AIRBORNE HEADQUARTERS This page details the headquarters of an airborne division. Its functions are much as for a normal division but it is much smaller and the rear headquarters remained in the UK. Included are the smaller units that are an integral part of a headquarters. The page also details the headquarters of an airborne corps which was introduced late in the war. An article on airborne vehicles is included. AIRBORNE DIVISION HEADQUARTERS Airborne Division Headquarters. War Establishment 1/110/2. March 1943. Airborne Division Headquarters. War Establishment 1/110/3. September 1944. Airborne Division HQ Defence and Employment Platoon. War Establishment I/114/2. March 1943. Airborne Division HQ Defence and Employment Platoon. War Establishment I/114/3. February 1945. Airborne Divisional Provost Company. War Establishment I/361/2. March 1943. Airborne Divisional Provost Company. War Establishment I/361/3. March 1945. Postal Unit RE (Airborne). War Establishment I/205/3. September 1944 Mobile Photographic Enlargement Section (Airborne). War Establishment I/420/1. March 1943. No4 Army Film and Photo Section. War Establishment 1/421/1. March 1943. Airborne Divisional Battle School Cadre. War Establishment I/422/1. April 1945. The War Establishment Table for Headquarters of an Airborne Division used here is WE I/110/2 with an effective date of March 1943. This establishment was still in effect for the Normandy landings although some changes had in fact been made. War Establishment I/110/3 with an effective date of 17 September 1944 had eleven amendments. These changes are shown in the text and marked with *. Almost as soon as War Establishment I/110/2 became effective the Headquarters Commander Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers was given a separate establishment so that the REME personnel and vehicles shown on the division headquarters establishment were removed. The CRÈME War Establishment table was I/118/1 with an effective date of April 1943. This is shown separately with the airborne division services. The Headquarters of an Airborne Division was organised much as for a normal division. There was a Main Headquarters a Rear Headquarters. The main difference between this headquarters and others was that the two sections were far apart in action. The Main Headquarters was airborne and landed by parachute and glider. The Rear Headquarters remained at base and coordinated supplies etc which were then air dropped. As the role of the Airborne Division changed more to that of a division which travelled to war by air and then fought much as a normal division the non airborne portions soon joined by land. HEADQUARTERS of an AIRBORNE DIVISION. War Establishment 1/110/2. March 1943. War Establishment 1/110/3. September 1944. Major General, General Officer Commanding Captain or Subaltern, Aide de Camp Staff Operations 2 X General Staff Officer, 1st Grade (GSO1) – Lieutenant Colonel 1 X General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade (GSO2) – Major 2 X General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade (GSO3) – Captain 3 X Liaison Officer *By September 1944 the following additions were made 1 X General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade for duty with HQ of the Air Force formations 1 X General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade Chemical Warfare 1 X General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade (GSO2) – Captain 15 X clerk RASC including 1 X Warrant Officer Class I (WO1) 1 X staff serjeant 1 X serjeant 2 X corporal 3 X lance corporal 7 X private Intelligence 1 X General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade (GSO2) – Major 1 X General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade (GSO3) – Captain 2 X Intelligence Officer – Captain or Lieutenant (trained in the interpretation of air photographs) 2 X draughtsman, topographical RE (including one corporal) 4 X clerk RASC including 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal trained as recorder 2 X private Adjutant General and Quartermaster General 1 X Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General (AA&QMG) – Major 1 X Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) – Captain 1 X Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General (DAQMG) – Captain 1 X Staff Captain ‘Q’ 6 X clerk RASC including 1 X Warrant Officer ClassII (WOII) 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 3 X private Services Chaplains 1 X Senior Chaplain to the Forces, 3rd class 3 X Chaplain, 4th Class 1 X batman driver 3 X batman *By September 1944 there were four batman drivers and no batmen. Medical 1 X Assistant Director of Medical Services (ADMS) – Colonel 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services (DADMS) – Major 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Hygiene – Major 6 X sanitary assistants including 1 X staff serjeant 1 X serjeant 4 X corporal 7 X clerk RASC including 1 X Warrant Officer ClassII (WOII) 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 4 X private 3 X batmen Ordnance 1 X Assistant Director of Ordnance Services, Ordnance officer 2nd Class (ADOS) – Lieutenant Colonel 1 X Ordnance Officer 4th Class – Captain 9 X clerk RASC including 2 X Warrant Officer ClassI 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 1 X lance corporal 4 X private (including one short hand typist 3 X storeman (including one serjeant 1 X staff serjeant ammunition examiner 2 X batman Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 1 X Commander REME, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer 1st Class – Lieutenant Colonel 1 X Electrical and Mechanical Engineer 2rd Class- Captain 1 X Electrical and Mechanical Engineer 3rd Class (Wireless) – Captain 4 X clerk REME including 1 X Warrant Officer ClassII 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 