AIRBORNE SERVICES The Airborne Division had a full complement of services, although smaller than in normal divisions and relying heavily on the jeep for transport. This page includes the airborne units of Royal Signals, Royal Army Service Corps, Royal Army Medical Corps, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Some smaller units are included with Airborne Division Headquarters. AIRBORNE DIVISION SIGNALS War Establishment I/211/3 with an effective date of April 1944. War Establishment I/211/4 with an effective date of March 1945 is almost identical. M section gained a generator trailer No 2 company changed all but 10 of its folding motorcycles for lightweight motorcycles No1 company changed all of its lightweight motorcycles for ordinary motorcycles. Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel – Officer Commanding Captain – Adjutant Captain – Security Officer Regimental Serjeant Major orderly room serjeant signal draughtsman 3 X clerk driver 2 X batman driver 2 X batman Note. The War Establishment table is unclear with regard to the roles of majors. There are three majors listed. Two majors command the two companies while the notes say that one major will be in charge of base signals and one will be second in command. The logical conclusions would be that - the major in charge of base signals and the second in command are one and the same person - or there are majors in command of each company and one in charge of base signals and that the senior of the three is also second in command. There are precedents for both of these. Transport included 2 X bicycle 1 X motorcycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X lightweight trailer. 1 X car 4 seater 4 X 4. There is scope for confusion with ranks, class and trade designations. - All privates in the Royal Signals are signalman. This should not be confused with the trade of signaller found in other types of unit. Not all signalmen are concerned with signals as such. Many have other trades. - All lance serjeants, corporals, lance corporals and signalmen are divided into either signalman class or driver class. Not all driver class are drivers since they include butchery dutyman and sanitary dutyman. - Some trained personnel are designated as tradesmen and are paid more. - The ranks are not attached to a particular class or trade but may be awarded to any of the personnel in the sub unit All personnel in the unit may be parachute trained. If they are trained and qualified they may draw parachute pay. Headquarters Company Headquarters Captain signalman clerk batman driver Transport included 1 X car two seater This was a light utility which could carry three men plus office equipment. Q section Quartermaster Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant corporal driver 3 X signalman including clerk driver mechanic storeman 9 X driver trained as butchery dutyman 2 X general dutyman 2 X sanitary dutyman water dutyman batman driver 2 X driver Transport included 2 X bicycle 1 X car two seater 1 X 15cwt GS 1 X 3ton GS 1 X water trailer M section Technical Maintenance Officer Company Quartermaster Serjeant as foreman of signals 3 X serjeant 2 X carpenter and joiner driver mechanic 3 X signal electrician 6 X signals instrument mechanic 5 X operator. The above included a lance serjeant, a corporal, two lance corporal and thirteen signalman. batman driver Transport included 1 X motorcycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 2 seater 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS 1 X 3ton 6 X 4 machinery (less machine tools and power take off). 1 X lightweight trailer GS 1 X lightweight trailer binned. Note. The 6 X 4 machinery lorry is specified as 6 X 4 although 4 X 4 were available for all machinery roles. Presumably the 6 X 4 was lower and had a canvas cab allowing it to fit into a glider. It is also specified that the machine tools and power take off be removed which suggests that it was to be equipped for signal repair and maintenance. . No1 Company. Headquarters Major Captain Company Serjeant Major WOII cipher operator company quartermaster serjeant 5 X serjeant for cipher duties. Signalman class clerk signals electrician signals instrument mechanic 2 X operator storeman The above includes a corporal a lance corporal and four signalman. Driver class 2 X driver batman driver batman A (Advanced) section. This was landed with the airborne portion of the division. Headquarters Captain batman corporal cook ACC 2 X cook ACC 5 X bicycle 1 X motorcycle Signal Office detachment. Subaltern serjeant 6 X orderly from units within the division. Signalman class 9 X dispatch rider 17 X linesman 8 X operator The above to include 3 lance serjeants, six corporal, four lance corporal and twenty one signalman. Driver class driver mechanic driver batman. Transport 6 X bicycle 26 X folding bicycle 12 X motorcycle 