at Lahore (No. 14). Lieut. Jones returned from hospital. 18/4/43 - Work Camp - Capt. B. Lea left to Work Camp to assume the post of Camp Commandant at the Transit Camp at 109. M.S. 45 - Lieut. Williams went up the road to return to the Work Camp. 19/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Rumor that the move to Shillong was to take place on the 1st May and not the 24th as was believed before. 20/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Capt. Kettle rejoined on completion of the Patrol Cadre he had been instructing. About 27 planes were observed flying towards Imphal. On return of Capt. Kettle and Lieuts. Jones and Fryer were learnt that Imphal had been bombed during the day. 21/4/43 - Work Camp - Digging continued as usual/ M.S. 45 - Mobile Cinema show in the evening. “Her First Beau” was the film greatly appreciated by the troops. 22/4/43 - Work Camp - Digging continued. M.S. 45 - A number of Blenheim bombers flew over and returned about an hour later. 23/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 24/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Nothing to report. 25/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Sound of airplane engines was heard but no place could be seen. 26/4/43 - Work Camp - Divisional Commander visited Battalion digging and complimented the Battalion on its work. M.S.45 - The animal transport left for Brigade as a start of their move to Shillong. Lieut. Godfrey arrived having taken the beer bottles from the Work Camp to Imphal. 27/4/43 - Work Camp - Nothing to report. M.S. 45 - Conference on the coming move. Orders were very vague and unsatisfactory. 28/4/43 - M.S. 45 Imphal-Tiddim Track - Work Camp - Work Camp - Battalion left M.S. 117 by march route for Transit Camp at M.S. 109. Kit was carried on 150 mules. Arrived at Transit Camp at M.S. 109 at 1500 hours. M.S. 45 - Rumor that the move to Shillong was to be put off still longer. 29/4/43 - Work Camp Party - When the Battalion was about to leave M.S. 109 in jeeps, they were delayed for 6 1/2 hours by a convoy coming up. Finally left at 1630 hours. Arrived at M.S. 82 at 2230 and unloaded. M.S. 45 - Move finally fixed for 1 May and orders issued. Transport was likely to be a bit short. Lieut. David arrived for his course from the digging party. 30/4/43 - Digging Party - Left M.S. 82 by 0930 in 3 tanners for Imphal. Arrived 1630 hours. M.S. 45 - All H.Qs closed down. A unique occurrence took place as the Main Body of the Battalion passed through the advance party and overtook it. C.O. in charge of Brigade Advance Party named in orders Brigade rear echelon. Conference on the move in the afternoon. All tents struck except those absolutely necessary. May 1943 War Diary 1/5/43 - In Transit - Advance Party - All tents struck and final packing done. The lorries were very late. but there were more lorries than we had expected. Got off at about 1630-1700. Arrived in the dark at Imphal and moved into the same area as the remainder of the battalion, who had cooked a meal for us. The men were in Manipuri hours and quite comfortable. Digging Party - In Imphal. 2/5/43 - The Battalion remained in Imphal. 7 Baggage lorries were loaded and despatched to Dimapur. Four under Lieut. Bradley. Three under Lieuts. Boutflour, Godfrey and Jones who also departed for courses. 3/5/43 - Advance Party - Reveille at 0400 hours. Convoy left at 0600 hours to the second. A long and rather wearing journey followed with frequent halts to fill up, change drivers, etc. The lorries went independently. From Kohima on a batch of really good drivers took over. All the trucks were in by about 1800 hours. The rest camp just beyond the P.O.L. dump was not prepared but the O.C. had only arrived the day before and was doing his best. There was enough accommodation. Capt. Kettle left for a course. Digging Party - Remained in Imphal. 4/5/43 - In Transit - Advance Party - Loading party started to work about 1000 hours loading all the baggage into the trucks. ‘A’ and ‘D’ Companies with some of the West Yorks arrived in the afternoon and late evening causing a good deal of chaos. However 48th Brigade moved out so there was just enough room. Digging Party - Left Imphal in L of C Transport. Two companies reached Dimapur that night. The remainder spent the night at Kohima. 5/5/43 - In Transit - Advance Party - Loading of baggage completed. Entrained at about 2000 hours but the train did not leave until 2230. Tea was made on the station. Digging Party - Remainder of Battalion arrived during morning and moved into the advance party’s tents. 6/5/43 - Advance Party - Arrived at Gauhati at about 1500 hours after a very slow train journey. Went to the Rest Camp. After an issue of tea the loading party started unloading the baggage onto the lorries. More lorries had to be produced and only one lorry was able to be loaded at a time. The job was finished late at night, and guards sent off with the lorries. Digging Party - Left for Gauhati at 2243 hours. 7/5/43 - In Transit - Advance Party - Reveille at 0345 hours. Embussed in the Commercial Carrying Companies buses. Very ancient vehicles. A very tight fit. On arrival in Shillong no guides were sent out as a result of the buses went wrong. All vehicles were eventually stopped on 48th Brigade football pitch. Later in the afternoon, lorries were produced to lift the baggage to the barracks after the C.O. had made trouble over it. The barracks were very good and there was quite a lot of room. There was an institute, Sergeants Mess. Corporals Club, Recreation Room, etc. Shillong was about 5 miles away. Digging Party - Arrived at Gauhati at 1200 hours. 