OFLAGS Camp No. / Location O. 4B Koenigstein Elbe O. 4C Saalhaus Colditz O. 5A Weinberg (Wurtemburg) O. 5B Biberach (Wurtemberg) O. 6A Soest O. 7B Eichstaett O. 9A Spangenburg bei Kassel O. 9A/H Spangenburg bei Kassel O. 9A/Z Rotenburg Fulda O. 12B Hadamar O. 64 Schubim Alt. Burgund O. 64/Z Hohensalza O. 79 Braunschweig (formerly O. 8F) STALAGS Camp No. / Location 1A Stablack 1B Hohenstein 2A Neu Brandenberg 2B Hammerstein 2D Stargard 3A Luckenwalde 3B Furstenberg (R. Oder) 3C Alt. Drewitz, Nr. Kustrin 3D Berlin-Steglitz 4A Hohenstein 4B Muehlberg (Elbe) 4C Wistriz bei Teplitz 4D Torgau (Elbe) 4D/Z Annaburg 4E Altenburg (Thoringen) 4F Hartmansdorf Chemnitz 4G Oschatz 5A Ludwigsberg 5B Villingen Schwarzwald 5C Offenburg bei Baden Baden 6A Hemer bei Iserlohn 6B Nieuweschans Emsland 6C Muenster 6F Bocholt 6G Berg Neustadt, Nr. Gummersbach 6J Dorston Westphalia 7A Moosburg (Isar) 7B Memmigen 8A Gotlitz 8B Teschen 8C Kunau Kz Sprottau / Sagan 9A Zeigenhain 9B Wegscheide Weilberg bei Bad Orb 9C Muhlhausen 10B Sandbostel 10C Nienburg a.d. Weser 11A Altengrabow 11B Fallingbostel 12A Limburg s.d. Lahn 12B Frankenthal Pealz 12C Wiebetschein 12D Waldbreitbach Nr. Neuwied 12F Freinsheim Nr. Bad Duerkheim 13A Sulzbach 13B Weiden 13C Hammelburg am Main 13D Nurnberg 17A Kaisersteinbruck bei Bruck (Leitha) 17B Gneizendorf 17C Dollerschein 18A Wolfsberg (Karnten) 18A/Z Spittal / Draw 20A Thorn Podgorz 20B Marienburg 21A Schildberg 21D Posen 21E Wollstein 317 Markt Pongau (St. Johann) 319 Cholm 337 Mantua, Italy (now known as Dulag 339) 344 Lamsdorf 357 Oerbke, Nr. Fallingbostel 383 Hohen Fels 383/Z Steinberg, E. of Regensburg 398 Pupping near Ling DULAGS Abbrev. / Camp / Location D.L. Dulag Luft Wetzlar D.135 Dulag 135 Athens, Greece D.226 Dulag 226 Italy
Prisoner of War Camps<O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p The German PoW camps were located in a broad corridor that extended from the German coast south of Denmark, through Germany, occupied Poland and annexed Austria to Italy, in that order. <O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p These German territories were split into military districts originally known by their Roman numeral. If there was more than one camp in a specific military district they were designated a letter according to their order of build. <O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p The PoW camps were usually sited in World War One training grounds, former PoW camps, Napoleonic Forts and castles. The German army manned most of the PoW camps. To a lesser extent Allied Air Force personnel were usually sent to PoW camps manned by the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) and naval PoWs to camps usually manned by Kriegsmarine (German Navy). <O:p</O:p <O:p</O:p The word Stalag is an abbreviation of Mannschaftsstammlager; a PoW camp used to hold enlisted men and NCOs. Stalag VIIIB is therefore the second PoW camp for enlisted men and NCOs to be built in the military district VIII. This was located in southwest Poland. <O:p</O:p Other abbreviations for PoW camps include; Oflags for officers, Marlags for sailors, Milags for merchant marines, Stalag Lufts for Air Force personnel and Dulags for transit camps.<O:p</O:p
What is the differences and analogies in those 3 types Dulags, Stalags and Oflags? Thanks for explain in advance!. Jan.
