Sun’s out, hallelujah, gonna brave it today, a veritable sea of messy worm casts in my wake I suspect, but first, a nice cup of Joe…
It felt just like spring here yesterday, until the hail came. No photos of that as I was too busy performing the "Dance of the Overtrousers". It stung a bit though.
Spring flowers in Holy Rood Church , Shilton, Oxon. CWGC grave over to the right rear.
Picking up speed today, Rain this morning, then cloud & sunshine 13.8 in the garden. Seeded the lawn four times now, still no new grass. Pigeon chaser has had enough. If at first you don't succeed!
Monday was a real spring day here, the sun was shining and the temperature rose to 15 degrees C, I saw the first coltsfoot and snowdrops of this spring. The joy was short lived and early Wednesday morning the rain turned to snow and we got 4.5 inches of snow, on Friday it snowed another 3 inches. So the flowers got buried under the snow. Well, that means we have at least two springs this year.
This is certainly an on and off Spring; Iris recovering Tulips turning colour Clematis coming into bud Owen will know! Even the dog is coming out for a walk.
Spring has Sprung Be glad when it has! Strimmed and mowed the back lawn today because it was so long and wet. Very heaviy going, the flymow tripped three times so leaving the front lawn for a while. Hoping to sow new grass again - fourth attempt so far. The family closed the patio door and the one to the lounge. The dog was barking, disturbed the telly watchers. Truth is, they don't like seeing an old man struggle!. Oh! and that noisy dog.
Sprout seeds are on the sowing plan for tomorrow, but the forecast isn't great. They are a bit of a faff really, unlike once, for some - a nod here to an emulation of Guthrie's 'A Hind's Daughter' (1883): (acrylics). Thirty-some years ago, I was a 'Leitungsoffizier' on an exercise called 'Spitzer Dolch' (Sharp Dagger, aptly enough, looking at the knife in her hand). My driver called by a week before the event to co-ordinate requirements. I told him to draw 12x 24hr ration packs. I sensed his wondering why - surely our hosts would feed us? Several days later, we visited the Operations Zentrum and I told him to go for lunch at the Gulasch Kanone ...... I would eat later, after attending to business. Later, I asked him how was lunch? It had not been to his (Geordie) taste - 17 Brussels Sprouts on two rounds of dried bread crackers, with a cup of 'gopping cough mixture'. Ah, aniseed cordial, I presumed. He now knew why I had said we would victual ourselves; a good lesson learned.
This second spring was better than the first, because in the place where there was one coltsfoot during the first spring, there are now 10, the photo shows six of them. But now it's getting cold again and on Wednesday and Thursday there may be a little snow and forecasts promise a little frost.