Bought a new poppy yesterday, think this is a great idea. So many of us wear zipped up waterproof clothes this time of the year Made with waterproof plastic. It wont disintegrate in the rain.
I put a similar style poppy on my dog's harness....done well so far, it's still attached....she loses at least one a year.
All the tube trains I used yesterday in Piccadilly, Northern and Bakerloo lines, had poppy decals on the front of the train. Nice touch I thought.
BBC news Knitters 'astonished' to receive King's award Ripon knitters 'astonished' to receive King’s award Well done Ladies of Ripon. Lesley
BBC news Surfing Santa spotted in the Yorkshire Dales. Yorkshire Dales: Knitted santa spotted surfing in Hawes Lesley
Just had to post this up, the Ripon knitters are at it again . BBC news Christmas jumper for 32 ft gritter. Ripon knitters create Christmas jumper for 32ft gritter