8/5/43 - Happy Valley, Shillong - Advance Party - Settling in to barracks. Sorting out stores, etc. Digging Party - Arrived at about 1100 hours. 9/5/43 - Happy Valley, Shillong - Companies settled in their areas. Capts. Morris and Lea returned to the Battalion from duty at Staging Camps. 10/5/43 - C.O. left on a course, after a training talk to all officers and N.C.Os. 11/5/43 - Capt. Morris took over adjutant again vice Lieut. Radice, assumed job of I.O. 12/5/43 - R.S.M’s parades in the early morning started. 13/5/43 - Leave party departed early in the morning. 14/5/43 - Nothing to report except a burglary in the officers’ lines in which a lot of money was stolen. The police came to investigate. 15/5/43 - Happy Valley, Shillong - Lieuts. Dennis, Wilkins and Williams went on Company Commanders Course. 16/5/43 - Nothing to report. 17/5/43 - 1st W.T. cadre commenced under Lieut. P.M. Carr. Full ranks attended. Companies on individual training. 18/5/43 - Nothing to report. 19/5/43 - Nothing to report. 20/5/43 - Lieut. Radice on a Unit Security Officers Course. 21/5/43 - Tunisia Day - A whole holiday. ‘A’ Company represented the Battalion at a parade in the morning. In the afternoon a sports meeting was held. The Battalion did not distinguish itself in any event. Lieut. Collister arrived with the mules transport. 22/5/43 - Happy Valley, Shillong - Nothing to report. 23/5/43 - Big Church parade held on 48th Brigade football pitch. Service conducted by Divisional Chaplain. 24/5/43 - Nothing to report except that Lieut. Boutflour returned from a course. 2nd W.T. cadre course began. 25/5/43 - Security check carried out on the Battalion. A good report was rendered. 26/5/43 - C.O. returned from course at Saugor. 27/5/43 - Nothing to report. Corps Commander was expected to visit the Battalion but did not. 28/5/43 - Battalion versus West Yorks at Hockey lost 2-3. 29/5/43 - Lieuts. Dennis, Wilkins and Williams returned from Company Commanders Course. 30/5/43 - Battalion versus 129th Field Regiment at Rugby won 5-0. 31/5/43 - ‘A’ Company on range. Battalion at 48 hours notice to move towards Tiddim. June 1943 War Diary 1/6/43 - Happy Valley, Shillong - Practice backup for move on Scale A ordered at 0750 hours. Battalion to be ready by 1030 hours. A number of points were brought out by the exercise. Brigade were almost certain that the Battalion would not moved back towards Tiddim. Animal transport was ordered to start of the 2nd. Major C.L.C. Reverted returned from Company Commanders school. Sunday 6th June is the suggested date for the move. 2/6/43 - Sunday 6th date definitely fixed for theme. The A. Transport left in the afternoon. Capts. Smele and Collins returned from the Platoon Commanders School. Capt. Wood returned from leave. 3/6/43 - Preliminary packing started and warning order issued. Move to be Scale ‘A’ with M.T. all the way. C.O. warned to take command of 63rd Brigade as the Brigadier was at a conference in Delhi. 4/6/43 - Happy Valley, Shillong - Companies continued shooting on the range. Orders as to the dress for the move were issued. The move was to be in M.T. the whole way and to start on Sunday 6th. Guards for dumps A and B were detailed and areas allotted. A beer issue was received. 5/6/43 - Dumps A and B were formed. The lorries all arrived and went to their area. All the baggage was loaded during the evening. 6/6/43 - In Transit - Reveille 0330. Breakfast 0400 hours. The advance party left 0520 and the main body between 05030 and 0600 hours about 125 miles were covered to Nowgong where the Battalion camped in an open field for the night. All the lorries got in but there were a few breakdowns during the day. Full anti-malarial precautions were taken including the wearing of head veils and gloves. 7/6/43 - In Transit - Moved off at the same time as on the 6th. A slightly longer journey that the previous one, about 150 miles in all. On arrival at Dimapur the Battalion went to 52nd Rest Camp where food etc. was ready. All the lorries came in during the evening. One minor accident reported. 8/6/43 - Slight later start than the two previous days 0600 hours being the time. The familiar journey up the road went well but with rather more breakdowns that the two previous days. HQ Company’s ration lorry overturned but luckily no serious injuries were sustained. On arrival in Imphal, the Battalion went to a new area in the North East portion of the town. The familiar Manipuri buildings were the billets. Some of them were still occupied as the inhabitants had only been told to quit the day before. 9/6/43 - Imphal - Battalion settling into new area. Rain fell all day. Latrines, Sump pits. tables etc. were being constructed by all companies. 10/6/43 - Lieut-Col H.S.P. Hopkinson resumed command of the battalion on the return of the Brigadier. The battalion was mainly employed in constructing paths in their areas. 11/6/43 - Battalion continued the work of constructing paths etc. in its area. Orders were received to send a Platoon down to Tiddim. 12/6/43 - Battalion Commando Platoon under Lieut. Boutflower formed from volunteers. Lieut. Carr left for M.S. 109 to do transit camp duties. A mobile cinema unit visited the Battalion in the evening. (See Appendix A for composition and equipment) 13/6/43 - Imphal - Battalion Commando Platoon left at 0745 hours by M.T. 14/6/43 - Training started again. Companies doing individual training. 15/6/43 - Training continued. 16/6/43 - Battalion Commando Platoon returned as it had been found impossible to maintain them with food etc. up the road. They were very disappointed at not getting a chance to contact the enemy. Lieut. Pike returned from a course and leave. 