Hi Jan, Oflags were for Officers, Stalags for NCOs and other ranks as in Ronnie's post, and Dulags were I believe, camps where prisoners were processed before being moved on. Diane
There was a Dulag Luft at Oberursel, near Frankfurt am Main. This was a transit camp for all air force, naval pilots and air crew personnel. Dulag Luft was short for Durchgangslager der Luftwaffe, or a transit camp for air force. The German Navy had two Dulags, or transit camps, for captured seamen. One was at SandBostel and the other at Westertimke. The seamen wer detained there until the German Navy interrogation centre at their base in Wilhelmshaven was ready to interrogate them. After their interrogation the seamen were moved to the Milags (for Merchant Navy) or Marlags (for Royal Naval personnel). From p44, Prisoner of War by C. Rollings, 2007
In this page http://www.cavillconnections.co.uk/seal.htm appears one map very interesting for the matters of the thread -it's a miniature, clic for enlarge- Jan.
Jan, Now it's my turn to say thank you. What an excellent and extremely useful map. Interesting on a few levels. A map in French, in an English language publication and so in the public domain, of German-run camps. All from the start of 1941 ... Regards, Diane
You are welcome, Diane! If you follow the link in I extract the map, you will read the cause: Attacked by aircraft while laying mines, the dramatic story of HMS SEAL - the first submarine to be captured by the Germans in World War 2. Jan.
Jan7 With ref to an earlier posting of mine: Taken off fatigues to do interpreter for Lt.”Dutch” Holland. Out in the dingo to the end of the boundary area. Crashed plane on hillside. Beer at roadside Gasthos at dinner time Regimental Diaries: July 31st Rgt ceasing to be under command of 78th Div (Now under 6th Armd Div) Tuesday 31st July 1945 Out with “Dutch” again, this time to the Burgomaster at Hohentaun. Collected three crates of books from ex-Stalaag XVIII. Back early for Road Block guard. Truck broke down. Acting in my role as un-official interpreter I went with Lt. Holland to inspect a deserted POW camp that had been used to hold a hundred or so British prisoners of war. Although it was now empty, there was something quite eerie about the atmosphere of the place; it was as though all the memories were somehow trapped inside the wooden huts, and I was glad to get out into the open air. I looked at the map you thoughtfully provided by yourself and could only see two that could have been the camp that I visited, see Bottom Right, one shown at Spittal and one at Wolfsberg. Any thoughts on this? Cheers Ron
Jan7 With ref to an earlier posting of mine: I looked at the map you thoughtfully provided by yourself and could only see two that could have been the camp that I visited, see Bottom Right, one shown at Spittal and one at Wolfsberg. Any thoughts on this? Cheers Ron Dear Ron: I think that this map not shows all the camps presents in the moment, for one simple reason: The date of publication, in the mid of World War Two, and possibly only shows the "official" and declarated for the German Authorities at CCIR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you wish know more questions about this camps, in spanish -obviously accesable means translators online- go to this subforum. The moderator, TMV is an authentic specialist of this matters: Foro Segunda Guerra Mundial :: Ver Foro - Campos de concentración y exterminio Jan.
Ron, it all ties in with what you are saying, except the Google Map gives the name of the town close to Spittal and Wolfsberg as Hohentauern, not Hohentaurn. I do not have any information on 18A and 18A/Z except that the /Z denotes that 18A/Z was a branch camp of 18A. Diane's information shows that these locations were Stalags but the map shows them as Oflags. Need to dig a bit more.
Hi all Thanks to all of you for trying to dot the "i"s for me. What I find of particular fascination is the fact that when I went with "Dutch" Holland to the POW camp the powers that be must have known that amongst the camp's former inmates were soldiers of the 4th Hussars originally taken prisoner in Crete. As "Dutch" was an officer and I was a lowly Trooper he obviously didn't think it was necessary to share that information with me I await further info with interest. Cheers ron
Ron, Your eerie feelings for Wolfsberg Stalag XVIIIA were well founded. The first PoWs to be incarcerated there were taken in Crete. As with all PoW camps the influx of PoWs left the Germans unable to feed them and many started to fade away. It was only the arrival of the Red Cross food parcels that saved all the PoWs lives. There is a good photo of Wolfsberg in C Rollins, 'Prisoners of War' at p 60 and plenty of information from Sapper Don Luckett RE. In Longden's book 'Hitlers British Slaves', he tells the story of PoWs shuffling around in rags and clogs instead of proper clothing. The Red Cross visitors called it below standard. In 1942 at Wolfsberg, William Evans and John Flynn were shot dead for refusing to work, p175. P.S. The map is a guesstimate, Diane's list is accurate.
