The Bovington Tankfest thread

Discussion in 'WW2 Museums. Events, & places to see.' started by Owen, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    After going to Kemble yesterday( ) in the brillliant sunshine we went to Bovington expecting and dressed for the same.
    it p*ssed down!
    Long traffic jam, long queue,rain, then youngest threw up over Mrs D behind the T-62.
    Tanks were good though.

    Lots of nice tanks.


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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  2. morse1001

    morse1001 Very Senior Member

    very good photos of what must have been a spectacular day!
  3. plant-pilot

    plant-pilot Senior Member

    I was there exactly 2 weeks ago. Missed the Tankfest, but the weather was wonderful.... oh yes, and the government were paying. :)
  4. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Had one surreal moment.
    Took little-un into the "portable 6 man urinal".
    Shared it with a WW2 Red Cap and an NKVD Officer.
    Shiny 9th likes this.
  5. plant-pilot

    plant-pilot Senior Member

    Had one surreal moment.
    Took little-un into the "portable 6 man urinal".
    Shared it with a WW2 Red Cap and an NKVD Officer.

    Are you sure it was a toilet and not a 'timewarp' to 1946 Berlin? :mellow:
  6. sapper

    sapper WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Did you see the Sherman Owen? You will have noticed it is impossible to travel inthe back...yet we did.
  7. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    it p*ssed down!
    Certainly did!
    And didn't a hush fall on the crowd whenever thre Tiger ran!
    That rusty 'colander' grant with all the panzerfaust holes is still my favourite runner, and the fact the chap who made the holes is now the owner is even better.
    I got trapped by a Valentine, Crusader, Matilda2, Easy 8 Sherman, Colander Grant & Churchill AVRE, Blinded and choked by dense, half-burnt petrol fumes... Bloody Marvellous.

    And in the Finest sartorial traditions of the British army:
    View attachment 481

    (Sorry we didn't bump into each other Owen.)

    <object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>

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  8. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Did you see the Sherman Owen? You will have noticed it is impossible to travel inthe back...yet we did.
    Brian, Yes the Kangaroo is inside the Museum.

    Von Poop.
    I EXPECT a Beltring thread next month.
    (If the site is still here.)
  9. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Nice one! I am looking forward to War & Peace in Kent again this year; only a few weeks away!
  10. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Nice one! I am looking forward to War & Peace in Kent again this year; only a few weeks away!
    You're another Beltring-ite then Paul?
    My yearly 3day-sprog-free-no-gurlz-diesel-fumed-landmine-buying-drinking-heavily holiday.
    I wish Bovington would make it's presence felt there again. I assume there was 'politics' at some point. hohum.
  11. sapper

    sapper WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Did you see the half track that I drove at night.... to get the next days battle orders. 19 at the time.... When I look at it now, I cannot beleive that I ever drove the damn thing. Not only drove it, but under shell fire.

    I could not even get in the thing now...Ah wel
  12. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Did you see the half track that I drove at night.... to get the next days battle orders. 19 at the time.... When I look at it now, I cannot beleive that I ever drove the damn thing. Not only drove it, but under shell fire.

    I could not even get in the thing now...Ah wel
    Yup Brian they've some there and at the kemble Show too.

    If I came into some money I'd get one of those or a White scout car.
  13. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    You're another Beltring-ite then Paul?
    My yearly 3day-sprog-free-no-gurlz-diesel-fumed-landmine-buying-drinking-heavily holiday.
    I wish Bovington would make it's presence felt there again. I assume there was 'politics' at some point. hohum.

    Yes - will be there for all 5 days. I will be on one of the stands with the battlefield tour company I work for. We will be the only ones with a tour coach there, so come and say hi if you get the chance.
  14. lancesergeant

    lancesergeant Senior Member

    Had one surreal moment.
    Took little-un into the "portable 6 man urinal".
    Shared it with a WW2 Red Cap and an NKVD Officer.
    Not as odd as the commissar and the SS panzer grenadier having a joke at the side of the Kubelwagen. Funny rained from half twelve and stopped just after re enactment finished. Double take. Murray Walker seemed to be enjoying himself in the Sherman.

