Not often you see a Thatched Wall anywhere. But the above orange wall is just that, complete with a few Bee's nesting in it !
I took these photographs Sunday 09-06-2024 at Naphill, Bucks. Just down the road from Strike Command. This car is owned by a Serving Officer of the RAF who we had a chat with.
The first pic is in Northgate st, Chester and dates back to 1960, notice the painted on letters on the building towards the left EWS - Emergency Water Supply, a legacy from WW2. I lived just around the corner from there in the early eighties and don't recall seeing that then. The second also in Chester is current, although faded. There must be quite a few of these dotted around the country.
Saw this car for sale at the Chearsley, Bucks Car Show today. Well Over Priced ! Could Never afford That amount of money !