Beltring War & Peace Show 2006 - 2012

Discussion in 'WW2 Museums. Events, & places to see.' started by Paul Reed, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. Lofty1

    Lofty1 Senior Member

    Had a very pleasant day there Thursday, quite a bit of sunshine, fair play to the organizers they have worked very hard to make the ground walk-able, IE wood chips etc, one chap even dug a ditch across the front of his stall to keep out the water, Thursdays visit just came to mind as its now pi%%ing down here in Colchester, I do feel sorry for those like a friend of mine who have taken this as a weeks holiday for the family, sadly due to the weather I don't think its been that much fun for them, yesterdays weather probably lifted their spirits, but if its doing anything like here in Colchester at the moment, they and thier spirits will be severly dampened.
    Anyway lots to look at and likely much more during the weekend, its like other years but a bit wet, God bless the bulldog spirit.:lol:
  2. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    I hadn't been for a couple of years for various reasons, so was quite glad to get there Thursday night and stay a few days. I'm perhaps a tad jaded but it's still a slightly crazy place, perhaps epitomized by a WW2 German reenactor's girlfriend in Modern clothes rummaging in her handbag for a mobile phone or similar, and in the process spilling an Egg Grenade onto the ground... it's the little things that add up to the full-on whole.

    Photos, in mostly chronological order, with doubtless quite a bit of repetition from previous years:

    Arena at night:

    Top Toy:

    Interesting to see this pair of genuine WW2 extemporised APCs in pleasantly unrestored condition. No certain idea of their provenance - we wondered if Bovington might have sent 'em down in lieu of the no-show ww1 replica, or maybe Cadman vehicles? Anyway - defrocked priest & Ram Kangaroo:











    Dismembered Jimmy

    The usual odd shops:

    WW2 chap overseeing the noonday gun:

    The noonday gun:

    Bread Van RAF fire tender:

    WW2 battle - often a bit sketchy at Beltring, but always a few vignettes:








    Replica Stug (FV432)




    Tommy A:




    Simon Weston popped in for the Falklands 30 aspect:


    Seep out with the Sovs:

    Quite a bit of nice DDR stuff in attendance:


    Some Trabants:

    Heavy stuff -
    Diamond T in nice postwar order:

    Chieftain ARV:




    M8 HMC - new to me, visiting from France:


    M26a1 - think it might be the first unarmoured M26 I've seen there - same owner as the M8... I think.



    This chap had some of the nicest vehicles in show.
    We'd seen his Fox, but he's now acquired almost a full set of Canadian Pattern Armoured cars:


    Humber LRC replica (Range Rover based? Can't remember)

    Vietnam show -
    Usual good effort, they eschew the sketchy 'story' with all it's pauses that the WW2 reenactors use, and basically just blat away for 10 minutes with Auto weapons - the crowd is usually pleased.

    Not seen Aussies out with 'em before:







    More queuing:

    Striker out as part of the CVR(t) display:

    M36 Jackson:

    Caterpillar D2 & D4. One of these had been in the bloke's family since being issued to their farm on lend-lease in 1942/3:






    Rapier support vehicle:


    Three T34s:












    A pair of M4 HSTs turned out, not seen them much before:


    M18 Hellcat


    Another Jackson:














    Another Gun Truck:




    This was great.
    Replica of a french military project - the 2CV GHAN - The two green machines behind are replicas too (I think), of a Royal marines usage in Helicopter-carried ship-to-shore mobility:



    Always good to see the familiar form of this Gillois strangeness:

    Should have got a mate in shot for scale - massive MAZ:



    I'd heard of this, but not seen it in the Flesh.
    If anyone really fancies a very nice Carden Loyd Carrier replica, they're now taking orders Tanked up Military :







    This is the CMP armoured Lorry chap's collection. Great stuff, and a nice bloke happy to explain all:

















    Royal Enfield for sale:

    Lord knows - will have to look it up:


    Armoured M26:



    For sale:


    Again, Lord knows, but it certainly carried some stuff:

    GPA, or is it the Sov one? I really can't remember



    The most stylish Campervan on the entire site:


    French chap's gear:





    LR FC Fire Engine:

    Matador & friend:


    The Rugged Robin, as recently seen in the press:


    2S1 Gvozdika & friend:

    Third Panzer Div. Bike

    Gama Goat for sale on the traders area - nobody brave enough to pay c.£8k for a tatty looking 'most complex military vehicle ever' by the looks of it:


    Back to the Arena (the two big Caterpillars spent days just laying a bank and then flattening it out, and who can blame 'em):



















    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  3. Lofty1

    Lofty1 Senior Member

    Great pictures VP, looks like you had a good time, you walked a good way to get that lot, you don't realize how far you have walked, until you stop, sit down, and then try to get up again,:lol: especially if you do all the American field,
    Did you intimate the WW1 replica was not there, or did I read it wrong, it was there, amazingly realistic, inside there is a transit engine gearbox and axle, with chain drive from rear hubs to track drive, clever bit of construction. it was not to far from the toilet block towards the arena.
    The dismembered Jimmy is the air portable version, ( not a very quick job to put the to bits together) there was another on site from Colchester.

    regards lofty
  4. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Did you intimate the WW1 replica was not there, or did I read it wrong, it was there, amazingly realistic, inside there is a transit engine gearbox and axle, with chain drive from rear hubs to track drive, clever bit of construction.
    I saw a stumpy sort of WW1 tank by the WW1 reenactors, but it didn't seem to be the one Bovington's just acquired from the 'War Horse' production?