1 X private 3 X batman driver 2 X motorcyclist *By September 1944 the Commander REME and his staff were no longer listed with the division headquarters but had a separate War Establishment. Provost 1 X Assistant Provost Marshall 1 X clerk 1 X batman driver *By September 1944 an Education Officer and a small staff were added as follows 1 X Staff Officer (Education) 3rd Class 4 X serjeant 1 X clerk RASC 1 X batman driver These personnel were available to assist with staff work when required. Camp Administration 1 X Camp Commandant – Captain 1 X Company Serjeant Major 1 X company quartermaster serjeant 2 X clerk 1X storeman 3 X fitter REME 1 X transport serjeant RASC 27 X driver IC RASC 22 X batman 17 X orderly 1 X water dutyman (trained as driver IC) 2 X sanitary dutyman 2 X cook ACC for officers mess 4 X cook ACC for other ranks 1 X Divisional Catering Officer – Captain 1 X Supervising Officer, Physical Training – Captain or Lieutenant 1 X serjeant instructor APTC *By September 1944 there were two additional batmen Attached 1 X Flight Lieutenant RAF (for liaison duties) 1 X batman RAF Total personnel 35 officers 157 other ranks Total 193 *By September 1944, with the additional personnel minus the REME staff the total remained the same except for one less other rank. Notes: Of the clerks 25% were shorthand writers At least 12 men were trained in anti gas duties Airfield Duties *By September 1944 the following were authorised for airfield duties. For each squadron of the RAF formation assigned for duty with the division- 1 X General Staff Officer 3rd Grade (who may be of medical category B) 1 X clerk RASC 1 X batman 1 X motorcycle TRANSPORT This is divided into two types - Base transport which is not taken into action. This may join the division by land at some point. - Airborne transport which may be taken into action. Base Transport 1 X car 6seater (presumably a heavy utility) for the General Officer Commanding 6 X bicycles (for use by the Camp Commandants personnel. 23 motorcycles including 6 for the General Staff 3 for Chaplains 6 for medical personnel 1 for ordnance 3 for REME 2 for Camp Commandant 1 for Supervising Officer PT 1 for Catering Officer *By September 1944 the chaplains had cars instead of motorcycles and the REME staff were removed together with their three motorcycles 6 X car 2seater 4 X 2 including 2 for General Staff 1 for Adjutant General and Quartermaster General branch 1 for Ordnance 1 for medical 1 for REME *By September 1944 the REME car had been removed. 4 X truck 15cwt GS for use by Camp Commandants personnel *By September 1944 there was one extra 15cwt for the Education Officer. 3 X 3ton 4 X 2 GS for use by the Camp Commandants personnel Note: Fourteen of the motorcycles on the base establishment were available to be taken into action (see below) Airborne Transport 20 X bicycle – for use by Camp Commandants personnel 32 X folding bicycle including 7 for the General Staff 3 for the Adjutant General and Quartermaster General Branch 4 for Chaplains 6 for medical personnel 3 for Ordnance 2 for REME 6 for Camp Commandant 14 X motorcycle (taken from the motorcycles on the base establishment) including 3 for the Geneal Staff 3 for Chaplains 1 for medical personnel 1 for Ordnance 3 for REME 1 for Provost 2 for Camp Commandant 8 X folding motorcycles including 5 for the General Staff 2 for the Adjutant General and Quartermaster Generals branch 1 for medical personnel 10 X lightweight motorcycle including 3 for the General Staff 2 for the Adjutant General and Quartermaster General Branch 1 for medical personnel 1 for Ordnance 1 for REME 4 for Camp Commandant 13 X car 5wt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 for the General Officer Commanding 3 for the General Staff 2 for the Adjutant General and Quartermaster General Branch 1 for medical personnel 1 for Ordnance 1 for REME 4 for Camp Commandant 19 X special airborne trailers equipped as office including 4 for the General Staff 4 for the Adjutant General and Quartermaster General Branch 2 for medical personnel 2 for Ordnance 2 for REME 1 for Camp Commandant 4 X special airborne trailers GS for the Camp Commandant There was also a pool of 10 X water trailer for issue to brigades as required. Note: It was common for airborne jeeps to each tow two trailers. *By September 1944 the following changes had been made to the transport - The following were deleted because of the removal of the REME staff from headquarters 3 X motorcycle 1 X car 4 seater 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight bicycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X trailer - The Chaplains had cars 2 seater instead of motorcycles - One 15cwt GS was added for the Education Officer Weapons 50 X pistol .45” automatic. This gave one per officer, warrant officer and motorcyclist. 107 X rifle .303” 30 X machine carbine 2 X 2” mortar, airborne. AIRBORNE DIVISION FIELD SECURITY SECTION War Establishment I/388/2 with an effective date of March 1945 Captain or Lieutenant Company Serjeant Major 4 X serjeant 12 X corporal ROYAL SIGNALS ATTACHEDTO AIRBORNE DIVISION HEADQUARTERS A (Advanced) section. This was landed with the airborne portion of the division. Headquarters Captain batman corporal cook ACC 2 X cook ACC 5 X bicycle 1 X motorcycle Signal Office detachment. Subaltern serjeant 6 X orderly from units within the division. Signalman class 9 X dispatch rider 17 X linesman 8 X operator The above to include 3 lance serjeants, six corporal, four lance corporal and twenty one signalman. Driver class driver mechanic driver batman. Transport 6 X bicycle 26 X folding bicycle 12 X motorcycle 12 X folding motorcycle 4 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 1 X 15cwt G 4 X trailer GS Wireless detachment Subaltern serjeant Signalman class 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 42 X operator The above