Searching for Cassino Vets Stories and family photos

Discussion in 'War Cemeteries & War Memorial Research' started by KRAY, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. KRAY

    KRAY Member


    Passionate about the Battle of Montecassino, I’m creating a website dedicated to this significant event. I’m currently collecting stories, photos, testimonies, and any other information related to the soldiers who fought there—whether they survived or made the ultimate sacrifice.

    If you have any details about a soldier, feel free to share them here or email me at

    Additionally, if you or a family member would prefer not to have someone who fought at Montecassino featured on the website, please let me know!

    If you have any other thing relative to this timespan, contact me !
  2. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    I strongly suggest that you get in touch with the Monte Cassino Society. They will give you a good steer.

    Equally, I strongly suggest that you join one of my studies at Cassino. I am confident that you will get a lot of benefit for understanding what went on.


    Charley Fortnum likes this.

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