Hi I am researching the men on our village War Memorial and one is Sgt Leonard Lawford (843302). He was killed on either 30 Jan 1944 (CWGC) or 31 January 1944 (WD) at Anzio. I have the War Diary for January but it is hard to understand where they were, their role etc - it is full of detail at the next level down. Having read through it a couple of times it was only when I read other threads here that I realised they had SP Priests and not 25 pounders etc! It also looks as if their OPs were Sherman tanks. I have seen comments that he was at Dunkirk and then North Africa so it seems he was with them through much of the War. From the 24th Field Regt War Diary: 1 Jan: at Casale out of the line and under 23 Armoured Brigade 6 Jan: To Campagna under 1st British Div for Combined Operations. Started waterproofing the vehicles the next day. 14 Jan Landing tables issued. 22 Battery to land with first follow-up party in support of 24 Guards Brigade. The remainder of the Regiment with the second follow-up party in support 3 Inf Bde. 19 Jan: All the Regt loaded in seven LCTs and sailed at 1130am on 21 Jan. 22 Jan: Arrived off the beaches before first light but had to lay off Peter Beach NW of Anzio for 36 hours until they could be landed. Afternoon of 22 Jan 3 Inf Bde convoy moved off to X-Ray Beach at Nettuno. 22 Battery landed on Peter Beach (??presume this was with 24 Guards Brigade) and the rest of the Regiment disembarked at Anzio Harbour on the afternoon of 23 Jan. 24 Jan: 1 Troop of 90 LAA Regt under command. 26 Jan: Regt moved forward in support of 24 Guards Brigade to the Factory area (873330) taking over positions from 19 Field Regt. All the Regiment in action that day: 22 Battery in support 5 Gren Guards 50 Battery in support 1 Irish Guards 56 Battery in support 1 Scots Guards 28 Jan: OP from 22 Battery supporting 1 Recce on patrol around left flank. 30 Jan: 0200hrs OC 56 Battery moving forward with 1 Scots Guards and at 0700hrs at 882348. 1 SG had taken their objective by 0715 and 'E' troop OP at 884363. 'F' Troop OP with 'C' Squadron 46 RTR. 31 Jan: 'F' Troop OP moves forward to 880370 with 'C' Sqn 46 RTR to support the attack of the Forresters and 50 Bty OP also supporting. At 1520 hrs it is reported that Maj RM St G Kirke wounded and Sgt Lawford killed at 56 Battery OP. At 1640 it is recorded that 'F' OP Sherman was destroyed by a direct hits from a tank or SP gun. One OR missing but later known to be safe but wounded. I see references to a Regimental History - can anyone help me with material that explains what they were up to? Does anyone have a copy of the map of Anzio and specifically the Aprilia (Factory) to Campoleone area so I can 'translate' the map refs in the WD? I cannot find one in the two American University resources available online. Many thanks
You will probably find what you want and more on this thread 1st British Infantry Division Histories - Digital Versions
My Father was in 24FR ( B troop 22 Bty ) throughout the Sicily and Italian campaigns. I have a copy of the 39-45 Regimental history and the war diaries. I'll have a look and see what I can help you with.
Sgt. D D. Lawford is listed in the Roll of Honour as killed on 30/1/44. Major St. G Kirke is listed as OC 56 Bty July 43 to Jan 44 and wounded on 30/1/44
Thanks 'D Coy'. It is interesting that the Regimental History has 30 January as do the Casualty Lists, CWGC, RA Casualty Card etc but the War Diary was very clear that it occurred on 31 January. Not unknown for the War Diary to be out by a day or two but in this case the account is very clear...... If you have the Regimental History please could you copy me the part that covers the landing in Anzio through to the end of January - it will help me get the picture of what they were up to - to supplement the WD which I already have. I looked online for a copy but none available and the last one was £100!! Many thanks