Handtohand22 Thanks for your piece about Wolfsberg. You mention my "eerie feelings". This was not new to me. In June '44, in Rome, I had a similar dose of reacting to immediate surroundings that were later to be known to me as encompassing a more sinister past. I wrote about the earlier experience as follows: We had been dropped off at a lorry park near the Colosseum and so this was an obvious starting point. I followed the early crowds into the amphitheatre and tagged on to a group that had managed to secure the services of an Italian guide. After a short while I slipped away to visit the cells underneath the arena where the slaves and early Christians were held prior to the games and their subsequent death. I have never considered myself to be significantly claustrophobic but the atmosphere in the dank, shaded quarters felt unbearably evil, and I was glad to get back out into the sun and the heat. The full story is here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/83/a1941383.shtml
I took the US NARA POW data and formatted and cleaned it up (see below) for a listing of POW camps of all types. Each German Military service ran its own camps. Marlag for Navy POWs, Luft Stalag for Luftwaffe POWs, and Stalag for Wehrmacht enlisted POWs. Stalag Lufts usually held captured Allied aircrews. POW Officers were located in Oflags. Civilians in Ilags. In addition a number of Lazarett or Hospitals were used for holding POWs as well, usually for the severely wounded or ill POWs. Work camps were subordinate to a Stalag as were hospitals and Lazarett. Plus POW camps in other countries are not called out very often. Transit camps (Durlags) and Frontstalags are usually in countries other than Germany and just temporary POW holding areas prior to senting them on to permanent camps. Sometimes the stays in these temporary locations was months or years. These often get overlooked in listing just Stalags. This maybe TMI but I think it needs to be said as often that POW camp map is held up as the end all and be all of camps. Note this is just European POW camps and just those that Americans reported after being repatriated. Aalsmeer Restricted Residence For Civilians Aalsmeer Holland 52-04 Air Corps Transit Camp Verona Italy 45-11 Amsterdam Restricted Residence For Civilians Amsterdam Holland 52-05 Bad Godesberg Lazarett (Serves Stalag XVII-A) Godesberg Rheinland, Prussia 50-07 Bad Soden-Salmunster Hospital (Serves Stalag IX-B) Bad Soden Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-09 Bad Sulze Hospital (Serves Stalag IX-C) Bad Sulze Saxe-Weimar 51-11 Bagno A Ripoli Florence (Firense) Italy 43-11 Bagnolo-Piano Civilian Internment Camp Bagnolo-Piano Italy 44-10 Benevento POW Camp Benevento Italy 41-14 Beujon Hospital For Civilians Clichy France 49-02 Branch Of CC 204 Bologna Italy 44-11 Bratislava POW Camp Bratislava Czechoslovakia 48-17 Brenners Park Hotel Baden-Baden Baden (Civilian Internment Camp) 48-08 Brens Civilian Internment Camp Tarn France 44-02 Brevannes Sanitorium For Civilians Paris France 49-02 Brides Les Bains Civilian Internment Camp Brides Les Bains France 45-06 Callithea Prison Athens Greece 38-23 Camp Chumen (Shumla) Chumen Bulgaria 43-27 Camp De Gurs Civilian Internment Camp Basses-Pyrenees France 43-01 Camp de Noe Civilian Internment Camp Noe France 43-01 Camp Leled, Near Esztergom, Hungary 47-19 Camp Number 1 Vienna Austria 48-16 Camp Number 364, Unstated, Roumania 46-26 Camp San Tomaso Della Fossa Civilian Internment Camp Near Bagnolo-Piano Italy 45-11 Casablanca POW Camp Morocco North