Durham Light Infantry Museum to Close...CONFIRMED

Discussion in 'Durham Light Infantry' started by Mr Jinks, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. bamboo43

    bamboo43 Very Senior Member

  2. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Jun 9, 2021

    The future of a treasured regimental collection will be discussed by councillors next week.

    Durham County Council’s new Joint Administration is seeking to review all options for the display and storage of the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) Collection and archive, which comprise more than 200,000 historic documents and 15,000 objects, as well as the former museum building and grounds.

    On Wednesday 9 June, the local authority’s Cabinet will be asked to approve proposals for a full review, with a report setting out options for the display of exhibits to be prepared and brought back to councillors by September.

    The report will include an assessment of the opportunities, costs, risks and implications of any proposals, as well as ensuring the review takes account of the plans for the £19.6 million History Centre, currently under construction in Durham City.

    The DLI Collection belongs to the Trustees of the Regimental and Chattels Charity of the Former Durham Light Infantry and the Regimental Museum of the Former Durham Light Infantry. In 1967, the council agreed to care for the collection and built a museum close to County Hall in Aykley Heads. The review will include engagement with the DLI Trustees and interested parties.

    In October 2015, the council’s then Cabinet agreed new arrangements for the storage and display of the DLI Collection, including the relocation of the collection to the DLI Research and Study Centre in Spennymoor, while the archives were moved to Durham County Records Office.

    A programme of touring and permanent exhibitions was established to encourage people to engage with the collection, along with educational activities and loans to other institutions.

    Current plans are for both the collection and the archive to be brought together at the redeveloped Grade II listed Mount Oswald History Centre site.

    Cllr Elizabeth Scott, the council’s Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: “As the custodians of the DLI Collection, we have a responsibility to ensure it is properly cared for and maintained for future generations. We also have a duty to celebrate our proud military heritage and to ensure that our DLI heroes receive the respect and honour they deserve.

    “The purpose of this review is to take a fresh look at the options available to us for the collection, archive and current site now and I would like to reassure people that the best interests of the collection will be central to any decisions made.”

    Cllr Richard Bell, deputy Leader and the local authority’s Cabinet member for finance, said: “At this point, we are keeping an open mind but we are very much focused on protecting the collection and looking at how we can encourage as many people as possible to discover the stories and treasures within.

    “Before any decisions are made, it is important we have a clear understanding of what options are available and the costs and risks associated with them. However, we know how much the DLI Collection means to our communities, which is why we are seeking for the review to be completed and brought back to Cabinet by September at the latest.”

    Cabinet will meet at 9.30am on Wednesday, 16 June in the Council Chamber at County Hall.

    Due to social distancing requirements spaces for members of the public are very limited and anyone interested in attending in person must register in advance by emailing Democraticservices@durham.gov.uk

    The meeting will be broadcast live online at https://www.youtube.com/user/DurhamCouncil and members of the public are being encouraged to follow the proceedings this way.

    Buteman and Tricky Dicky like this.
  3. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    The above is a link to the Council discussion on the feasibility of reopening the DLI Museum .

    or rather it isnt . Its a collection of people discussing Budget, Memorial Gardens ,Arts Centre ,Storage,Political point scoring and totally missing the point of what the DLI was or is to the surviving families and those with an interest into their history.

    They fail to realise that although a `County` regiment the DLI encompassed a greater area than Durham . English , Welsh ,Scots.Irish, Canadian,American ,South Africans etc served in the World Wars but in the times of Empire it was much much more . pre War India pre war China . The men of the DLI (like many other British Regiments) were known worldwide .

    The trustees (contradiction of terms there) sold off the regimental silver to (partially) fund the Korea monuments in Durham and Staffordshire . Actual regimental relics sold to fund what ? Personal opinion but (they) its awful.

    To save people wasting over an hour of their lives that they will not get back heres a quick summary:-

    Families have ashes scattered in the grounds of the old museum will there be an undertaking to have :-

    1) A memorial
    2) Consecrate the ground
    3) create a memorial Garden

    The council plan a History centre would the DLI collection and archives be housed here rather than a themed revolving display:-
    1) 65% of the collection could be used on relevant themes (so yes and no !)

    What are the thoughts of the Trustees on reopening the museum:-
    1)The trustees hold no alliegences to the old museum apart from fond memories (So not bothered then)

    Following a disscusion it is envisaged a plan could be drawn up depending on the decisions made by September how soon could costings be provided;-

    1) Very soon ,if a decision was made in September ,then two or three months ( so next year really and not actually very soon)

    Will the History centre have an arts and crafts centre

    1) This is a discussion on the DLI museum.