17/6/43 - Training continued. Capt. Kettle, Lieut. Bradley and about 15 B.O.Rs returned. 18/6/43 - Nothing to report. 19/6/43 - Nothing to report. 20/6/43 - ‘D’ Company played 1/10th Gurkha Rifles at soccer. Lost 1-5. 21/6/43 - Platoon Commanders Cours under Capt. Wood began. Companies doing individual training. The mules of the 1/10th Gurkha Rifles and 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles were taken over by the Battalion as they did not go up the road with the Battalions. 22/6/43 - Nothing to report. 23/6/43 - Nothing to report. 24/6/43 - Battalion came under command of area as the whole of Brigade H.Q went up the road. Orders came in during the evening for the Battalion to return to Shillong. 25/6/43 - The Padre left to go up the road for a visit. The assault course opened with a trial by 2 i/c, Company Commanders and Cats. Wood and Kettle. 26/6/43 - Battalion prepared to move date of move not yet disclosed. 27/6/43 - Date of move fixed for 28/6/43. Battalion to move off by Companies from 0700 hours to 1200 hours in L of C transport to Dimapur. It is hoped to have all the Battalion in by the following morning. 28/6/43 - Imphal - Transport did not turn up until midday. The last company moved off at 1800 hours, arrived at Mao mile 66 where the Battalion was held up by Movement Control until 0300 hours 29th. 29/6/43 - Kohima - Dimapur - Rear of Battalion arrived in Kohima in time for breakfast. The head of the Battalion was by this time well on its way to Dimapur. Battalion all in to 52nd Rest Camp by 1400 hours. B.E.S.A show very much appreciated at 1830 hours. Moved to station 1965 hours. 30/6/43 - Gauhati - Day spent in train which remained stationary in Lumding from 0600 hours to 1200 hours. Arrived in Gauhati Rest Camp after dark, a very difficult operation owing to layout of camp. July 1943 War Diary 1/7/43 - Shillong - Battalion arrived back t Shillong from Imphal. It was a very quiet journey up from Gauhati and it rained all the time. All ranks confined to barracks this evening. 2/7/43 - Weather continues wet and cold. Company settling down in their areas. 3/7/43 - Commanding Officer had a conference of all Company Commanders this morning otherwise nothing to report. 4/7/43 - Nothing to report. 5/7/43 - Advance party under Major Williamson left this morning for Calcutta at 0600 hours to take over from the 9th Border Regiment stationed at Fort William. Companies have started training again. R.S.Ms morning drill parade started again at 0645. Lt. Godfrey took over duties of P.M.C. and Lt. Williams became Sports Officer. 6/7/43 - Weather continues to be dull with occasional showers. Nothing to report today. 7/7/43 - Companies doing training and checking stores in preparation for handing over to the Borders. 8/7/43 - Tactical Course started today for Sgts. of Rifle Companies under Capt. Wood and Lt. Williams. The demonstration Platoon is composed of Intelligence Section, AA Platoon, A/Tk and Stretcher bearers. Adjutants Drill parade today at 0645. 9/7/43 - Rugby Team played the 129th Field Regiment RA. Result 28th 3 pts. Fd Regt nil. 10/7/43 - Lt. W.A.A. Maloney returned to the Unit and has been posted to ‘A’ Company and Lt. H.E. Richardson posted to ‘D’ Company otherwise nothing to report. 11/7/43 - The Commanding Officer and Capt. Kettle left for Calcutta this morning. 12/7/43 - Weather improving. Companies still are training. 13/7/43 - Lt. Fryer left for Calcutta today to join the Advance Party and to take over the Battalion carriers. 14/7/43 - Weather fine today. Battalion paid out. 15/7/43 - Companies preparing to leave for Calcutta. 16/7/43 - Nothing to report. 17/7/43 - The Battalion moved off in 3 ton lorries at 0630 hours. Lt. Hillier and approximately 20 men followed the transport. Journey down to Panda uneventful. Arrived Pandu at 1300 hours and billeted at Rest Camp. Embarked on the ferry at Panda at 1845 hours. The ferry was very crowded and everyone had a most uncomfortable journey down the river to Dhubri. 18/7/43 - The ferry arrived at Dhubri at 1100 hours where a not meal was waiting for the men at the Rest Camp. The remainder of the day devoted to rest. 19/7/43 - Left the Rest Camp at 1000 hours this morning. Arrived at Dhubri Station at 1030. The train was due to leave at 1200 hours but did not start until 1215. Arrived at Parbatipur at 1900 hours. Baggage switched on to the next train. Battalion entrained at 2300 hours. Train left Parbatipur on time at 2400 hours. 20/7/43 - Train journey to Calcutta tedious. A lot of delays held up the train. Eventually arrived in Calcutta at 1700 hours. Battalion then embarked in trucks and arrived at For William approximately 1730 hours. A hot meal was ready for the men immediately they arrived. Lt. Fryer promoted to Capt. Lt. Williams takes over duties of P.R.I. 21/7/43 - Today the weather is fine. All Companies sorting themselves out in new barrack rooms. C.O. had a conference this morning on what our duties would be in Calcutta. Lt. Radice posted from I.O. to 2 i/c ‘C’ Company. 22/7/43 - Personnel who receive a Company Commander’s Award will ???? their Permanent Pass for a month. Battalion Rugby Trial held today under Capt. Morris. 23/7/43 - Leave reopening again. Weather very hot and sticky. Very little to report today. 24/7/43 - Commanding Officer had a conference at 1130 hours this morning. Lt McKerrell admitted to hospital with Dengue. 