Africa 33-07 CC 122 Location Unknown CC 152 Location Unknown CC 202 Lucca Italy 44-10 CC 203 Location Unknown CC 204 Altamura Italy 41-16 CC 206 Nocera (N.E. of Naples) Italy 41-16 CC 207 Milan Italy 45-09 CC 21 Chieti Italy 42-14 CC 38 Civilian Internment CAMP Arezzo Italy 43-12 CC 47 Modena Italy 44-11 CC 49 Parma Italy 44-10 CC 52 Chevari Genoa Italy 44-09 CC 54 Location Unknown CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13 CC 62 Grunello Italy 45-09 CC 65 Gravina Italy 40-16 CC 66 Capua Italy 41-14 CC 73 Carpi Italy 44-11 CC 82 Laterina Italy 43-11 CC77 (was Dulag 226) Pissiguano Italy 43-12 Compiegne Civilian Internment Camp (Subordinate to Frontstalag 122) Compiegne France 49-03 Concentration Camp Buchenwald (Near Weimar) Thuringia, Germany 51-11 Deutscher Luftwaffen Lazarett 203, Budapest, Hungary 47-19 Deutscher Luftwaffen Teil, Lazarett 201, Budapest, Hungary 47-19 Dressing Station Unstated Dulag 135/1 Athens Greece 38-23 Dulag 377 Gerolstein (TL 71) Rheinland, Prussia 50-06 Dulag Luft Grosstychow Dulag 12 Dulag Luft POW Camp Chalons-Sur-Marne France 49-04 Dulag OB Chartres France 48-01 Dulag Oberursel (Interrogation) Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Dulag Wetzlar (Transit) Klosternald, Rheinland, Prussia 50-08 Ebelsbach Hospital (Serves Stalag XIII-C) Ebelsbach Bavaria 50-10 Egendorf Hospital (Serves Stalag IX-C) Egendorf Thuringia, Germany 51-11 Elsterhorst Hospital 742 (Serves Stalag 4-C & 4-A) Elsterhorst Saxony 51-14 Eppenhain Hospital Eppenhain Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 49-08 Feld-Post 07244 AC Unknown Feld-post 31703 Unknown Feld-Post 36433 Unknown Festetich Street (Civilian Camp), Budapest, Hungary 47-19 Field Hospital #519, Raab (Gyor), Hungary 47-17 Field-Hospital #01244 ABT/2-D Bad Nauheim Rheinland, Prussia 50-08 Freising Hospital (Serves Stalag VII-A) Moosburg Bavaria 48-11 French Hospital Ferryville Tunisia 37-9 Frontstalag 122 Civilian Internment Camp Clermont France 45-03 Frontstalag 194, Vittel Civilian Internment Camp Vosges France 48-06 Frontstalag 221 Civilian Internment Camp St. Medard France 45- 0 Giromagny For Civilians Giromagny France 47-06 Haftanstald Kattowitz Upper Silesia 50-19 Hohe Mark Hospital (Serves Dulag Luft) Oberursel Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-07 Hospital #11 (Serves Stalag X-A) Schleswig Schleswig 54-09 Hospital 18-A (Serves Stalag XVIII-A) Villach-Karnten Carinthia, Austria 46-14 Hospital 3 B and 4 (Graz) Graz Styria, Austria 47-15 Hospital At Bilin (Serves Stalag IV-C) Bilin Bohemia 50-13 Hospital At Kosel Kosel Upper Silesia 50-18 Hospital at Muenstierel Lazaret(Serves Stalag VI-G) Bonn Rheinland, Prussia 50-07 Hospital at Stalag I-B Hohenstein East Prussia 53-20 Hospital at Stalag II-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 53-13 Hospital Caserta Caserta Italy 41-14 Hospital Catania Catania Sicily 37-15 Hospital Franzis Kusplatz Prague Bohemia 50-14 Hospital Karoly Boulevard, Budapest, Hungary 47-19 Hospital Le Calvaire Pont-Chateau France 47-02 Hospital Meiningen #1288 (Serves Stalag IX-C) Meiningen Saxe-Meiningen 50-10 Hospital Perugia Perugia Italy 43-12 Hospital Ploesti, Ploesti, Roumania 45-26 Hospital Sandbostel (Serves Stalag X-B) Sandbostel Schleswig 53-09 Hospital Unstated Toscano Italy 43-11 Hospital Wurzen Wurzen Saxony 51-12 Hosptial Lingen (Thuine) (Serves Stalag VI-G) Hanover Prussia 52-07 Ilag (Civilian Internment Camp) Bergen-Belsen Hanover, Prussia 52-10 Ilag 18 Spittal Am Drau Carinthia, Austria 46-13 Ilag 7/H Laufen (Civilian Internment