I hope the following may be useful. The SANDF will provide a Certificate of Service via e-mail, free of charge. The e-mail is sandfdoc@mweb.co.za It make take a while. However if you want to see the original service record you have to visit them. Attached is a Certificate of Service which I obtained for a Pte Lochner Diane
See for phone etc: https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/South_Africa_Military_Records Or Dewald: Researcher in the South African Archives Or James on: https://www.samilitaria.com/ DianeE has not logged on for a few months.
Just to follow-up in case anyone is curious, that new email address works. Last week I received my grandfather's entire file as hi-res scans in a pdf. The quality is outstanding!
It is some time since I applied for a service record. At that time there was no charge. They required my full name and address and as I live in South Africa, my Identity number. It makes it easier if you have the person's service number full name etc Best of luck Diane