25/7/43 - The Battalion attended the first church service at the Garrison Church today. the Rev. Alchin gave the address. Weather continues to be hot. 26/7/43 - The Battalion still providing escorts, guards to various parts of India. Companies on individual training. 27/7/43 - A new draft arrived today and have been posted to Companies, Weather fair with occasional heavy showers. 28-31/7/43 - Missing 31/7/43 (Continued) it may perform in the near future. Capt. A.L.S. Hattier has been posted to the Unit and relieves Capt. Jamieson as the M.O. Lt. McKerrell rejoined from hospital and takes over duties of I.O. August 1943 War Diary 1/8/43 - Battalion on church parade. Service taken by Garrison Chaplain. 2/8/43 - Miniature Range Competition for all ranks under the supervision of Lt. Pike W.T.D. Result of the 1st Round of the Inter Company Rugger Competition ‘C’ Company 8 pts, ‘A’ Coy NIL. The Commanding Officer regretted to announce the death of Pte. Chandler of HQ Company. 3/8/43 - C.O. had a discussion for all officers and W.Os in the Officers’ Mess. The question of what a young officer should know was hashed out very successfully. 4/8/43 - Capt. R.F. Fryer was appointed Battalion Swimming Officer. And it has been proposed to run a Battalion Water Polo team. 5/8/43 - The Battalion played the R.A.F. at Rugby. The result 28th 11 pts. R.A.F. NIL. The Battalion Football Team played the Navy and won by 2 goals to NIL. 6/8/43 - The demonstration platoon ex 4th Corps Tactical School arrived duties Shillong. A new draft from the 24th Reinforcement Camp have joined the Battalion. 7/8/43 - Lieut. Godfrey left the unit to go on course. Lieut. F. Thorpe rejoined the unit and was posted to ‘D’ Company. The Battalion Rugby XV played Royal Engineers at For William. Result 28th 9 pt. R.Es 3 pts. Three was a big improvement in the number of spectators watching the match. 8/8/43 - The Battalion attended church parade in the Garrison church. 9/8/43 - The Commanding Officer received from the Commandant Special Constabulary Calcutta a present of Rs 200/-, which has been placed in the Sports Fund. Heavy downpour of rain which lasted all day and disorganized a lot of traffic in Calcutta. ‘C’ Company went to the open Range at Baligahaia. 10/8/43 - The officers played the Sgts. at Rugger. The result being no score on either side. Lts. G. Pike and N. McKerrell have been made War Substantive Lieuts. A Suggestion Box has been put up outside the Dining Hall for suggestions, which may be useful to the Army. 100 yards and 1 mile running tracks have been laid out. Also Long Jump and High Jump, 11/8/43 - Weather still continuing to be dull with heavy showers of rain. The Battalion played the R.A.F. Belvedere and the result of a very hard game ended with the result of 28th 3 pts. R.A.F. Belvedere NIL. The spectators on the touch line gave fair support to the team. 12/8/43 - A new miniature range competition has been started. P.R.I. is to give prizes consisting of tickets for the canteen to the best shots. Today the order has just come in that no officer, W.O., N.C.O. or man will be out later than 0100 hours. This seemingly is in view of a few subversive elements in Calcutta. The result of the Inter Company Rugger Competition played today between HQ (1) XV and ‘B’ Company resulted in a win for HQ by 3 pts. - NIL. Capt. Watkin-Williams rejoined the unit from 63rd Brigade and has been posted temporarily to ‘A’ Company. 13/8/43 - The weather has continued to be dull with occasional heavy showers of rain. The result of Rugger Match between the 28th and Farmers played at the Calcutta Football ground was 28th 3 pts. Farmers 3 pts. A prisoner escaped from the cells at St. George’s Gate. A search was made, but he was not found. 14/8/43 - The G.O.C. Eastern Army visited the Battalion this morning. He arrived at 0945 hours and immediately shook hands with all the officers and then proceeded to look round the fort. He watched some of the men shooting on the miniature range and later saw Companies doing individual training. His stay was a very short one and he left at 1030 hours. 15/8/43 - The Battalion attended the usual weekly service at the Garrison Church. The weather had improved a lot now and the sun has started an epidemic of prickly heat in the Battalion. 16/8/43 - The weather is still keeping hot with light showers now and again. ‘B’ Company went to the range at Bailgahaia and will be out there all this week. Lt. Bradley was in charge of Battalion Gas day which lasted from 0900 hours to 1200 hours in which everyone in the Battalion carried Respirators and wore eye shield, when walking outside. The result of the 28th versus Navy at Rugger played on the Calcutta Football ground was a win for us by 9 pts. to 3. 17/8/43 - The Rangers Club has been put out of bounds. All subalterns went over the assault course this morning under 2 i/c. The C.O. had the usual discussion for all officers in the Mess. Lt. Chaffee and Lt. Watkin-Williams left on escort duty to Imphal. The weather continued to keep fine. 18/8/43 - Companies still on individual training. Lt Collister and Lt. Richardson have rejoined the Battalion from Platoon Command School at Shillong and have been posted to ‘A’ and ‘D’ Companies respectively. Pay Classification has been revised by the C.O. 19/8/43 - Battalion are still providing escorts and Companies doing Intensive Platoon Training. Lt. Taylor has taken over duties a Battalion P.A.D. officer. Lt. Mayell has taken over Welfare from Lt. Murray. Result of the Rugby Match between the 28th and the Royal Warwicks was a win for us by 16 pts. - 4 pts. The Commanding Officer and Lt. McKerrell attended a two day Security Course at the Garrison Cinema. 