to include two lance serjeants, four corporal, nine lance corporal and thirty signalman. Driver class 3 X driver mechanic batman. Transport 30 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 2 X lightweight motorcycle 10 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 10 X trailer GS 6 X handcart B (Base) section. This remained at base and acted as the communications section for Rear Headquarters. Headquarters Captain batman driver Subaltern – Pigeon Officer corporal loftman 3 X loftman driver of vehicle 2 X cook ACC 6 X bicycle 1 X motorcycle Signal Office detachment. Subaltern serjeant 6 X orderly from units within the division. Signalman class 8 X dispatch rider 2 X linesman 5 X operator The above to include a lance serjeant, six lance corporal and eight signalman. Driver class driver of vehicle batman Transport 6 X bicycle 12 X motorcycle 1 X 15cwt GS Wireless detachment Subaltern serjeant Signalman class 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 15 X operator The above to include two corporal, four lance corporal and twelve signalman. Driver class 3 X driver mechanic 2 X driver of vehicle batman. Transport motorcycle 5 X 3ton 4 X 4 wireless. E Section This was the headquarters line section. serjeant Signalman class 2 X dispatch rider electrician 5 X lineman 9 X operator To include two corporal, three lance corporal and twelve signalman Transport 4 X motorcycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X lightweight trailer 3 X handcart F Section This was the headquarters wireless section. Subaltern serjeant Signalman class electrician 15 X operator To include corporal, four lance corporal and eleven signalman batman Transport 1 X motorcycle 2 X lightweight motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 X lightweight trailer 5 X handcart P Section This was a section of GHQ Liaison Regiment (Phantom). This listened into wireless communications within the division and reported to divisional headquarters, to Airborne Army Headquarters and GHQ. Subaltern serjeant Signalman class electrician instrument mechanic 6 X operator To include two lance corporal and six signalman batman Transport 2 X motorcycle AIRBORNE DIVISION HEADQUARTERS DEFENCE and EMPLOYMENT PLATOON. War Establishment I/114/2 with an effective date of March 1943. War Establishment I/114/3 with an effective date of February 1945 contained the following amendments - the 15cwt 4 X 2 GS is replaced by a 15cwt 4 X 4 GS - anti tank rifles are replaced by PIATs - 2 X 2” mortar (non airborne) are added Note that unusually the motorcycle combinations remain on the 1945 establishment. Lieutenant 3 X serjeant 6 X corporal 49 X private 2 X cook ACC Trades included 1 X driver mechanic 3 X section serjeants 1 X batman 14 X AA gunners 5 X driver IC 34 X lmg numbers and riflemen Vehicles 30 X folding bicycles 4 X lightweight motorcycles 2 X motorcycle 3 X motorcycle combination 8 X jeep 6 X trailer 1 X 15cwt GS for base use only Weapons 4 X pistol .45” automatic 38 X rifle .303” 19 X Sten gun 2 X Bren lmg 2 X PIAT 1 X signal pistol (RAF type) 4 X 20mm AA guns Organisation Platoon Headquarters Motorcycle Lightweight Lieutenant The lieutenant in command of the defence platoon also acted as assistant to the Camp Commandant and was responsible for the defence of the HQ area. Motorcycle Batman Carries a Sten gun Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) Driver mechanic, 2 X cook Tows 2 X 10cwt airborne trailer Carries rations and ammunition Driver carries a Sten gun, cooks carry rifles. AA Section Motorcycle serjeant Carries a Sten gun Motorcycle Lightweight corporal Carries a Sten gun Motorcycle Lightweight corporal Carries a Sten gun Car 5wt 4 X 4 (jeep) lance corporal, 2 X gun numbers, driver IC Tows 10cwt trailer and 20mm gun Lance corporal and driver carry Sten guns, gun numbers carry rifles. Car 5wt 4 X 4 (jeep) lance corporal, 2 X gun numbers, driver IC Tows 10cwt trailer and 20mm gun Lance corporal and driver carry Sten guns, gun numbers carry rifles. Car 5wt 4 X 4 (jeep) lance corporal, 2 X gun numbers, driver IC Tows 10cwt trailer and 20mm gun Lance corporal and driver carry Sten guns, gun numbers carry rifles. Car 5wt 4 X 4 (jeep) lance corporal, 2 X gun numbers, driver IC Tows 10cwt trailer and 20mm gun Lance corporal and driver carry Sten guns, gun numbers carry rifles. Defence section Motorcycle Lightweight serjeant Carries a Sten gun Section 1 Motorcycle Combination 2 X lmg numbers Carries a Bren gun plus 1000 rounds of ammunition plus a PIAT. Bicycle corporal Bicycle lance corporal Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Corporal, lance corporal and privates carry rifles. Section 2 Motorcycle Combination 2 X lmg numbers Carries a Bren gun plus 1000 rounds of ammunition plus a PIAT. Bicycle corporal Bicycle lance corporal Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle Rifleman Bicycle rifleman Corporal, lance corporal and privates carry rifles. Employment section Motorcycle Combination Serjeant, driver IC Serjeant carries a Sten gun, driver IC carries a .45” automatic pistol. Section 1 Bicycle corporal Bicycle lance corporal Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Corporal, lance corporal and privates carry rifles. Section 1 Bicycle corporal Bicycle lance corporal Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Bicycle rifleman Corporal, lance corporal and privates carry rifles. AIRBORNE DIVISIONAL PROVOST COMPANY War Establishment I/361/2 with an effective date of March 1943. War Establishment I/361/3 with an effective date of March 1945 shows no changes to personnel or equipment. Captain 4 X Subaltern (including Loading Officer) Regimental Serjeant Major company quartermaster serjeant 6 X serjeant 12 X corporal corporal clerk 2 X clerk 13 X driver IC storeman 2 X batman 3 X batman driver 66 X provost dutyman Note: All military policemen are lance corporals but only 50% will be paid. All military policmen are trained in anti gas duties and decontamination work. Attached corporal motor mechanic REME corporal cook ACC 2 X cook ACC Transport 36 X folding bicycle 4 X folding motorcycle 54 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 7 X motorcycle combinations with box sidecars. 