12 X folding motorcycle 4 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 1 X 15cwt G 4 X trailer GS Wireless detachment Subaltern serjeant Signalman class 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 42 X operator The above to include two lance serjeants, four corporal, nine lance corporal and thirty signalman. Driver class 3 X driver mechanic batman. Transport 30 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 2 X lightweight motorcycle 10 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 10 X trailer GS 6 X handcart B (Base) section. This remained at base and acted as the communications section for Rear Headquarters. Headquarters Captain batman driver Subaltern – Pigeon Officer corporal loftman 3 X loftman driver of vehicle 2 X cook ACC 6 X bicycle 1 X motorcycle Signal Office detachment. Subaltern serjeant 6 X orderly from units within the division. Signalman class 8 X dispatch rider 2 X linesman 5 X operator The above to include a lance serjeant, six lance corporal and eight signalman. Driver class driver of vehicle batman Transport 6 X bicycle 12 X motorcycle 1 X 15cwt GS Wireless detachment Subaltern serjeant Signalman class 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 15 X operator The above to include two corporal, four lance corporal and twelve signalman. Driver class 3 X driver mechanic 2 X driver of vehicle batman. Transport motorcycle 5 X 3ton 4 X 4 wireless. E Section This was the headquarters line section. serjeant Signalman class 2 X dispatch rider electrician 5 X lineman 9 X operator To include two corporal, three lance corporal and twelve signalman Transport 4 X motorcycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X lightweight trailer 3 X handcart F Section This was the headquarters wireless section. Subaltern serjeant Signalman class electrician 15 X operator To include corporal, four lance corporal and eleven signalman batman Transport 1 X motorcycle 2 X lightweight motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 X lightweight trailer 5 X handcart P Section This was a section of GHQ Liaison Regiment (Phantom). This listened into wireless communications within the division and reported to divisional headquarters, to Airborne Army Headquarters and GHQ. Subaltern serjeant Signalman class electrician instrument mechanic 6 X operator To include two lance corporal and six signalman batman Transport 2 X motorcycle Phantom in Airborne Operations For airborne operations Phantom provided a small and compact squadron. This reported to 1st Airborne Army which at the time it was formed consisted of - 1 Airborne Division - 82 US Airborne Division - 101 US Airborne Division - 52 Division which was air transportable. It was intended that it would be flown into a captured airfield by Dakota transport aircraft. Squadron Headquarters. This was very small and existed to receive wireless communications from the patrols with airborne divisions. It did not land with the airborne troops. Major – Commanding Officer Captain – Signals Officer 2 X operator 2 X driver coder 2 X signalman despatch rider. Patrol Each division had a patrol which was limited to the following vehicles Airborne signals jeep Lightweight trailer Lightweight motorcycle. The jeep was an airborne jeep with all the modifications usual for the signal role. The Wireless set no22 was carried in the trailer. And the following personnel Subaltern cipher corporal despatch rider 2 X operator batman driver Airborne forces were not very mobile. Having being dropped by parachute, landed by glider or flown into an airfield in Dakotas they had little transport No2 Company Headquarters Major company quartermaster serjeant Signalman class clerk Driver class 2 X driver of vehicle batman driver Transport 1 X car 2 seater 1 X 15cwt GS J section This provides signals communication within a parachute brigade. Captain Subaltern 2 X serjeant corporal cook 2 X cook 6 X orderly from units. Signalman class 6 X dispatch rider 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 5 X lineman 54 X operator storeman 3 X cipher operator Includes two lance serjeant, eight corporal, sixteen lance corporal and forty six signalman. Driver class 4 X driver mechanic driver of vehicle 2 X batman. Transport 4 X bicycle 10 X folding bicycle 8 X motorcycle 7 X folding motorcycle 1 X car 2seater 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 4 X lightweight trailer K section This provides signals communications within a parachute brigade. Captain Subaltern 2 X serjeant corporal cook 2 X cook 6 X orderly from units. Signalman class 6 X dispatch rider 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 5 X lineman 54 X operator storeman 3 X cipher operator Includes two lance serjeant, eight corporal, sixteen lance corporal and forty six signalman. Driver class 4 X driver mechanic driver of vehicle 2 X batman. Transport 