20/8/43 - The weather continues to be hot and sticky with occasional showers of rain. Late passes are not to be issued to men, who have forfeited their P.P. Battalion time will be wireless time starting from today. Capt. Kettle and Lt. Radice have been choses to play for combined team of England and Wales against Scotland and Ireland on 23rd of this month. The Battalion was tested by Security officers and found to a hard nut to crack. The C.O. congratulated the Battalion on their Security mindedness. Lt. Murray went on D&M course. 21/8l/43 - Companies attended a Training Film shown in the Garrison Cinema this morning. The rugby team played American College and after a very dull game it ended in a draw of 3 pts. each. 22/8/43 - The Battalion attended the weekly Garrison Service at the Garrison Church. The Bishop of Bengal gave the address. Weather is still dull and cloudy. 23/8/43 - Intensive Training Platoons started as their second week of Individual Training. The Battalion Security week started today. ‘D’ Company will be on the range from today until the 26th of the month. 24/8/43 - The weather improved today with bright sunshine. The Commanding Officer held a sand table exercise for all officers and W.Os. The Assistant Inspector of Arms arrived at the Battalion to carry out a check on all weapons. The result of the semi final of the Company Rugger competition between HQ (1.) and ‘C’ Company was a wind for HQ by 16th Pts. - 3 Pts. 25/8/43 - The weather continued to be hot with occasional showers. Col. Watteris gave a lecture to all officers on Air Formation Signals. Capt. Hunter had been promoted to the acting rank of Major. Lieut. Radice had been granted the temporary rank of Captain. 26/8/43 - Lts. Chaffee and Wallerin-Williams have arrived back from escort duty to Imphal. An inspection of optical instruments was carried out today. The lecture to be given on India by a civilian lecturer at the Garrison Cinema was cancelled. The 28th beat R.A.F. Maidan at rugged by 8 pts. to 3 pts. 27/8/43 - Weather continues hot. A number of men going down with fever. Intensive Training Platoons getting ready for their training period outside Calcutta/ The final of the Company rugged competition was played today between HQ (1) and ‘D’ was a win for ‘D’ by 6 pts. to 3 pts. Security check was tried out on the Battalion. 28/8/43 - The weather is still continuing to be fine. Training Platoons are getting ready to move off to their areas tomorrow. Major Mayne of the Bengal Intelligence Dept. talked to the Battalion in the Garrison Cinema. as a sequel to the end of Security week. The Battalion rugged team continued their unbeaten record by defeating the Calcutta Rugby Club by 13 pts. to 3 pts. The ream is now getting very well know to the publish from press notices appearing in the Statesman. Lt. Carr rejoined the Battalion from Kirkee and has been posted to ‘B’ Company. 29-31/8/43 - Missing. September 1943 War Diary 1/9/43 - Communications officers visited the R.W.R. this morning otherwise nothing to report. 2/9/43 - Capt. Fryer left this unit to go to Saugor on a Carrier Tactical Course. The Battalion rugby team kept their unbeaten record by defeating Heavy A.A. Regiment by 6 pts. to 3 pts. 3/9/43 - The weather continues fine with hot sunshine. Nothing to report. 4/9/43 - The Battalion received a reply from the Sick Children’s Hospital thanking all the W.Os and Sgts. of the unit for their Xmas Donations. Competition on the miniature range still going on. 5/9/43 - The National Day of Prayer was held in the Garrison Church this morning. The Service being taken by the Rev. Alchin. After the service there was a march past of the military and naval personnel. General Sir. G. Giffard K.C.B. took the salute. 6/9/43 - The weather still continues fine. HQ Company on specialist training. Rifle Company’s intensive training platoons start their 4th week of training. Lieut. Wallin-Williams left the unit to take up an appointment as GIII Reinforcements Eastern Army. 7/9/43 - One of the hottest days yet since our arrival in Calcutta. The Rugby XV beat R.A.F. Maidan by 11 pts. to 3 pts. All the officers visited a Jute Mill this morning at Howrah. They spent two hours going round the various W/S etc. 8/9/43 - Lt. Atkinson rejoined the Battalion from Poona and takes over the duties of Mortar officer. Major Roberts M.B.E. rejoined from Shillong and takes over command of HQ Company. 9/9/43 - Lt. P.M. Carr takes over the duties of W.T.O. until Lt. Pike returns. 10/9/43 - Weather during dull with occasional heavy showers of rain. The semi finals of the rugby seven a side tournament were played today. Adjutants drill parade this morning. Started to rain half way through. The Commanding Officer had a Company Commander’s conference this morning. 11/9/43 - Mr. G.W. Lysan gave a talk on Indian Industry this morning in the Garrison Cinema. The 28th beat R.Es in the first round of the Calcutta Cup by 6 pts. to 3 pts. There was fine support from the touchline. 12/9/43 - The Battalion attended morning service in the Garrison Church. The service was taken by Rev. Alchin. Weather continues dull and wet. 13/9/43 - Weather windy and cloudy with occasional showers of rain. Intensive Training Platoons on their 5th week of platoon training. 14/9/43 - Weather cloudy with occasional showers. Capt. Smele M.C. rejoined the unit from 4th Corps Tactical School Shillong and takes over command of ‘A’ Company. 15/9/43 - R.S.Ms drill parade this morning on the rugby field. 