Allied propaganda leaflet "Und Alle versprechen Euch den Endsieg!", number G.50, issued in 1942.

Discussion in 'WW2 Militaria' started by Jeremiah, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    The front of the leaflet reads:
    Hitler promised you on 1st January 1941:

    "The year 1941 will bring the completion of the greatest victory in our history."

    Göring promised you on 9th July 1939:

    "We will not expose the Ruhr area to even a single bomb from enemy aircraft."

    Goebbels promised you on 14th October 1941:

    "Today the Soviet Union does not field any armies of military significance anymore."

    Ley promised you on 20th July 1940:

    "The path to England is free—Germany has air superiority."

    Backe promised you on 24th September 1939:

    "We can independently sustain current levels of provisioning for many years to come."

    “And they all promise you the ultimate victory!”
    The back of the leaflet reads:

    "It's just like last time." "Only this time the Führer gave us his SS so that it doesn't end after four years."
    CL1 and dbf like this.
  2. Finn Buch

    Finn Buch Active Member

    Classifications, viz., P.W.E. Leaflets. (initiated by the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office).

    FlRST DISSEMINATION 16/17 Sept. 1942 - LAST DISSEMINATION 14/15 Feb. 1943
    Jeremiah and CL1 like this.

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