1 X car 4seater 4 X 2 7 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 7 X 15cwt GS 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 GS 1 X airborne office trailer Weapons 14 X pistol .45” automatic 4 X rifle .303” (for attached REME and cooks) 99 X Sten gun 9 X Bren lmg 4 X 2” mortar airborne Organisation Headquarters Captain 4 X Subaltern (including Loading Officer) Regimental Serjeant Major company quartermaster serjeant corporal clerk 2 X clerk 1 X driver IC storeman 2 X batman 3 X batman driver 36 X folding bicycle 4 X folding motorcycle 6 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combinations with box sidecars. 1 X car 4seater 4 X 2 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 15cwt GS 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 GS 1 X airborne office trailer As the transport at headquarters far exceeds the number of personnel it is assumed that the folding bicycles and folding motorcycles are a pool of parachutable transport to be used by the entire company until the glider borne vehicles arrive. Military Police would be required very early in the operation to sign post routes and provide traffic control from the landing grounds. There were six identical sections Section 1 serjeant 2 X corporal 2 X driver IC 11 X provost dutyman 8 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combination with box sidecar. 1 X car 5 cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS Section 2 serjeant 2 X corporal 2 X driver IC 11 X provost dutyman 8 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combination with box sidecar. 1 X car 5 cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS Section 3 serjeant 2 X corporal 2 X driver IC 11 X provost dutyman 8 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combination with box sidecar. 1 X car 5 cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS Section 4 serjeant 2 X corporal 2 X driver IC 11 X provost dutyman 8 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combination with box sidecar. 1 X car 5 cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS Section 5 serjeant 2 X corporal 2 X driver IC 11 X provost dutyman 8 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combination with box sidecar. 1 X car 5 cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS Section 6 serjeant 2 X corporal 2 X driver IC 11 X provost dutyman 8 X motorcycle with panniers and pillion seats 1 X motorcycle combination with box sidecar. 1 X car 5 cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS Notes: The 15 cwt GS would not be air transported but would join the unit once ground forces had linked with the airborne units. The motorcycle combination with a box sidecar was widely used by the military police to carry route signing equipment. It had been used by the Automobile Association before the war and was a very useful vehicle but by 1944 most had been replaced by jeeps, especially in field armies. It is assumed that the motorcycles were distributed as follows - one for the serjeant - one for each corporal - five each carried two provost dutymen. POSTAL UNIT RE (Airborne) War Establishment I/205/3 with an effective date of September 1944 Subaltern Postal workers 2 X serjeant 1 X corporal 1 X transport lance corporal 1 X lance corporal 13 X sapper (eight of these to be capable of driving vehicles and effecting minor repairs) 1 X sapper as batman driver (to be capable of driving and effecting minor repairs) 1 X lance corporal driver mechanic Transport 2 X bicycle GS 1 X jeep 3 X truck 15cwt GS 2 X 3ton 4 X 2 GS 1 X 10cwt trailer, lightweight GS The source document does not mention any personnel as being qualified parachutists and only the jeep and trailer would be capable of being transported by glider. It seems likely that this was a base unit. Mobile Photographic Enlargement Section (Airborne) War Establishment I/420/1 with an effective date of March 1943. corporal driver IC 2 X private 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 10cwt trailer, airborne 4 X .303” rifle No4 Army Film and Photo Section War Establishment 1/421/1 with an effective date of March 1943. Lieutenant Will be a parachutist 4 X serjeant cinematograph photographers 2 X serjeant still photographers serjeants need not be parachutists. All personnel will carry .38” revolver rather than the usual .45” automatic. Airborne Divisional Battle School Cadre War Establishment I/422/1 with an effective date of April 1945. Lieutenant Colonel, Commandant Major, Senior Instructor Captain, Administrative Officer company quartermaster serjeant for administrative duties All personnel will be of a medical category below A if available. Units of the division would rotate through the Battle School for training in realistic conditions. Exercises would be devised and supervised by the Battle School staff. AIRBORNE CORPS HEADQUARTERS Including Airborne Corps Headquarters Airborne Corps Headquarters Defence and Employment Platoon Headquarters Commander Royal Artillery and Counter Bombardment Staff Airborne Corps Car Company This headquarters is very similar to that of a normal corps. It is not known if it is the same establishment as that for the Airborne Corps of 1944. It has a new number which suggests considerable differences. Certainly this establishment seems to be for a corps where all of its divisions are present in a theatre. This never happened in NW Europe. AIRBORNE CORPS HEADQUARTERS Lieutenant General – General Officer Commanding Captain or Subaltern - Aide de Camp Military Secretary’s Branch Deputy Assistant Military Secretary Clerk RASC Staff. Brigadier, General Staff Operations 1 X General Staff Officer, 1st Grade (GSO1) - Lieutenant Colonel 3 X General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade (GSO2) - Major 2 X General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade (GSO3) - Captain 3 X Liaison Officer Staff Duties 1 X General Staff Officer 1st Grade (GSO1) – Lieutenant Colonel 1 X General Staff Officer 2nd Grade (GSO2) - Major 1 X General Staff Officer 3rd Grade (GSO3) - Captain Air 1 X General Staff Officer 2nd Grade (GSO2) – Major 15 X clerk RASC including 1 X Warrant Officer Class I (WO1) 1 X staff serjeant 2 X serjeant 1 X corporal 3 X lance corporal 7 X private Note: Five clerks will be short hand typists. 