16/9/43 - Weather improving but still very hot. Major C.L.C. Roberts takes over the duties of P.M.C. 17/9/43 - The Battalion played the 25th Dragoons in the second round of the Calcutta Rugby Cup and won by 3 pts. to NIL. Lt. Bradley and Hillier went off to 4th Corps Area. Adjutant drill parade held this morning at 0645 on the rugby ground. Weather occasional heavy shower of rain. A few men from the Battalion went to All India Radio to make a recording of messages to their families at home. 18/9/43 - Weather continues hot with occasional showers. Nothing to report today. 19/9/43 - Usual weekly service held in the Garrison Church. The service was taken by Rev. Alchin. 20/9/43 - Intensive Training Platoons start their sixth week and last week out of camp. The Commanding Officer went on leave today. Major A.E. Williamson M.C takes over command of the Battalion. A questionnaire was held for all officers in the Officers’ Mess under the C.O. 21/9/43 - Weather continues dull with occasional showers of rain. The rugby XV beat Calcutta by 5 pts. to NIL. Rs. 330/- has been pad to the Cathedral Relief Fund for the starving population of Bengal. 22/9/43 - Weather improving, but still very hot. R.S.Ms drill parade held this morning on the rugby ground. Lieut. Godfrey rejoined the Battalion and takes over duties of Gas officer. 23/9/43 - Lieut. A.D. Dodd rejoined the Battalion and is posted to ‘A’ Company. Battalion payed today. Weather still chill and cloudy. 24/9/43 - Adjutants drill parade held this morning at 0645 otherwise nothing to report. Sgts. held a dance in the Sgts. Mess. 25/9/43 - The rugby XV reached the final of the Calcutta Rugby Cup by defeating Furness by 3 pts. to NIL. The Battalion football team beat Eastern Army 1-0. The Intensive Training Platoons arrived back in barracks this morning from their training areas outside Calcutta. 26/9/43 - Usual church service in Garrison Church held this morning. Capt. Morris and a small party left this morning to represent the 28th at a Church parade and held by R.A.F. Bengal Command and in thanksgiving for the “Battle of Britain”. 27/9/43 - Weather continues hot and sticky. Rifle Companies second Intensive Training Platoons during Individual Training. HQ Company still on Specialist Signal. Lieut. R.H. Williams takes over duties of Hockey and Soccer officer. Lieut. Pike takes over W.T.O. The Commanding Officer received Rs 62/- from the China Detachment for the relief of starving families. 28/9/43 - The G.O.C. Sir George J. Gifford K.C.B. D.S.O. issued a Special Easter Army Order on discipline. The Area Commander turned out for ‘W’ Company this morning. There was an R.S.M.’s drill parade held this morning on the rugby field. 29/9/43 - Weather had improved during the last few days. The Rugby XV were beaten by Ubiques in the final of the Calcutta Rugby Cup by 5 pts. to NIL. There was another R.S.M.’s drill parade this morning at 0645. Lt. Col. O’Duele of the American Army gave a lecture to the Battalion in the Garrison Cinema this morning. 30/9/43 - A C.O.’s conference was held this morning reference Battalion intended move of HQ Company and ‘A’ and ‘D’ Companies to Baruipur. Major A.D. Hunter conducted Company Commanders around the Docks this morning to show their alarm posts should the Battalion be called out on an I.S. role. Brigadier F.D. Frost M.C. gave a lecture in the Garrison Cinema on “After Victory What”. Appendices Attached (Not transcribed) Intelligence Summary for the Month Ending September 15th 1943 - 1st Battalion The Gloucestershire Regiment (Note: Distribution to HQ Eastern Army HQ 303rd LOC Area, and HQ 352nd LOC Sub-Area 1. Glosters O.O. No. 1 - Move to Baruipur - 30 September 1943 October 1943 War Diary 1/10/43 - Weather still continues fair with hot sunshine. Capt. Lea takes over command of the B.A.S. and Capt. Wood is transferred to HQ Company and takes over command of 4th Platoon. Capt. Fryer transferred from HQ Company to be 2 i/c ‘A’ Company. 2/10/43 - The Commanding Officer held an inspection of the Barrack Area this morning. Lt. Cary proceeded on escort duty today. 3/10/43 - Usual service held in the Garrison Church this morning. The service was taken by Rev. Alchim. 4/10/43 - A lecture was given to the Officers and N.C.Os of 303rd Area today by Lt. Col. G. Greenwood on the campaign in Egypt (1942). Otherwise nothing to report. 5/10/43 - Weather still fine. Lieut. Cary returned from escort duty today. The Boxing team beat Rashbehari in the B.E.S.A. boxing competition by 22 pts. to 9 pts. 6/10/43 - Weather still fine. Nothing to report. 7/10/43 - The Boxing Team were beaten by the Royal Warwick Regiment in the semi final of the boxing tournament by 18 pts. - 15. 8/10/43 - Capt. J.F.G. Smele rejoined the unit from leave and takes over command of ‘A’ Company. Allen were warned about the prevalence of V.D. in Darjeeling. 9/10/43 - The Commanding Officer had an inspection of barracks this morning otherwise nothing to report. 10/10/43 - Usual church service held in the Garrison Church this morning. 11/10/43 - The Battalion held a swimming Gala at the Calcutta Swimming Club. The 100x open championship being won by C.Q.M.S Kew of the China Detachment. The Commanding Officer gave away the cup. 12/10/43 - The weather had been getting a little cooler during the last few days. The final of the six-a-side football competition between Officers’ Mess A. and Battalion HQ was won by the Officers’ Mess by 4-0. 13/10/43 - HQ Company preparing for the move to Baruipur. Rifle Companies Intensive Training Platoons on their last week of Individual Training before moving out to their camp areas. The Sub-Area Commander congratulates all units on their very low sickness rate during the Dengue season. 