Ernest Albert Wilson 1793933 RA. Queen's & The Buffs

Discussion in 'Searching for Someone & Military Genealogy' started by sue2965, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    m trying to find out any information on my Gt Uncle Ernie - Gunner Ernest Albert Wilson 1793933 5th battalion The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

    Ernie was mentioned in dispatches on 23rd may 1946 - I have his certificates and soldiers handbook as shown below but his unfortunately his medals were stolen many years ago.

    He enlisted on 10.04.1941 and was demobbed on 21.01.1946.

    Ernie passed away in 2012 - despite having searched on many sites I cannot find what medals he was awarded or why he was mentioned in dispatches. All he told me was that he served in north africa.

    Im interested in finding out what he did to be awarded the loyalty commendation, distinguished service mention in dispatches and which medals he was given.

    Could anyone help please??

    Many thanks in hope

    sue [​IMG]




    Attached Files:

    David Woods, Owen, bamboo43 and 2 others like this.
  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Hello Sue, here's you great uncles' Medal (Application) Card from 1948.

    Page 1 (20)~4.jpg

    Page 2 (20)~4.jpg

    More to come.

    Kind regards, always,

  3. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Sue, Royal Artillery attestation book 1941 entry (full page and close up).



    The right hand column shows that your great uncle transferred to The Queen's (Royal West Kent Regiment) on 19th September 1944.

    More to come.

    Kind regards, always,

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
  4. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    thank you - this is great - I had no idea he transferred regiments
    JimHerriot likes this.
  5. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Here you go Sue. From The Queen's "Transfers In" book (full page and close up).



    Note that the right hand column shows your great uncle transferring to The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) on 17th February 1945.

    Kind regards, always,

    David Woods, sue2965 and 4jonboy like this.
  6. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    thank you jim :) very much appreciated.
    do you know how I can find out about the mark of esteem and dispatches mention? I have tried to search for his name in the gazette for that publication date but nothing comes up??
  7. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Here are the appropriate parts from The Gazette Sue (I was about to post them up :) )




    Also attached for you Sue is the full Gazette edition in pdf. format.

    Kind regards, always,


    Attached Files:

    sue2965 and 4jonboy like this.
  8. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Hello Sue, there are Forum members who have specialised knowledge of and interest in the Royal Artillery, The Queen's, and The Buffs.
    You should be able to edit the title of this (your thread) to include the three regiments that your great uncle served with which will definitely attract more attention (and hopefully answers) for you.

    The "Mark of Esteem" paperwork is the first I have ever seen, and your great uncle had clearly earned it! Hopefully another forum member will be able to tell you more about it.

    As for your great uncle's MID, it will be a needle in a haystack search to find any paperwork relating to it outside of his Army service record. I think your best bet, without doubt, would be to apply for it (numerous threads with links within the forum about this).

    Good luck with your research.

    Kind regards, always,

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
    sue2965 likes this.
  9. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    thats amazing - thank you so much jim - you've been so helpful.
    just searched his death certificate and have applied. I really appreciate your knowledge and speed of information - thanks again
    JimHerriot and 4jonboy like this.
  10. RRTB

    RRTB 145 Fd Regt (Berkshire Yeomanry) RA

    Hi Sue,

    I'm far from being an expert in any shape or form but I happened to notice that you mentioned Ernest's medals had been stolen. Apart from my being disgusted about that, I would suggest that perhaps you could contact the Medal Office at the MoD. It may be that they could reissue same.

    In my own father's case (he too was in the Royal Artillery with the Berkshire Yeomanry from 1943-46), Dad served in Indonesia post-war. It was only by chance 69 years later that I discovered that he had been entitled to the General Service Medal 18 with SE Asia 1945-46 clasp.

    I wrote to the Medal Office, giving all the details I could about his rank, service number etc etc, and about 2-3 months later I received a letter from the Office confirming his entitlement to the said medal, which duly arrived by separate post.

    So perhaps it could be worth your while to contact them if you were so inclined. It certainly would be nice to have the medals Ernest was entitled to.

    vitellino, JimHerriot and sue2965 like this.
  11. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    thank you - I will give that a go.
    I now have the medal application card (with the help of Jim above) so know which medals he would have been issued plus the 'mark of esteem' he was awarded too.
    RRTB, JimHerriot and 4jonboy like this.
  12. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    AAhhhh help please Jim if you can!!??
    Im new to this forum and not great with anything IT either - do you know how I can edit the title of this thread please?? I cant seem to find it anywhere!!
    thanks again
    JimHerriot likes this.
  13. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    You can't but I just did as I have the power. :)
    sue2965 and JimHerriot like this.
  14. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Cheers Owen, top job!

    Kind regards, and mods, always,

    sue2965 likes this.
  15. sue2965

    sue2965 Member

    thank you :)

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