4 X bicycle 10 X folding bicycle 8 X motorcycle 7 X folding motorcycle 1 X car 2seater 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 4 X lightweight trailer L section This provides signals communications within the airlanding brigade. Captain Subaltern 2 X serjeant corporal cook 2 X cook 6 X orderly from units. Signalman class 6 X dispatch rider 2 X electrician instrument mechanic 7 X lineman 48 X operator storeman 3 X cipher operator Includes two lance serjeant, five corporal, seventeen lance corporal and forty four signalman. Driver class 3 X driver mechanic 3 X driver of vehicle 2 X batman driver. batman Transport 4 X bicycle 20 X folding bicycle 7 X motorcycle 3 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 2seater 14 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X 15cwt GS 14 X lightweight trailer 10 X handcart. By March 1945 there were only four amendments The folding motorcycles were replaced by lightweight motorcycles. One lightweight generator trailer was added A note was added that when J or K section was employed with an independent parachute brigade the officer commanding would be a Major, the second in command would be a Captain and one clerk Royal Signals would be added. HEADQUARTERS AIRBORNE TROOPS SIGNAL SECTION War Establishment 1/212/1 with an effective date of April 1944. This unit was for employment at base headquarters only. Captain Subaltern 2 X serjeant cipher operator serjeant lance serjeant 7 X corporal 5 X lance corporal 34 X signalman 3 X driver 2 X cook ACC Trades included clerk 16 X despatch rider driver mechanic (driver class) instrument mechanic linesman 9 X operator, keyboard and line 12 X operator, switchboard (telephone) 3 X operator, wireless and line 4 X cipher operator batman batman driver Transport 16 X motocycle 1 X car 2 seat 4 X 2 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 GS AIRBORNE RASC Headquarters Commander RASC. War Establishment I/287/1. April 1943. Headquarters Commander RASC. War Establishment I/287/2. April 1945. Airborne Light Company. War Establishment I/286/3. April 1944. Airborne Light Composite Company. War Establishment I/286/2. April 1943. HEADQUARTERS COMMANDER RASC War Establishment I/287/1 with an effective date of April 1943. By April 1945 when War Establishment I/287/2 was issued there had been three amendments as follows 1 X Instructor APTC was added 1 X Light Utility was deleted 1 X Car 4 seater 4 X 2 was added Personnel Lieutenant Colonel 2 X Major One major for ammunition, petrol and supplies One major for co ordination of repair and maintenance of all RASC driven vehicles in the formation to which the headquarters is allotted. The senior major will be second in command. Captain, Adjutant. 3 X Captain for ammunition, petrol and supplies. Warrant Officer I clerk Staff serjeant clerk Serjeant clerk 6 X corporal clerk including one for ammunition one for supplies Drivers IC for duties as 2 X batman 3 X batman driver 4 X drivers of vehicles (including one corporal 6 X motorcyclist office orderly Note that driver is the basic rank in the RASC and while most drivers IC actually drive vehicles the title also applies to all those RASC personnel who are the equivalent of private, except those who are classed as clerk. Attached Medical Officer RAMC 3 X cook ACC Note: Instructor APTC added by April 1945 Transport 1 X folding bicycle 6 X motorcycle 2 X car two seat 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) including one for the Medical Officer which is equipped to carry two stretchers. 1 X 15cwt 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 1 X airborne trailer Note: 1 X car two seat (light utility) replaced by 1 X car 4 seater 4 X 2 by April 1945. AIRBORNE LIGHT COMPANY RASC War Establishment I/286/3 with an effective date of April 1944. Headquarters Major Captain – Adjutant Subaltern Company Serjeant Major company quartermaster serjeant administrative corporal corporal clerk 2 X clerk 2 X driver mechanic lance corporal storeman storeman 3 X sanitary dutyman 3 X water dutyman 2 X batman driver batman 2 X lance corporal driver 15 X driver 2 X duty corporal 2 X mess orderly orderly corporal regimental policeman regimental policeman 2 X motorcyclist Note. The three sanitary dutyman and three water dutyman include one corporal and one lance corporal. In addition two drivers will be trained in sanitary duty and two in water duty. Of these four additional personnel one will be a corporal and one will be a lance corporal. Attached. nursing orderly corporal RAMC ammunition orderly corporal RAOC armourer serjeant REME instructor APTC serjeant cook ACC corporal cook ACC 4 X cook ACC Transport included 5 X motorcycle 9 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X lightweight trailer. 