4 X orderly Intelligence 1 X General Staff Officer, 1st Grade (GSO1) – Lieutenant Colonel 1 X General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade (GSO2) - Major 2 X General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade (GSO3) - Captain 1 X corporal draughtsman, topographical RE 7 X clerk RASC including 1 X staff serjeant 1 X serjeant 1 X lance corporal 5 X private Note: Three of he clerks will be short hand typists 1 X map issuer Liaison 1 X General Staff Officer 2nd Grade (GSO2) – Major 3 X General Staff Officer 3rd Grade (GSO3) – Captain Adjutant-General and Quarter Master General. 1 X Deputy Adjutant and Quarter Master General (DA&QMG) – Lieutenant Colonel 1 X Assistant Adjutant General (AAG) - Major 1 X Assistant Quarter Master General (AQMG) – Major 1 X Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) - Captain 2 X Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General (DAQMG) – Captain 1 X Staff Captain ‘A’ 1 X Staff Captain ‘Q’ 11 X clerk RASC including 1 X Warrant Officer Class II (WOII) 1 X Staff Serjeant 1 X serjeant 2 X corporal 1 X lance corporal 5 X private 4 X orderly Attached to the General Staff Royal Engineers 1 X Chief Engineer, Brigadier 1 X Staff Officer RE, Major 1 X Staff Officer RE Intelligence, Captain 1 X Staff Officer RE Stores, Captain 5 X engineer clerks 1 X Warrant Officer Class II (WOII) 1 X corporal 3 X lance corporal 1 X serjeant engineering draughtsman 1 X corporal engineering draughtsman Royal Signals 1 X Chief Signals Officer, Brigadier 1 X Staff Officer Royal Signals, Major 1 X Staff Officer Royal Signals, Captain – for cipher 1 X Staff Officer Royal Signals, Captain – for security 1 X Staff Officer Royal Signals, Captain 7 X clerk Royal Signals 1 X Warrant Officer Class II (WOII) 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 1 X lance corporal 3 X private 1 X draughtsman Royal Signals Chemical Warfare 1 X Technical Officer (CW), Captain Camouflage 1 X Staff Officer (Camouflage), Captain 1 X Staff Officer (Camouflage, Lieutenant 1 X draughtsman, architectural, RE Intelligence Corps 3 X Intelligence Officer, Captain or Subaltern Services Chaplains 1 X Deputy Assistant Chaplain General 1 X clerk RASC Note: In addition for every 1,250 men in the coprp the following will be added to provide a pool 1X chaplain 1 X batman driver 1 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 Postal 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Army Postal Services 1 X corporal clerk RE Supplies and Transport 1 X Deputy Director of Supplies and Transport, Colonel 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Transport 3 X Staff Captain 7 X clerk RASC 1 X Warrant Officer Class II (WOII) 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 4 X private Medical 1 X Deputy Director of Medical Services (DDMS) – Brigadier 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services (DADMS) – Major 1 X Assistant Director of Hygiene – Major 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Dental Services 5 X clerk RAMC including 1 X Warrant Officer Class II (WOII) 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 4 X private 1 X serjeant clerk orderly DC Ordnance 1 X Deputy Director of Ordnance Services(ADOS) – Colonel 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (DADOS) - Major 1 X Inspecting Ordnance Officer - Major 6 X clerk RAOC including 1 X Warrant Officer ClassI 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal 3 X private 1 X staff serjeant ammunition examiner Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 1 X Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering, Colonel 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Mechanical Engineering 1 X Captain REME (telecommunications) 1 X Assistant Inspector of Armourers 5 X clerk REME including 1 X Warrant Officer Class I 1 X serjeant 3 X private 1 X Warrant Officer Class I Armament Artificer (vehicles) Provost 1 X Assistant Provost Marshal 1 X Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal 1 X clerk Education 1 X Staff Officer (Education) 2nd Grade 1 X subaltern 2 X clerk RASC Camp administration 1 X Camp Commandant – Major 1 X Assistant Camp Commandant - Captain 1 X Company Serjeant Major 1 X company quartermaster serjeant 3 X clerk 1 X clerk for pay duties 1 X storeman 37 X batman 28 X orderly 1 X water dutyman (trained as driver IC) 2 X sanitary dutyman 19 X cook Army Catering Corp 1 X ration NCO 36 X general dutyman Miscellaneous Appointments Medical 1 X Medical Officer RAMC 1 X Medical Officer (Psychiatrist) 1 X clerk orderly RAMC (for duty with psychiatrist) 3 X nursing orderly RAMC Interrogation Section 2 X Interrogation Officer 1 X serjeant 1 X corporal Attached 1 X Assistant Director of Labour 1 X Staff Captain (labour) 1 X Deputy Assistant Director of Army Welfare Services Note: The above will bring their own transport, driver and batman 1 X Wing Commander Liaison Officer RAF Meteorological Section RAF 3 X forecasting officer 1 X liaison officer 2 X NCO 3 X leading aircraftsman 3 X wireless operator FIELD SECURITY SECTION Captain or