Hello WW2Talk, it is time for a new video: This is part one of THE BEST documentary of the Bunkers of Platterhof and SS-Stollensystem that exists. We translated it to english after it appeared on our german channel a view weeks ago. After long researches, in 1990, the former construction manager of the SS- and Platterhof bunkers on the Obersalzberg could be located. The 85-year-old engineer returned for the last time to the place he had left in 1945 and descended into the depths of the catacombs of the Platterhof bunker together with the camera team. Josef Pretzl experiences the inspection of his former workplace like a time travel into the past and in his interview he gives valuable hints for the further exploration of the Platterhof bunker and the SS tunnel system. On the basis of these important information the research team was able to succesed a complete inspection of the two bunker systems, which are published for the first time in this documentation. If you like it, please give it a thumbs up and maybe leave a comment under the video. It would help us a lot! Thanks for your Support! Stay safe, BEGAFILM