I may be mad but it appears that the tracers were added after the film was shot. (Dambusters footage.) Extreme patience required for that fiddly bit of film.
Can't even listen to classical music without ending up with a WW2 connection . Yesterday I was listening to Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade . I had a little google whilst listening. It seems the place where he composed it , the Glinki-Mavriny dacha, Nyezhgovitsy near Cherementets Lake was destroyed by the Germans in WW2 . Scheherazade (Rimsky-Korsakov) - Wikipedia
Nuffin' New There, the Germans Loved Destroying things ! We watched the Battle of Crete last night.....
The three part series on PBS? Caught the last 20 minutes of episode three yesterday afternoon, just after the kidnapping of Kreipe, looked really interesting, have set the Freeview for the Sunday series repeat.
Last time I was in Crete we were shitting bricks on the approach. Both righthand engines shut down early in the approach. I had been privileged to sit in the Navigator's seat (after bulkhead of the cockpit on a C-130) for the night approach. When the alarms started going off the co-pilot asked me if I'd like to trade places with him. I replied that I'd left my 'chute in the back and had to go get it. Didn't move, however, nothing like a great view when you're going to die.
,,,and PBR sailors hate swimming home from work. I did make it back to base in time for a memorial service on the dock. Mine. Sadly only one guy had faith in me. He cleaned up, but didn't give me a cut. If I had known...
Isn't that a quote from Band of Brothers? British Sherman tank commander, just before he gets taken out by said German tank, he couldn't see?