Personal Number: 38531 Rank: Major Name: Peter Dundas SANDBACH, MiD Unit: 12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's) ; 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars London Gazette : 2 September 1927 The undermentioned Gentleman Cadets, from the Royal Military College, to be 2nd Lts. CAVALRY 12th L. Peter Dundas Sandbach. London Gazette : 17 October 1933 COMMANDS AND STAFF. The undermentioned relinquish their appts.:— Lt. P. D. Sandbach, 12th L., as A.D.C. to the G.O.O.-in-C., N. Comd. 12th Oct. 1933. London Gazette : 31 August 1937 REGULAR ARMY. CAVALRY. 8th H.— Lt. P. D. Sandbach from 12th L., to be Capt. 11th July 1937. London Gazette : 8 July 1941 The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned for distinguished services in the Middle East during the period December, 1940, to February, 1941: — ROYAL ARMOURED CORPS. Hussars. Sandbach, Capt. P. D. (38531).
London Gazette : 8 July 1941 Reference: WO 416/318/503 Name: Peter Sandbach. Date of Birth: 17/10/1907. Place of Birth: [unspecified]. Service: [British Army]. Rank: Major. Regiment/Unit/Squadron: [The Kings Royal Irish Hussars, Royal Armoured Corps]. Service Number: 38551 [38531]. Date of Capture: [unspecified]. Theatre of Capture: [unspecified]. Camp Name/Number: [unspecified]. PoW number: [unspecified]. Date of Death: 02/12/1941 or [9/12/1941]. Number of Photographs: 0. Number of Fingerprints: 0. Number of X-rays: 0. Number of Cards: 2. Date: [1939-1945] MAJOR PETER DUNDAS SANDBACH Service Number: 38531 Regiment & Unit: 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars, Royal Armoured Corps Date of Death: 09 December 1941 Age 34 years old Buried or commemorated at ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Memorial Reference: Column 17. Location: Egypt Additional Info: Son of Maj. William Sandbach, and of Helen Sandbach, of Newbury, Berkshire.