    Amusing comment of the day has got to be when the BMW motorbike stalled and they couldn't get it going. A trooper standing on the chieftain shouts "Zee war is over for you" The look on the German rider's face was priceless.

    Highlight was the Tiger doing the circuit, when they put the Tiger to bed in the corner shed about half five, there were a couple of hundred hanging round the fence around getting a better view.
  15. lancesergeant

    lancesergeant Senior Member

    Certainly did!
    And didn't a hush fall on the crowd whenever thre Tiger ran!
    That rusty 'colander' grant with all the panzerfaust holes is still my favourite runner, and the fact the chap who made the holes is now the owner is even better.
    I got trapped by a Valentine, Crusader, Matilda2, Easy 8 Sherman, Colander Grant & Churchill AVRE, Blinded and choked by dense, half-burnt petrol fumes... Bloody Marvellous.

    And in the Finest sartorial traditions of the British army:
    View attachment 2947

    (Sorry we didn't bump into each other Owen.)
    Did you know he paid 90k for that Grant! They found it in a lake in Belgium and the original owner said it was the best of the lot that was there. Apparently new owner is chuffed to bits with it.
  16. lancesergeant

    lancesergeant Senior Member

    Nice one! I am looking forward to War & Peace in Kent again this year; only a few weeks away!
    I heard from a veteran that this is supposed to be really good. What's the setup with it Paul ?
  17. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Did you know he paid 90k for that Grant! They found it in a lake in Belgium and the original owner said it was the best of the lot that was there. Apparently new owner is chuffed to bits with it.

    As we walked away from him after chatting at Beltring he said
    "there's another chap's restored a Grant... cost him 45 grand... d'you know how much this was?..." [meaning acquisition and restoration costs, we expected 'nothing' or somesuch] "....Twice as Fu***ng much!"

    There may be a slight misconception here, the rumour-mill being what it is :)

    From what he told us then:
    The tank itself is one that the chap who owns and runs it, (who's name I forget) spent time postwar strapping Panzerfausts to at testing grounds, all those hundreds of 20p size holes are from these fausts ("we put the turret back on, then blew it off, then put it back on, then blew it off," etc etc.). At beltring the top 37mm(?) gun was missing but he said Kevin Wheatcroft had approached him with a gift of a badly battered gun that came from a lake, I assume this is the one mounted and the source of the watery story?.:)

    We thought it was the best thing at Beltring (the war and peace show), and if you get a chance to speak to the bloke make sure you do. Very entertaining, tales of blowing Chieftan turrets out of sight etc.
  18. lancesergeant

    lancesergeant Senior Member

    There were a group talking about it at the top where the Chieftain, S-tank and the allied re-enactors came out in the half tracks, Sherman came out. I heard it off them. Funny how the story alters in such a short space of time. They might have been gilding the lily if one sees what I'm getting at. This group from what I can make out were/ are heavily into the Beltring scene or are well acquainted with them.
  19. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Get yourself down to Beltring mate, stay for more than 1 day though, you'll need it. Tankfest was brilliant 'cos of the volume and variety of 'special', rare or significant tanks running and the emphasis on full-tracked vehicles but in scale, compared to Beltring, it's a village fete.;)
  20. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Not as odd as the commissar and the SS panzer grenadier having a joke at the side of the Kubelwagen. Funny rained from half twelve and stopped just after re enactment finished. Double take. Murray Walker seemed to be enjoying himself in the Sherman.

    Amusing comment of the day has got to be when the BMW motorbike stalled and they couldn't get it going. A trooper standing on the chieftain shouts "Zee war is over for you" The look on the German rider's face was priceless.

    Highlight was the Tiger doing the circuit, when they put the Tiger to bed in the corner shed about half five, there were a couple of hundred hanging round the fence around getting a better view.
    You mean I missed that because we left early to watch the second half of the England game. B*gger B*gger B*gger.
    Still if we'd stayed the kids would have had hypothermia.

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