Researching a South African Serviceman

Discussion in 'South African' started by DianeE, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. DianeE

    DianeE Member

    I hope the following may be useful.

    The SANDF will provide a Certificate of Service via e-mail, free of charge. The e-mail is

    It make take a while. However if you want to see the original service record you have to visit them.

    Attached is a Certificate of Service which I obtained for a Pte Lochner


    Attached Files:

    Tricky Dicky and dbf like this.
  2. Coolone

    Coolone Member

    FYI The email bounces back now with 'Address not found'.
  3. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    Coolone likes this.
  4. DianeE

    DianeE Member

    Hi there is a new e-mail address
    Phone number +27 126 708172
    Hope this helps.
    JimHerriot, GeoffMNZ and Coolone like this.
  5. Coolone

    Coolone Member

    Just to follow-up in case anyone is curious, that new email address works. Last week I received my grandfather's entire file as hi-res scans in a pdf. The quality is outstanding!
    DianeE likes this.
  6. Linda Henderson

    Linda Henderson New Member

    Was there any charge for obtaining the file, and what information does one need to provide?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  7. DianeE

    DianeE Member

    It is some time since I applied for a service record. At that time there was no charge. They required my full name and address and as I live in South Africa, my Identity number.
    It makes it easier if you have the person's service number full name etc

    Best of luck
    JimHerriot likes this.

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