2 X 15cwt water 12 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS Parachute platoon. There were three identical parachute platoons. Headquarters Captain Subaltern 2 X batman driver 2 X driver parachutist. Section 1 serjeant 2 X corporal storeman (supplies) 2 X lance corporal driver parachutist 9 X driver vehicle mechanic. Section 2 serjeant 2 X corporal storeman (supplies) 2 X lance corporal driver parachutist 9 X driver vehicle mechanic. Note. Driver is the basic rank in the RASC so that whereas in most units the presence of a driver would suggest the existence of a vehicle this is not the case here. The parachute platoons had no transport in the operational area until vehicles could be brought in by land. Their function was to store and issue supplies dropped by parachute. Transport platoon. There were three identical transport platoons. Headquarters Subaltern 2 X serjeant 2 X cook ACC vehicle mechanic batman driver 2 X duty corporal lance corporal driver 19 X driver Transport 2 X motorcycle 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X lightweight trailer Note. If normal RASC practice was followed then at least one, and probably two, of the jeeps were reserve vehicles for the sections. section 1 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer section 2 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer section 3 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer section 4 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer section 5 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer section 6 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer section 7 corporal lance corporal 4 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 X lightweight trailer Workshop platoon Headquarters Captain Mechanist Serjeant Major corporal clerk clerk administrative corporal batman driver driver of vehicle motorcyclist. Workshop section Mechanist staff serjeant Artificer 2 X blacksmith carpenter and joiner coachpainter coachtrimmer coppersmith and sheet metal worker 4 X electrician corporal storeman (supplies) technical storeman turner 15 X vehicle mechanic The above to include two corporals, two lance corporals, twenty two privates and three drivers. Transport 2 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 X 3ton 4 X 4 5 X lightweight trailer Relief Drivers Increment The War Establishment also lists a relief driver increment. This was intended to provide relief drivers for all three transport platoons if necessary. They were held centrally. When not driving the extra personnel were available for loading. Personnel consisted of serjeant lance corporal 29 X driver AIRBORNE LIGHT COMPOSITE COMPANY RASC War Establishment I/286/2 with an effective date of April 1943. Headquarters Major 3 X Captain Subaltern Company Serjeant Major company quartermaster serjeant 2 X serjeant (one for defence section) administrative corporal corporal clerk 3 X clerk lance corporal storeman storeman 3 X water dutyman 2 X batman driver (trained to operate Wireless set No18) 2 X batman (trained to operate Wireless set No18) lance corporal driver 5 X driver mess orderly corporal regimental policeman regimental policeman 2 X motorcyclist 2 X storeman Defence section corporal 2 X lance corporal 6 X driver Attached. serjeant cook ACC 2 x cook ACC Transport included 5 X motorcycle 2 X motorcycle with sidecar 9 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 9 X lightweight trailer. Note: The motorcycles are for Company Serjeant Major serjeant corporal 2 X motorcyclist The motorcycles with side car are for the Captains Jeeps are provided for Major Captain, Adjutant By 1944 the motorcycles with sidecar were no longer used and were replaced by either jeeps or motorcycles. Weapons 16 X pistol 24 X rifle 10 X sten smg 4 X Bren lmg 3 X 20mm Transport platoon. There were four identical transport platoons. Headquarters Subaltern 2 X serjeant (one for defence) 2 X cook ACC batman driver fitter clerk 5 X driver of vehicle Defence section 2 X corporal lance corporal 13 X driver Transport 2 X motorcycle 1 X motorcycle with sidecar 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X lightweight trailer Note. The motorcycles were for the serjeants The motorcycle with sidecar was for the subaltern Weapons 3 X pistol 23 X rifle 3 X Sten smg 4 X Bren lmg 2 X 20mm There were 7 X transport sections section 1 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer section 2 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer section 3 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer section 4 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer section 5 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer section 6 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer section 7 corporal lance corporal 3 X driver driver mechanic 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 10 X lightweight trailer Weapons for each section 1 X pistol 3 X rifle 2 X Sten smg Composite