Camp) Bavaria 48-13 Ilag 7/Z Tittmoning (Civilian Internment Camp) Bavaria 48-12 Ilag 8/Z (Oflag VI/Z) Kreuzburg (To LAG 18) Upper Silesia 51-18 Ilag A/H Tost (Civilian Internment Camp) Upper Silesia 50-18 Ilag Biberach Biberach/Riss (Civilian Internment Camp) Wurttemberg 48-09 Ilag Liebenau Near Tettnang (Civilian Internment Camp) Ravensburg 47-09 Ilag Wurzach Wurzach (Civilian Internment Camp) Wurttemberg 48-10 Indre Restricted Residence For Civilians Indre France 47-01 Innsbruck Hospital Tyrol Austria 47-11 Internment Camp Lekkende Seeland (Formerly Faarevejli High School) Copenhagen Denmark 55-12 Interrogation Center Diez An Der Lahn (For Oflag XII-B) Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Jersey POW Camp Channel Islands 49-02 Klara Haus (St. Josef) Liebenau (Civilian Internment Camp) Ravensburg 47-09 Komarom POW Camp #4, Komarom, Hungary 47-18 Konigsberg Prison Konigsberg East Prussia 54-20 Konigswartha Hospital #744 (Serves Stalag IV-A) Konigswartha Saxony 51-14 Kopernikus Lazarett Thorn Poland 53-18 Kreigs Lazarett Apeldoorn Holland 52-06 Kreigs Lazarett Caen France (458) 49- 0 Kriegs Lazarett Amiens France 50-02 La Ciotat Civilian Internment Camp La Ciotat France 43-05 Lager Lazarett Stalag XI-B Fallingbostel Prussia 53-09 Lager Lazarett XI-A Tanger-Hutte Sachsen, Prussia 52-12 Lager Lazarett XI-B Wolfenbuttel Brunswick 52-10 Largarule Prizoiniero #2, 13,14, 18 Timisul de Jos, Roumania 45-21 Lazarett at Breda Holland Lazarett at Hildburghausen (Hospital #1251) Hildburghausen Saxe-Meiningen 50-10 Lazarett at Nuremberg-Langwasser (Serves Stalag XIII-D) Nuremberg Bavaria 49-11 Lazarett at Stalag II-B Hammerstein West Prussia 53-17 Lazarett at Stalag IV-B (Hospital #735) Muhlberg Sachsen, Prussia 51-13 Lazarett at Stalag VI-C Bathorn, Munster Westfalen, Prussia 52-07 Lazarett at Stalag XVII-B Gneixendorf Krems, Austria 48-15 Lazarett at Stalag XVIII-B Spittal Drau Carinthia, Austria 46-13 Lazarett Barth (serves Stalag Luft I) Barth Vogelsang Prussia 54-12 Lazarett Haid Haid Bohemia 49-12 Lazarett I Marrienhill Wurzburg Bavaria 49-10 Lazarett Memminger, Stalag VII-B Memminger Bavaria 48-10 Lazarett Rottenmunster/Rottweil (Serves Stalag V-B) Rottenmunster Wurttenberg 48-08 Lazarett Tubingen Tubingen, Wurttemberg 48-09 Lazarett Unstated Lazarett Wollstein (Serves Oflag 64-Z Heilag) Wollstein Poland 52-16 Leonessa Civilian Internment Camp Leonessa Italy 42-13 Linz-Donau Hospital Linz (An-Der-Donau) Austria 48-14 Lorient POW Camp Lorient France 47-03 Ludwigsburg Military Hospital (Transit) (Serves Stalag V-A) Ludwigsburg Wurttemberg 49-09 Luft Lazarett Brussels Belgium 51-04 Luft Lazarett Leeuwarden Holland 53-05 Luftwaffe Lazarett Beauvais France 49-02 Luftwaffe Lazarett IV/XI Wismar Mecklenberg 54-11 Luftwaffe Lazarett Paris France 49-02 Luftwaffen Hospital IV/XVII Vienna Austria 48-16 Luftwaffen Lazarett I/XVII ABT IIA Brunn Austria 48-16 Malmedy Belgium 50-06 Marine Hospital Emden Prussia 53-07 Marine Lazarett Cuxhaven Oldenburg 54-08 Marlag Und Milag Nord Westertimke (Tarmstedt) Hanover, Prussia 53-09 Military Hospital #75 Bari Italy 41-17 Military Hospital for Stalag III-B Fuerstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia 52-14 Military Hospital Siegburg Rheinland, Prussia 50-07 Military Hospital, Pecs, Hungary 46-18 Military Prison Graudenz Poland 53-18 Montechiarugolo Civilian Internment Camp Montechiarugolo Italy 44-10 Montolivet Civilian Internment Camp Marseille France 43-05 Obermassfeld Hospital #1249 (Serves Stalag IX-C) Obermassfeld Thuringia, Germany 50-10 