Cobbaton Combat Collection

Discussion in 'WW2 Museums. Events, & places to see.' started by Capt.Sensible, May 19, 2014.

  1. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    'Evening all,

    After hooning about the B roads of Exmoor on the Panzer yesterday I dropped in to have a look at the Cobbaton Combat Collection in Devon.

    It is obviously a work of love by an enthusiast for the subject and suffers not at all by that. It is basically three big sheds crammed full of mainly WW2 kit. It is mostly labelled but sometimes not. If it were a 'proper' museum then I would be annoyed by that but as an eccentric collection it has a charm of its own and shouldn't really be compared with the latest in modern, interactive, touchy-feely museum presentation. Anyway, at £7 a pop to get in it seems quite good value compared to 'major' tourist destinations. Plus you can chat to the bloke on the door on how he is organising 170 plus vehicles to get to Normandy week after next. Some sort of anniversary bash on apparently.

    Here's a selection of photos taken using a little point and squirt digi cam I bought about 8 years ago. There's not a lot of room to frame the big toys so I sort of concentrated on the smaler toys that appealed to me.

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  2. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    A very nice carrier

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  3. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    Lewis gun-camera

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  4. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    1'' flare pistol

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  5. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    Searchlight on R/H side of turret of 1941 Daimler A/C and snow-chains on rear off-side wheel.

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  6. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    A dinky little stretcher trailer. Not seen one of these before.

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  7. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    A peculiar drivers hatch cover from a Czech T54. ?NBC ?Wading

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  8. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    A pair of T34/85 batteries. It's my camera and I'll photo what I want...

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  9. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    A sweet little Standard Beaverette Mk III 1941

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  10. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    Drivers optics, Churchill Crocodile 1944

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  11. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    Finally, I do like a well-greased breech: 17pdr

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  12. Mike L

    Mike L Very Senior Member

    Looks like a great day out CS, shame it is so far away from me.
    I know what you mean about the 'major attractions', it does seem they have lost the intimate touch that smaller collections still have.
    Capt.Sensible likes this.
  13. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Good stuff, CS.
    I still haven't been to Cobbaton, and I'm not entirely sure why.
    Looks like the Pitt Rivers of our world.
    Capt.Sensible likes this.
  14. SDP

    SDP Incurable Cometoholic

    It's a great place, Adam. You really need to get there...
    Capt.Sensible likes this.
  15. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    LRDG display, 25th October 2019 (with apologies for dodgy photography)

    Kind regards, always,


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  16. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Centaur, an interesting story and fortunately saved by the good folks at Cobbaton.

    Kind regards, always,


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    Juha and von Poop like this.
  17. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Crocodile, wonky photo as result of operator error (age related!)

    Kind regards, always,


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  18. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    A couple of outside area photos, large gun to the fore.

    Kind regards, always,


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  19. Juha

    Juha Junior Member

    I visited the place in mid 90s, at that time his landmark was a black M47 Patton and the owner told me that the collection was a hobby that got out of hand. Still it seems that he has expanded his collection substantially since my visit.
  20. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

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