platoon Subaltern 2 X staff serjeant clerk serjeant corporal butcher butcher 3 X supply clerk batman 2 X lance corporal driver of vehicle 3 X motorcyclist corporal storeman ammunition RAOC cook ACC Transport 3 X motorcycle 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X lightweight trailer Weapons 4 X pistol 12 X rifle 6 X Sten smg 2 X Relief Driver Increment each These were intended to provide relief drivers for all four transport platoons if necessary. They were held centrally. When not driving the extra personnel were available for loading. serjeant lance corporal driver 29 X driver cook ACC 3 X folding bicycle Weapons 14 X rifle 17 X Sten smg Workshop platoon Headquarters Captain Mechanist Serjeant Major corporal clerk technical MT clerk technical MT administrative corporal batman driver driver of vehicle motorcyclist. Weapons 3 X pistol 7 X rifle Workshop section Mechanist staff serjeant Artificer serjeant 2 X blacksmith carpenter and joiner coachpainter coppersmith and sheet metal worker 4 X electrician 11 X fitter technical storeman MT turner 4 X motor mechanic 3 X driver of vehicle Transport 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 Stores 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 Breakdown 2 X lightweight trailer 2 X stores trailer 1 X machinery trailer 1 X generator trailer 1 X electrical repair trailer Weapons 31 X rifle AIRBORNE DIVISION MEDICAL UNITS Parachute Field Ambulance RAMC 1943 Parachute Field Ambulance RAMC 1945 Air Landing Field Ambulance RAMC 1943 Air Landing Field Ambulance RAMC 1945 PARACHUTE FIELD AMBULANCE 1943 War Establishment I/312/1 with an effective date of March 1943. War Establishment I/312/2 is sufficiently different to require a separate entry below. Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel Major second in command 2 X specialist or graded surgeons who may be Major, Captain or Lieutenant. The headquarters is both the administrative headquarters and the operating room. Quartermaster Regimental Serjeant major Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant serjeant clerk corporal clerk clerk masseur serjeant medical orderly 6 X medical orderly 3 X lance corporal operating room assistant 3 X operating room assistant. serjeant sanitary assistant Nursing orderlies for duty as barber 3 X batman corporal pack storeman corporal stewards storeman stewards storeman water dutyman lance corporal dutyman 5 X stretcher bearer including one trained in boot repairing duties up to the standard of a shoemaker Group C Class III who will be eligible to draw rates of pay of a tradesman Group C ClassIII only on those days when he is working on boot repairs. Attached carpenter and joiner RE Captain or Lieutenant Army Dental Corp dental clerk/orderly ADC Subaltern RASC 2 X serjeant RASC 2 X corporal driver RASC 17 X driver IC RASC (includes two driver mechanic) 3 X fitter RASC officers cook ACC 3 X cook ACC instructor APTC Transport 4 X folding bicycle 3 X folding motorcycle 1 X jeep Base only 2 X motorcycle 1 X car two seater 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 8 X ambulance 4 stretcher Section There were four sections Major, captain or lieutenant Clerk lance corporal nursing orderly 2 X nursing orderly nursing orderlies for duty as staff serjeant, regimental NCO corporal stretcher bearer lance corporal stretcher bearer 11 x stretcher bearer general dutyman Attached 3 X driver IC RASC including one motorcyclist. 2 X folding bicycle 2 X folding motorcycle 1 X motorcycle Base only 1 X car two seater 1 X 15cwt. PARACHUTE FIELD AMBULANCE 1945 War Establishment I/312/2 with an effective date of May 1945. Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel Major second in command 2 X specialist or graded surgeons who may be Major, Captain or Lieutenant. Graded anaesthetist who may be Captain or Lieutenant The headquarters is both the administrative headquarters and the operating room. Quartermaster Regimental Serjeant major Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant serjeant clerk corporal clerk clerk serjeant dispenser masseur serjeant medical orderly 6 X medical orderly 3 X lance corporal operating room assistant 3 X operating room assistant. serjeant sanitary assistant Nursing orderlies for duty as barber 3 X batman corporal pack storeman corporal stewards storeman stewards storeman water dutyman lance corporal dutyman 5 X stretcher bearer including one trained in boot repairing duties up to the standard of a shoemaker Group C Class III who will be eligible to draw rates of pay of a tradesman Group C ClassIII only on those days when he is working on boot repairs. 