Oflag 64 or XXI-B Schubin (Moved to Usedom) Poland, Altburgund 53-17 Oflag 79 Braunschweig (Formerly VIII-F) Brunswick 52-10 Oflag II-E Neubrandenburg West Prussia 53-13 Oflag III-C Lubben An Der Spree Brandenburg, Prussia 52-14 Oflag IV-B Konigstein-Elbe Saxony 51-14 Oflag IV-C Saalhaus-Colditz (Moved to Laufen) Saxony 51-12 Oflag IX-A/H Spangenberg-Kassel Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 51-09 Oflag IX-A/Z Rotenburg An Der Fulda Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 51-09 Oflag V-A Weinsberg Wurttemberg 49-09 Oflag V-B Rottenmunster Rottweil, Wurttemberg 48-08 Oflag VI-A Soest Prussia 51-08 Oflag VII-A Murnau Bavaria 47-11 Oflag VII-B Eichstatt (British) Bavaria 49-11 Oflag X-B Nienburg An Der Weser Hanover, Prussia 52-09 Oflag X-C Lubeck Schleswig 54-10 Oflag XII-B Hadamar Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Oflag XIII-B Hammelburg Bavaria 50-10 OPost Tettnang Liebenau (Civilian Internment Camp) Ravensburg 47-09 Perpignan Restricted Residence For Civilians Perpignan France 42-03 Perugia Civilian Internment Camp Perugia Italy 43-12 Piraeus Civilian Internment Camp Piraeus Greece 38-23 POW Camp and Lazarett Mostar Yugoslavia 43-17 POW Camp Hamburg Hamburg Germany 53-10 POW Camp St. Nazaire France 47-02 POW Camp, Turnu Margurele, Roumania 43-25 POW Hospital (Serves Stalag III-B) Guben Brandenburg, Prussia 52-14 POW Lazarett (Serves Stalag VI-J) Dusseldorf-Gerresheim Rheinland, Prussia 51-07 Puget-Theniers For Civilians Puget-Theniers France 44-07 Regina Elizabeta Hospital, Bukarest, Roumania 44-26 Regina Maria Military Hospital, Brasov, Roumania 45-25 Reims Military Hospital Reims France 49-4 Rennes Military Hospital Rennes France 48-01 Reserve Lazarett (Serves Stalag IV-F) Hohenstein-Ernstthal Saxony 50-12 Reserve Lazarett (Serves Stalag VI-A) Hemer Iserlohn, Westfalen 51-07 Reserve Lazarett 101 (Serves Stalag III-B) Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia 52-14 Reserve Lazarett 102 (Serves Stalag III-B) Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia 52-14 Reserve Lazarett 11A-17A Vienna Austria 48-16 Reserve Lazarett 2 (Serves Stalag II-D) Stargard Pomerania, Prussia 53-15 Reserve Lazarett Biesdorf (Hospital #128) (Serves Stalag III-D) Berlin Prussia 52-13 Reserve Lazarett Burgsteinfurt Burgsteinfurt, Prussia 52-07 Reserve Lazarett Clausthalharz Clausthal Hanover, Prussia 51-10 Reserve Lazarett Dortmund Kirchlinde (serves Stalag VI-C) Prussia 51-07 Reserve Lazarett Eberswalde, Eberswalde Prussia 53-13 Reserve Lazarett Einbeck Prussia 51-10 Reserve Lazarett Gronau Hanover, Prussia 52-09 Reserve Lazarett Haid b/Traun dependent on Stalag 398 Pupping-Wels Austria 48-14 Reserve Lazarett Heilanstalt Ueckermunde Pomerania, Prussia 53-14 Reserve Lazarett II Halle Saxony, Prussia 51-11 Reserve Lazarett II Lubeck Schleswig 54-10 Reserve Lazarett III (St. Joseph's Stift.) Bremen Oldenburg 53-08 Reserve Lazarett Konstanzam Bodensee Konstanz Baden 47-09 Reserve Lazarett Leipzig Warren Leipzig Saxony 51-12 Reserve Lazarett Lyzeum Eschwege Prussia 51-10 Reserve Lazarett Marburg/Lahn Marburg Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Reserve Lazarett Minden (Mil. #1)(Serves Stalag 326) Minden Westfalen, Prussia 52-09 Reserve Lazarett Nassaulahn Nassau Am Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Reserve Lazarett Neukolln (Hospital #119) Brandenburg Berlin, Prussia 52-13 Reserve Lazarett Quedlinburg Sachsen, Prussia 51-11 Reserve Lazarett Rastatt Baden 49-08 Reserve Lazarett Reutlingen Wurttemberg 48-09 Reserve Lazarett