Repurposed U-Boat Pen in Trondheim. "That which can't be destroyed can be reused." Sadly the Armed Forces Museum was closed.
I came down with shingles just like Admiral Halsey at Midway. As the German MP said at the end of Band of Brothers, "Not Desirable."
It’s all happening over Sussex this morning. Mrs Wobbler said to me, completely unprompted, “looks like a dogfight up there”.
Thanks. Medicine is knocking it down now. I can see why he turned over command to Spruance during his bout with it!
"Tommy tactics" sounds like something from WW2. Tommy Tactics – What systems can we expect to see from England’s new manager?
R & R Dave. They will run their course; try to avoid overdoing things before you have completely recovered from them as doing too much too soon can greatly delay recovery. Kind regards, get better, always, Jim.
Anybody done this one: The "canyon run" in Star Wars resembles the Dambuster approach to the dam. Yes? No? Sorta?