6 X operating room assistants Attached carpenter and joiner RE Captain or Lieutenant Army Dental Corp dental clerk/orderly ADC Captain RASC Company Serjeant Major RASC serjeant RASC 2 X corporal driver RASC 17 X driver IC RASC 4 X driver mechanic 5 X vehicle mechanic clerk RASC officers cook ACC corporal cook ACC 3 X cook ACC instructor APTC Transport 4 X folding bicycle 3 X folding motorcycle 4 X motorcycle 4 X jeep 2 X 15cwt G1 X 15cwt water 3 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 2 X 2stretcher 4 X 4 ambulance 8 X 4 stretcher ambulance 2 X lightweight trailer 2 X lightweight water trailer Note that none of the vehicles are noted as being for base use only. Non airlanding vehicles would join overland. Section There were four sections each Major, captain or lieutenant clerk lance corporal nursing orderly 2 X nursing orderly Nursing orderlies for duty as staff serjeant, regimental NCO corporal stretcher bearer lance corporal stretcher bearer 11 x stretcher bearer general dutyman Attached 4 X driver IC RASC including one motorcyclist. 2 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 X lightweight trailer AIR LANDING FIELD AMBULANCE 1943 War Establishment I/313/1 with an effective date of March 1943. War Establishment I/313/2 contained so many amendments, mainly to transport, that it is given in full below. Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel Major second in command 2 X specialist or graded surgeons who may be major, captain or lieutenant. The headquarters is both the administrative headquarters and the operating room. Quartermaster Regimental Serjeant major Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant serjeant clerk corporal clerk clerk masseur serjeant medical orderly 6 X medical orderly 3 X lance corporal operating room assistant 3 X operating room assistant. serjeant sanitary assistant Nursing orderlies for duty as barber 3 X batman corporal pack storeman corporal stewards storeman stewards storeman water dutyman lance corporal dutyman 5 X stretcher bearer including one trained in boot repairing duties up to the standard of a shoemaker Group C Class III who will be eligible to draw rates of pay of a tradesman Group C ClassIII only on those days when he is working on boot repairs. Attached carpenter and joiner RE Captain or Lieutenant Army Dental Corp dental clerk/orderly ADC Captain RASC Company Serjeant Major RASC serjeant RASC 2 X corporal driver RASC 19 X driver IC RASC (includes two driver mechanic) 3 X fitter RASC electrician officers mess cook ACC 4 X cook ACC instructor APTC Transport 50 X folding bicycle 1 X folding motorcycle 1 X motorcycle 2 X jeep 2 X medical trailer 1 X airborne water trailer Base only 1 X car four seater 1 X 15cwt 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 8 X ambulance 4 stretcher Section There were five sections Major, captain or lieutenant clerk lance corporal nursing orderly 3 X nursing orderly nursing orderlies for duty as staff serjeant, regimental NCO corporal stretcher bearer lance corporal stretcher bearer 11 x stretcher bearer general dutyman Attached 3 X driver IC RASC including one motorcyclist. 16 X folding bicycle 1 X folding motorcycle 1 X motorcycle 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 X medical trailer, fitted to carry two stretchers 1 X airborne trailer Base only 1 X car two seater 1 X 15cwt. First reinforcements Major, Captain or Lieutenant 7 X nursing orderly AIR LANDING FIELD AMBULANCE 1945 War Establishment I/313/2 with an effective date of May 1945. Headquarters Lieutenant Colonel Major second in command 2 X specialist or graded surgeons who may be major, captain or lieutenant 1 X specialist or graded anaesthetist who may be a major, captain or lieutenant Quartermaster Regimental Serjeant major Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant serjeant clerk corporal clerk clerk serjeant dispenser masseur serjeant medical orderly 6 X medical orderly 3 X lance corporal operating room assistant 3 X operating room assistant. serjeant sanitary assistant Nursing orderlies for duty as barber 3 X batman corporal pack storeman corporal stewards storeman stewards storeman water dutyman lance corporal dutyman 5 X stretcher bearer including one trained in boot repairing duties up to the standard of a shoemaker Group C Class III who will be eligible to draw rates of pay of a tradesman Group C ClassIII only on those days when he is working on boot repairs. Attached carpenter and joiner RE Captain or Lieutenant Army Dental Corp dental clerk/orderly ADC Captain RASC Company Serjeant Major RASC serjeant RASC 2 X corporal driver RASC 19 X driver IC RASC (includes four driver mechanic) 5 X vehicle mechanic RASC electrician officers mess cook ACC 4 X cook ACC instructor APTC Transport 3 X folding motorcycle 4 X motorcycle 2 X jeep 2 X medical trailer 2 X airborne water trailer Base only 2 X car four seater 4 X 4 3 X 15cwt 1 X 15cwt water 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 8 X ambulance 4 stretcher Section There were five sections Major, captain or lieutenant clerk lance corporal nursing orderly 3 X nursing orderly Nursing orderlies for duty as staff serjeant, regimental NCO corporal stretcher bearer lance corporal stretcher bearer 11 x stretcher bearer general dutyman Attached 6 X driver IC RASC including motorcyclists. 