WO204-12510 RASC Order of Battle Husky Page 1 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 G.H.Q and L of C Units Supplies. Units Nominated by M.E 13 B.S.D 17 B.S.D 11 B.S.D M Base Provision Office 40 Field Bakery, Type ‘A’ 19 Field Butchery 29 Field Butchery 16 Port Det. R.A.S.C. 17 Port Det. R.A.S.C.
Page 2 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 G.H.Q and L of C Units Supplies. Units nominated by N.A 110 D.I.D Type ‘B’ (1 & 2 Secs 81 Pnr Coy att) 114 D.I.D Type ‘B’ (3 & 4 Secs 81 Pnr Coy att) 43 B.S.D Type ‘B’ (HQ 9 & 10 Secs 81 Pnr Coy, 10 Sec. 30 Pnr Coy Att) 9199 FF Sub Sec Type ‘B’ 45 Mob Field Butchery 16 Field Butchery Supplies. Units nominated by U.K 87 D.I.D Type ‘B’ With Cdn Div 31 Field Butchery Type ‘B’ 32 Field Butchery Type ‘B’
Page 3 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 G.H.Q and L of C Units P.O.L. Units nominated by M.E HQ Comd Pet 8 Pet Depot Type ‘A’ 17 Mob Pet Filling Centre 18 Mob Pet Filling Centre 19 Mob Pet Filling Centre 20 Mob Pet Filling Centre 6 Bulk Pet Storage Coy 17 Mob Pet Filling Centre F (4?) Pet Control Office P.O.L. Units nominated by N.A. 210 Pet Depot Type ‘C’ (5 & 6 Secs 81 Pnr Coy Att) 9206 FF Sub Sec Type ‘A’ 239 Pet Depot Type ‘C’ (7 & 8 Secs 81 Pnr Coy Att) 9224 FF Sub Sec Type ‘A’ 20 Pet Depot Type ‘A’ (HQ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Secs .30 Pnr Coy Att)
Page 4 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 G.H.Q and L of C Units P.O.L. Units nominated by U.K. 19 Pet Depot Type ‘B’ (5 & 6 Secs 81 Pnr Coy Att) (Y Force) 9270 FF Sub Sec Type ‘A’ 7 Base Pet Filling Centre 4269 FF Sec Attd TRANSPORT Units nominated by M.E. 576 American Fd Service Amb Car Coy 130 Water Tk Coy consisting of HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is. One Wksp Pl. 262 Water Tk Coy 558 Water Tk Coy 475 Water Tk Coy 476 Water Tk Coy 336 Tk Tptr Coy consisting of HQ. M.T Coy Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is Wksp Pl. (ser 2) 17 Gen Tpt Coy consisting of HQ. M.T Coy Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is Wksp Pl. (ser 3) 19 Gen Tpt Coy 3 Ind Gp Pack Tpt HQ RIASC 13 Ind Mule Coy RIASC 6 Ind Mule Coy RIASC 34 Ind Mule Coy RIASC 1548 Arty Pl For 55 H.A.A Regt 1553 L.A.A Regt Pl
Page 5 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 G.H.Q and L of C Units Transport. Units nominated by N.A. 73 Gen Tpt Coy consisting of HQ. M.T Coy Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is Wksp Pl. (ser 4) 239 Gen Tpt Coy (less det with 21 Beach Group) 352 Inf Div Tpt Coy 430 Inf Div Tpt Coy 724 G.H.Q Car Coy For Force 141 348 Tipper Coy 60 M.A.C. consisting of HQ. M.T Coy Three Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is Wksp Pl. (Serial 2) Med Pl. 88 M.A.C. HQ. M.T Coy Three Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is Wksp Pl. (Serial 2) Med Pl. 561 Arty Coy HQ & Wksp For 62 A.A. Bde 1552 L.A.A. Regt Pl 228 Tk Tptr Coy (Hy) HQ. M.T Coy Two Tpt Pls One Amm Pl Two R.D.Is Wksp Pl HQ 4 Pack Tpt Gp 359 Pack Tpt Coy 573 Pack Tpt Coy 574 Pack Tpt Coy
Page 6 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 G.H.Q and L of C Units Transport. Units nominated by U.K. 548 Gen Tpt. Coy consisting of (With Cdn Div Less four Tpr Pls with Nos. 3 & 4 Beach Groups) HQ. M.T Coy Three R.D.Is Wksp Pl. (Serial 5) 425 Tipper Coy (with Cdn Div for Wks Service) 256 Arty Coy (With Cdn Div) HQ M.T. Coy Wks Pl (Serial 3) 1577 H.A.A Regt Pl For 55 H.A.A Regt 1507 Indep Amphibian Pl With Cdn Div consisting of : One Tpt Pl One Comp Pl One R.D.I. 1546 Indep Amphibian Pl With Cdn Div consisting of : One Tpt Pl One Comp Pl One R.D.I. 1574 Indep Amphibian Pl With Cdn Div consisting of : One Tpt Pl One Comp Pl One R.D.I. 81 Bulk Pet Tpt Coy 41 Bulk Pet Tpt Coy