Lieutenant Company Serjeant Major 4 X serjeant 12 X corporal HEADQUARTERS AIRBORNE CORPS ARTILLERY AND COUNTER BATTERY STAFF Commander, Brigadier General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade, Field Artillery General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade, AA Staff Captain 5 X Counter Battery Officers 1 X Major 3 X Captain 1 X Subaltern Intelligence Officer, Captain Captain Liaison Officer Subaltern Liaison Officer 1 X Warrant Officer Class I clerk RA section 2 X staff serjeant clerk RA section 2 X serjeant clerk RA section 3 X bombardier clerk RA section 3 X lance bombardier clerk RA section 1 X clerk trained in artillery staff duties 6 X batman 7 X batman driver 9 X driver IC 6 X driver operator 6 X orderly 1 X bombardier quartermaster and motor transport 1 X sanitary dutyman 2 X vehicle mechanic Attached Captain REME 4 X cook ACC Transport 1 X car 4 seater 4 X 4 saloon 16 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 15cwt halftrack personnel 7 X 3ton 4 x 4 6 X lightweight trailer 3 X lightweight water trailer ORGANISATION 4 Seater car 4 X 4 Saloon Brigadier, Intelligence Officer, driver IC 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Liaison Officer, 2 X driver operator 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Liaison Officer, 2 X driver operator 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 GSO2 AA, Staff Captain, batman driver 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 Captain REME, batman driver Tows a lightweight trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 duty serjeant, orderly (trained as driver IC) 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 bombardier QM and MT, orderly (trained as driver IC) 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 7 clerk, orderly (trained as driver IC) 15cwt halftrack personnel GSO2 Field, clerk, operator RS, driver IC Carries a Wireless set 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 3 X clerk, batmen, driver IC Carries a Bren lmg For use as Office 3ton 4 X 4 GS 2 2 X cook ACC, 3 X batman, driver IC Tows a water trailer 3ton 4 X 4 GS 3 sanitary dutyman, vehicle mechanic, 2 X batman, driver IC Carries Q stores Carries a Bren lmg and PIAT Counter Battery Staff 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 8 Major, Subaltern, batman driver 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 9 2 X driver operator Tows a lightweight trailer Carries a wireless set (Artillery Reconnaissance) 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 clerk, vehicle mechanic, batman driver Tows a lightweight trailer 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 4 2 X cook ACC, driver IC Carries Q stores Carries cooking sets and rations Carries a bren lmg Tows a water trailer No1 section 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 11 orderly (trained as driver IC) 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 12 Captain, clerk, batman driver Tows a lightweight trailer Carries counter battery stores 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 5 clerk, driver IC Carries Office and CB stores Carries a bren lmg No2 section 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 13 orderly (trained as driver IC) 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 14 Captain, clerk, batman driver Tows a lightweight trailer Carries counter battery stores 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 6 clerk, driver IC Carries Office and CB stores Carries a bren lmg No3 section 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 15 orderly (trained as driver IC) 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 12 Captain, clerk, batman driver Tows a lightweight trailer Carries counter battery stores 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 7 clerk, driver IC Carries Office and CB and APIS stores Carries a bren lmg AIRBORNE CORPS HEADQUARTERS DEFENCE COMPANY War Establishment III/349/1 with an effective date of May 1945 Headquarters Captain, officer commanding Captain, second in command Company Serjeant Major company quartermaster serjeant batman clerk driver IC 2 X orderly sanitary dutyman storeman 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 X lightweight trailer 1 X lightweight water trailer 3 X platoon each Subaltern serjeant batman driver IC 32 X rifleman including 3 X corporal 3 X lance corporal 26 X private 3 X mortarman orderly 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 X lightweight trailer Organisation Headquarters 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Company commander, company serjeant major, batman, orderly (trained as driver IC) Tows a lightweight trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Company quartermaster serjeant, driver IC Tows a lightweight water trailer Carries rations and water 3 ton 4 x 4 GS Second in Command, clerk, batman, orderly, sanitary dutyman, serjeant armourer REME, 3 X cook ACC, storeman trained as driver IC Carries cooking equipment and company stores Platoon 1 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) Subaltern, 2 X mortarman, batman(trained as driver IC) Tows a lightweight trailer Carries 2” mortar and ammunition 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 1 serjeant, corporal, 2 X lance corporal, 12 X privates, mortarman, orderly trained as driver IC Carries 2 X bren lmg 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 2 2 X corporal, lance corporal, 12 X privates, driver IC Carries bren lmg and PIAT Platoon 2 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) Subaltern, 2 X mortarman, batman(trained as driver IC) Tows a lightweight trailer Carries 2” mortar and ammunition 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 1 serjeant, corporal, 2 X lance corporal, 12 X privates, mortarman, orderly trained as driver IC Carries 2 X bren lmg 