62nd AT Rgt Buron July 8th 1944.

Discussion in 'NW Europe' started by m kenny, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. m kenny

    m kenny Senior Member

    There is a claim for 20+ tank kills east of Buron on July 8th with 62nd AT getting most of the credit. 12th SS lost 9 Panthers and up to 5 Pz IV that day so the normal fog-of-war has confused the issue. Clearly 12th SS did not lose all its tanks in one engagement and a wreck-check done on June 9th found 6 Panthers which were credited to 6 CAR (1st Hussars)
    2 CAB HQ Events Log July 9th  pg (.jpg

    other than 62nd AT War Diary and the Canadian War Diaries that repeat the claims of 62nd AT Rgt are there any good accounts of the action?
    My goal here is not the dispute kill-claims but to find those 9 Panther wrecks. The Canadian accounts have conflicting locations for the Panthers complete with map references.

    This is the only Panther known to have been lost on July 8th

    Panther 135  Authie July 9th  f  -tile c.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2021

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