Page 7 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 Army Troops Supplies Units nominated by M.E. Unit 15 D.I.D. Type ‘B’ HQ Army Troops C.R.A.S.C. A Tps and 2 L of C Tpt Col Transport Units nominated by M.E. 236 Br Coy, consisting of: H.Q. R.E. Pl Misc Pl Wksp Pl FBE & SBG Pl Two Bailey Pls 14 Gen Tpt Col, consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy R.E. Pl Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is Composite Pl Wksp Pl (Serial 5) 384 Gen Tpt Coy 180 Gen Tpt Coy 385 Gen Tpt Coy 549 Gen Tpt Coy 142 Gen Tpt Coy 36 Gen Tpt Coy 375 Gen Tpt Coy 345 Gen Tpt Coy 396 Gen Tpt Coy 10 tonner Coy 397 Gen Tpt Coy 10 tonner Coy 421 Arty Coy consisting of For 1 A.A. Bde HQ Wksp Pl 422 Arty Coy HQ & Wksp 376 Arty Coy HQ & Wksp
Page 8 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 Army Troops Transport (Contd) Units nominated by M.E. Unit 1572 Arty Pl consisting of: for 7 Med Regt Tpt Pl R.D.I. Comp Pl. Less B, C & D Secs 1564 Arty Pl for 64 Med Regt 1537 Arty Pl for 78 A Fd Regt 1539 Arty Pl for 24 A Fd Regt 1542 Arty Pl for 98 A Fd Regt 1533 Fd Regt Pl for 66 Med Regt 1530 Fd Regt Pl for 75 Med Regt 38 Fd Regt Pl for 80 Med Regt 1510 Regt Pl for 73 H.A.A Regt & 66 L.A.A. Regt 1508 Regt Pl for 51 H.A.A. Regt & 53 L.A.A Regt 1563 Regt Pl for 64 Med Regt 198 Arty Coy HA & Wksp for 13 Corps 219 Amb Car Coy
Page 9 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 Army Troops Transport (Contd) Units nominated by N.A. Unit 105 Br Coy, consisting of: HQ Br Coy RE Pl Four Bailey Pls Br Coy Wksp (Serial 2) 1503 Arty Pl Consiting of: For 57 A Fd Regt Composite Pl (less B,C & D Secs) Tpt Pl R.D.I. 1501 Arty Pl For 11 R.H.A 1562 Arty Pl For 111 A Fd Regt 1500 Fd Regt Pl For 58 A Fd Regt 1520 Fd Regt Pl For 142 A Fd Regt 1522 Regt Pl For 70 Med Regt HQ 317 Arty Coy For 30 Corps and Wksp Transport Units nominated by U.K. Unit 298 Gen Tpt Coy
Page 10 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 13 Corps Troops Unit C.R.A.S.C. C. Tps and 7 L of C Tpt Col Transport (Contd) Units nominated by M.E Unit 563 C Tps Gen Tpt Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is. One Wksp Pl (Serial 3) One Composite Pl. 1531 Arty Pl RASC, Coy consisting of: For 105 A/Tk Regt One Tpt Pl One R.D.Is. One Composite Pl. – less B, C and D secs 146 Motor Amb Convoy 168 Works Service Gen Tpt Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is. One Wksp Pl 334 Armd Bde Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Three Tpt Pls Three R.D.Is. One Composite Pl One Wksp Pl (Serial 3) 5 A/4 Armd Bde Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Three R.D.Is. One Composite Pl One Wksp Pl (Serial 3)
Page 11 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 30 Corps Troops Unit C.R.A.S.C. C. Tps and 4 L of C Tpt Col Transport Units nominated by M.E Unit 268 C. Tps Gen Tpt Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Two R.D.Is. One Wksp Pl One Composite Pl 1526 Arty Pl For 75 A/Tk Regt 309 Wks Service Gen Tpt Coy 331/23 Arms Bde Coy For 23 Armd Bde Transport Units nominated by N.A. Unit 45 Motor Amb Convoy
Page 12 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 1 CDN INF DIVISION Unit HQ RCASC 1 Cdn Inf Div Nominated by U.K. 4 L of C Tpt Col Transport Units nominated by U.K. Unit 1 Cdn Inf Tps Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Composite Pl (less C & D Secs) Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 3) Composite Coy consisting of: 2 HQs M.T. Coy Five Tpt Pls Comp Pl Five R.D.Is. Two Wksp Pls (Serial 3) 1 Cdn Div RASC Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy One Tpt Pl Two Comp Pls One RDI One Wksp Pl (Serial 3) 1 CDN ARMY TANK BDE 83 Cdn Tk Bde Coy Nominated by U.K. consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Five Tpt Pls Com Pl Three R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 5)