    You ain't kidding about the distances involved - especially as there's now one more field in addition to the Americas (had to cross a modicum of mud to get there). Does my head in how you can spend three days walking around and then still stumble onto great tranches of stuff you'd not even noticed - that "did you see 'x'" conversation with mates followed by a puzzled look (though the alcohol poisoning probably doesn't help with that).
    So big that every visitor gets a slightly different view.
  5. Lofty1

    Lofty1 Senior Member

    My mistake then I just assumed that was it, stumpys tracks impressed me, and a great deal of work had gone into it, although now you mention it it was getting a bit tatty here and there so it could be a bit older than I thought, John with the Valentine I believe said the two hulls near him belonged to Mr Cadman.
  6. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  7. Richard Fisher

    Richard Fisher Machine Gunner

    I saw a stumpy sort of WW1 tank by the WW1 reenactors, but it didn't seem to be the one Bovington's just acquired from the 'War Horse' production?

    There were two replica tanks expected: full-scale Mk. IV replica used in Warhorse and then a 3/4 scale (length only) replica that was used for a music video some years ago.

    The latter turned up but, due to the weather, the former was cancelled. It was disappointing for it not to be there and I know a lot of people specifically wanted to see it - some even saying they had travelled specifically.

    I took one of my Vickers guns there and displayed with the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Living History Group (The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment) who were the Great War group displaying. I've put their link there as some of the photos on their site include the tank. I understand it has been bought by some gents who are going to take it to France and put on display at a farm on the Somme where they are developing an education centre.


  8. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    You WW1 blokes looked Great, Richard. One of the more 'detailed' reenactor bases.
  9. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

  10. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Falklands Veterans apparently enjoying the show.
    Some nice quick interviews.:
  11. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

  12. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    From a Friendface heads-up by the W&P Organisers.
    Russia Today documentary following some Russian reenactors (including a retired Colonel) to Beltring. Some interesting stuff:

    Shame about some of the Youtube comments... but then, that's Youtube for you
  13. chrisgrove

    chrisgrove Senior Member

    Hi guys

    I hope you've all noticed that 'Beltring' has moved! The show is now known as the War and Peace Revival and will take place at (ex) Folkestone Racecourse, aka (ex) RAF Westenhanger, which is about half an hour further down the M20 (if you're coming that way). Exit 11 is the way to go and last time I was there it was still signposted to the racecourse. Rumour has it that a new, tank transporter friendly, entrance to the site may have been constructed so you can enter from the A20, but, having some knowledge of the local roads, I intend to travel by train - Westenhanger Station has a direct entrance to the racecourse and is 8 minutes from Ashford. The high speed trains to Folkestone are also said to be stopping there during the show (but I advise checking first). Rex Cadman says the site will be even better than the Hop Farm. See you there!

  14. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    I've just realised how close this in to my Mum and Dads (I've driven passed the entrance twice today!). I wondered what was going on last night when I drove to Kent and saw two Jeeps, a Bren Gun Carrier, one of those Sdkfz thingies with a AA gun. It was great seeing the Jeeps driving along the contry lanes tonight - Made me think what it was like here in May 1944, would have prefered June 1940 mind :lol:

    Ps I saw some chap at the roadside wearing Flecktarn trousers photographing vehicles - Was that you Adam minus the dreads?
  15. Hesmond

    Hesmond Well-Known Member

    Any one with feed back of this years event ? I noticed its now the War and Peace revival meeting ? I enjoyed this years bash it's the 11th I have done with a stall and thought the location was superb ? event needs some tweaking , I did not get to see many events but some of the armour on display looked superb .
  16. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

  17. The Scorer

    The Scorer Active Member

    I've come late to this thread, but I'm amazed at this story.

    I met Stan Hodge in May 2012, when he and I were on a Operation Market Garden tour. Among other places, we visited the Arnhem Oosterbeek Cemetery and saw the graves of his comrades from the Dorsetshire Regiment and paid our respects. He's a great man, and I'm pleased to know him.

  18. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Anybody know how much 5 days public camping & entry cost this year?
    Not on the website any more.
  19. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    I can't remember and it is a horribly complicated set of price formulas. I was only there for a couple of days this year. I think that one or two days were £32 per day with camping - I didn't in the end though.

    Did get to stick my head out of the hatch on a Guy Quad. I hope that Scott Smith won't mind me sharing his photo from Facebook. W&P 2018.jpg
    Smithy, Guy, Owen and 1 other person like this.
  20. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Thanks, Rich*

    Genuine question:
    Respirator bag around your neck, yes?
    Is it the right way around? As I know some ww1 chaps on Twatter get quite exercised about the flap never being shown in modern museum pieces, reenactments etc. opening outwards, which makes such sense when you think about it.
    Usage changed by WW2?

    That Quad's rather nice.
    They going easy on the restoration?
    Seeing too many 'concourse' finishes of late & increasingly leaning to that 'preservation over restoration' thing that Bob Grundy etc. seem so good at.

    *The Reenactor.

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