14/10/43 - HQ Company left for Baruipur this morning. Capt. R.H. Fryer posted to 29th Indian Reinforcement Camp and is posted to X List. 15/10/43 - Weather still keeps fine. The Kitchen Mess closed today and a Det. Mess opened at No. 1 Staff Quarters. Intensive Training Platoons preparing to move to camp. 16/10/43 - The Commanding Officer arrived back from leave today and takes over command of the Battalion vice Major A.E.W. Williamson M.C. Intensive Training Platoons let for camp area this morning. 17/10/43 - A church service was held in the Garrison Church for ‘B’ and ‘C’ Companies. Service was taken by Rev. Alchim. Battalion HQ moved to Baruipur this morning. 18/10/43 - Weather still continues hot. Heat is worse here at Baruipur than Calcutta. ‘B’ and ‘C’ Companies at Fort William doing duties escorts etc. Companies at Baruipur settling into new camp. 19/10/43 - Companies settled in at Baruipur and training started. Lieuts. Maloney and Butler went off on escort to Imphal. 20/10/43 - There was an R.S.M.’s drill parade this morning on the football pitch Baruipur. The Battalion football team (B) entered the 2nd round of the Allied Services Tournament by beating the R.Es by 4 goals - 2. The Sub-Area Commander payed a list to the camp at Baruipur today. 21/10/43 - Weather still very hot in camp. Nothing to report today. Lt. Dennis left to go on a Mortar Course at Saugor. 22/10/43 - R.S.M.’s drill parade held this morning. 23/10/43 - A gift of 5,000 cigarettes were received today from “Bristol’s Own Fund”. 24/10/43 - A service was held in camp this morning the service being taken by Rev. Caley. The football team beat Mathurapur in the 2nd round of the Allies Services Tournament by 4 goals to NIL. 25/10/43 - HQ Company still on Intensive Training. Lieuts. Pike and Williams left on escort duty to Delhi. Capt. P.G.H. Varwell returned from leave and takes over command of ‘B’ Company. Lt. Carr proceeded on leave today. 26/10/43 - Weather still continues fine. Nothing to report 27/10/43 - Lieuts. Maloney and Butler rejoined the unit from escort duty to Imphal. Demonstration of loading a platoon truck was held for Company Commanders at ‘D’ Company Intensive Training Platoon’s area. The football team beat the Ubiques in the 3rd round of the Football Tournament by 3 goals to NIL. 28/10/43 - The Commanding Officer was admitted to hospital today suffering from Dysentery. Major A.E.W. Wilkinson M.C assumes command of the Battalion in his absence. A new draft of 30 mens joined the Battalion and have been posted to Companies. The Battalion started helping to feed the starving population of Baruipur today by making available to them all unwanted food in Company Messes. 29/10/43 - Weather still continues hot in camp. Nothing to report today. 30/10/43 - HQ Company finished classifying on Baligahaia Range today. 31/10/43 - Usual service was held in ‘A’ Company’s Basha this morning. There service was taken by the Rev. Caley. November 1943 War Diary 1/11/43 - The month opens with the Battalion still in Baruipur and a Detachment of two Companies under Major Hunter at Fort William. Intensive Training Platoons still out at their respective camps. HQ Company still on Specialist Training. The Battalion football team entered the semi final of the Services Tournament by beating R.A.F. Barrackpore by 3 goals to 1. Capt. Radice returned from M.T. Course today. 2/11/43 - A cloth model exercise was held for all officers at Baruipur today under Major Roberts M.B.E. 3/11/43 - Weather becoming cooler at camp now. The football XI were beaten by Mayfair in the semi final today by 1 goal to NIL. ‘W’ Company was called out today for the purpose of guarding supplies of rice. which have arrived in Calcutta. R.S.M’s drill parade held this morning. 4/11/43 - Lieut. P.M. Carr returned from leave today. A Colonel from the A.E.C. visited the Battalion this morning. 5/11/43 - Officers taken on P.T. by the Adjutant this morning. Lieut. D. Thorpe is transferred to ‘C’ Company and Lieut. M.R.O. Butler transferred to ‘D’ Company. 6/11/43 - Adjutant’s drill parade held this morning for all Subalterns and N.C.Os otherwise nothing to report. 7/11/43 - Usual church service held in camp today. Service taken by Rev. Caley. 8/11/43 - Major E.D. Harding of 118th Light A.A. Regiment joined the Battalion and is attached to the Unit pending transfer. Lieut. Cary returned from a course at Patna. 9/11/43 - Lieut. M.R.O. Butler is attached to H.Q. Easter Command today. Lieut. McKerrell takes over duties of P.R.I. vice Lt. Williams. 10/11/43 - R.S.M’s drill parade held this morning at Baruipur otherwise nothing to report. 11/11/43 - Nothing to report. 12/11/43 - Major E.D. Harding takes over command of H.Q. Company vice Major C.L.C. Roberts M.B.E. All officers, W.Os and N.C.Os who have been posted to the Battalion will now fill in a Joining Rejoining? Lieut. P.H. Davis rejoined the unit from a course at Saugor. 13/11/43 - Cricket match was played today between a ream from Baruipur and a Fort William XI. Lt. Col. Hopkinson rejoined the unit from hospital today and takes over command of the Battalion vice Major A.E.W. Williamson M.C. Training Platoons arrived back from training areas this morning. Lt Murray rejoined the Unit from leave. 14/11/43 - Usual church service held at Baruipur and Fort William this morning. The Battalion played the R.W.R. at cricket today and were beaten by 1 wicket and 12 runs. 15/11/43 - The weather is coolers now. At camp HQ Company are doing Intensive Training. 16/11/43 - Weather still continues cool with plenty sunshine. The Battalion Cricket XI beat an R.A.F. XI at Fort William ground today. M.O. gave a lecture to all officers this morning on First Aid. 17/11/43 - Companies in camp preparing to move back to Fort William. Pioneers move to the Fort. Lt. Bradley posted to Eastern Command. 