Page 13 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 5 INF DIV Unit HQ Comd 5 Inf Div RASC Transport Nomination of Units by M.E. Unit 2 Inf Bde Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Com Pl Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 2) 69 Inf Bde Coy 80 Inf Bde Coy 434 Div Tps Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Com Pl Three R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 4)
Page 14 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) INF DIV Unit HQ Comd 50 Inf Div RASC Nominated by M.E. Transport Nomination of Units by M.E. 522 Coy RASC consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Com Pl Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 2) 524 Coy RASC 508 Coy RASC consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Three R.D.Is. One Com Pl Wksp Pl (Serial 4) 514 Coy RASC
Page 15 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 51 (H) DIV Unit HQ Comd 51 (H) Div RASC Nominated by M.E. Transport Nomination of Units by M.E. 525 (152 Bde Coy) consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Com Pl Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 3) 526 (153 Bde Coy) 527 (154 Bde Coy) 458 (Div Tps) Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Four Tpt Pls Three R.D.Is. Com Pl Wksp Pl (Serial 4) 78 INF DIV Unit HQ Comd 78 Inf Div RASC Nominated by N.A. Transport Nomination of Units by N.A. 57 Inf Bde Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Com Pl Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 3) 294 Inf Bde Coy 237 Inf Bde Coy 328 Div Tps Coy
Page 16 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 46 INF DIV Unit HQ Comd 46 Inf Div RASC Nominated by N.A. Transport Nomination of Units by N.A. 570 Inf Bde Coy consisting of: - Possible Typo?? HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Com Pl Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 3) 519 Inf Bde Coy 520 Inf Bde Coy 521 Div Tps Coy 231 INDEP INF BDE GROUP Transport Nomination of Units by M.E. 346 Inf Bde Coy consisting of: HQ M.T. Coy Two Tpt Pls Com Pl Two R.D.Is. Wksp Pl (Serial 3)
Page 17 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 BEACH GROUPS No. 3 BEACH GROUP P.O.L Nominated by U.K. UNIT 234 Pet Depot Type ‘C’ With Cdn Div (handwritten – Force ‘X’ Additional Tps) 9225 FF Sub Sec Type ‘C’ SUPPLIES Nominated by U.K. UNIT 69 D.I.D. With Cdn Div (handwritten – Force ‘X’ Additional Tps) TRANSPORT Nominated by U.K. – Handwritten Two Tpt Pls 548 Gen Tpt Coy With Cdn Div (handwritten No. 4 BEACH GROUP P.O.L Nomination of Unit not stated in Final Order of Battle. UNIT 231 Pet Depot Type ‘C’ (handwritten – Force ‘X’ Additional Tps) 9198 FF Sub Sec Type ‘A’ (handwritten – Force ‘X’ Additional Tps) SUPPLIES Nominated of Unit by U.K. UNIT 82 D.I.D. With Cdn Div (handwritten – Force ‘X’ Additional Tps) TRANSPORT Nominated by U.K. – Handwritten Two Tpt Pls 548 Gen Tpt Coy With Cdn Div (handwritten) No. 20 BEACH GROUP TRANSPORT Nominated by N.A 72 Gen Tpt Coy (incl RDI & Wksp) P.O.L Nominated by N.A.. UNIT 220 Pet Depot Type ‘C’ (9197 FF Sub Sec Att) SUPPLIES Nominated by N.A. UNIT 108 D.I.D.
Page 18 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 BEACH GROUPS (Contd) No. 21 BEACH GROUP TRANSPORT Nominated by N.A. Det 239 Gen Tpt Coy P.O.L Nominated by N.A. UNIT 212 Pet Depot Type ‘C’ 9046 FF Sub Sec Att SUPPLIES Nominated by U.K. 58 D.I.D.
Page 19 MOST SECRET BIGOT R.A.S.C. – ORDER OF BATTLE - HUSKY Force 141 1 AIRBORNE DIVISION UNIT HQ 1 Airborne Div RASC TRANSPORT Nominated by N.A. 250 Airborne Lt Comp Coy 93 Airborne Div Comp Coy RASC 253 Airborne Div Comp Coy RASC