5 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 X medical trailer, fitted to carry two stretchers 2 X airborne trailer Base only 1 X 15cwt. First reinforcements Major, Captain or Lieutenant 19 X nursing orderly AIRBORNE DIVISION REME UNITS Including HQ Commander REME Light Aid Detachments REME Airborne Division Workshop REME Air Landing Light AA Battery Workshop REME Ordnance Field Park RAOC HEADQUARTERS COMMANDER REME, AIRBORNE War Establishment I/118/1 with an effective date of April 1943 Lieutenant Colonel (EME 1st class) Captain (EME 3rd Class) Captain (EME 3rd Class) wireless specialist Warrant Officer II clerk serjeant clerk corporal clerk clerk 3 X batman driver 2 X motorcyclist Transport 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 3 X motorcycle 1 X car 2 seater 4 X 2 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X airborne office trailer. Weapons 3 X pistols, .45automatic 4 X rifle .303” 5 X Sten gun LIGHT AID DETACHMENT REME. War Establishment I/338/2 with an effective date of December 1944 Light Aid Detachment Type A Warrant Officer Class I, Armament Artificer serjeant vehicle mechanic 2 X driver mechanic (recovery) 1 X electrician, vehicle and plant 1 X fitter 5 X vehicle mechanic acetylene welder, (trained in simple sheet metal work, coppersmithing and tinsmithing) lance corporal storeman cook ACC Total 14 all ranks Transport 4 X folding bicycle 4 X motorcycle 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X 3ton stores lorry 1 X 3ton 6 X 4 breakdown gantry 4 X truck, special airborne 1 X lightweight trailer, store 1 X trailer lightweight If the LAD Type A is formed as LAD Type A (armoured) the following will be added 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X trailer lightweight Light Aid Detachment Type B Warrant Officer Class I, Armament Artificer serjeant vehicle mechanic 2 X driver mechanic (recovery) 1 X electrician, vehicle and plant 1 X fitter 3 X vehicle mechanic acetylene welder, (trained in simple sheet metal work, coppersmithing and tinsmithing) lance corporal storeman cook ACC Total 12 all ranks Transport 4 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X 3ton stores lorry 1 X 3ton 6 X 4 breakdown gantry 2 X truck, special airborne 1 X lightweight trailer, store 1 X trailer lightweight Light Aid Detachment Type C The Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment had a LAD Type C. Captain Warrant Officer Class II, Armament Artificer 2 X Staff Serjeant, Armament Artificer 1 X sejeant vehicle mechanic (AFV) 3 X driver mechanic (recovery) 2 X driver operator 1 X electrician, vehicle and plant (AFV) 1 X fitter 6 X vehicle mechanic (AFV) 1 X electric welder (trained in simple sheet metal work, coppersmithing and tinsmithing) 1 X lance corporal storeman 1 X clerk, technical 1 X batman driver 1 X driver IC 1 X general dutyman Total 25 all ranks 2 X motorcycle 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X 3ton stores lorry 2 X 6 X 4 heavy breakdown tractor 1 X armoured recovery vehicle 1 X lightweight trailer, store 1 X lightweight trailer, welding 1 X trailer lightweight 1 X 7 ½ ton light recovery trailer AIRBORNE DIVISIONAL WORKSHOP Headquarters Major 4 X Captain or Subaltern( including one for regimental duties) Warrant Officer Class I Armament Artificer Warrant Officer Class I Armourer Warrant Officer Class II Armament Artificer Warrant Officer Class II Clerk Company Serjeant Major 2 X staff serjeant armament artificer serjeant artisan serjeant clerk serjeant storeman serjeant for regimental duties corporal armourer 2 X corporal artisan corporal storeman corporal non tradesman 7 X lance corporal (including one for postman and one for medical orderly) 27 X craftsman, driver and private 5 X cook ACC Trades included armament artificer, field armament artificer instruments armament artificer vehicle armament artificer wireless 2 X armourer fitter instrument mechanic 4 X turner 9 X vehicle mechanic welder 8 X telecommunication mechanic (including one serjeant) 5 X clerk 4 X storeman 8 X driver IC 3 X general dutyman motorcyclist The following personnel on the above list are for base only serjeant for regimental duties serjeant storeman corporal clerk storeman clerk 3 X general dutymen (batman, water dutyman and sanitary dutyman) 2 X cook ACC Transport 30 X folding bicycle 6 X motorcycle (unusually specified as 350cc Matchless) 24 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (2 for officers and 22 for towing trailers) 4 X lightweight trailer (machinery) 6 X lightweight trailer, generator 2 X lightweight trailer, wireless 2 X lightweight trailer, welding, electric 1 X lightweight