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 2 2 X corporal, lance corporal, 12 X privates, driver IC Carries bren lmg and PIAT Platoon 3 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) Subaltern, 2 X mortarman, batman(trained as driver IC) Tows a lightweight trailer Carries 2” mortar and ammunition 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 1 serjeant, corporal, 2 X lance corporal, 12 X privates, mortarman, orderly trained as driver IC Carries 2 X bren lmg 3 ton 4 x 4 GS 2 2 X corporal, lance corporal, 12 X privates, driver IC Carries bren lmg and PIAT AIRBORNE CORPS CAR COMPANY RASC War Establishment III/350/1 with an effective date of May 1945 Headquarters Captain Company Serjeant Major Serjeant clerk MT Driver IC 2 X motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 X lightweight trailer A Platoon Subaltern Driver IC 5 X driver mechanic 42 X drivers of vehicles 4 X section corporal driver operator, REME 1 X motorcycle 10 X car 4 seater 4 X 4 1 X car 4 seater 4 X 2 14 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 6 X 3ton 4 X 4 caravan 10 X 3ton 4 X 4 Office 4 X 3ton 4 X 4 Troop Carrying 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 Command LP B Platoon Subaltern driver IC 4 X batman driver for liaison officers 5 X driver mechanic 54 X drivers of vehicles and motorcycles 4 X section corporal 14 X motorcycle (includes a pool of 12) 46 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 42 X lightweight trailer 6 X water trailer C Platoon, Workshop Subaltern mechanist serjeant major blacksmith carpenter and joiner 2 X clerk, technical MT coachpainter coachtrimmer 3 X electrician sheet metal worker storeman technical MT 12 X vehicle mechanic 3 X drivers of vehicles 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 Troop Carrying 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 Breakdown 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 Workshop 1 X lightweight trailer 1 X lightweight trailer stores 1 X lightweight trailer electrical repair 1 X lightweight trailer generator 1 X lightweight trailer machinery AIRBORNE VEHICLES Airborne forces tended not to use many tactical vehicles, and the echelon vehicles either remained at base or joined by sea or overland. There were however some vehicles which were either used only by airborne forces or were adapted for airborne use. The airborne jeep. The jeep, or car 5cwt 4 X 4, was used in considerable numbers by airborne forces. Jeeps for airborne use were modified to enable them to fit into gliders, and to lighten them. There were modifications which were made to all airborne jeeps. These were then further modified before being issued to different types of unit. Still further modifications could be made by units, or for specific operations. All airborne jeeps had the following modifications - The steering wheel was made removable to allow the jeep to fit into a glider. Some had the top of the steering wheel cut off instead. - The horn button moved to the dashboard. This was normally on the steering wheel. - Fittings for a tandem towing bracket were fixed to the chassis ends at the rear. This frame when fitted allowed a second jeep to be towed. - The front bumper was shortened level with the chassis frame. This was mainly to allow the jeep to be manoeuvred into a glider though in fact only one end needed shortening - The front bumper was reinforced - A towing pintle was fitted to the front bumper to match the tandem towing bracket. - The starting handle was lengthened - Three jerry can holders were fitted, one behind each front seat and one between them. - Clips for a Bren gun were fixed on the near front side - A pick and shovel were strapped to the front of the bumper and a pickaxe head under the bumper. - A clip for a Sten gun was fitted on the offside front wing and a clip for a rifle on the dashboard. Most jeeps had the following modifications - A mounting for a spare wheel was fitted at the front and the existing mounting removed from the rear. This modification was not carried out on Royal Signals jeeps (which carried cable reels at the front) or those to be used in anti tank units (which carried ammunition boxes on the front bumper). - Clips for two rifles were mounted on the bonnet. This modification was not carried out on Royal Signals or Royal Artillery jeeps. Artillery jeeps carried ammunition on the bonnet. The following modifications could be carried out on any jeep. - A dashboard mounted single Vickers K gun - A dashboard mount for twin Vickers K guns - A pedestal mount for a .5” Browning machine gun - Stretcher fittings. The following special modifications were made for jeeps to be used in specific roles or units. Royal Artillery Airborne Light Regiment All jeeps in the Airborne Light Regiment were fitted to carry an ammunition bracket on the bonnet. These carried fifteen 75mm rounds in five clover leave packs. One jeep in ten was fitted for stretcher brackets and did not carry ammunition. Air Landing Anti Tank Battery All jeeps in an anti tank battery were fitted to carry an ammunition bracket on the bonnet. These carried either two ammunition boxes each with six rounds, or five clover leaf packs each of three rounds. There was also a bracket on the front bumper for one ammunition box containing six rounds. Since ammunition was carried on the front bumper the spare wheel was carried on the rear but was moved 5 ½ inches to the offside to clear the towing frame. One jeep in ten was fitted for stretcher brackets and had the spare wheel at the front and thus no ammunition stowage on the bumper. Air Landing Anti Aircraft Battery All jeeps in an anti aircraft battery were fitted to carry a bracket on the bonnet for two boxes of 40mm ammunition. This gave a total of 48 rounds. - RA wireless jeeps were RA vehicles with ammunition brackets on the bonnet. Wireless sets were fitted across the vehicle