Schmorkau (Hospital #745) (Serves Stalag IV-A) Schmorkau Saxony 51-14 Reserve Lazarett Weilmunster Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Reserve Lazarett Wiesloch Heidelberg Baden 49-08 Reserve Lazarett Wilhelmspart-Magdeburg Sachsen, Prussia 52-11 Rivesaltes Civilian Internment Camp Pyrenees Orientales France 42-03 Royal Hungarian Hospital No. 11, Hospital #12-Gombos Gyul, Budapest, Hungary 47-19 Salonika Civilian Internment Camp Salonika Greece 40-23 San Martino Civilian Internment Camp Monferrato Italy 45-08 Schuler Military Hospital, Ploesti (Ploesci) Roumania 45-26 Serbian Hospital Zagreb Croatia,Yugoslavia 45-16 Siena Camp Siena Italy 43-11 Siklos Hospital, Siklos, Hungary 46-18 Sinaia Military Hospital #415, Sinaia, Roumania 45-25 Skoplue Military Hospital Serbia Southern Yugoslavia 42-21 Sofia Military Hospital Sofia Bulgaria 42-23 Sofia POW Camp Sofia Bulgaria 42-23 Sospel Civilian Internment Camp Monaco France 44-07 Spitalul de Stat, Targoviste, Roumania 45-25 St. Denis (Grand Caserine) Civilian Internment Camp Paris France 49-02 Stadtroda Hospital #1170 (Serves Stalag IX-C) Stadtroda Thuringia, Germany 51-11 Stalag 194 at Dulag Luft-Frankfurt destroyed by air raids and fire. Was transferred to Dulag Metzlar. Stalag 221 Location Unknown (possibly Frontstalag 221 in Rennes France) Stalag 308 Stalag 317 or (XVIII-C) Markt, Pongau (St. Johann) Salzburg, Austria 47-13 Stalag 326 or VI-K Forelkrug Uber Paderborn Westfalen, Prussia 51-08 Stalag 339 (FORMERLY 337) Mantua Italy 45-10 Stalag 344 Lansdorf (Formerly Stalag VIII-B) Silesia 50-17 Stalag 357 Oerbke (Near Fallingbostel) Prussia 53-09 Stalag 383 Hohenfels Bavaria 49-12 Stalag 398 Wels Austria 48-14 Stalag I-A Stablack (Closed) 54-20 Stalag I-B Hohenstein East Prussia 53-20 Stalag II-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 53-13 Stalag II-B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17 Stalag II-C Greifswald Pomerania, Prussia 54-13 Stalag II-D Stargard Pomerania, Prussia 53-15 Stalag II-E Schwerin Mecklenberg 53-11 Stalag III-A and work camps (Also Oflag III-6) Luckenwalde (was originally interrogation center) Brandenburg, Prussia 52-13 Stalag III-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia (Also KDOS [USA] #1-5; ARB BTNS 225-255) 52-14 Stalag III-C Alt Drewitz Brandenburg, Prussia 52-14 Stalag III-D Berlin-Stegelitz Prussia 52-13 Stalag IV-A Hohnstein (Airfield at Dresden-Klotsche) (No Base Camps: 13 Work Camps) Saxony 51-14 Stalag IV-B Muhlberg Sachsen 51-13 Stalag IV-C Wistritz Bei Teplitz Bohemia 50-13 Stalag IV-D Torgau (Elbe) Sachsen, Prussia 51-13 Stalag IV-D/Z Annaburg (Formerly Oflag 54.E) Sachsen, Prussia 51-13 Stalag IV-F + Work Camps Hartmannsdorf-Chemnitz Saxony 51-12 Stalag IV-G Oschatz Saxony 51-13 Stalag IX-A Ziegenhain Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 51-09 Stalag IX-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-09 Stalag IX-C Bad Sulza Saxe-Weimar 51-11 Stalag IX-C/Z Muhlausen Sachen, Prussia 51-10 Stalag Luft I Barth-Vogelsang Prussia 54-12 Stalag Luft III Sagan-Silesia Bavaria (Moved to Nuremberg-Langwasser) 49-11 Stalag Luft IV Gross-Tychow (formerly Heydekrug) Pomerania, Prussia (moved to Wobbelin Bei Ludwigslust) (To Usedom Bei Savenmunde) 54-16 Stalag Luft VI Heydekrug (Closed) Moved to Stalag IV Grosstychow East Prussia 54-20 Stalag Luft VII Bankau (Moved to Moosburg & Nuremberg) Upper Silesia 51-18 Stalag V-A Malschbach Ludwigsburg Wurtemberg 49-09 Stalag V-B Villingen Baden 48-08 Stalag V-C Wilbad Wurtemberg 48-08 Stalag VI-C Bathorn Munster