trailer, electricians 8 X lightweight trailer 1 X lightweight trailer, water 3 X handcart Note: Although 22 jeeps are noted as being for towing trailers in fact all jeeps tow a trailer. Presumably the two officer’s jeeps tow standard lightweight trailers. Base transport 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 15cwt GS 2 X 3ton 4 x 4 GS Armament section Warrant Officer Class I Armament Artificer 2 X staff serjeant armament artificer serjeant artisan corporal artisan 2 X lance corporal 29 X craftsman Trades include 2 X armament artificer, field armament artificer, instruments 2 X blacksmith carpenter and joiner coach trimmer driver mechanic electrician 5 X fitter 3 X instrument technician 2 X sheet metal worker clerk storeman 3 X general dutyman motorcyclist The following personnel on the above list are for base only clerk lance corporal 3 X general dutyman Transport 3 X motorcycle (350cc Matchless) 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 lightweight trailer, stores lightweight trailer 2 X handcart Small arms section Warrant Officer Class II Armourer Staff serjeant armourer Serjeant armourer Corporal armourer Corporal non tradesman 3 X lance corporal 12 X craftsman Trades included 10 X armourer 5 X fitter clerk storeman driver IC 2 X general dutyman motorcyclist The following personnel on the above list are for base only clerk lance corporal general dutyman Transport 3 X motorcycle (350cc Matchless) 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 3 X lightweight trailer 2 X handcart A and B vehicles section WOII armament artificer 2 X staff serjeant armament artificer 2 X staff serjeant artisan serjeant artisan 3 X corporal artisan corporal clerk corporal storeman corporal non tradesman 3 X corporal 5 X lance corporal 32 X craftsman Trades include 3 X armament artificer 2 X blacksmith 3 X carpenter and joiner 2 X coachtrimmer 5 X driver mechanic 6 X electrician 2 X sheet metal worker 18 X vehicle mechanic welder 2 X clerk 2 X storeman 3 X general dutyman motorcyclist The following personnel on the above list are for base only clerk lance corporal general dutyman Transport 6 X motorcycle (350cc Matchless) 9 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 6 X lightweight trailer, stores 3 X lightweight trailer 3 X handcart Recovery section 2 X staff serjeant artisan 2 X corporal artisan I X corporal non tradesman 6 X lance corporal 22 X craftsman Trades include 17 X driver mechanic 9 X vehicle mechanic driver IC 4 X general dutyman motorcyclist The following personnel on the above list are for base only staff serjeant artisan corporal artisan 6 X lance corporal artisan 16 X artisan 6 X general dutyman Base Transport 6 X motorcycle 3 X 6 X 4 3ton breakdown gantry 1 X 6 X 4 Heavy Recovery Tractor 1 X 7 ½ ton recovery trailer AIRLANDING LIGHT ANTI AIRCRAFT BATTERY WORKSHOP War Establishment I/350/1 with an effective date of March 1944. There was only one amendment in WE I/350/2 with an effective date of March 1945. This removed the note that 25% of personnel could be parachute trained. staff serjeant armament artificer serjeant armourer armourer driver mechanic electrician fitter 2 X vehicle mechanic Transport 1 X motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 store 1 X lightweight trailer Note: of the total personnel 25% could be parachute trained. AIRBORNE DIVISION ORDNANCE FIELD PARK War Establishment 1/337/3 with an effective date of March 1944 Headquarters Ordnance Officer 3rd Class (Major) 2 X Ordnance Officer 4th Class (Captain or Subaltern) Warrant Officer Class I Clerk (RAOC duties) serjeant, duty NCO batman driver corporal clerk driver IC driver mechanic 4 X general dutyman corporal storeman storeman water dutyman Attached vehicle mechanic REME 2 X cook ACC Transport 1 X folding bicycle 1 X motor cycle 1 X car 2 seat 4 X 2 2 X 15cwt GS 1 X 15cwt water 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 Office No1 Section (MT Stores) Staff serjeant clerk Serjeant storeman (MT) 4 X clerk, RAOC duties (including one corporal) driver IC driver mechanic motorcyclist 20 X storeman (MT) (including 3 X corporal) vehicle mechanic REME Transport 1 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 14 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 4 X 3ton 4 X 2 Stores 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 battery storage 7 X 3ton 4 x 4 store, binned 1 X 3ton 6 X 4 Machinery I30 8 X lightweight trailer 6 X lightweight trailer, stores, binned No2 Section (general stores) Serjeant clerk Staff serjeant storeman 2 X clerk (RAOC duties) driver IC driver mechanic motorcyclist 5 X storeman storeman, technical, armament storeman, technical, small arms Transport 1 X folding bicycle 1 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 2 Store 3 X 3ton 4 X 4 store, binned 2 X lightweight trailer 3 X lightweight trailer, stores, binned