Hello everyone, I'm reaching out to this community in the hope that someone might have information or insights about my grandfather named R.H. Ridler, service number 5502754, who served with 1 Recce. This is a topic of personal interest, and I’m eager to learn more about his service, experiences, or any related history. If you or someone you know has any details, memories, or records about R.H. Ridler or 1 Recce in general, I would be incredibly grateful if you could share them. I have already contacted the MoD and requested his service records, but I'm looking for any photos of the unit during their tours etc. Please feel free to reply here or message me privately if you'd prefer. Thank you in advance for any assistance or leads you can offer.
Welcome, you have made the first step with his records, it's the only way to start. His service number shows that he enlisted with the Hampshire Regiment and that illustrates a potential problem as soldiers often changed their unit so you need records to create an accurate timeline, then histories and war diaries. He doesn't appear in casualty lists so would not seem to have been missing or wounded at any time. There are 1 recce diaries on this site but may not get mentioned if he was not an officer, anyway you need to know when he was with them. Afraid a wait is necessary.
Apologies, I should have been more specific. This is what his service records tell me so far. I'm looking to research his story in more detail. He enlisted with the Hampshire Regt in 1939 as a pte and then linked up with the rest of the BEF on 14th May 1940. He was evacuated from Dunkirk on 3rd June. He transferred to the 1 Recce as a tpr on 21st January 1941. He was sent to N.Africa 27th February 1943 and was part of the 1st Army. He then went to Italy, where he spent the rest of the war. Once the war in Europe was over he was posted to the MEF and was in Palestine until 1946. He was then sent home and demobbed. He served 6 years and 66 days.
Should you not have a copy already. Medal (application) Card, courtesy of TNA Kew via Fold3. Good luck with building your picture, service record (once it arrives) will add more detail. Kind regards, always, Jim.
As Tony said, 1 Recce war diaries are on the forum, kindly posted by Recce Mitch aka Paul 1 Recce War Diary
If you search online with: "1 recce" site:ww2talk.com it returns a mass of hits, approx. half are threads and the others appear to be images (probably of war diaries). His name and service number have not appeared here before your post. I would suggest you create a document with a chronological table to show where he was, when and what source shows that.
Dotage is on me Lesley, and getting a stronger foothold each day! Kind regards, where did I put those bleedin' keys, always, Jim.
I can tell you that the Recce war diaries are pretty comprehensive, as the Appendices have been copied too, which can contain information about individual soldiers attending courses etc. You never know your gf may be mentioned . My father was in 56 Recce and he was mentioned in the Appendices, even a trip to the dentist for a checkup . Lesley
1 Recce Regt were the reconnaissance unit for 1 Infantry Division. The Div landed at Anzio on 22 Jan 44 and your grandfather would have endured all of that until the breakout on 23 May 44. Grim stuff too. The Div come back into the story in Aug 44 when they are pushed into the High Apennines above Florence. Here they spend a terrible winter in the mountains. More grim stuff. Regards Frank
1 Recce History 8th January 1941: Formed from the brigade anti-tank companies of 1st Division except the Guards Brigade. Named 1st Reconnaissance Battalion The Reconnaissance Regiment for the 1st Infantry Division from its formation to subsequent disbandment. From March 1943 until the Axis surrender, the Regiment served with the First Army in Tunisia and saw action at Banana Ridge and on Point 212 at Gab Gab Gap. Joined 15 Army group in Italy in November 1943 and served at Anzio in 1944. Served with both Eighth and Fifth Armies from August 1944 until January 1945 when it was withdrawn to Palestine. April 1942: Renamed 1st Regiment Reconnaissance Corps. 1st January 1944: Renamed 1st Reconnaissance Regiment RAC 31st August 1945: Disbanded The Times referred to 1 Recce as the “thin red line” in the Anzio Beachhead Commanding Officers Lt-Col, E. V. B. Murphy M.C. Lt-Col. E. L. Ricketts, O.B.E. Lt-Col. S. C. W.W. Rae Lt-Col. E. A. S. Brett, D.S.O. Major J. A. Acland, D.S.O. LOCATIONS SERVED United Kingdom: 8.1.41 - 27.2.43 At Sea: 28.2.43 - 9.3.43 North Africa: 9.3.43 - 10.6.43 Pantelleria: 11.6.43 - 14.6.43 North Africa: 15.6.43 - 4.12.43 At Sea: 5.12.43 - 7.12.43 Italy: 7.12.43 - 27.1.45 At Sea: 28.1.45 - 1.2.45 Palestine: 2.2.45 - 31.8.45 BATTLES & ENGAGEMENTS 1943 23rd April – 30th April: Medjez Plain 5th May – 12th May: Tunis 1944 22nd January – 22nd May: Anzio 22nd May – 4th June: Rome 25th August – 22nd September: Gothic Line Cheers Paul