Westfalen Prussia 52-07 Stalag VI-D Dortmund Prussia 51-07 Stalag VI-F Bocholt (Dulag) Prussia 52-06 Stalag VI-G Bonn Rheinland, Prussia 50-07 Stalag VII-A Moosburg Bavaria 48-12 (Work Camps 3324-46 Krumbachstrasse 48011, Work Camp 3368 Munich 48-11) Stalag VII-B Memmingen Bavaria 48-10 Stalag VIII-A Gorlitz (Moved to Moosburg Murenberg) Silesia 51-15 Stalag VIII-B Teschen Poland 49-18 Stalag VIII-C Sagan (Moved to Kunau Sprottau) (9 work camps) Silesia 51-15 Stalag VI-J Krefeld Rheinland, Prussia 51-07 Stalag X-B Sandbostel Schleswig 53-09 Stalag X-C Nienburg Hanover, Prussia 52-09 Stalag XI-A (POWs from Stalag L4 & L1) Altengrabow Brandenburg, Prussia 52-12 Stalag XI-B Fallingbostel Prussia (Work Camps) 53-09 Stalag XII-A to IX-B Limburg An Der Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Stalag XII-C Wiesbaden Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 50-08 Stalag XII-D Waldbreitbach Rheinland, Prussia 50-07 Stalag XII-F Forbach Bei Saarbrucken Baden 49-08 Stalag XIII-B Weiden Bavaria 49-13 Stalag XIII-C Hammelburg Om Main Bavaria 50-10 Stalag XIII-D Nuremburg (Oflag 73) Bavaria 49-11 Stalag XVII-A Kaisersteinbruck Bei Bruck Austria 48-16 Stalag XVII-B Braunau Gneikendorf Near Krems Austria 48-15 Stalag XVIII-A Wolfsberg Carinthia, Austria 46-15 Stalag XVIII-A/Z Spittal Drau (Became Ilag 17)Carinthia, Austria 46-13 Stalag XX-A Thorn (British) Poland 53-18 Stalag XX-B Marienburg Danzig 54-19 Stalag XXI-D Posen (Posnan) Poland 52-17 State Hospital Trencin Czechoslovakia 49-18 Sub-Lagarule Timis, Timisul de Jos, Roumania 45-21 Targu-Jiu POW Camp, Targu-Jiu, Roumania 45-23 Teil Lazarett (Serves Stalag XVIII-A) Spittal/Drau Carinthia, Austria 46-13 Transit Camp 133 Unknown (probably located in Rennes, France as Lazarett 133) Transit Camp and Hospital (Dulag 127) Zemun Slavonia 45-20 Transit Camp Feld Post #319797 Location Unknown Unstated - Italy Unstated Camp Bulgaria 42-23 Unstated Camp Germany Unstated camp, Roumania 45-21 Unstated Location Denmark 55-12 Unstated, Hungary 47-18 Val De Grace Hospital For Civilians Paris France 49-02 Vaucluse Restricted Residence For Civilians Vaucluse France 44-05 Vecchio Hospital Verona Italy 45-11 Venloo Restricted Residence For Civilians Venloo Holland 51-06 Vernet Civilian Internment Camp Ariege France 43-01 Vincenzo Civilian Internment Camp Vincenzo Italy 45-11 Von Kormend Civilian Hospital Szombathely, Hungary 47-16 Wartenburg Prison Wartenburg East Prussia 53-20 Westerburg POW Camp Hessen-Nassau Prussia 50-08 Work Battalion 21 Heydebreck Silesia 50-18 Work Camps BAU & BN 21 Blechhamer, Oderberg Upper Silesia 50-18
If anyone is interested I have copies of NA file ref WO208/3293 Oflag IX A-H Spangenberg. It was a castle and looks something like Colditz!
MY father was born in 1913. He joined the Dutch Navy in 1932 (MLD). I only know that he was in Stalag Va for some years. I discovered a Dutch-German dictionary with his pow number, and a stamp Gepruft. He told that he weight barely 50kgs afterwards. There were also stories that they fed themselves on grapes, it was southern Germany. My father died in 1989, after leaving the service in 1978 but still working for the Defence departmant afterwards up to his 65 th (helicopters). There was one photo form that period. He was on it with an tool for stone, obviously working a some mine or so. That is what I remember. He also spent time before the war in the far east exploring indonesian territories. I am now 52 myself. My mother was English and lived through the blitz in Londen, is still alive (84).