    The decision to close the museum was taken because of funding cuts by central government and the emotive issue has since been used as a topic to gain votes :

    1) Political point scoring by ousted controling party at the time of closure (load of Bollocks!)

    The funding was cut because the previous government left the coffers bare!
    1) Here we go again more bollocks !

    I think a history centre is the best idea and the place to display the collection ;-

    1) Will it be the whole collection ? Waffle Waffle (even more bollocks)

    The Inkerman stone is currently in a position in Durham next to toilets and bins:-

    1) This is a discussion on the DLI museum .

    Conclusion :- There isnt one really ,will the DLI museum return ? Doubtful . Interactive displays and the use of technology can be used but this appears to be some sort of push for an educational multi media centre for the benefit of Durham`s rates and poll tax payers (Subject to value for money of course) None of the speakers appear to have grasped what the DLI meant to families and researchers therefore could never present a passionate enough case for its return .

    By altering a phrase in a regimental history book slightly ;-
    "You cannot damage the roots of a great and proud regiment by the passing of pale edicts in a local council chamber. The roots of the Regiment lie in the homes of the people,in the memory of those who knew or have sought out the stories of the men who served and in the hearts of the families these men have left behind . Untouched they lie there still ."

    Seek and thou shalt find :)

    Kyle :flaguk:
    Gary Tankard, Steve Mac and PaulE like this.
  4. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Discussion to re-purpose the museum building to continue however in regard to the DLI ;-

    "The review asked whether the former DLI museum could be brought back into use to house the DLI collection in its entirety, as well as possible options for repurposing the building.

    However, the review found the building in its current state was not suited to meet the necessary standards to store the collection - and that returning and storing it at the former museum would have a significant impact on plans for the History Centre, potentially jeopardising grant funding already approved".
    Coun Scott added: "The work carried out so far indicates that repurposing the building as a cultural venue capable of displaying and storing a range of collections, alongside art exhibitions would be the most appropriate option. This would increase the council’s cultural offer and provide a location for other council-owned collections to be displayed.
    “The creation of a new cultural space would also support the county’s bid to be named UK City of Culture 2025, as it would expand our capacity to host events, exhibit artwork and historical artefacts and offer a further opportunity for people to engage with culture.”
    If cabinet approves the recommendation to carry out further development work, it is likely to be presented to the council's ruling body in early 2022.

    No real surprises there they hardly mention the DLI at all ! The building can be updated and used to Display historical artfacts but not those of the DLI ? Load of ....political waffle

    Proposals for future of former museum collection and site to be discussed

    Kyle :flaguk:
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  5. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Campaigners welcome proposals set to bring much-loved museum back to life

    "A space will be set aside to display some of the DLI collection" . Isnt that exactly whats at Palace Green (part of a collection) ? So the building which was a regimental museum is repurposed with a concession given to display some of theDLI collection?

    I notice there is a feeling that councillors have listened ? I thought this was soley about the DLI Museum reopening not the repurposing of the building and grounds . The campaign group believe this is ..what exactly ? Compromise springs to mind with nothing gained . I will try not to post further its too depressing :(

    Steve Mac and CL1 like this.
  6. PaulE

    PaulE Senior Member

  7. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    The new History Centre at St Oswald`s will open on the 14 June 2024 . Any hopes that this was a new DLI museum was scuppered by this Independant Candidate (Council) Announcement today :-

    "The permanent home of the DLI Collection will be The Story. This has been public knowledge for many years. However, The Story Is not a museum. It will not display DLI exhibits in the way that a museum can curate. The DLI Museum and Art Gallery will do that and will rotate what is on display."

    At present the collection is housed at `Sevenhills` in Spennymoor with occasional displays held at Palace Green in co-operation with Durham University .

    DLI Collection at Sevenhills

    So the only thing that will change will be the venues The Collection will be at The Story and rotating displays at the newly repurposed (OLD D.L.I ) Arts Centre . The Council get themselves a `New` Registrars Office and purpose built local archive The link below shows the links available to the DLI collection and what to expect from `The Story`:-

    The Story at Mount Oswald collections and exhibitions - Durham County Council

    Nothing new and the links will take you to the old sites where they have been housed for years . I followed the campaign for a new museum closely hoped for the best but knew deep down it was all hot air . Smoke and Mirrors at it`s very best /worst.