18/11/43 - Weather still fine and moderately cool. Information Room moved to Fort William today. 19/11/43 - ‘D’ Company moved into Fort William today. 20/11/43 - ‘A’ and HQ Companies arrived from Baruipur today. Lieut. Boutflour takes over command of the Area Staff Company vice Capt. H.L.T. Radice. 21/11/43 - The church service was held this morning in the Garrison Church. The service was taken by the Rev. Alchim. 22/11/43 - This week start with the whole Battalion back in Fort William again. Rifle Companies Training Platoons start their 1st week of training. HQ Company on Specialist Training. Suggestion Box had been placed outside the dining room to enable to men to put forward suggestions for improvements. 23/11/43 - The Area Commander visited the Battalion at 0700 hours this morning. He went round watching platoons on training and also visited the Information Room. An officer T.E.W.T. was held today by Major C.L.C. Roberts M.B.E. 24/11/43 - The weather still continues to be cool and pleasant. Its is now very cold at night. R.S.M’s drill parade held this morning on the Rugby Field. The Battalion Cricket XI played the 95th Heavy A.A. today result was a draw. 25/11/43 - Capt. J. Playne joined the Battalion and had been posted to ‘B’ Company. General Sir Ronald Adam visited the Battalion and gave a talk to all officers in the Garrison Cinema on the war in general and Post War problems. 26/11/43 - Weather still cool. Cricket competition started for platoons in the Battalion otherwise nothing to report. 27/11/43 - General Sir Ronald Adam visited the Battalion and gave a talk to all the officers and men. He also answered many question put to him by the men. 28/11/43 - Church service held in the Garrison Church this morning. The Battalion Cricket XI played Cossipore C.C. today and beat them by 149 runs to 132. 29/11/43 - Rifle Companies’ training platoons during Individual training. HQ Company on specialist training. R.S.M’s drill parade held this morning. 30/11/43 - Adjutant’s drill parade was held this morning. The weekly discussion for officers and W.Os was held in the Officers’ Mess today. Lieut. Cary takes over duties of Battalion Catering Officer as from today. December 1943 War Diary 1/12/43 - This month starts with the Battalion still in Calcutta finding escorts., ‘W’ Companies and various I.S. duties. Rifle Platoons on their third week of Intensive Training. Specialist Platoons also training. Carriers under Capt. Wood still training at Asansol. 2/12/43 - Officers Mess Meeting her in the Officers’ Mess this morning. Otherwise nothing to report. 3/12/43 - Nothing to report. 4/12/43 - The Commanding Officer inspected barracks this morning. The Battalion Cricket XI were beaten by the Cabals at Glen Gardens. 5/12/43 - The C.O. held a surprise P.A.D. exercise this morning. Church service was held in the Garrison Church this morning, The service was taken by the Rev. Alchim. 6/12/43 - A cheque of 230 rupees had been given to the Battalion Sports Fund by the Calcutta Special Constabulary. 7/12/43 - Brig. Lloyd A.I.F. gave a lecture to the Battalion. 8/12/43 - Nothing to report. 9/12/43 - Report by Chief Benson of the misuse of Green Envelopes. Otherwise nothing to report. 10/12/43 - Nothing to report. 11/12/43 - Officer Day. Officers, W.Os and C.Q.M.Ss to assemble at Garrison Cinema to see film on M/T. 12/12/43 - Nothing to report. 13/12/43 - Nothing to report. 14/12/43 - Nothing to report. 15/12/43 - Nothing to report. 16/12/43 - Officers’ Mess Meeting at the Mess. Also a training out of play the second. “Yellow warning”, “Colonel Bogey” and “There will always be and England” for the “all Clear” 17/12/43 - Nothing to report. 18/12/43 - Lecture on Educational Training in the Garrison Cinema. 19/12/43 - Nothing to report other than Carriers bound from Asansol. 20/12/43 - Battalion on Exercise “Sparrow”. 21/12/43 - Orders for the use of Green envelopes and air letter lunch. 22/12/43 - Battalion beat R.A.F. at Cricket. 23/12/43 - Battalion Sports 1400-1700 hours. Broadcasts on Barrack system. 24/12/43 - Battalion Sports 1000-1200 hours. Cinema matinee 1400 hours. 1840 Army broadcast Xmas Greetings. 25/12/43 - Church parade 0800 hours. Christmas Carol Service. 1215 C.O. visits dining Hall. 26/12/43 - Celebrated Holy Communion in the Garrison Church at 0800 hours. Battalion Sports from 1000 hours to 1200 hours. There was a supply of beer in the Canteen for all O.Rs. C.O. presented Cup to HQ (1) and prizes to all winners. 27/12/43 - Battalion sports from 1000 hours to 1200 hours. Cinema matinee 1400 hours. 28/12/43 - There was a supply of beer in the Canteen for all O.Rs. 29/12/43 - Nothing to report, other than Training Platoons went to Camps. 10 men from HQ Company report to A.P.M. Calcutta. Battalion Gas day. 30/12/43 - Major Wilkinson M.C. assumes Command of the Battalion w.e.f. 28 December vice Lt. Col. Hopkinson on course of instruction. 31/12/43 - Nothing to report.
WOW!! First a big 'Thank You' for the very full, and fast response. So it doesn't look like they were at Tiddim or the Kabaw Valley although there is occasional mention of 'officer patrols' being carried out. Maybe some of the accounts which were not transcribed will have more detail on them. Interesting that they were in 63rd Indian Infantry Brigade for a year (June 42 to June 43) according to Dryan's list. Let me give it a good read in detail and then I will add the 63rd War Diary for my next visit. Many thanks Tony