Bunker Pictures

Discussion in 'User Introductions' started by bunkerpictures, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. bunkerpictures

    bunkerpictures Junior Member

    Paul Reed likes this.
  2. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Welcome to the forum Raphael - interesting website you've got, with some great photos.
  3. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    welcome to the forum
  4. Smudger Jnr

    Smudger Jnr Our Man in Berlin

    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    If you use the forum search facility there are a few Bunker threads to look at.

  5. ww2ni

    ww2ni Senior Member

    Hi Raphael,

    You have a super website. Well done.
    This is a really interesting subject.

    Best of luck and welcome to the forum - I have some piccies of various structures on my website which may be of interest to you.


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