    Sad outcome



    Edit:= To attach documents
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
    CL1, JimHerriot and bamboo43 like this.
  8. bamboo43

    bamboo43 Very Senior Member

    That is very sad news Kyle and after such a long deliberation process too. Thanks for keeping us all updated over the last period.
    Mr Jinks and JimHerriot like this.
  9. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Seconded, absolutely. Such a pity.

    Kind regards, always,

    Mr Jinks likes this.
  10. PaulE

    PaulE Senior Member

    The update you've seen above is pretty much the way things are going to operate in the future and certainly neither venue , the Story or the Old Museum Building is going to be a Museum but a combination of things which will iclude large display areas featuring exhibitions and artifacts from the DLI Collection ( rumours that the display area at the Story is only about 2 metres are just outright lies ) . The DLI Friends and the DLI Research and archive Team ( both Groups unaffiliated to the Council or the DLI Association or Trustees ) had a meeting with the Project Manager for the Old Museum and the collection Curator a couple of weeks ago where the final details were explained to us , the Story is nearly ready to go , opening on the 14th June to the Public and the old Museum building is now stripped out ready for the refurbishment work to begin in the next few weeks .

    Whilst having no allegiance to DCC only to the Regiment , the men who served in it and it's History the current regime did say from the outset that this was what was proposed and sadly a "Museum " as such would never return , this present arrangement is and i share your disappointment as do many others in the Association and Friends in reality the best we are going to get !

    Groups such as the Faithful Durhams and local labour Politicians ( who were the ones who voted to close the Museum in 2016 ) are continuing to agitate about the Story etc and in some cases are spreading untruths hence this response from the Councillor but the stark reality of the matter now in 2024 is this going to be better than everything locked in storage at Sevenhills.


    JimHerriot likes this.
  11. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Hello Paul , Thank you for the update regarding the display area size ,as I brought this up with a former member I will record where and who is attributed to the comment ,just in the event anyone here thinks the `rumour` was started by myself (Which it certainly wasn`t ! )

    The quote was given by current Durham County Councillor Philip Heaviside (Independent ) anyone can view it at :-
    Just in the event that the post `disappears ` here`s a screen shot :-
    Screenshot 2024-03-16 230236.png

    So what I draw from this is one `Independent` is issuing a statement (which I posted for info of all interested) whilst another Independent agrees a museum is needed but states the new area whilst primarily a storage facility has an area set aside only 2Sq metres smaller than the old museum (rather than a 2Sq metre display ) No rumours possibly a miss- interpretation . What ever it is it isn`t a museum .

    PaulE and JimHerriot like this.
  12. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Clear as mud?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  13. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Hi Chris , Just for clarity
    • St Oswald`s to become `The Story` there is No Museum
    • The New Storage Facility will have a piece set aside for DLI displays only slightly smaller than the display floor space available at the old DLI Museum (if required) but new building will not be a DLI (curated) Museum
    • Refurbished (Old) Museum building (Aykley Heads) .Repurposed but will have small DLI exhibits loaned from the collection held at the new storage facility

    Hope that quickly sums it up

    PaulE, JimHerriot and Chris C like this.
  14. PaulE

    PaulE Senior Member

    Just to add that the Refurbished (Old) Museum building (Aykley Heads) will also have a large Display area for items / exhibits and Displays of items from the collection which unlike the old Museum will have the capability to change on a regular basis. Both locations are being controlled by the DLI Collection Curator and her team all of whom i have worked with and all of whom are totally commited to the History of the Regiment and it's continuing significance going well into the future.

    To put to bed some of the rumours that have been spread by certain Groups , no items / medals from the collection have been sold or gone missing , the medals are no longer at Palace Green and are back in the collection and have recently been catologued by a member of the Collection staff , a mammoth piece of work for which they should be commended.

    On the plus side for Researches and Historians the new computer system will connect items from the collections to those of the DLI Section of DCRO so should make searching and finding all the relevent information on units and individuals much quiker and easier. Access to DCRO Records will be much easier , it wasn't always the best expereince as those of us who have used it before will bear testement to !

    As you say Kyle it looks like there has been some miss interpretation of Councillor Heavisides comments together with the rumours and some cases outright mis truths from certain groups who had the chance to engage directly with the plans but chose not too for whatever reason but sadly this has been part of the scenario since the closure was announced. The Friends Group will be vising the Story in the near future for a full run down on what things will look like , if they are not as we've been told i will report back.



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