rear and not in the more normal positions over the wheel arches. Wireless jeeps. These were both Royal Signals jeeps and unit signals vehicles. All wireless jeeps had the following modifications in addition to the standard ones - A charging set was mounted on the rear floor - A fitting for a hand operated cable layer was mounted on the rear floor - A cable reel was mounted on the bonnet - The spare wheel was carried at the rear but was moved 5 ½ inches to the offside. - Fittings to take carrier frames for wireless sets were fitted over the nearside wheel arch. Official modifications were for the following - Wireless set No22. This jeep had a carrier for the No22 set on the nearside wheelarch - Wireless set No76. This jeep had a carrier for the No76 set on the nearside wheelarch. - Wireless set No18 or No68. This jeep had a fitting for the No18 or 68 set on the nearside wheel arch. The other standard wireless jeep fittings were not carried although the vehicle may have holes drilled for them. - Wireless sets No22, No18 and No68. This jeep had a carrier for the No22 set on the nearside wheelarch and a fitting for the No18 or No68 set on the offside wheel arch. Reconnaissance Squadron In addition to some of the armament options the reconnaissance jeeps had a carrier frame fitted at the rear to carry an airborne supply carrier. Ambulance jeeps. All RAMC jeeps plus 10% of jeeps in units had fittings to carry a stretcher frame. It does not follow that all the vehicle had the frame itself fitted or in use. Frames could not be fitted to jeeps which had the spare wheel at the rear. The Welbike or Motorcycle, Folding, Excelsior or Motorcycle, Solo, 98cc. This was the original motor scooter. It was a very small, compact and lightweight machine. When folded it was only 4 foot 5 inches long, twenty inches high and thirteen inches wide. The saddle slid down flush with the frame and the handlebars folded to the rear. Weight was only seventy pounds. It took only ten seconds to assemble and start the engine. It was simple to operate, could manage thirty miles an hour and had a range of one hundred and fifty miles. It was designed to be dropped in a parachute container. Probably 3,853 were produced under three contracts but it was obsolescent by 1945 and few remained on later establishment tables. Tetrarch Light Tank The Tetrarch is best remembered as an airborne forces vehicle but it was not designed for the purpose. Vickers produced a series of light tanks (Marks I to VI) in the 1930’s. Tetrarch was designated Light Tank MkVII but was totally different to the earlier models. The most innovative feature was the suspension and steering. There were four large road wheels on each side and all, including the driver and idler, rested on the track and shared the weight. Steering was achieved by curving the track rather than by braking a track. This required the front wheel to turn and the track to be flexible enough to form a curve on the ground. The driver had a steering wheel instead of brake levers. Should a track be lost the vehicle could still move since the driving sprocket wheel was in contact with the ground. Orders were placed in early 1939 but the first deliveries were not until November 1940. About 180 were produced. By the time they were delivered there was no obvious role for them. Light tanks were no longer to be used for reconnaissance in UK based units and the cooling system was inadequate for service in N Africa, the Middle East or India. Thus when glider borne troops were being planned there were plenty of Tetrarchs in store. The Hamilcar glider was designed around the Tetrarch and was used to carry it in the D Day landings and again in the Rhine Crossing. Both remained in service until 1949. 15cwt 4 X 4 Special Airborne Truck. This is a rare bird in the War Establishments. It is specified for airborne REME units. However it is not clear if it was actually used in NW Europe. The intended vehicle was the Austin K7 4 X 4 15cwt with winch, air transportable. This was built to a specification issued in late 1943. It had a lightweight steel body which could be removed. The front part of the chassis and bumper were shaped to allow the vehicle to be loaded through the side doors of a Dakota aircraft. It had aluminium wheels and lightweight tyres. It was 4 X 4 and fitted with a front mounted winch. It was low and light and could fit into a Hamilcar glider. However although prototypes were built and tested there was no production. A very similar vehicle in size and weight was the Dodge Weapons Carrier. This was built in Canada and apart from minor mechanical details it was identical to the US version. This was also 4 X 4 with a front mounted winch. Intended for use in the air transportable role it may have been used in Europe. Was it? The Folding Bicycle In most respects this was a normal bicycle in layout and mechanicals but the top and bottom frame members were hinged and held by a butterfly nut. It could rapidly and easily be folded and unfolded. When folded it could be held in position by straps. The handlebars could be turned 90degrees so that they were parallel to the frame. A simple lever allowed this to be done. On some models the pedals could also be folded flush with the frame. The bicycle could be parachuted in a container or suspended below a parachutist. A carrier frame could be fitted over the front wheel. In practice the folding bicycle proved to be rather weak and prone to damage. It was not used for training and was reserved for operational use. By 1945 its use had been greatly reduced. Lightweight Motorcycle. This was the Royal Enfield WD RE. It had a 125 cc engine and could manage 40 mph. It weighed only 120lb but had to be carried by glider. It was useful in many roles but since it could only carry one man while the normal 350cc machines could carry two it was somewhat limited.