RAMC Norway 1940

Discussion in '1940' started by Ron Morris, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. Ron Morris

    Ron Morris Junior Member


    Can anyone tell me which RAMC units served in the Norwegian Campaign of April-June, 1940?

  2. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Not found a complete list yet, only small references,

    Some info here:
    212 Fd Hosp History

    Snippet here:
    146 Fld Amb TA Norway 1940

    This book has a fair few references to Norway, particularly from page 38 onwards:
    Medicine and Victory: British ... - Google Book Search
    Most useful though might be the footnotes that indicate pro documents with more info on who was there.

    Don't know if that helps at all.
  3. Ali Hollington

    Ali Hollington Senior Member

    At a quick look I've seen:

    In Avonforce- later Rupertforce.
    137 Field Amb.
    147 Fd Amb
    21 Fd Hygiene Section
    25 Fd Hyg Section
    7 Casualty Clearing Station
    22 British General Hospital
    9 Amb Train

    A CRS (casualty reception station?) of 50 beds staff by 3 RAMC officers and 37 ORs

    146 Fd Amb
    158 Fd amb
    HQ 189 Fd Amb

    From History of the Second World War United Kingdom Medical Series. The Army Medical Services, Campaigns Vol 1. by F A E Crew.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Ron Morris

    Ron Morris Junior Member

    Thanks very much to Von Poop and Ali for your replies.
    Please excuse my delay in thanking you but I hadn't visited this forum for a couple of months before today.

  5. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Here's the units war diaries that I could find listed by Ali

    WO 177/716 137 Fd. Amb.

    WO 177/733 147 Fd. Amb.

    Ref the Hygiene Units could these be listed as FSU's? Field Sanitation Unit?

    WO 177/633 7 CCS

    WO 177/1223 22 General Hospital

    WO 177/454 9 Ambulance Train

    WO 177/18 A.D.M.S. Sickleforce

    WO 177/730 146 Fd. Amb.

    WO 177/743 158 Fd. Amb.

    WO 177/787 189 Fd. Amb.
  6. Jedburgh22

    Jedburgh22 Very Senior Member

    Just copied the two DEFE histories of the Norwegian Campaign which contain OBs and interesting details on the evacuation - seems a but more organised than Dunkirk.

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